Peng Xuefei, like a beautiful rainbow, her appearance immediately attracted the eyes of all the people in the past. However, I was not in the mood to appreciate her beauty. It was just a little unexpected that she showed up at the moment. According to my inference of her personality, she should not be involved in such a confession, but in fact, she came, with such direct and powerful momentum Is alone, but there is a kind of urgent brake on the body of thousands of troops.

At the same time, I noticed that when she spoke, her eyes were very casual, and she did not look at Sun Yunlong on the stage. In other words, Peng Xuefei did not pay attention to sun Yunlong at all. Her sudden appearance at this time was not even directly related to sun Yunlong's confession.

It seems that things are becoming more and more interesting. I watched with great interest to see how Sun Yunlong should end up.

Seeing Peng Xuefei coming, sun Yunlong on the stage could not help but brighten his eyes and step forward with a little sense of excitement. He walked forward two steps and said excitedly to Peng Xuefei: "Feifei, you are here. I said that I am not afraid to refuse you, and only to you, I will be more frustrated and more courageous"

SUN Yunlong's words are very direct, without any sense of shame Thinking, in front of so many people to say his more frustrated more brave, he even feel some glory, but Peng Xuefei see him so, show eyebrows can't help a frown, a little bored said: "Sun Yunlong, don't give me a name, I don't know you, today I come here, also do not accept you."

The blow of Peng Xuefei's red fruit made sun Yunlong's face change. However, it was not the first time that he encountered such a cold eye. Soon, he returned to normal and gave out a burst of hearty laughter and said, "is it? Feifei, I'm not insincere to make such a big show to show you today. As long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, all the people under my command will be subordinated to you. "

As soon as sun Yunlong's words came out, the whole audience could not help but send out a cry of surprise. An organization in a university is not a small Gang, with hundreds of people at least, thousands or even thousands of people. In order to win over Peng Xuefei, sun Yunlong did not hesitate to lead his people to surrender. This news has a great impact on the students present power.

We should know that the University of H Province is now divided into four forces. These four forces are evenly distributed, and no one can eat the other side. Once sun Yunlong's forces join Peng Xuefei, then Peng Xuefei will become the worthy elder sister of the campus. It is only a matter of time before he takes over the other two forces.

After all, it's not easy for Peng Yunfei to give up his sincerity as a little girl, but it's very easy for him to give up his big sister's sincerity It's against your will to learn from the gangs on campus.

According to my research and understanding of Peng Xuefei, she should have refused this matter. But again, to my surprise, Peng Xuefei did not immediately respond to sun Yunlong's words. She made a thoughtful state, which made it seem that she was thinking about sun Yunlong's words. However, her eyes were moving around the scene, and unconsciously, her eyes moved around My eyes met with mine.

At once, my body was stunned. At the same time, I was keenly aware that Peng Xuefei's expression seemed to have a trace of embarrassment, which made me have a bad premonition.

Peng Xuefei's eyes did not connect with me for a long time. Soon, she took back her eyes and looked at Sun Yunlong. She said with some disdain: "Sun Yunlong, your straightforward expression really makes me a little different. However, even if I promise you, I'm afraid some people will not agree."

When Peng Xuefei said the first half of the sentence, sun Yunlong's eyes were shining. However, when he heard the second half of Peng Xuefei's words, sun Yunlong's eyes suddenly widened, and a majestic momentum emanated from his body. At the same time, he gave a drink and asked, "who?"

Almost all the people around the stage were onlookers, and all their attention was paid to Peng Xuefei and sun Yunlong on the stage. No one made any unnecessary sound. At the moment, hearing sun Yunlong's question, many people couldn't help holding their breath. They didn't dare to breathe too much.

Sun Yunlong's momentum is indeed very strong. At least, in the ranks of students, he is not so strong. I can see that he has Kung Fu in his body. What he asked just now was full of spirit. Obviously, this is his strong foundation.

Time, all of a sudden solidification for a few seconds, but after a few seconds, the silent air suddenly burst out of two voices with one voice: "I do not agree!"

This sentence is issued from two directions at the same time. As soon as the voice falls, the crowd in these two directions makes a rustling sound. Then, the crowd of onlookers automatically gives way to a road. In the road, two groups of people come forward, and the two leading people are followed by a huge team.

The appearance of these two people attracted the attention of many people, and many people began to talk about them.

From these fragmentary discussions, I know the names of these two leaders, Du Haichao and Lu Ping. Their identities are the representatives of the other two forces in this school, the leaders of Haichao Association and Lu Gang.Du Haichao was dressed in a white sportswear, with a pair of golden glasses on his face. He looked elegant and elegant.

Lu Ping, with his cardigan jeans on his upper body, revealed his strong chest and a pair of jeans on his lower body, which made him very capable.

As soon as they showed up, Chen Xiao beside me couldn't help but sigh: "Wow, Yunlong club, Haichao club, Lu Gang, three forces are gathering together. With sister Feifei, all the four overlords of our school have arrived."

Sure enough, today's play is very lively. The presence of Du Haichao and Lu Ping made sun Yunlong's face tear down. Especially the sentence "I don't agree" was issued by these two people at the same time. Moreover, their two groups appeared at the same time, which made sun Yunlong wonder whether there was any alliance between them.

However, sun Yunlong is obviously very familiar with them. After being a little stunned, he immediately said frankly: "this is my confession to Feifei. Du Haichao and Lu Ping, are you two not suitable?"

Although Du Haichao is quiet, he has a vicious mouth. He takes people to the stage and says with dissatisfaction: "we are here at the right time. Sun Yunlong, you have confessed to Peng Xuefei on the condition that you are a gang. You have never seen such a shameless person."

As soon as Du Haichao's voice dropped, Lu Ping, on the other side, also led people to come over, echoing: "the three of us have agreed. In this school, three legs stand apart. Now you are joining Feifei's camp to break the balance. Do you think we will agree? What's more, Feifei is not your goddess alone

The words of Du Haichao and Lu Ping are confusing. They are afraid that sun Yunlong will join Peng Xuefei or simply want to destroy sun Yunlong's confession.

At a time when everyone was in chaos, the two men had already stepped onto the stage and stood together with sun Yunlong and Peng Xuefei. However, their subordinates consciously stood at the edge of the stage and stood together with sun Yunlong's subordinates, forming a confrontation.

The scene suddenly changed from bustle to silence, but everyone knows that this is the peace before the storm, and a fierce dispute is brewing in it. Whether it was the Yunlong club, the Lu Gang, or the Haichao club, many people were present. The atmosphere was very tense. There were so many spectators around. It was simply overcrowded.

The four forces of a school originally existed in competition with each other. Although the other three liked Peng Xuefei, Du Haichao and Lu Ping, except for sun Yunlong, were obviously unwilling to live under Peng Xuefei, so that Peng Xuefei could be the only one in the school society. Even sun Yunlong was willing to join Peng Xuefei's name with conditions.

Peng Xuefei is like the center of a whirlpool. Sun Yunlong, Du Haichao and Lu Ping are all revolving around her at the moment. However, Peng Xuefei is worthy of being a very cold woman. Under the gathering of the other three forces, she stands alone on the stage and remains silent. On the contrary, when the matter comes to this point, her playfulness becomes even worse It's like, she's not one of the parties at all, she's just a spectator.

Time, second by second, no one took the lead to break the silence of the scene, and no one on the sidelines made any sound. Such a strong scene has become such an atmosphere, which is really strange.

I was in the middle of it. Watching this scene, I felt more and more interesting. Originally, I was thinking about trampling on the three eldest brothers of the school and taking Peng Xuefei down. As a result, an accident unexpectedly gathered all four of them here, which saved me a lot of time for investigation.

I don't know how long later, a burst of light laughter suddenly sounded, breaking the silence of the scene. This chuckle is just from Peng Xuefei. Her laughter is just like her temperament, which is so cold. Her coldness declares her contempt and her disdain, which is also with a trace of fun. Peng Xuefei at this moment has a special characteristic and is very attractive The characteristics of.

Peng Xuefei's laughter eased the confrontation among the three people in the field, and relaxed the people around him. At this point, Peng Xuefei said with rare seriousness: "three, no matter what you think in your mind, I'm not here because of sun Yunlong's confession, but I'm going to announce something by using the stage he set up!"

Peng Xuefei's words, instant and all the attention to pull back, the field of the three leading men's nerves are not all can not help but a tight, subconsciously will look at Peng Xuefei.

In the whole audience's gaze, Peng Xuefei's face was calm, she did not immediately speak, but pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "in fact, I have a boyfriend."


Xia Xiaoxiao's words, like a hurricane, swept through the audience in an instant, which made everyone burst into an uproar, especially sun Yunlong, Lu Ping and Du Haichao.

Peng Xuefei's status is noble. Even if many people do not know her real identity, she is also the eldest sister of the school, and she is recognized as the school flower of the whole school. Even though she is cold and cold, this does not prevent her from being the dream lover of many boys.Such a dream lover, suddenly said that he had a boyfriend, how can it not surprise people, however, more surprising or, in the full shock, Peng Xuefei suddenly slightly opened her lips, generous said: "and, he is on the scene today."

Not surprisingly, Peng Xuefei, the boy's dream lover, suddenly had a boyfriend. Even, he was actually on the scene. It was just an explosive news. People in the field couldn't help turning their eyes and scanning the whole scene to see who was Peng Xuefei's boyfriend.

A woman like Peng Xuefei is the best in the world in terms of appearance. Her identity and her unique temperament add to her charm. Such a perfect woman, so famous flowers have owners, the boys on the scene in addition to surprise, there are also some curious, some jealous.

On the contrary, sun Yunlong, who arranged the scene today, burst out a burst of discordant laughter after a short period of astonishment, and said: "ha ha ha ha, Feifei, you really know how to joke. You have always been single. Who don't know that?"

After hearing this, Lu Ping and Du Haichao can't help but relax. Peng Xuefei is a public figure in the campus. There should be no secret. Besides, the three of them pay close attention to Peng Xuefei's every move. If Peng Xuefei has a boyfriend, how can they not know?

Even some of the boys around, have a little reaction over, obviously relieved.

But Peng Xuefei's mouth was full of sarcasm. She picked her eyebrows slightly and said to sun Yunlong casually, "if you don't believe it, I'll let him come up and show you. It's OK."

As soon as the voice fell, Peng Xuefei went straight to the edge of the stage.

This moment, has been watching me coldly, the nerve can not help the tension up, because, I suddenly found that Peng Xuefei walking direction of the people, actually I!!

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