Walking on the road on campus, the whole person looked gloomy. I don't know where this sad feeling comes from. Maybe the crab refused me to join the war. Although Shen Muchen regarded me as a friend, I was just a child in his eyes who needed to be protected. He would not be a brother who shed blood and tears together. At most, he would eat and fart together, and would not let me participate in their fight!

I feel that after I came back from hell, I became no longer cowardly, no longer patient, no longer afraid of death, and became a bit like a real man, but why, my mood is still so low? Have I really changed?

I can't help but ask myself, is this really the life I want after finishing the remaining three years of college? At this moment, I get the answer, is no!

In the final analysis, I'm useless. In front of my friends, I'm weak and can't play any role. If I want to be recognized by Shen Muchen, I'll make some achievements and gradually become stronger in my future life.

In the end, I went to the classroom and sat in the last row of seats exclusively for me. I was in caoying and my heart was in Han. My heart was not on my study. Listening to the tutor who kept giving lectures on the platform, I couldn't help falling asleep on the table.

I don't know how long I have been sleeping. I don't know who gave me. When I woke up, I opened my blurred eyes and looked up. A figure appeared in front of me.

I saw that Liu Boyang's evil face came into my eyes. At the moment, his expression showed that kind of cruel color again. He sat next to me and said darkly: "Suluo, I just heard something. Someone said that you confessed to Zhang Qian at lunch. You won't tell me, is it true?"

I rubbed my bleary eyes and looked at Liu Boyang again. I could see that his heart was full of anger. As long as I touched it gently, it would explode in an instant!

I just woke up in my sleep, and my current consciousness is still relatively vague. Although I have just got rid of Ma Qiang's entanglement, I don't want to make any conflicts with Liu Boyang now. It doesn't mean that I am afraid of him. I just don't want to make too much trouble for myself.

So, I said to him in a low voice: "brother Yang, I really did not, things are not what you think, I just played a joke with Zhang Qian, but you can rest assured that I will not have any intersection with her in the future!"

Hearing this, Liu Boyang's gloomy face was almost clouded. He bit his teeth and said angrily, "in the future, you still want to have a future! Su Luo, you're joking enough. You're joking with confessions, and you're still joking with me. Liu Boyang likes women. Do you feel like you're going to be forced to jump over the building, so you can't pay attention to me! "

With that, his eyes flashed a cold light, and I shivered. Yes, now he completely covers up the light of Ma Qiang. He is the boss of our freshman. Naturally, he is more arrogant than before.

I really don't want to have any relationship with this person, so I can only continue to say in a low voice: "brother Yang, don't worry, I really won't, I respect you too late, how dare to provoke you! Really, please believe me. Zhang Qian and I really have nothing. Besides, she is not my type. You can rest assured! "

I thought that my low breath would eliminate Liu Boyang's anger, but I didn't expect that the more I was like this, his anger would be more vigorous and his expression was gloomy and terrible. His arm was tightly around my shoulder, and he said angrily, "Suluo, do you know? I'm very tired of you who are not strong enough to be forced. If Zhang Qian hadn't begged for your mercy, I would have abandoned you. However, I really didn't expect that your courage is really getting fatter and fatter, and you just ignore my words. "

Now I wake up. From the beginning, Liu Boyang was deliberately trying to get me into trouble and bullying me. Finally, he stopped because of Zhang Qian. Now, he reminds me again that in his eyes, I'm just a waste who has no ability and needs to be protected by women.

Originally, I was tired of myself, tired of not being liked by women, tired of not being strong enough, tired of being looked down on forever, tired of being looked down upon by others, and tired of being cowardly. At this time, Liu Boyang was still here to challenge my bottom line. I really felt that it was disgusting to say one more word with him, so I simply ignored him and went back to sleep on the table again.

Finally, Liu Boyang, who had endured for a long time, was completely ignited in his heart. He lifted me up on the table and said angrily, "you really think that jumping over the building will make you do whatever you want. You really think Ma Qiang can't subdue you, and I can't subdue you, right?"

I turned my head slightly and looked at Liu Boyang who was sitting next to me, smiling at him. Suddenly, I used all my strength to yell at Liu Boyang: "get out of here!"

One word shocked the whole audience and made Liu Boyang beside me jump a lot. With my sudden cry, the noisy classroom suddenly became silent. Everyone's eyes were on me. But in a flash, the classroom burst out all kinds of comments"Suluo, you are so brave. You dare to be such a Yang elder brother."

"I guess it's probably sulo's another psychopath."

"Su Luo dares to yell at Liu Boyang. Ha ha, he is miserable now!"

"Ha ha, finally there is a good play to watch."


These voices were introduced into my ears and Liu Boyang's ears. He was looked in the eyes of the whole class. His face was red and his eyes were like hungry wolves. I felt like his prey and would eat me at any time.

In the twinkling of an eye, Liu Boyang in the rage instantly calmed down, waved to the people behind him, and gently said, "give him to me!"

Suddenly, a lot of people in the class showed an excited look, as if to see me beaten is their eternal fun. Liu Boyang's attendants did not care whether they were going to class soon. When they heard Liu Boyang's order, they had already moved towards me.

However, just after they were close to me and ready to do something, I thought that I was doomed this time. Zhang Qian, who had been silent, suddenly stood up from her seat and said, "Liu Boyang, you have enough!"

For Zhang Qian, Ma Qiang is a person she wants to control, but Liu Boyang is not the same, regardless of him, Zhang Qian is very confident. After all, Liu Boyang's feelings for her are quite strong. Everyone knows that Liu Boyang has rejected many beauties from the door for Zhang Qian, and he is determined and obedient to her.

She was so simple a word, let Liu Boyang's people instantly stop, and angry Liu Boyang's face also immediately slowed down, he quickly turned to look at Zhang Qian, soft tone said: "Qianqian, I listened to your words, try not to find trouble with Suluo, but you can see, this boy dares to ride on my neck, if I don't give him some Lesson, he doesn't even know my last name! "

Finish saying, he glared at me fiercely again, would like to immediately give me to peel alive.

Zhang Qian immediately also swept me one eye, to Liu Boyang light said: "forget it, I know what you mean, is not afraid that he and I have what, you don't think more, I and he can't, you don't bully people, the school also told several times, don't mess with Suluo, otherwise, you can take responsibility for what happened again!"

At such a time, Zhang Qian can stand up to help me speak, I am really moved, but after hearing her next me, my heart is still very uncomfortable, I feel like I am a wretch in her eyes.

However, no matter what Zhang Qian said, I am still very grateful that she can help me speak. It seems that Liu Boyang is determined to trouble me. For Zhang Qian's words, he did not put it in his heart, and his anger became more vigorous. Especially seeing Zhang Qian defending me in front of the whole class, he was more angry and his face turned red.

In the end, in order to cover up his embarrassment, he coughed gently and said to Zhang Qian: "you can see that Suluo doesn't give me face. Just now you heard that this guy dare to yell at me. If you don't kill him immediately, I can't swallow this tone!"

With that, he ordered his subordinates again, but Zhang Qian said to Liu Boyang directly: "Liu Boyang, if you don't listen to me, don't blame me for never ignoring you!" With that, she didn't say anything more. She just sat down and looked down at the book.

Liu Boyang saw that Zhang Qian was really angry. He hesitated for a moment, but did not dare to move any more. Then, he quickly told his men to step aside, and then ran to Zhang Qian's side and explained to her in a soft voice.

With the ringing of the bell, Liu Boyang left with his men. The storm was over for the time being, and I was lying on the table and sleeping.

Perhaps, in other people's eyes, I was lucky to avoid a disaster, is lying on the table secretly happy, but who really knows, this moment, my heart really choked to the extreme, in the end, I still have to be under the protection of a woman, in order to steal a short life.

In this school where the son of a bitch is in charge, can I really stay until graduation? The school of these hungry wolves, really easy to let me go? Do I have to rely on Zhang Qian's pressure on Liu Boyang and Shen Muchen's pressure on Ma Qiang to survive in this school?

It seems that I still think everything is too simple, I think that just rely on the courage of not afraid of death, just rely on a cavity of anger, can scare off all people, can spend the university time quietly, the original, the reality is still so cruel, if you don't have true ability, you are doomed to be bullied, looked down upon by others, be treated as a joke, you will not have a real brother, more will not have love Your woman, your life is still a tragedy.

No, I can't be content with the status quo any more. I want to change, I want to change completely. Only by changing myself can we walk out of a different road and live a wonderful life. Think of this, my body suddenly hot blood surging!

All afternoon, I was lying on my desk, thinking about my life. Liu Boyang is also because of Zhang Qian. I know him very well. He won't let me go like this.

After school, in the corridor outside the classroom, when I passed by Zhang Qian, I sincerely said to her, "thank you!"Zhang Qian didn't pay attention to me for my thanks. Instead, she quickened her pace. I looked at her back in a hurry, and my heart was desolate and incomparable.

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