I didn't use all my strength, but the strength was not small. If it was hit on ordinary people, it would be hard to bear it. However, the fat man took it with his own body. When the fist fell on him, I knew that he was not slightly fat, but strong. His body was as tough as steel, He stepped back half a step, and I, shocked by him, took a step back.

In my heart, I suddenly realized that this little fat man has a strong horizontal practice Kung Fu. He is so extraordinary. The board inch on the other side is certainly not weak stubble. I feel a threat. It is not easy to settle this matter today. Especially, it is not convenient for me to show my real strength.

However, I was not disheartened. Under such circumstances, if I wanted to save Peng Xuefei safely, I had to seize the first opportunity. Thinking of this, I used my attack again. This time, I did not confront the fat man, but moved to his side, shook hands and clawed at his neck.

And this little fat man not only practiced Kung Fu hard all over his body, but also had a very fast reaction speed. As soon as his eyes narrowed, his body turned around, and a gunshot hit me straight.

Generally, people who practice Kung Fu like him are very powerful. I can clearly feel the ferocity of the punches of a little fat man. Therefore, I didn't make a hard connection. Instead, I swayed falsely. I changed my body shape and attacked the other side of the board.

Board cuntou see I attack to him, had to temporarily give up catching Peng Xuefei, he grinned down the corner of his mouth, disdained to say a sentence: "beyond our ability!"

At the same time, he has launched an attack, his body forward, a palm to me. I didn't give up my attack, and I punched him. At the same time, I parried my arm and blocked his palm. The figure of bancuntou trembled when I hit him. However, I only felt that my arm was just like being severely whipped by a whip. The hot pain was only on my heart. I didn't stop, but I retreated back.

The fat man and ban cuntou were not in a hurry to attack me. They looked at me. Then, the fat man made a very contemptuous voice and snorted to me: "hum, I want to learn from other people's heroes to save beauty at a young age, and they don't weigh their own ability."

After that, the fat man winked at the board cuntou again. They gave up Peng Xuefei temporarily. For a moment, they all focused on me and came towards me. Their pace was not urgent or slow, but their momentum was extremely fierce, just as if they had fixed me.

I don't want to completely expose myself, so I directly took a deep breath and said to the two people coldly: "Peng Xuefei is not your active. I advise you, it's still time to stop now."

At this moment, no matter what I had to do or what I wanted to do, I showed my heroism to protect Peng Xuefei. However, the two enemies I faced, just like I didn't hear my words, resolutely attacked me and attacked me at the same time Palm, I can see that the palm is ferocious. Instead of choosing hard connection, I dodge to one side. However, as soon as I dodge the attack of cutting board and inch head, I encounter another crisis. It turns out that at this moment, the fat man is waiting for me on this side, and his fist directly hits my chest.

At the moment, I can not avoid, even block, are difficult to resist, I look like a swing, but also to increase the strength of his fist, also toward the other side's chest, bang, the other side's fist hit me on my chest, almost that short of an instant gap, my fist also hit the other side's chest, but, this People's strength is obviously greater than me. When I fell into the wind, my body was just like being hit by a car. I stepped back uncontrollably. Especially my chest, it was very painful. It was not only physical pain, but also a loose feeling of bones.

However, the slightly fat man who was attacked by me only stepped back. Moreover, there was no pain on his face, but a little surprise flashed in his eyes. It seemed that I was surprised that I beat him back. It can be seen that this fat man is very confident in his own strength, and he does have this self-confidence capital.

This moment, my heart some exclamation, secretly thought today this scene, in the end how to end. This is the restaurant. The place where I can display is very small. My location has been firmly locked by these two masters. I can say that I can use various ways to escape, but I can't just let Peng Xuefei ignore me. Therefore, even if I was hit, I felt very painful, so I had to brave my head to meet them again. After a while, I fought with these two people again.

The slightly fat man is strong, aggressive and savage, while ban cuntou is very aggressive and flexible. Both of them have rich fighting experience, and they complement each other even more when they cooperate.

On the contrary, I have to deliberately camouflage myself, convergence strength, can not reveal my real strength, what I can do is just the ordinary playing method, which makes me a little stretched. Therefore, I did not confront them head-on, but tried to avoid my body shape.The fight on our side made a lot of noise. At once, it attracted some people's attention in the restaurant. In a moment, many people's eyes were on our side. This is a French restaurant. It's a very high-level place. There are many gentlemen and ladies in it, and they pay attention to the style. Unlike those students in the school, they only know how to watch the excitement. At present, some people are looking at us Looking at the fight here, I was surprised and interested. Some people were dissatisfied and began to call the waiters and security guards.

Seeing this situation, the fat man and the board inch head, the attack can not help but become more fierce, my body shape is out of control like a retreat, I know, to fight like this, I must not be good fruit to eat, then, don't say save Peng Xuefei, I'm afraid my life will be worried, but it seems impossible for me to expose my strength. For a time, I have some Tangled.

There is no distraction between the two masters, especially when I am facing two masters at the same time. I am so distracted. Under the fierce attack of the other side, I soon show my weakness. The fat man's body straightens forward and blocks my side of the road, and the board inch head is fiercely attacking me. My situation becomes precarious, but I still have to dodge Direction, that's the other side of the board.

But, just as I was about to escape, I suddenly noticed that Peng Xuefei happened to be behind me. If my figure dodged away, there was no doubt that she was the one who was attacked by bancuntou. I stepped forward to save her, of course, she would not be hurt. At this moment, I was a bit stunned.

My hesitation gave ban cuntou the biggest chance. His palm immediately caught my chest. His strength was so great that my body couldn't help but step backward. Peng Xuefei held me behind me and made me stand up.

Peng Xuefei, keen, seemed to see my intention. She immediately asked me with some concern: "Jiangnan wind, are you ok? Why don't you avoid it?"

To be honest, I have something to do. If I use my real strength to catch this palm, I can certainly carry it. However, because of my hidden strength, I only use this flesh and blood body to carry the palm. Now, I totally feel like a broken body. My body is tumbling and my chest is very stuffy. But in front of Peng Xuefei, I still try to bear it, However, the more I put up with it, the more violent the tumbling of my body became. After all, I still couldn't help it. A mouthful of blood gushed out of my mouth and splashed all over the floor.

Seeing that I vomited blood, Peng Xuefei's expression changed. Her eyes seemed to show some worried color. I was about to open my mouth to tell her that I was OK. At this time, a cold voice suddenly pierced into my ear: "little rabbit, since you are looking for death beyond your ability, I will send you on the road with kindness!"

This sudden voice, let me suddenly come back to my mind. I quickly turned my head and found that the fat man and ban cuntou were attacking me fiercely with the breath of death.

I know that the current situation can no longer allow me to hide my strength. In an instant, the blood in my body will boil, and my fist is secretly clenched and ready to move.

The two of them attacked fiercely and with terror, as if they were going to eat me. There were only two ways in front of me at this moment of emergency.

First, continue to hide strength, and then be beaten seriously or killed by these two people. Finally, I die and Peng Xuefei is taken away.

Second, take out my ability to beat back the fat man and ban cuntou and save Peng Xuefei.

Obviously, the first way is not feasible. If I die and everything is over, all my efforts will be in vain, and my ultimate goal is almost impossible to achieve.

The choice of the second way, although it violates the principle of keeping a low profile and does not conform to the identity of my pretended childlike brother, at least I can save Peng Xuefei and have a chance to achieve my goal in the future. As for the problems to be faced in the future, why is my strength so strong? I can find some other excuses to cover this point. Therefore, at this moment, no matter what He I can only show my strength.

My fists had been pinched in secret, and I only waited for the moment when the fat man and pan cuntou attacked me and gave them the most fatal blow. At this moment, the air seemed to bring out a terrible breath. Seeing that these two people were about to hit me, many people in the restaurant were shocked. No matter how good their manners were, some people could not help crying out.

But at this critical juncture, Peng Xuefei beside me suddenly stopped in front of me. For a moment, my heart can't help shaking, a sense of consternation suddenly hit. In my impression, Peng Xuefei is a proud princess. Her eyes seem to be unable to hold anyone. She is also very indifferent to me, a new star in the campus. At most, she showed a little curiosity about me. She didn't have any good feelings. But she would be in the most critical position At the critical moment, regardless of the danger, come forward and block in front of me, how can I not be surprised?

At the same time, the fat man and ban cuntou were stunned by Peng Xuefei's actions. They came today to take Peng Xuefei away. Naturally, they would not attack her directly. Therefore, after a pause, they suddenly stopped their offensive. Then, the fat man stared at Peng Xuefei, looked at me again, and said in a cold voice, "what a pair of crazy men and women, You know how to help each other, but it's no use. Miss Xia, we don't want to kill the flowers. We advise you to come with us honestly. Otherwise, the man behind you will be killed by you. "As soon as the voice fell, the fat man and his body side of the board inch head, can not help but release a frightening momentum to me, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Peng Xuefei, worthy of growing up in the Black family, can still maintain a proud posture in the face of such a fierce pair of experts. Instead of directly answering the question of a little fat man, she turned her face slightly and said to me in a cold voice: "Hello, are you ok?"

Her voice is very cold, without any emotion, but I know that this is the concern shown by the gaoleng princess. I take her heart. At the same time, I don't want to be too embarrassed in front of her. I can only keep my dandy posture and pretend: "I'm ok, it's just a little skin injury."

At the same time, my clenched fists were not relaxed, and I was ready to deal with the crisis at any time.

Peng Xuefei listened to my words, immediately turned back to the face, looked at the two people in front of him, light said: "he is just my classmate, you want to catch the person is me, it's none of his business, I'll go with you."

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