Now, I have finally found a way to cure Ziyi. I can go hand in hand with saving my father. And to break through these gaps is Peng Xuefei, the daughter of the sea gang leader.

The goal has been clear, invisible, which has strengthened the belief in my heart. Therefore, I am full of energy and full of expectations for the road ahead.

A hope, a power, my pace, can not help but speed up, the faster and faster.

I stopped until I got to the entrance of the city. I didn't go in. I just stood in the shade of a tree. Looking up at this heavy city, my mood becomes incomparably complicated.

Before I came here, I went through many experiences in the former city before I finally completed my transformation. I changed from a weak and incompetent waste to a school overlord, and finally led the underground forces of the whole city. Even the boss of the former city, Buddha, died on the street because of me, and became history. I am a brand-new legend.

However, when I stepped into the city in front of me alone, the frustration I suffered was not a little bit. I was maimed and killed several times. In the end, not only did I not save my father, but also hurt the life of my beloved and became a vegetable. What this city brings to me is just the most failed ending.

Unconsciously, I clenched my fist. This time, I will never fail again. I will save my father and cure Ziyi.

Determination is very firm, at the same time, I also know how difficult things are. Although I have found the goal and found the breakthrough, things are not as simple as expected on the surface. If I reappear in the river and lake, there will be a crisis lurking. However, I will not be afraid of the imminent crisis, and I will not shrink back. The firm belief has given me great courage I want to write a different chapter in my new identity.

After a short period of stupidity, I took out the piece of paper with the number written by my grandfather Bai. Then, I pressed the number and dialed the phone.

Kwai soon after the phone was connected, but the other side did not immediately speak, and I did not hesitate to tell the other directly, is the white grandfather let me contact, and I explained to the other side of my address at the moment.

When I finished speaking, I hung up the phone for convenience. From the beginning to the end, I didn't say a word at the end of the phone. However, I did not panic, because I believe that since grandfather Bai let me contact this person, it means that this person can help me and be trusted. Therefore, I don't need to be nervous, just wait quietly.

The night is very quiet, my world is also very quiet, but my heart is not calm, the future road is full of unknown, I can only act according to circumstances, complete self-change, well achieve the goal.

The time was flowing slowly. After about half an hour, a Rolls Royce came from the city. When it came to my front, it slowed down. Then, my mobile phone vibrated. The number shown above was the number I just dialed out. I know that the person who picked me up came.

At the moment, I connected the phone, and at the same time, I stepped out.

When I got out of the shadow of the big tree, the people on the Rolls Royce saw me. The car stopped suddenly. A middle-aged man dressed like a gentleman stepped down from the passenger seat. He came to me and checked my identity. Then, he opened the back door for me and said, "master Jiang, please get on the bus!"

Young master Jiang? Hearing this, I was slightly stunned for a moment. However, on the surface, I was very calm. Moreover, my heart was soon relieved. Perhaps, from my farewell to grandfather Bai, my identity was no longer Suluo. The young master Jiang in the population should be my new identity.

Did not do too much hesitation, I in the middle-aged people's greeting, got on the car.

After sitting in the car, the driver in front of him immediately turned around and said hello to me. Then he directly started the car, left here and drove towards the city.

The whole process of reception is very short. In Rolls Royce at the moment, except for the two people in the front row, I can see that the identities of these two people should be bodyguards and housekeepers. Because they are well-dressed, neat and plain, without any muddling about, they are obviously specially trained, and grandfather Bai is looking for me The true Lord is not here. I have some curiosity in my heart. What kind of person is this person? As can be seen from his people and the cars he drives, he is quite powerful and influential.

At the time of my spiritual tour, the car has already driven into the urban area and galloped on the street. The prosperous side of H Province is shown at night. The lights and neon on the roadside give the city a beautiful atmosphere. However, I just sit in the car quietly and enjoy myself.

I don't know how long, the car finally stopped in front of a manor, I know, this is the destination.

At this point, the night has passed, and the manor is extremely quiet and uninhabited. When two bodyguards on the car respectfully welcomed me from the car, I was able to take a look at the manor. It is a villa area, decorated with a lot of luxury and chic. There are many plants and a man-made lake around. Obviously, this is a private residential area So.Entering the manor, two people directly took me into a villa. One of the bodyguards said to me without expression: "master Jiang, this villa will be your future residence."

The decoration of this house is also very luxurious, but my mind did not put too much on it. Instead, I couldn't help asking them: "where is the owner of the villa?"

The expressionless bodyguard replied: "the master has something to do, but he is not here now. However, he has already explained everything. There are some information you need and your arrangement on the table over there."

With that, the bodyguard pointed to the desk in the room with some documents on it.

I nodded slightly to the two bodyguards, then walked towards the desk, went to the desk, I directly picked up the top of the information, looked up, this information has my experience from childhood to adulthood, extremely detailed, from kindergarten to university, all kinds of certificates and student status are listed.

In addition, there is an admission notice on the table. My name is Jiangnan Feng, and I am an international student from abroad. After a week, I will transfer to a local university in H Province, which is the best university here, the first university in H Province. Similarly, Peng Xuefei, the daughter of the leader of the Shanghai Gang, is studying in this university.

I didn't expect that I would be a student again. However, I had a great change in my appearance, identity, strength and heart. After the change, what kind of feeling would it be like to go back to my school days? Perhaps, this is the wonderful life, I hope, I can live a different future. Can in this future time, complete my wish.

To fulfill my wish, the only breakthrough is Peng Xuefei. The purpose of entering this university is to get close to her. On the desk, under my admission notice, there is Peng Xuefei's information. I took it and looked at it carefully.

I gave up all the miscellaneous thoughts, read all the relevant materials on my desk carefully, and forced myself to remember all the above things. I found that there was a form at the bottom. What was written on the form was actually my training content.

I looked at it intently. The contents written on this form are very rich. There are noble's public etiquette study, piano learning, and even horse riding, tennis and other sports. I'm not surprised at this, because from the data, the Jiangnan style I'm playing now is a dandy rich second generation, and the table shows that all I need to have. In other words, in the next week, I will learn all kinds of etiquette skills and sports.

Thinking of this, my heart can not help but a little bit of pressure, at the same time, also more a motivation, no matter how complicated training, how difficult, I have to have confidence, learn all things.

Now, it's getting late, and I don't stay up late, but go to the bathroom to have a bath. But as soon as I took off my clothes, someone knocked on the door of my room. I subconsciously thought that it was the former bodyguard who wanted to come in to look for me, so I quickly went to open the door.

However, to my surprise, the two people who appeared at the door were actually two young and beautiful women. They were graceful and beautiful, just like a pair of special creatures. In particular, the clothes they were wearing were maid's clothes, which looked more special. I couldn't help but feel that my eyes lit up.

However, soon I woke up, I am not dressed now, in the face of two strange women, I inevitably feel a little embarrassed, feel his face is hot. But the couple were obviously more generous than me. They came in from the door with a smile on their faces. One of them said to me, "young master, let's take a bath for you."

Hearing this, I immediately gave a thrill. It seems that they are the maids in the villa. It may be the nature of my new identity to help me take a bath. However, I can't accept two strange women to give me a bath. At present, I stopped them and told her that I would do it myself.

These two maids were rejected by me, and they both went out a bit unwillingly. For this, I have no burden. No matter how other dandies live, I can't accept this.

Time suddenly passed, and soon I finished the bath and lay on the soft bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. My heart was looking forward to the time passing faster, and on the other hand, I was looking forward to the training starting tomorrow. Maybe, grandfather Bai's face was changed. It was only the first step for me to change. What I really wanted to change was my temperament and living habits. In this way, it is more difficult for the talents of the Haibang to recognize me.

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