The first time I met Peng Xuefei, I had a conflict with her people. This is something I didn't expect. However, the role I am playing now is a dandy. Even if I know her identity, I can only pretend that I don't know. As a dandy, I can't admit it. Looking at the number of people on the opposite side, I show my arrogant posture.

However, the few people have not rushed to me, suddenly, there is a loud voice: "stop!"

All of a sudden, the movements of these people can't help but stop, because this voice is made by Peng Xuefei.

Voice down, I can't help but follow the voice to look at Peng Xuefei, but, different from the orders and prohibitions of Chang Mao's subordinates, my eyes are still with a trace of playfulness, slightly disrespectful.

Take a closer look, Peng Xuefei herself is much more beautiful than her photos, to this moment, I was able to look at her carefully, her information said, her character is relatively cold, at the moment, see her real person, I found that it is not only cold, it is simply high cold, supercilious high cold, invisible, but also added a trace of unique charm to her. However, I was relieved to think of her identity.

Peng Xuefei's eyes on my eyes, she looked at me coldly, qingqihong, haughtily said: "what's your name?"

Seeing Peng Xuefei like this, my heart was relaxed. Although I had a conflict with her people today, the result was an unexpected harvest. At least, she began to notice me, which is the beginning of my entering her world.

In the face of such a powerful woman, I was neither humble nor arrogant. Even with a trace of pious intention on my face, I responded: "Jiangnan style!"

Peng Xuefei didn't get angry because of my play godliness. From the beginning to the end, she was very insipid. Hearing my words, she just slightly raised her eyes and said, "Jiangnan wind is right, I remember you. You are the first person who stepped on me and didn't apologize to me."

With that, Peng Xuefei gracefully turned around, and the crowd could not help but make way for her. She left the scene, and the long hair that I pushed to the ground has also climbed up from the ground. He gave me a vicious look and gnashed his teeth and said, "Jiangnan wind, I also remember you, you wait for me."

Put such a sentence, long hair just took a person to leave the scene.

For the threat of long hair, I did not put it in mind, my goal is Peng Xuefei, as for the long hair of these people, I did not put in the eye, my face more and more rebellious, did not squint from the scene. It is those girls who watch the excitement, looking at the natural and unrestrained me, issued a continuous scream.

Now, it's time for lunch, but I didn't go to the canteen. Instead, I wandered around the campus of the University.

Walking into Peng Xuefei's world is only my first step. I want to get close to her and find out the news of my father from her mouth. This is not an overnight thing. Even though I am very anxious, I have to hold my temper and stay in this campus for some time. Therefore, it is necessary for me to understand the environment of this school.

While visiting the campus, I was also thinking about how to approach Peng Xuefei. When I was a newcomer, I didn't know much about the situation in the school, but I was familiar with Peng Xuefei's materials.

Peng Xuefei is recognized as the school flower of this school. Although she has an extremely strong background and her temperament is incomparably cold, there are still many people who are tirelessly chasing her. At the same time, Peng Xuefei is also the eldest sister of this school. However, different from the leading position of Haibang in the underground boundary of the provincial capital, Peng Xuefei is perhaps the most respected school I learned from yesterday's data that there are three people of her level in this school, and all of them are the pursuers of Peng Xuefei.

It seems that the most direct and effective way for a man to get close to a woman and tell her a big secret is to soak her up. I have absolute confidence in what I look like and seduce her, but I'm not so confident about my status. At least, compared with my three rival lovers, I'm not so confident. My experience, my ability, and my heart to save my father and cure Ziyi are doomed to avoid starting from scratch like I used to be in school.

Around the campus, I also made up my mind. Since Peng Xuefei is a very cold woman, then I will stand at a very high position and soak her in her hands. And my short-term, to make their own decision, is to suppress the three mixed good little rival.

The goal has been set, action is not in a hurry, I went to have a lunch, after dinner, look at the time is almost, I directly into the classroom in the afternoon.

Once again, I sat in the middle of the students, especially with the performance at noon. This time, I became the focus of more people, especially some girls. When I looked at my eyes, I could not help blushing. More daring people directly looked at me secretly.

However, to my disappointment, Peng Xuefei did not come to class in the afternoon, and I did not see her again until the bell rang at the end of the last class in the afternoon.

While I was bored and hesitated to explore the whereabouts of my three love enemies, suddenly, a small classmate sitting beside me was about to flee to the outside of the classroom. His mouth was still shouting: "quick, everyone, go to the playground, but don't miss the good play!"At this time, I noticed that other students in the classroom were also in a hurry, as if there was something important. Seeing them like this, I could not help but walk forward two steps quickly, holding the shoulder of the little student and asking him, "classmate, what's the matter with the playground that makes you so impatient?"

The little schoolmate was caught by me and turned his head a little upset. But when he saw that it was me who pulled him, he lost his temper again. He immediately replied, "of course, it's to see sun Yunlong's confession to sister Feifei. How can we miss such a wonderful excitement?"

Sun Yunlong?

Hearing this, I felt a little familiar with the name. According to Peng Xuefei's data, he is one of the three forces in this school and one of my love enemies. Now, I can't help but be more interested in it. Suddenly, I let go of my hand and said to him, "it's very lively. Take me with you!"

The little boy nodded and took me to the school playground.

Along the way, I talked with my little classmates while walking. I knew his name, Chen Xiao. He is a very talkative person. It seems that he also loves gossip in school. In addition, along the way, I saw many people walking in the direction we were going. It seems that sun Yunlong's confession to Peng Xuefei was quite a stir in the school.

I can't help wondering, Peng Xuefei didn't come to class all afternoon. At this time, will she really show up?

What's more, there are so many people in the school who pursue Peng Xuefei. Even if sun Yunlong is powerful, will the other two little tyrants sit still?

The corners of my mouth habitually curved out of a fun arc, I have a premonition that sun Yunlong's confession will be very wonderful.

Soon, Chen Xiaobian and I went to the back playground of our school. There was already a sea of people, and the sound was very noisy. There was almost no gap in the huge sound square. However, the stage was empty. There was a good carpet covered with roses all around. The air around the stage seemed to be filled with joy With the fragrance of flowers, I don't know. I thought it was the wedding scene!

Sun Yunlong, worthy of being a big man in the campus, has brought many of his subordinates, standing neatly around the square stage. They even put on suits and sunglasses. At first glance, they look like that.

At the moment, Chen Xiao and I are still at the periphery of the crowd. Chen is small and blocked by many people. I can't help but laugh at his appearance. But I don't want to be excluded from the outside. So, I took him directly around the crowd and pushed him to the front, which is the closest position to the stage.

Just when the atmosphere of watching the scene was boiling, a man in a white suit stepped onto the stage. He did not wriggle at all, but said in a loud voice: "today is the day when sun Yunlong confesses to Peng Xuefei. Since there are so many people present, please give me a witness."

It turned out that he was Sun Yunlong. At this moment, my eyes narrowed. Sun Yunlong on the stage was tall and rough looking. He looked manly. It seemed that he didn't match his mild white suit. Maybe, it was his characteristic. He was bold and not careful. He confessed to Gao Leng Peng Xuefei in front of so many people Refused, or say, Xia Xiaoxiao doesn't come at all. Isn't this sun Yunlong beating himself in the face!

For his behavior, I can't help but send out a cold hum of disdain, and Chen Xiao beside me said meaningfully: "look at it, sun Yunlong has always been high-profile, since he has done so, there must be his reason."

Almost as soon as Chen Xiao's voice fell, a special female voice suddenly rang out in the silent air: "Sun Yunlong, are you too much of yourself? How many times have you been rejected by me? I don't know the convergence point! "

At the beginning, as soon as sun Yunlong finished speaking on the stage, the hustle and bustle of the scene was silent. Now, the silent scene suddenly burst out this sentence. In an instant, everyone's eyes could not help but follow the reputation. A beautiful figure came slowly down from the steps beside the platform. This man was the goddess of Gao Leng, Peng Xuefei.

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