In a flash, these long hair's subordinates all stopped. They didn't expect that the long hair on me was so vulnerable, which made them have to be afraid of me. And long hair wanted to struggle, I mercilessly hit his leg with a stick, and long Mao couldn't help sending out a shrill cry.

My stick is very measured, not only will not waste long hair, but also can make him feel incomparable pain. When his howling stopped, I looked down at him and said coldly, "I said, some people you can't afford to provoke. This time, I just give you a lesson. Next time, I will directly break your dog's leg and roll away!"

At this time, I was so arrogant, posture is so domineering, after finishing my words, I released long hair, also threw away the bat in my hand, the people who brought long hair did not dare to attack me again, just timidly stepped forward, put long hair up, and then left in gray.

When the students around saw my performance, they seemed to be startled by me. Only when Chang Mao and his group left and Peng Xuefei's figure came to this side, they suddenly woke up. Immediately, their expressions became colorful. Some girls were so infatuated with me that they couldn't help feeling that I was not only handsome, rich and angry Quality, the fight is so fierce, if only I could find a boyfriend like me.

For these comments, I did not care, my eyes have turned to Peng Xuefei, she saw my performance in the eyes, but her expression did not change much, it is still so cold, I did not care too much, went straight to my sports car, opened the door, made a please action to Peng Xuefei.

Peng Xuefei had promised to have dinner with me, so at this moment, she didn't have any twists and turns. She just got into my car and closed the co driver's door. I went around to the other side of the car, took the driver's seat, started the sports car, and left here in the roar of the engine, leaving behind a group of people who were talking about each other.

Although I have been in H Province for a long time, I have not really understood and contacted this city in a real sense. I don't know much about this city. However, because I invited Peng Xuefei to dinner, I made some preparations before this. I chose a high-end French restaurant.

Before long, we arrived at the door of the restaurant. After parking, Peng Xuefei and I welcomed in and sat down at a table near the window.

Then, she ordered a meal. Peng Xuefei didn't speak all the way just now. She seemed to have something on her mind, but I couldn't guess what she was thinking, so she didn't say anything. Until now, they sat down to eat. Peng Xuefei finally broke the silence. She looked at me curiously and asked tentatively, "it seems that you have a fight?"

I was stupefied, the corner of my mouth showed a trace of arrogance, boasting and answering: "of course, when I was abroad, I had practiced, and my skills were very strong. This time I didn't play much!"

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh? The atmosphere of opening up abroad is more suitable for you. What are you doing back home? And why did they enter our school? "

For Peng Xuefei's problem, although I am a little vigilant, my mind can't help but fly up, because a woman's curiosity about men is the beginning of this woman's falling in love with men. I feel that the atmosphere between Peng Xuefei and me at the moment is quite different. I deliberately stare at her eyes, but my expression is somewhat playful and says: "I am a country People, a patriot, of course, have to return home to develop. As for entering this university, if I said it was because of you, would you believe it? "

I didn't lie, but it was a fact. It was also a good response to Peng Xuefei's question. After finishing the speech, I had a trace of deep feeling in my joking eyes, and Peng Xuefei's eyes were on my deep feelings. At this moment, I felt a beautiful atmosphere bursting out in our four eyes.

However, Peng Xuefei after all is not an ordinary girl, not so easy to get lost, she pause for a while, then disdain said: "this routine is out of date!"

In her tone, there was a little bit of innate arrogance, but finally, our topic was opened. Then, the opportunity came. I was trying to take advantage of the opportunity to win her heart, but I didn't open my mouth. Suddenly, I saw two figures coming in from the front door of the dining hall.

As soon as the two men entered, I was keenly aware that a fierce momentum was projected from them. The momentum they released invisibly made me realize that they were masters and absolute masters. The sharp eyes cast by these two masters from the invisible were on my side.

The appearance of these two people was so sudden that their momentum made my heart tremble. Especially, when I found that they were aiming at my side, my nerves became tense, and a sense of guilty feeling rose slowly from the bottom of my heart.

I can clearly feel that these two people are not ordinary people. If they are really aiming at me, then the situation will be a bit bad. Although I disguise as another person, my real identity is Su Luo, who is wanted by the sea gang. My purpose has not been achieved. I don't want to think of anything wrong.I took a surreptitious look at the two men in my spare light. Both of them were in their thirties. One of them was of medium build and slightly fat, while the other was not tall, fat or thin, and shaved. At first glance, these two people were ordinary people. No matter from their appearance or from their clothes, they could not see anything special. But I, who had been in danger many times, was able to keenly find that they had an extraordinary momentum.

Feeling the two of them coming towards my side, I immediately raised my vigilance, but on the surface I remained natural and silent.

Soon, these two people came to Peng Xuefei and I at the table. Just as I was hesitating whether to start first or to look at the situation, I was shocked to find that after the arrival of these two people, their eyes were not on me, but on Peng Xuefei.

This accident made me stunned for a moment, but at the same time, my tight nerve line was also relaxed, and I was relieved. It seems that I was too cautious. Their target was not me, but Peng Xuefei.

Peng Xuefei suddenly saw two people who suddenly appeared and went straight to her and looked at her directly. She was also stunned for a moment. In particular, the two people's bodies also released a momentum of suppressing people, which made Peng Xuefei's face change. Obviously, she was also very surprised.

When Peng Xuefei was in an accident, the man with a short head suddenly opened his mouth to Peng Xuefei and said, "Miss Peng, where are we not to meet in life? It's really surprising to see you here!"

As soon as his voice fell, another fat man, with a grim smile on his face, said to Peng Xuefei, "Miss Peng, since you have met us, please go with us."

After listening to these two people, it is obvious that they know Peng Xuefei, that is to say, they know Peng Xuefei's identity. When I think of this, I can't help shaking my heart. Peng Xuefei is the daughter of the leader of the sea gang. However, these two unusual looking people want to take Peng Xuefei away. There must be some articles here.

You know, although the Haibang is the leader in this city, it is not the only gang in H Province. The Qinglong Association, which had a festival with me before, is a vivid example. They even dare to attack the five halls under the Hai Gang. Then, it is not difficult to understand how to take Peng Xuefei away. Perhaps, these two people are the two masters of the green dragon Association.

Of course, this is just my guess. I don't know their real identity. Peng Xuefei is worthy of being the eldest lady of the Shanghai Gang. She knows that the two people in front of her are not good at coming and may be harmful to her. She is not flustered. She just frowns and asks coldly, "who are you? Where do you want to take me? I don't know you! "

After hearing Peng Xuefei's words, the two strange men looked at each other, and then laughed with one voice. Then, the fat man sneered and said, "it doesn't matter if you don't know us. However, whether you want to go or not, today, we will take you away."

With that, the little fat man winked at the board inch head beside her. At the moment, she was going to catch Peng Xuefei. Although Peng Xuefei's status was noble, she could be regarded as high. Even though Peng Xuefei was cold and arrogant, at this moment, she could not be reserved any more. Her body moved towards the seat to avoid the capture of ban cuntou.

However, Peng Xuefei is a woman after all. In this narrow space, how can she avoid the action of an expert? At this time, my heart has already made a decision, that is to help Peng Xuefei.

I disguised my identity and mixed into the school to get close to Peng Xuefei and achieve my goal. If I watch Peng Xuefei be arrested now, I will not only miss her, but also lose this opportunity.

In front of the giant Haibang, I have no other way now. Peng Xuefei is an opportunity I have found. I can't easily lose this opportunity. Seeing that Pan's hand is about to catch Peng Xuefei's arm, I suddenly stood up from my seat and yelled: "stop it!"

This voice is very powerful, and immediately shocked these two people. From the moment they appeared, they paid attention to Peng Xuefei and completely ignored my existence. Now, I suddenly step forward. How can they not be surprised? Their actions on the board inch head can not help but have a trace of stagnation.

In this gap, I gave a shot, and I hit the fat man standing beside me. My speed was not too fast, but the strength of the fat man was not covered. His reaction was extremely rapid. Knowing that dodging was not enough, he stood in place and put his body in a horse stance. However, he was so hard-working Took my punch.

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