Long Mao's domineering appearance, at the moment, he ate such a big shrunken, for a moment, he was a little bit blinded, although I was hit with books, but the strength is not light, long Mao's face immediately printed two red marks.

At this time, those people brought by long hair also rushed forward, I slightly shocked, with my chest suddenly hit long hair's chest, directly to the long hair to fly upside down.

His body overthrew several of the people he had brought. It was just when these people blocked the road that I rushed forward and suddenly threw away the books in my hands. I hit these people in the face one after another. They yelled at each other. Even the others in the back did not dare to go up for a while.

I did not look at the back of a few counseling bags, just casually lost the tattered textbooks, condescending to long Mao said: "in the future, do not pretend to force in front of me, or I see you hit you once, remember, not everyone is you can provoke."

As soon as the voice fell, I went straight to the outside of the classroom. The several bags in the back brought by long Mao didn't do anything to me from the beginning to the end. I watched me walk in front of them.

In the moment I went outside the classroom, the classroom suddenly burst into a pot, and some girls couldn't help screaming: "Wow, it's so handsome!"

"Really good man, I want to make friends with him!"

"God, my God."

All kinds of voices come and go, all of which are idolatry to me. This kind of trifling can't get into my heart at all. People say that I pretend to be forced or bullied. I don't care. In the past, I was bullied by so many people in school because I have no ability. Now, I have the ability, and I will not allow some gangsters to go wild on my head My enemy, I will try my best to eradicate.

My eyes can not help but flash a cold light, my steps directly toward the corridor, went to the outside of the teaching building, my mind, can not help wandering up, I still care about Peng Xuefei.

The atmosphere of the university has always been relatively relaxed, and Peng Xuefei is cold-blooded and noble, and it is normal not to come to class. In this way, it is not easy for me to approach her at any time. Since it is a little difficult to be straight, I can only make circuitous tactics, that is, to deal with sun Yunlong, Du Haichao and Lu Ping as soon as possible.

In the square at the back yesterday, although these three people didn't get angry with me, I think they must have been due to Peng Xuefei's presence or other ideas. In particular, Du Haichao's last words in Lu Ping's ear may be a conspiracy against me. Anyway, no matter what, they can't let me go. Just as it happens, I don't intend to let them go. If I want to go deep into Peng Xuefei's heart, the first thing I have to do is to trample on Sun Yunlong and the three of them.

With a confused mind, I was wandering in the campus of this university, familiar with the land. Unconsciously, the time was approaching. I was going to drive back to the villa first, but when I was walking on the road, I suddenly heard that someone said Peng Xuefei appeared in the canteen. It seemed that where the school flower appeared, it was a topic. When I heard the news, I immediately stepped forward I went to the canteen.

At this time, there are not many people in the canteen. When I went inside, I found Peng Xuefei who was eating. She was so elegant. Even in the public places like the canteen, it was also a beautiful scenery. People could not help but put their eyes on her. Even her eating movements were very elegant.

I didn't appreciate her beauty, but I was secretly glad that I caught an opportunity to get close to her. So I quickly made a meal, went to Peng Xuefei's opposite, and sat down directly.

Originally, Peng Xuefei alone attracted the attention of most people in the canteen. Now, my gossip boyfriend sat opposite her, and immediately attracted more people's attention to this side. Far away, I could hear a rustle of voices. However, these voices come in from the left ear and come out from the right ear. My attention is only on Peng Xuefei.

With a smile, I said hello to Peng Xuefei: "what a coincidence!"

Peng Xuefei saw me, and her eyes flashed a little surprise. However, her surprise was soon replaced by her high cold. She snorted coldly and said scornfully, "is it really a coincidence? I'm very curious about how good you really are to make you have the courage to come to school so openly and aboveboard. "

The purpose of my coming to school is very clear, that is to get close to Peng Xuefei, capture her heart, and get the information I want. Just now, when she saw me, she had some surprise in her eyes, which represented that she was already interested in me. That is to say, my success in entering her Dharma eye also made her have a trace of curiosity. This is the first step of success for me.

I playfully smile, some cynical said: "don't be curious, after a long time, you will know, I have no qualifications to be your boyfriend."

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei directly laughed. She was more playful than me. With her unique temperament, she suddenly became charming. With this charming smile, she said in a cold voice: "I also want to know what qualifications you have to be able to laugh again."

Peng Xuefei's tone is obviously playful. Moreover, when she said this, her eyes did not look at me, but looked at the door of the canteen. I unconsciously followed her eyes, and I couldn't help but take a breath.I finally know why Peng Xuefei has such a funny smile. It turns out that a large number of people are pouring in at the entrance of the canteen, so that the canteen which was slightly empty just now becomes overcrowded. The leader of these uninvited guests is sun Yunlong, he, and the troops behind him. At the moment, they are coming towards Peng Xuefei and me.

The appearance of sun Yunlong and his group immediately caused a burst of noise in the canteen. Some people couldn't help but exclaimed: "look, it's Yunlong meeting coming!"

Several exclamations made the busy dining hall more lively. In particular, the Yunlong Club led by sun Yunlong is coming fiercely and imposing. It makes people feel that something has happened. After a while, many people in the canteen have stopped eating and turn their eyes to sun Yunlong. They are walking towards the direction where I sit, and everyone immediately understands What's going on?

Last night, I broke the face of sun Yunlong, Du Haichao and Lu Ping in public, and dared to shout with them. This immediately aroused the hot spot of the school. The news spread faster than the speed of light. Most people in the school knew about it. Therefore, at this moment, when I saw sun Yunlong solemnly leading so many subordinates toward me, the canteen All of them know that a good play is about to be staged. Look at me alone, how to deal with so many people like sun Yunlong.

As a client, I did not expect that the world would change so fast. One second before, I was still in front of Peng Xuefei and said that I was absolutely qualified to be her boyfriend. As a result, the next second, my rival in love was rushing towards me.

Although I am not afraid of sun Yunlong, and I have long thought of trampling on him, this kind of thing can not be achieved overnight, especially in this campus, I am a bully of the campus, and sun Yunlong is a large number of people. I just glanced at random and found that there are at least 30 people following sun Yunlong.

Of course, my strength is much higher than that of ordinary students, and one to many is not a problem. However, in such an occasion, if I completely crush sun Yunlong and his subordinates, it would be against my original plan to attack him secretly. After all, my real identity is Su Luo, a wanted criminal of the sea gang. I must try my best to avoid exposing myself It's easy to cause suspicion if you show too much strength. Therefore, I need to keep a low profile at the right time in any case.

However, I can't let Peng Xuefei look down on me. For a while, my heart is still a little hesitant, but my surface remains natural. I turn back at will and pretend to eat carelessly, but I'm thinking about how to deal with these bad guys next.

However, Peng Xuefei, sitting opposite me, was very relaxed. Seeing sun Yunlong bringing people along, her cold and cool eyebrows could not help but stretch out, and her mouth was added with a faint smile that was not easy to detect. Her smile was pious to my play. Obviously, her attitude was that she had nothing to do with her own affairs and held it aloof. Perhaps, in her heart, she hated me When I was in danger, I couldn't get away from it. I was beaten like a drowning dog.

Now I have no time to care what Peng Xuefei is thinking, just trying to think of solutions. However, time does not wait for time. I have just begun to think about it. Sun Yunlong and they came to my side. As soon as they arrived, sun Yunlong slapped me on my desk without saying a word. After a while, a bang shook in the noise. Even my dinner plate jumped up, followed by sun Yunlong's arrogant voice: "Jiangnan wind, your courage is really big enough Yes, up to now, I can still eat

Although sun Yunlong didn't do it to me at the first time, his words have already indicated his attitude. Last night, he was so angry that I took Peng Xuefei away from his platform. Today, I ran into the muzzle of his gun, and he would not let me go easily.

At this moment, almost all the people in the canteen looked at my side, and I once again became the focus of attention in public places.

If I met sun Yunlong and his subordinates, ordinary people might have been afraid. Let alone eating, I'm afraid, even sitting on pins and needles. Some girls who appreciate me can't help showing a trace of worry for me in their eyes.

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