In the next week, my life was spent here. For seven days, I was taught by seven teachers. They taught me different things and tried to transform me as quickly as possible. It's so incredible to say that, but I have accepted my new identity, I have studied it seriously, and I have deeply introduced them to me It is more painful than practicing martial arts, but I have no complaints.

Hard study, deep understanding, hard practice, a week later, in the blink of an eye, I stood in front of the mirror again, I found that I really seem to have changed, my temperament has become not like me, can be regarded as a qualified dandy boy, in general, seven days of efforts have not been wasted.

On Monday morning, I got up early. After finishing, I drove a sports car and went straight to the University of H Province.

About 15 minutes later, I arrived at the scene. When my sports car drove into the university campus, the students on the road unconsciously looked at me with a high profile. My handsome, my luxury car and my posture were all beautiful scenery lines. Even, I faintly heard some crazy girls and made some exclamations to me, I still have a smile on the corner of my mouth.

The whole process of the report was very smooth. My professional counselor seemed to have known my existence. He simply gave me some procedures and got me some books. After finishing all the trivial matters, he let me go back to the classroom.

Without hesitation, I went straight to the classroom that the counselor told me. When I came to the door of the classroom, the classroom had already started. A teacher like an old professor on the podium was chatting on the platform. I didn't care about it. I walked in directly from the main door.

As soon as I got into the classroom, immediately, the girls below could not help but scream. It was the call of flower maniac, the voice of adolescent girls' sprouting, accompanied by the sound of flower mania, and the voice of scolding of old scholars on the stage. I still ignored these voices, but walked to the last row of the classroom and sat down quietly.

This is a ladder classroom. There are many classes in the classroom. There are a lot of people in it. As soon as I sit down, I look around and look at the people inside. Peng Xuefei and I are not in the same class. However, she is in the same department with me. Such large classes are taught together. My eyes have not found her, but first with the eyes of several other people, these people have men and women, women, naturally show a look of appreciation to me, and men, there are many with jealousy.

I didn't care about other people's eyes, just continue to search Peng Xuefei's figure, but after scanning for a while, I found that the proportion of female students in this class is much higher than that of male students. These girls are in the forefront of fashion, wearing colorful and colorful clothes, which make me some dazzled. I was shocked to think that this university is more women than men At present, my class is full of girls. I sit in the last row and see most of my back. For a while, I didn't see Peng Xuefei at all.

In order to avoid being too conspicuous, I had to temporarily give up looking for Peng Xuefei. Then, I lowered my head and looked at the book quietly.

Classroom also slowly returned to normal, long lost reading atmosphere, let me fascinated, when the college entrance examination, my dream is to study well in the University, get a college diploma, be a social elite, my father's wish is also hope that I graduated from University, a safe life.

But in fact, my life trajectory deviates from my original dream too far. Today, I become a college student again. I sit in the classroom and feel the atmosphere of learning. However, my mood is quite different from that in the past. I know that I am not here to realize my dream, nor am I an ordinary college student. For me, this identity is at most a cover up Nothing.

When I was wandering in my mind, the bell rang suddenly after class, and a class ended in a hurry. It was also the last class in the morning. The students in the classroom packed up their things and filed out.

And I also mixed in the crowd, walked outside the classroom, but walked to the door, I was squeezed under, accidentally stepped on a girl's foot.

Almost instinctively, I would like to apologize to the girl, but I didn't say anything. Someone pushed me violently behind me, accompanied by a domineering curse: "boy, you're blind, are you looking for death?"

So a sudden push, my body suddenly a little unstable, staggering forward, but also hit the front of the two or three students.

This kind of feeling is a bit oppressive, I can't help turning my head, but just turning my head, I am stunned, because, suddenly, I see a very special beautiful face, the owner of this face, is my target, Peng Xuefei.

A wave of short hair, white face, delicate facial features, round eyes, and I in the white grandfather gave me that picture, saw countless times of women, did not expect, so no warning appeared in front of me.

In an instant, my heart beat faster than before, and I felt a little excited. The daughter of the leader of the sea Gang is my goal to enter this university. At present, I have such direct contact with her. This is fate and opportunity. It is hard for me to avoid ripples in my heart.However, although there was some excitement in my heart, my appearance was still very natural. When I thought of someone pushing me and scolding me, I naturally showed the characteristics of a childe. In my pondering eyes, mixed with a trace of anger, I looked at a long haired boy on Peng Xuefei's side, and said coldly, "you pushed me just now?"

It is obvious from my performance that I am not so easy to calm down. However, Peng Xuefei's long hair is tall and handsome. I thought that I had behaved dandy and cold enough. Unexpectedly, he was even more arrogant. He walked forward with a fierce look and confronted me“ What's wrong with pushing you? New comer, do you really think you are a character? You dare to step on our sister Feifei's feet. Now, you clean it up for me

As soon as the voice fell, long hair's finger inclined downward, pointing to Peng Xuefei's shoes, there was a shoe print on it.

At this point, I just reflected that it was Peng Xuefei who I stepped on carelessly just now.

This is true, let me some surprise, the mood is also inevitably complicated.

Although, due to Peng Xuefei's identity and my purpose of getting close to her, I won't fight against her when I first come to school, but it's an insult to ask me to polish her shoes in public. What's more, I can't accept the fact that the long hair makes me clean her. Moreover, it doesn't conform to my personality now.

To this, I sneer, pick eyebrow to long hair, incomparably unruly say: "if I do not add?"

At this time, it is the time of school when the crowd is surging. The noise on my side has attracted many people's attention. People around me can't help but gather around to watch the fun. Some people are a little far away, pointing to this side. I can't help but hear some fragmentary voices floating in my ears.

"Wow, it's a new handsome boy! He is really miserable enough to offend sister Feifei when he first came here. "

"Yes, it's a pity that he's such a good-looking guy. But he offended sister Feifei, and he'll be sad in this school."

"Oh, don't talk about sister Feifei. Even the people around her will not let him go."

"Well, to make him pretend to be forced as soon as he just came is to seek death. Damn it, it's so handsome and rich. There's a good one less in school for such a man. "

Fragmentary words are also full of long hair's ears. This long hair follows Peng Xuefei, and seems to have some status in this school. This can be seen from several people following him. So many people's attention, so that I just cold and arrogant words, seems to become a provocation.

In the face of such a provocation, long hair immediately became angry, he suddenly burst out a "Damn, you want to die!"

As he spoke, his fist hit me directly.

To say, in my former university, students' fighting was just as usual. Unexpectedly, in this so-called key university, students are also so rampant that they start to fight without saying a word.

Long Mao's blow is fierce. If he is hit, he will lose his face in light, and he will be dry if he is heavy. Naturally, I will not bear it safely. Seeing that his fist was about to hit me, some girls around him even made a cry of surprise. My hand suddenly reached out and directly contained long hair's wrist. Leng Shengsheng stopped his movement. Long Mao's strength was great, but compared with me, the difference was not a little bit.

After a while, long Mao was stunned. He tried to get out of my hand, but he couldn't get rid of it. When he was watched by so many people, his face turned red and his anger in his eyes was even worse.

The corner of my mouth involuntarily outlined a curve, and then, as soon as my hand was sent forward, at once, long Mao's body staggered backward, and finally, he directly fell to the ground.

Under this, long Mao's face became even more red, almost bleeding. Compared with his arrogance in the previous second, it was totally different, especially the rustling noise around him, which made his eyes red.

Angry, he suddenly waved his hand and said to the people around him: "what are you doing in a daze? Come on together, kill him for me

After that, the several people around Chang Mao were just strong and powerful. At the moment, when they heard long Mao's words, they suddenly woke up. In an instant, they attacked me.

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