For other people's worries, the more relaxed and critical the moment is, the more calm my surface will be. Even though my signature smile is still hanging around my mouth, I did not stand up and said: "why not? What else can you do to come to the canteen? Is it just for eating? "

There is no fear in my tone, which is extremely insipid. It also shows my arrogance and pride. Sun Yunlong, who was ready to go, was stunned. Some of his subordinates couldn't see it. Some of them yelled angrily: "Cao TMD, I've seen those who pretend to be forced, but I haven't seen such a capable one. Long Ge, please don't I'm so long winded with him. I'll see how he pretends to be a bully

This cry made sun Yunlong wake up. At the moment, he really wanted to do it. However, without waiting for him to do it, I took the lead to speak again and said with great significance: "Sun Yunlong, do you know why you can't catch up with Peng Xuefei many times, but I can easily make her my girlfriend?"

My words successfully attracted sun Yunlong's attention, and his movements could not help but stop. Taking advantage of this moment, I then playfully said: "such a beautiful woman sitting in front of you, you can't even notice, but also beat the table in such a terrible way that you are a pig's brain, which is an insult to the pig."

What I said made a mockery of sun Yunlong. At the same time, it was also for the purpose of playing a blind eye with him and distracting his attention. In my opinion, this sun Yunlong is a man with developed limbs and a simple mind. I can see that he took his own power as a condition and wanted Peng Xuefei to be his girlfriend last night.

In fact, as I expected, almost all the people in the audience were completely shocked because I scolded sun Yunlong for not being as good as pigs. Even some of sun Yunlong's subordinates were eager to try to do something to me. Sun Yunlong, with a pig's brain, actually ignored this crop for a while. He looked at Peng Xuefei with some embarrassment, and stammered and said, "Feifei, I."

Before sun Yunlong's words were finished, Peng Xuefei raised his hand to interrupt him and said coldly, "this is a matter between you. Don't pull me in. Although Jiangnan wind is my boyfriend, I won't interfere with his personal enmity."

With that, Peng Xuefei stood up straight from her seat, and then gracefully stood aside. In her eyes, at the moment, it was full of fun.

Seeing her like this, my heart couldn't help but be stunned. Peng Xuefei's temperament was not ordinary, and even her work style was so difficult to guess. Sun Yunlong's affair was clearly the hatred she gave me, but it was my personal resentment. How to say, I am her "boyfriend", she was so kind as to say that it was not her business.

How I think about it, I have a feeling that sun Yunlong will come today. Maybe Peng Xuefei calculated it. She is trying to find fault for me.

At the moment when I was slightly stunned, sun Yunlong had already burst out. He now has no worries about Peng Xuefei. The momentum of the whole person immediately radiates out. With infinite anger, he suddenly turns his head and stares at me and says angrily: "Stinky boy, you dare to insult me. Today, I let you lose the opportunity to walk in the future!"

Almost as soon as the voice dropped, sun Yunlong's fist hit me with a bang.

This man is worthy of being the leader of Yunlong club, and his strength is outstanding. His fist is very powerful. Even I can feel the strong wind brought by his fist breaking through the air.

I know that today's battle can't be avoided in any case. Then, I have to improvise.

Seeing that sun Yunlong's fist was about to hit me, I suddenly got up from my seat, and the cat's body was extremely fast. In an instant, he dodged through the space under sun Yunlong's fist.

This flash, my body directly to sun Yunlong's side, and the next second, I suddenly clapped the plate I had just taken from the table and buckled it on Sun Yunlong's pig's head. At the same time, I said triumphantly, "haven't you eaten yet? Invite you to dinner

At the same time, I did not forget to kick sun Yunlong's body. Immediately, sun Yunlong's body staggered to the side, and finally hit the dining table severely.

The change of this scene was so fast that it was just a change of stars. In a blink of an eye, the attacking sun Yunlong turned into an embarrassed drowned rat, which made the whole audience dumbfounded. Everyone was staring at Sun Yunlong, and the food was drenched from his body, his face and clothes, which made him look so funny and even hot Make the girl, can't help but issued a chuckle.

But Sun Yunlong's subordinates were all stunned. In a flash, I just trampled his face on the bottom of my feet. This is an insult to the whole Yunlong Association. Without sun Yunlong's greeting, his subordinates attacked me all at once.

In the face of these jackals, tigers and leopards, my mouth once again picked up a funny smile. Just now when I hit sun Yunlong, I had already made up my mind, that is to lean on Peng Xuefei's side. It can be said that she brought all this to me. Naturally, I would not let her watch the fun so easily. She said that it was not her business, I only wanted to Only by playing a trick on her can we achieve psychological balance.At the moment when sun Yunlong's men rushed to me, I kicked down a little brother who was closest to me, and hit another one with another fist. Then, I quickly opened my feet and took a few big strides, and then I quickly walked to Peng Xuefei's side.

My speed is fast enough, and the angry yunlonghui younger brother is not slow. They are better than many people. They have formed a half encirclement on me just now. Now, my body has retreated to one side, and their attacks are coming one after another.

However, Peng Xuefei is next to me. Although the people from the cloud dragon Association want to hit me, they dare not hurt Peng Xuefei by mistake. For a time, many people are timid and not neat at all. I take advantage of this opportunity to turn around and shoot one after another. In the blink of an eye, I knocked down several people of the other party, and these people immediately sent out miserable Call.

In this way, my body is more flexible, and the fun and smile on my face can't help but get even worse. How dramatic is this scene? The people around me are looking straight with their eyes. Some little girls show their admiration to me directly, and there are some crazy girls who stare at me with love in their eyes.

But Peng Xuefei, as my shield, was not happy. Her eyebrows wrinkled and said to me in a cold voice: "Jiangnan wind, you are a man, you dare not face up to the enemy. What skill is it to use me as a shield?"

While facing the people of Yunlong club, I jokingly returned to Peng Xuefei: "yes, it's not really a skill to take people as a shield, but it's my ability to be your boyfriend."

This sentence of mine can be said to be a pun, not only told Peng Xuefei, she used to take me as a shield, I now do, but also tell her, I am her "boyfriend", although, some people with a clear mind can guess that I am not really Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, but at least, most people still have many unknowns Actually, I think we are real lovers.

While speaking, my body swam in Peng Xuefei's body, deliberately without trace of contact with her body gag, my little way is to challenge Peng Xuefei, tell her with action, I not only did not suffer, but also took advantage of her.

Peng Xuefei is an arrogant young lady. There are countless people who love her secretly in school, but no one dares to approach her openly. Even sun Yunlong, Du Haichao and Lu Ping dare not make mistakes in front of her, let alone take advantage of her.

But the new arrival I did, this let Peng Xuefei Gao Leng face, finally more than a trace of other meaning, she was extremely angry and ashamed, maliciously said to me: "Jiangnan wind, you wait for me!"

With that, Peng Xuefei went straight to the door of the canteen. At this time, sun Yunlong, who had been covered with rice by me, had already sobered up and lost such a big face. His anger soared to the extreme. While wiping the rice stains on his body, he pointed to me and yelled: "give it to me, scrap this boy."

Hearing sun Yunlong's orders, the people of Yunlong Association performed more quickly.

However, when Peng Xuefei had left, I didn't intend to go around with them here. I pasted it directly next to Peng Xuefei and walked out of the canteen with her. In this way, I faced the pressure from the people of Yunlong Association. At least, I could deal with them with more than one blade.

Peng Xuefei, today, not only didn't see me eating flat, but also saw so many people from Yunlong Club knocked down by me, but I didn't get hurt. Her heart was already very upset. Now, I left this place of right and wrong with her body. She was angry and angry. She pushed me directly and said impolitely, "you should stay away from me."

With Peng Xuefei's push, I ran away. At this time, many people from the cloud dragon association had been left behind by me. I took advantage of the situation to speed up the speed and ran to the door of the canteen, and then rushed out.

Seeing that I was about to escape from the heaven, sun Yunlong, angry, suddenly issued a manic cry: "Jiangnan wind, you wait for me, Laozi and you are irreconcilable."

I didn't pay any attention to sun Yunlong's words. I just stopped and looked at Peng Xuefei, who was very angry with me. He said mischievously, "Feifei, today's lunch appointment has been destroyed. Why don't I invite you to dinner tonight?"

Inviting Peng Xuefei to dinner is also a way for me to get close to her. Originally, I just held such an idea and asked tentatively. I didn't expect any reply at all.

But to my total surprise, Peng Xuefei, as for my joking words, she actually agreed to come down, only to listen to her very casual said: "good!"

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