The next few days, I unexpectedly spent in peace, Liu Boyang also surprisingly did not look for me, according to his character, even because of Zhang Qian's warning, he did not dare to deal with me openly, but he might teach me a lesson in secret? Is he really afraid that Xu Nan will never pay attention to him, so he would rather hold his breath in his heart rather than beat me?

Later, I learned that Liu Boyang didn't teach me a lesson, in part because of Zhang Qian. Secondly, he didn't have any extra experience for me, because he was fighting with Ma Qiang these days. After all, Ma Qiang is also a powerful faction. His return made his lost forces gradually gather together. Therefore, I was abandoned by them.

One night a week later, Shen Muchen held a celebration banquet. One was to celebrate his discharge from the hospital. The other was to celebrate the triumphant return of the crab after their group fight. I was also invited.

Shen Muchen placed two tables. I have seen both of them. They are people who have accompanied him with warm blood. Everyone is a man of lofty spirit, and his face is filled with the joy of victory.

On the wine table, they were in high spirits. They talked about how they fought and how they triumphed. I, a person who had nothing to do with the battle, couldn't put in a word. However, I was infected by them, and the blood in my body was also boiling. I felt that they were the real men. By contrast, I didn't count anything, although Shen Muchen regarded me as a real man Good friends, but I always can't blend into their circle. What I lack is the kind of masculinity with passion and passion!

After going back in the evening, I was entangled again, this time. I have to do something to get the approval of Shen Muchen.

At noon a few days later, I still went back to class after lunch as usual. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Liu Boyang sitting in my exclusive position. Although the peaceful life of these days relieved me, I knew that the time would come sooner or later.

Seeing me back, Liu Boyang looked at me like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. His voice was full of enthusiasm and said, "Oh, Suluo, how did you come back? I've been waiting for you so hard."

The same words, the same scenes, the same people, I experienced it again. I know that this is just the tranquility before the storm. If I were the former one, I would have begun to beg for mercy, but now I have a spirit of fearing death more than before.

Since they have already offended Liu Boyang, what's the matter with offending him once? I ignored his words directly, but Liu Boyang was not calm. Seeing that I ignored him, his face turned ugly in an instant, with a trace of anger in his eyes. On the contrary, at this time I am unusually calm, under the gaze of classmates in the class, I hold my head high and go to my position.

Approaching my position, I politely said to Liu Boyang: "classmate, this is my position, can you please get out of the way?"

Hearing my words, Liu Boyang's ugly face was even worse. He scolded me fiercely: "Suluo, I thought I could make friends with you, so I could talk to you peacefully. But you really let me down. You are really shameless. I have enough face when I talk to you, but you are good enough to ignore me! Did you take Laozi's words as your fart? "

After finishing the last sentence, all the students in this room burst into laughter. But when Liu Boyang's angry eyes looked around, the laughter stopped suddenly. The classroom was very quiet and terrible. All we could hear was the sound of gasping and heartbeat.

Liu Boyang's arrival had already planned to repair me. The words he just said undoubtedly made everyone feel that I didn't give him face, which gave him a condition to repair me. In this case, we can find that Liu Boyang's mind is really deep.

See him so, I still did not pay attention to him, pretending to be indifferent to say: "if nothing, can you get out of the way?"

Look at me in the whole class, still do not give him face, this time Liu Boyang really can not calm up, clenched his fist, hard hit the table, stood up, angrily yelled at me: "Suluo, you TMD is really too ungrateful, do not think you are a disease of the mind, I dare not tell you, the last time is not Zhang Qian Stop, I've already abolished you, but it's not too late this time! "

I've repeatedly damaged Liu Boyang's face in public again and again. It seems that this time, he won't let me off easily. In a flash, an idea came out of my mind, that is to ask for help from Shen Muchen. However, on second thought, this idea was immediately dismissed by me. I can't ask him for everything. Besides, it's still my school's business. It's not good for outsiders to participate in it, What's more, I have already made a decision to do something that is recognized by them.

I raised my head and looked at Liu Boyang, who was about the same size as me. Zhang opened his mouth and said, "yes, I am such a lunatic that I will not give you face. How can you do?"

As soon as the words were uttered, there was a cry of alarm in the whole class, but I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. Everyone in this room looked at me with incredible eyes, as if I spit out such words from my mouth, like a big joke.Liu Boyang, who was angry, laughed when he heard my answer and said, "Suluo, I just didn't understand what you said. Can you repeat what you just said?"

I said again: "I said, I just don't give you face, how can you treat me?"

I repeated what I had just said one word at a time, and Liu Boyang, when I finished speaking, in my unprepared situation, suddenly came to me with a foot. Standing on the ground, I lost my center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Liu Boyang looked at me on the ground and said in a contemptuous tone: "waste, you don't want to know what I can do to you. Now you have a good memory!"

I stood up from the ground and said to Liu Boyang in a Yin voice: "OK, I will!"

Then, Liu Boyang waved his hand, indicating to let the horse behind him do it. His action was a natural action when he hit people. I had already recorded it in my heart. At the moment when his gesture just fell, I threw myself at Liu Boyang in front of me.

I have long understood the principle of catching a thief and capturing the king first. When Liu Boyang's entourage was not close to me, I threw him to the ground, and then punched him again and again under me. Without a punch, I tried my best. My move was nothing more than revenge for the one foot I had just made. I didn't think that I would escape from here safely.

Liu Boyang was unprepared by my sudden attack. He was really naive. Maybe in his memory, I was always the cowardly Suluo. The only thing he had was a spirit of fearing death. However, he didn't expect that I learned how to resist.

At this moment, some female students even screamed, and the discussion in the class started with the moment I started to fight Liu Boyang. Some people said, "is this still the former Suluo?"

"I didn't expect that solo was so crazy!"

"I see, this can have su Luo's good fruit to eat, Liu Boyang's vicious is Ma Qiang can't compare."

There were all kinds of discussions around me, some supporting me and others watching the fun. But soon after I got down a few punches, I was dragged aside by his men and began to surround me. I suddenly changed from active to passive.

Liu Boyang stood up slowly from the ground, tidied up his clothes, and then called out to his hand: "fight, hit me hard! I'll take care of it if something goes wrong

Hearing this, the people who besieged me became more crazy. I also lost my resistance and curled up on the ground, holding my head tightly.

After playing for a minute or so, Liu Boyang's voice rang out again: "waste, you're rebellious. Where's your momentum just now. Damn it, I haven't been beaten since I was a kid. Today you really make an exception for me Say, still don't forget to kick a few feet on my body.

I tried my best to shout out: "Liu Boyang, if you're a man of TMD, you'd better fight with me alone. What's the ability of a group of people to hit me?"

After listening to my words, Liu Boyang said scornfully: "ha ha, single! What capital do you have? Let me fight with you! I tell you, you don't deserve it

His words hurt my self-esteem. I made a decision secretly. I can't waste my strength to resist. I don't believe they will fight all the time. I will wait for the opportunity to give Liu Boyang a memory that will never forget.

However, just when they were excited about the fight, a familiar and disgusting voice came into the classroom: "Liu Boyang, so many people bully one, OK?"

Everyone stopped their hands and looked at the door. At this time, they found that Ma Qiang also brought a group of people to my class.

Liu Boyang replied: "it's my business how I do, it has nothing to do with you."

Ma Qiang: "in this school, it doesn't matter who you bully me, but it doesn't matter if you bully Suluo!"

Ma Qiang's words are very domineering, giving Liu Boyang the same feeling that he came to save me.

Liu Boyang said in a quiet voice, "did Suluo start to mix with you again?"

Ma Qiang quickly waved his hand and said, "no, no, no, I think you may have misunderstood me. I don't mean to rescue him. I mean, in this school, only I can bully Suluo, other people can't."

I feel that Ma Qiang is trying to rescue me, but his purpose is more than that. Although he and Liu Boyang have temporarily suspended the war, the purpose of his trip is to ignite the fire again. The person who ignited the fire has become me again, and I have become cannon fodder unconsciously.

Liu Boyang: "what if I don't stop?"

Ma Qiang: "then you may as well have a try!"

Now, Liu Boyang and Ma Qiang are evenly matched. Liu Boyang's power seems to be powerful, but in fact, there are many villains in the middle. The people who really want to be with him are only his group members. Ma Qiang's power seems weak at present, but all belong to his angry brother. So it's just an unknown who will win or lose.

Liu Boyang obviously hesitated, paused for a moment and said, "OK, I'll give you this face today, let Su Luo go, but I won't be so lucky in the future."With that, Liu Boyang left with his men, and Ma Qiang came to my side and helped me up in person. But I refused and slowly got up. Ma Qiang was not surprised with my attitude, and took back his hands in embarrassment.

I got up and went back to my seat. Then I looked at Ma Qiang and said, "if you have anything, just tell me."

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