White grandfather's voice suddenly appeared, let me not help a shock, slow for a second, I suddenly turned around, found his old man is an enigmatic appearance, standing behind me, constantly looking at me.

Grandfather Bai is a smart man. I can't see him through at all. I feel that every thing he does, he will have a precise plan and plan. For example, I let Bai Ling get pregnant. Although I don't understand his behavior, his tactics convince me. I am like a child in front of him. I can't hide my thoughtfulness from him.

Today, it's the first time for me to go out in a week. He should know what's on my mind and ask me what I want to do next.

I didn't want to hide it. I just said casually, "I don't know."

Grandfather Bai listened to me. Suddenly deep frown, said to me: "I understand your mood now, Ziyi's thing to you is very big, now also has no plan to the future matter!"

Sure enough, or the white grandfather knows me, he is right, really Ziyi's business pressure in my heart, let me not experience to do other things, I need to atone for Ziyi's things, I want to accompany her side.

With this sentence, white grandfather can not help sighing, then shaking his head, again very helpless to say: "Suluo, in fact, as long as Ziyi does not wake up, even if you do not fall back, but you will not have the vitality of the past, you can see that you are lack of spirit now!"

White grandfather's tone, obviously full of disappointment. I think I can do now not depressed, not degenerate, even if it is a very manly performance, but in the eyes of grandfather Bai, I am still cowardly, he thought that the indomitable man, should not be knocked down by anything.

However, love this thing, is really uncontrollable, emotion deep to a certain level. We can't despise it, let alone erase it. Even people of my father's level will be defeated by my mother, let alone me. The love between me and Ziyi is not understandable to ordinary people. Now I have not fallen down, which has proved my strong.

Therefore, for the words of grandfather Bai, I did not refute, just with a little bitter and confused smile, looking up at the sky, this moment, my eyes suddenly a little firm, calm, this is a firm self-concept and behavior.

White grandfather see, also did not say any more, he just stepped forward two steps, walked to my side, negative hand stand. His eyes looked down on the pond below, and his eyes were filled with endless sorrow.

After a long silence, the white grandfather suddenly issued the voice of the most vicissitudes, said: "in fact, want purple to wake up, is not no way!"

White grandfather's sudden words, a shock to my heart, let me frustrated, suddenly tremor up, the light of hope instantly enveloped me, I hastily turned his head, looked at the white grandfather, excited said: "what method?"

My voice trembled, and I was so excited and anxious, but my grandfather was not anxious. After listening to me, he didn't answer me in a hurry. He seemed to be in his own mind.

At the moment, he has a chivalrous spirit, just like an old immortal, so unfathomable. After a long pause, he said leisurely: "look for your father, Su Qiyao!"

Grandfather Bai is really a miracle doctor. He works miracles again and again to make impossible possible. Ziyi has become a vegetable. He even said that there is hope to be cured. His words are like a shining light beam that penetrates the dark wilderness of my heart and makes me see the light. However, when I heard him say that the key to this method was my father, I couldn't help being stunned.

But I really can't understand why grandfather Bai wants to talk to my father. It's really hard for me to understand. I know that my father's Kung Fu is very good, but he is not a martial arts expert. Even a miracle doctor like him is helpless. Does my father have this unique ability? It's absolutely impossible. You know, there is a special skill in the field of medicine. My father is definitely not I have the skill of grandfather Bai.

However, as for grandfather Bai, I am very clear. If he likes to joke, he can't talk nonsense in such an occasion. Since he said he would like to see my father, he would be able to cure Ziyi. This must be true. Thinking of this, I can't help but cast a puzzled look at grandfather Bai.

Grandfather Bai's mind is so sharp, on my eyes, without my mouth, he already thought of what I thought in my heart, immediately, he did not hesitate, directly spoke to me and said: "I don't mean your father's medical skills, but refers to a thing in your father's hands."

A thing, what thing actually has such curative effect, can cure become the purple Yi of vegetable person? If it really exists, then this thing, isn't it a priceless treasure? I didn't even know that my dad had such a thing in his hand. Although very confused, but at this moment, my heart, can not help but rise up a trace of fire, can not help but ask grandfather Bai: "what are you talking about that thing?"

White grandfather did not look at me, his eyes looked into the distance, his eyes suddenly become deep up, seems to enter the memory.

After a short while, he said leisurely: "this matter has to be started more than 20 years ago. At that time, in an ancient tomb in 100000 mountains of Yunnan Province, several tomb robbers brought out a treasure, a thousand year old blood Ganoderma lucidum, which caused a great sensation at that time. This blood Ganoderma lucidum is so valuable that many people even want it. Even some hermits want it. It has been sold to a rich man at a high price in an underground auction. But as outsiders don't know, this thousand year old blood Ganoderma lucidum actually fell into your father's hands. "After that, grandfather Bai's eyes turned back to my face. His words made my heart tremble. Ganoderma lucidum I know, but I didn't expect that my father had a blood Ganoderma lucidum, and it was still a thousand years old. From its name, as well as the story of the white grandfather, I knew that the blood Ganoderma was absolutely unusual, and what I didn't expect was that Such a valuable and worthless thing actually fell into my father's hands. It can be imagined that my father must have spent a lot of time to get this blood Ganoderma lucidum.

However, my father's body is extremely strong, why does he want this thing? Unconsciously, I think of my mother. Since I was a child, I knew that my mother was ill. However, I don't believe that she was a psychopath at the beginning. She must have experienced some kind of shock or stimulation to become neuropathy. My father spent a lot of time to get this blood ginseng, I think It's mostly for my mom. This thousand year old blood Ganoderma lucidum can even be cured by vegetative people. What's the impossibility of treating my mother's body?

In this way, inadvertently, I thought about my father's current situation. Previously, he came here alone to look for Wu Tianhao's whereabouts, but he was caught by the sea Gang's experts. It's said that the leader of the Hai Gang grabbed my father for something in my father's hand. But when listening to grandfather Bai's remark, it is possible that the leader of the Hai Gang wanted such a thing as his Millennium blood Ganoderma lucidum?

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly burst, and then began to beat quickly. I was not guilty. On the one hand, I was a little worried about the safety of my father, on the other hand, I was a little worried about whether the sea gang had obtained the blood ginseng, but my worry was just a flash, and soon I woke up, my father It's the dragon and Phoenix among the people. He has always been mysterious. He has Ganoderma lucidum in his hand. I only knew it after listening to grandfather Bai. Even if the leader of the Hai Gang captured my father, it would not be easy to get it.

The core problem I am facing now is still to save my father, so that Ziyi can be free from the vegetative state. This goal has become more profound in my heart. A few days ago, I was still struggling about whether two things would conflict. Now, these two things are miraculously compound. Saving my father and curing Ziyi have become the same thing. How can I not be excited?

When I was in a mood, the white grandfather said to himself: "the Millennium blood Ganoderma lucidum is a very precious medicinal material. With it, I can make Ziyi wake up. I'm sure it must still be in your father's hands. Now, all you have to do is find your father and get the whereabouts of the blood Ganoderma lucidum

Grandfather Bai's words coincided with what I thought in my heart. At this moment, my fist was clenched unconsciously. The Hai Gang in my heart has become an enemy of life and death. They have caught my father and are still looking for me. I have an endless relationship with them. Fu Gang of Haibang has turned Ziyi into such a culprit. I will not let him go, Otherwise, my heart is always stuck with a thorn, sleep and food.

However, my determination is so firm, but there is inevitably a trace of helplessness in my heart. H Province is the headquarters and headquarters of the Haibang. The four and five halls under it are so strong, and the power of the whole Haibang is even greater.

That night, my strength was extraordinary, and I defeated Fu Gang and Zhang Wenshan. However, I was still incomparable in front of the Minister of punishment who later appeared in the Haibang. There were many experts in the Haibang. It was like a giant, but I was just a small ant, so it was hard to shake its existence.

, especially, my present identity has been exposed. I would like to have a plan to blend in the sea gang with the undercover. It is impossible for the sea Gang to have a close eye liner now. As long as I step across the H Province, I will be put on top of them. By that time, don't say that you can save my father, or even myself. I am not afraid of death, but my wish has not come true, my father has not been rescued, my Ziyi has not recovered, so I can never die.

However, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will not give up. In my dictionary, I have not given up these two words. My mind has expanded in my mind and kept spinning. How can I get close to Haibang and rescue my father? How difficult is the answer to this question Answer, I racked my brain, think of the head have big, can't think of a reason to come.

However, just when I had no clue, the silent grandfather opened his mouth and said to me with profound meaning: "sometimes, one road doesn't work. Maybe you can choose another way to try."

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