Peng Xuefei's pace is very fast, the goal is very clear, the eyes of all the people in the audience can't help following her movement. When they found that the object Peng Xuefei went straight to was me, immediately, all the people's eyes were focused on me.

All of a sudden, people understood that Peng Xuefei's boyfriend was me. This time, their eyes at me were full of surprise. Some of them even couldn't close their mouths. Some students who knew me, more like seeing the most strange thing in the world, stared at me in disbelief.

Under the attention of the whole audience, I still keep my rebellious attitude, but my heart is full of different waves, which are deeply surprised.

Although, my goal is to get in touch with Peng Xuefei, which is the closest way to her and the easiest way to achieve the goal in my heart. However, up to now, my daughter and I have only seen each other twice. We can't even meet by chance. Even when I leave school at noon, I offend her. How can I become her boyfriend in the blink of an eye Is it?

With this trace of doubt, my eyes can not help but stare at Peng Xuefei who is coming towards me. For a moment, I suddenly feel that the cunning meaning of her eyes is even worse. After a while, I react to her. Peng Xuefei is totally taking me as a shield!

I am a wanted figure of the sea gang. Even though I disguise myself, I have a new identity and become a rich man, but I don't want to be too high-profile, but now I want to be low-profile, and I can't.

Just as I was thinking about how to deal with the next scene, Peng Xuefei had come to me. Suddenly, she gave me a charming smile and said, "Jiangnan wind, when do you want to hide?"

When I heard this, I was obviously stunned, and my mind suddenly turned around, while Peng Xuefei held my wrist. Her hand was a little cold, but it was crisp, smooth and tender, which made me feel a little trance.

Just in this trance, I was pulled onto the stage by Peng Xuefei and became the focus of the field.

Next, Peng Xuefei raised my hand to sun Yunlong, Lu Ping, Du Haichao, and all the people present in a loud voice: "this man is called Jiangnan Feng. He is my boyfriend."

As Peng Xuefei's voice dropped, the people who were surprised just now could not control it any more. They gave out a burst of startled voice. The whole audience reacted like CAI. They could not help but stir up. All kinds of voices of discussion rang out in succession:

"so his name is Jiangnan wind. He is really handsome, and his name is very popular. He and sister Feifei are quite good It's a good match. "

"Yes! However, this Jiangnan wind is too sudden. Why haven't you seen it before? "

"I heard that he was a transfer student. This morning, I saw him driving a limited edition sports car into the campus."

"Damn it, girls are interested in this kind of little white face. Even sister Feifei is fascinated by him. God is really unfair!"

In a flash, I became the focus of the discussion. Some praised me handsome, some envied me, and some envied me. But the most surprising one was surprise. After all, my sudden appearance suddenly became Peng Xuefei's boyfriend. It was too unexpected for anyone, even myself. To know, today, I just entered The first day of the university campus.

The first day, I became a bright star in the school, and the three school overlords around me turned into my supporting roles in an instant. Originally, they were all the people in the school and the focus of students' attention and discussion. Just now, many people were shocked by them. But in a flash, their light was dim. How can they stand it.

What's more, the three of them just didn't believe Peng Xuefei had a boyfriend. Now, I was pulled up by Peng Xuefei and announced to be her boyfriend in public. Of course, they couldn't calm down any more. Their faces immediately turned black, their eyes were red, and they were extremely angry. I stood beside me and could clearly feel the momentum on them, as if They can do something to me at any time.

At this moment, I finally understood that Peng Xuefei not only took me as a shield, but also retaliated against me for stepping on her foot and injuring the people around her when I left school at noon.

That's why I became her boyfriend in ignorance and attracted so much attention. Peng Xuefei really had a plan. It was obvious that she was making enemies for me. This woman was really a witch. She was not only cold in temperament, but also so deep in mind. In the invisible, she was trapped in me.

However, I didn't say much about these things. Today, I didn't just come here to see the excitement. Originally, I was looking for opportunities to contact the three bullys in the school. At the same time, I was waiting for the opportunity to step on their heads and then soak up Peng Xuefei, so as to achieve my goal.

Now, things suddenly develop to the scene in front of me. I never thought of it. But at the same time, it is my intention. At least, my action arrangement in this school has been accelerated a lot. This is a good thing for me.The scene, still bustling, everyone's mind is different, and Peng Xuefei, the heroine, completely put herself out of the way. She regained her usual high and cold attitude, watching quietly, as if waiting for a good play to begin.

At this moment, sun Yunlong, as the original hero, finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He was dissatisfied with Peng Xuefei and said, "Feifei, you can refuse me, but you don't want to find someone to come up and pretend to be your boyfriend?"

After hearing sun Yunlong's words, Lu Ping and Du Haichao could not help but relax. They were indeed a group of big men. Even though their hearts had exploded with anger from me, they did not vent their anger. Instead, they stubbornly endured. Now, sun Yunlong's words let them find an outlet for venting. At once, Du Haichao also echoed: "yes, Feifei, this Jiangnan style has a little white face. Most of them are useless materials! "

In the words of sun Yunlong and Du Haichao, although they despise me, they are also implicit. At least they don't tear their face. Lu Ping, who followed closely, said to me directly: "new comer, I don't care who you are. Feifei is not the one you can touch. If you know what you are, get out of here quickly!"

In the eyes of these three people, it seems that I'm really a fake. I'm a little white face who can't see and use. They don't respect me so much. Their center is still around Peng Xuefei. Indeed, these three people have been pursuing Peng Xuefei for a period of time. I'm afraid she has refused many times, both in the open and in the dark. Now, Peng Xuefei suddenly announced that she has a boyfriend, which is simply to let them eat a closed door. How can they accept and give up easily.

However, no matter how others talk about it, and no matter how the three people fight, my expression does not change much. My mouth always has a trace of disdain. If I stand on the stage at the moment, if I step forward, it will be against them. However, going back is not in line with my present physical style. Therefore, for the three in front of me, I am not in line with my present physical style Love enemy, I don't have any action. No matter whether Peng Xuefei regards me as a shield or not, I want to be her true boyfriend. Maybe, now is an opportunity for me to enter Peng Xuefei's eye.

Therefore, I ignored all the people and turned my eyes to Peng Xuefei. It is not meaningful for me to be jealous. She is the key to my action.

Peng Xuefei could not help but turn her eyes and looked at me. Seeing me so calm, her eyes showed a trace of unexpected color. However, her color change did not last for long, and was soon covered up by her high cold air. Then, she looked at Sun Yunlong and continued to say calmly: "I have said what I should say and let you see it People, let you see, die not to give up, that's your business, but I hope you don't bother me again in the future

Peng Xuefei's tone, seemingly calm but very ruthless, in the face of these three campus overlords, a girl did not show any timidity, on the contrary, her words with a deep dignity. She is worthy of being the eldest lady of the Shanghai Gang. No matter whether others know her identity or not, the momentum she shows on the surface is enough to impress people.

And Peng Xuefei once finished speaking, directly took my hand, the tone also deliberately became slightly gentle, said to me: "south wind, let's go!"

With that, Peng Xuefei took me forward.

I nodded at the right moment and was about to follow her away. However, sun Yunlong obviously did not intend to let me leave so easily. Just as Peng Xuefei and I had just reached the edge of the stage, a voice suddenly rang out behind me: "stop!"

These two words were sent out by sun Yunlong with one voice. It seems that they are not stopping me, but commanding. Peng Xuefei and I can't help but stop. I know that this sentence is for me, and I also know that at this time, I don't need to pretend any more. With a trace of arrogance, I turn my head and face them "Are you calling me?" he asked

As Peng Xuefei's "boyfriend", I have been very eye-catching. Now, as a new comer, facing the three eldest brothers in the campus, I have no intention of flinching back, but are so contemptuous. This time, the eyes of the whole audience can not help staring at me. The people on the scene are looking directly at me without any concealment, and they want to see my little white face, Now that she can be Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, what is her ability to deal with the three overlords at the same time.

But Sun Yunlong three people, did not put my arrogance in the eye, on the contrary, they regarded my performance as provocation. Originally, I was Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, which made them very unhappy. Now, seeing my provocation, they were even more unhappy.

In particular, sun Yunlong, the protagonist of today's scene, was so angry that he stared at Peng Xuefei, holding my wrist and saying in a cold voice, "Jiangnan wind, if you leave Feifei, you can still stay in this school. Otherwise, I will let you know how to write dead characters."

As soon as sun Yunlong's voice fell, Du Haichao, a long tongued woman, immediately echoed: "yes, Jiangnan style. Maybe you have some family power and some arrogant capital, but you are wrong. This is not a place where you can be wild, and Feifei is definitely not a person you can touch."Lu Ping was not idle. He was already in a violent state. He looked at me with red eyes and said angrily, "Jiangnan wind, I'll give you a face. If you don't want to face, don't blame me for my ruthlessness."

The attitude of these three people towards me was not only angry, but also angry. As soon as they finished speaking, they took two steps forward at the same time. All of them had a strong sense of war and wanted to crush me spiritually. At the same time, their subordinates around them subconsciously surrounded me, giving me a great pressure.

At this time, Peng Xuefei, who pushed me to the top of the storm, was silent. She was the eldest sister in the campus and said that I was her boyfriend. Now that I was in danger, she should stand up for me. But she did not speak or act. On the contrary, she looked at the scene with interest, as if she wanted to see my rebellious big girl Young master, how will you clean up the present situation.

The scene was silent. The onlookers held their breath and were excited. For them, this scene was more wonderful than sun Yunlong's confession to Peng Xuefei. There were some people who made a cold sweat for me. You know, what I'm facing now is the leaders of the three campus forces and their many subordinates It's definitely not something I can fight against on my own.

However, I did not show the slightest nervous color, my face still maintained that pair of signboard style smile, in the eyes of the public, I completely turned around, facing sun Yunlong three people. Even, I took a step forward. My movement, for a moment, shocked the whole audience. Even the three of them were stunned by my action.

At the moment when they were stunned, I asked them, "do you know why Feifei's boyfriend is me, not you?"

My question made sun Yunlong and the three of them couldn't help fighting. Their eyes were full of inexplicable color, and their faces were full of shock. Maybe they didn't understand the problem, or maybe they didn't think about it at all.

But I didn't give them time to think. When the audience was silent by my question, I opened my lips and said to sun Yunlong and his three people with pride: "because, you three are not as good as me!"

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