As soon as my voice dropped, the whole square suddenly fell into an unprecedented quiet state. It seemed that I could hear the voice of someone pumping cold air because of my words. And the three sun Yunlong on the stage had a dull face. They were completely shocked by me. Maybe they didn't think that I dare to say such words, which is not only It is a provocation to them, but also a kind of contempt and stimulation to them.

However, the silence of this moment did not last for long. Soon, the whole scene burst into flames, and all the people were boiling. Some people admired my courage, some thought that I did not know how to live or die, some felt that I was pretending to be forced. There were all kinds of eyes and voices for me.

At this time, the three of them also woke up. In an instant, their faces showed anger. In front of so many people, I said they were not as good as me, and caused such a stir. They were just beating their faces. Now they were completely angry. Among them, Lu Ping was the most irascible. Immediately, he got rid of his posture and wanted to come and beat them I.

But as soon as he stepped out, he was caught by Du Haichao beside him. Immediately, Du Haichao said something in his ear, so that Lu Ping didn't continue the riot. However, his eyes at me were still full of anger.

I don't know what Du Haichao said to Lu Ping. In a word, Du Haichao gives me a feeling of softness and seems to be good at scheming. Of course, no matter whether he is yin or soft, I don't care at all. My Yu Guang glances at Peng Xuefei in the lower rear intentionally and finds that she can't help moving because of my words.

In fact, what I want to do is to make a big splash, startle Peng Xuefei and leave an indelible impression in her heart. Looking at the situation on the scene, I know that now my goal is achieved.

With this sense of relief, I took a deep look at Sun Yunlong. At the moment, they were all in a state of extreme anger. However, they held back and did not make any further action towards me. Seeing them like this, I curled my mouth slightly, then turned gracefully, took Peng Xuefei's waist and walked straight to the outside of the sound square.

Under the attention of all the people, I left the scene with Peng Xuefei in a dignified manner. They were all far away. I could still hear the noise coming from the square. It was I who ignited their inner active passion. For a moment, I had a strange sense of happiness in my heart.

At this time, I suddenly heard Peng Xuefei's cold drink: "take your dirty hands away!"

Said, she then reached out to beat my hand, hands determined, not a bit soft hearted, I feel a little pain in my arm are a bit numb, and her face than her tone more cold.

For Peng Xuefei's cold, I didn't put too much in my heart. I deliberately showed a frivolous appearance and said with a playful smile: "why, as your boyfriend, you can't even hold your waist?"

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei's expression showed a trace of obvious disdain. She could not help but snorted and said contemptuously, "my boyfriend? You don't think highly of yourself. To tell you frankly, you are nothing in my eyes, just like sun Yunlong and them. "

With that, Peng Xuefei did not stop for a second, and resolutely turned to leave.

I have no time to think about it. Facing her back directly, I proudly said, "Peng Xuefei, I know you just used me as a shield. However, I now tell you formally that sooner or later, I will become your real boyfriend."

Smell speech, Peng Xuefei's steps have a little pause, she didn't look back, just sniffed: "you can safely stay in school again!"

As soon as the voice fell, Peng Xuefei's step was faster. In a short time, she disappeared in my vision.

I stayed at the same place and recalled the scenes that just happened. In fact, I am very clear what Peng Xuefei's last words mean. It is because of her that I have offended three forces in the campus at the same time. It is equivalent to me that I am one person and three gangs at the same time. I'm afraid that before long, the three of them will deal with me.

In this regard, I didn't feel afraid. On the contrary, I felt some pleasure flowing in my body. This kind of pleasure stems from my rapid entering Peng Xuefei's vision and finding a breakthrough to approach her quickly.

Although Peng Xuefei's character is very cold, she has high cold capital. She is arrogant and despises the people who pursue her in the campus. But I just want to go against the current. I don't believe it. I beat these three people who check and balance each other. Peng Xuefei will be so cold to me.

Thinking of this, my mouth can not help bending out a trace of if there is no arc, the first day I came to school, there is a harvest, compared with my expected plan, has more than enough, I did not stay in school, but on my sports car, driving towards home here.

The next day, I changed into a more gorgeous dress and drove another limited edition sports car to the school. As soon as I entered the campus, I was keenly aware that the atmosphere in the campus today is quite different from that when I entered the school yesterday. The people who pay attention to me on campus seem to have become more and more.But I didn't pay much attention to it. Seeing that it was almost time for class, I stopped my car and went directly to my classroom. Along the way, there were students pointing at me. When I got to the classroom, there was a lot of discussion in the class. They were talking about me.

Some people say that I came back from studying abroad. My family is very rich. I drive luxury cars and live in villas. Some people say that I am a dandy boy who likes to tease girls and has excellent skills. Others say that I am transferred to this school because of Peng Xuefei.

There was a lot of discussion, but when the students inside noticed that I had entered the classroom, they suddenly stopped talking. At the same time, almost all the students in the class turned their eyes to me. There were colors of worship, surprise and jealousy in their eyes.

I didn't care about irrelevant people. I just glanced at the classroom at random. I didn't find Peng Xuefei. I went straight to the last row of the classroom and sat down.

As soon as I sat down, the voice of the class began to resound. This time, the focus of their discussion was how could I dare to come to school today?

Chen Xiao, my closest little classmate in this new class, also swished to the seat beside me. He said to me with an incredible face: "brother, I said you are too cow! At noon on the first day I came here, I had a fight with sister Feifei's men. In the afternoon, I became sister Feifei's boyfriend. I don't admire you. Now, you are the most popular person in the school. However, you offended the three overlords in the campus last night. How dare you come to school? "

After hearing Chen Xiao's words, I knew that after last night's incident, my reputation spread at the speed of light in the school. Although it was not my original intention, I had to accept it calmly. As for Chen Xiao's worry about me, I didn't take it seriously. All of this was in my plan. Even if sun Yunlong didn't find fault with me, I would Go and find them. It's not worth mentioning about them. I'm just a little surprised. Peng Xuefei, why didn't you come to class today?

Because of Peng Xuefei's absence, my classroom seems a bit boring. After two classes, I was hesitating whether to continue waiting for Peng Xuefei's arrival here. However, suddenly, bang, the door of the classroom was kicked open by someone. In front of the door, there were about ten tall boys.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of many students in the classroom. I couldn't help but look away. At this sight, I was shocked to find that the leader of this group of boys with striking figure was not one of sun Yunlong, Du Haichao and Lu pingzhong, but the long hair that I pushed to the ground yesterday.

Originally, long Mao and I were sitting in the classroom together in class, but he did not come today, and now he appears.

Even sun Yunlong offended me, so I didn't care about the little role of Chang Mao. To my surprise, he came to me first. It was obvious that he was prepared to lead the gang.

Although Chang Mao is not the boss of the school, he is not a person to be easily provoked. Seeing their appearance, many students in the class kept quiet for a while, while more people unconsciously looked at me. Their hearts were very clear that Changmao was coming to me.

Sure enough, as soon as long Mao appeared in the classroom, his eyes were directly fixed on me. His eyes were full of anger. Then, his hand pointed to me, and the tall boy who followed him came to me with him.

I did not have any special reaction, on the contrary, my side Chen Xiao, a little timid bowed his head, he used his hand under the desk, quietly pulled my arm, whispered to me: "what are you still in a daze, hurry to run through the back door ah!"

For Chen Xiao's reminder, I was touched, but I did not run, is still indifferent, a normal face in the seat, should come, I escape is useless, what's more, I did not want to escape. Since long Mao likes to look for bitter food, I will give him a bit of pain, thinking of this, my mouth can not help but float a trace of fun smile.

Originally, long Mao came to me fiercely, and suddenly saw my smile. After a while, he couldn't stop his temper. He took the lead in sprinting to me. Before he reached me, long Mao gave me a violent blow. At the same time, his mouth also issued an angry voice: "laugh at you MB, see if you can laugh later."

This punch is very powerful, especially, long hair is a sprint, with a momentum, others will subconsciously look a little scared, but I just stood up from the seat in no hurry, in the process of standing, I leaned forward, a moment will be long hair's arm to my shoulder.

Obviously, long Mao just a fierce punch, failed, I also do not wait for him to fight again, directly picked up the book on the desk, slapped two times in his mouth, said frivolously: "long so big, is it, no one taught you to speak civilized?"

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