As soon as the words fell, Peng Xuefei went straight to the little fat man and ban cuntou. Her back was so magnanimous, so righteous and awe inspiring. She seemed to completely forget her fear and looked like a heroine.

For a moment, I admire her courage and courage, but in a flash, the admiration in my heart suddenly disappeared, I suddenly felt something wrong, deep wrong.

Peng Xuefei, as a favored girl, how could she take the initiative to follow the people who threatened her?

Did she sacrifice herself for the sake of me, a stranger? You know, she is the daughter of the leader of the Hai Gang. If the fat man and ban cuntou are enemies of the sea Gang, such as the green dragon Association, then the result of her leaving will be a bit unimaginable. Even if she had the courage, she would not take the initiative to get into the tiger's mouth for the sake of me, who is not related to a few cents?

The more I thought about it, the more wrong it was. I felt a little trance, and I couldn't help thinking about it. At this time, the fat man opened his mouth again. He said with a grim smile, "Miss Peng really knows the current affairs. Since you take the initiative to go with us, it would be better."

With that, the fat man winked at Pan cuntou, and they immediately went to Peng Xuefei, one left and one right, and let Peng Xuefei in the middle. Although they did not drag Peng Xuefei forcibly, they formed a situation of holding Peng Xuefei. After a while, the three people walked towards the door of the restaurant.

Of course, I won't watch Peng Xuefei be taken away, but for a moment, I'm not in a hurry. I'm still trying to sort out the messy silk in my head and try to find out the reason why I feel wrong. All of a sudden, I seemed to think something was wrong. If I wanted to say something was wrong, Peng Xuefei promised to have dinner with me. At that time, I was surprised that Peng Xuefei, the goddess in the hearts of all the boys in the school, suddenly changed sex. But then I thought about it and thought that Peng Xuefei was interested in me and was willing to contact me more.

Now I think about it, I suddenly realize how stupid my idea is. You know, when I was in the canteen at noon, sun Yunlong came to me for trouble, which was probably caused by Peng Xuefei. In the end, I not only didn't get a lesson, but also hurt sun Yunlong and his people, and even escaped through Peng Xuefei. She was so angry that she hated me at that time Can you promise to have a good dinner with me in the twinkling of an eye?

What's more, when I was driving on the road, Peng Xuefei was indifferent to me, but when I was eating, she asked me questions about me, which seemed to be very interested in me. At that time, I was a little smug, thinking that getting a woman's curiosity was the first step to get a woman's favor. Now I calm down and think that the questions she asked seemed to be curious about me, Actually, it's like digging my bottom.

The most strange thing is that the sudden appearance of fat men and ban cuntou. How can they appear at such an appropriate time in the place where I eat with Peng Xuefei? Is it really a coincidence? What's more, Peng Xuefei is the daughter of the leader of the sea gang. Can the leader of the sea Gang really rest assured that she is alone outside, and doesn't he send someone to protect her secretly?

What's more, since the fat man and ban cuntou are here to catch Peng Xuefei, their most direct action is to take Peng Xuefei away from here. How could they have been entangled with me for such a long time? They are not afraid of any accident in the middle of it?

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly trembled, and the whole person seemed to have a sudden realization. I said how could Peng Xuefei suddenly change sex, agreed to have dinner with me, stood up in front of me to block the two opponents for me, and took the initiative to follow the enemy for me. It turns out that all these are appearances. The real possibility is that this fat man and pan cuntou are nothing else at all Powerful people, but her Peng Xuefei's subordinates, or in other words, secretly protect her.

Think of these, my heart immediately relieved, my mouth also can't help but a trace of arc, Peng Xuefei this woman, I can really be more and more interested in her, she turned out not only high cold temperament, mind city government is also so deep, if I did not guess wrong, fat man and board inch, is Xia Xiaoxiao deliberately sent to find fault, their The purpose is to test whether I can save Peng Xuefei. At the same time, it will also try to find out what kind of skills I have. What's more, Peng Xuefei wants to avenge Peng Xuefei finally at noon.

Fortunately, there was no danger in the end. My strength was still not exposed. However, no matter what, I can't let Peng Xuefei be taken away. If I accept this advice, Peng Xuefei's plot will succeed. At that time, she will refuse me with all kinds of reasons for being soft hearted. Where can I have the face to pursue her. What I want to do now is to let her not know my real strength, but also let her see my courage. Even if I can't beat the other party, I will also swear the courage to save her.

After making up my mind, I immediately looked up at the door of the restaurant. I found that the fat man and pan cuntou were holding Peng Xuefei, and were about to walk to the gate. At the moment, I did not hesitate to shout to them: "I'll fight for you!"

My voice was so loud that Peng Xuefei and the fat man stopped and turned to look at me.

And as soon as my voice fell, I picked up a large pot plant in the restaurant, and directly rushed to the front.Peng Xuefei didn't expect that, by this time, I had been beaten to vomit blood and had not given up, and the fat man and ban cuntou were also somewhat surprised. Their expressions gave Peng Xuefei a look without any trace, and asked her what to do. They just caught this look. At once, I was more sure of my own ideas. Their subtle movements were not I'm asking Peng Xuefei for instructions. What should I do next?

Peng Xuefei's eyes blinked inadvertently. Then, the fat man turned around and put on a ferocious momentum. He said to me, "heaven has a way. You don't go. Hell has no door. You break in. Boy, don't blame me. This is your own death."

Ban cuntou also said, "Miss Peng, you have the heart to help this man, but he doesn't know good or bad. Then don't blame us for being rude."

These two people are really good at acting. They are all blind without an Oscar. If I hadn't been alert in time, I'm afraid I would have followed them. My heart sneered and continued to pretend: "hum, this is my woman. Even if it's dead, I won't let you take it away."

This is not so much for the fat man and ban cuntou, but for Peng Xuefei. I have taken advantage of her and said that she is my woman, and I can show my brave and fearless side. How can I miss such a good opportunity to increase my impression?

As soon as the words fell, my body had already rushed to them. I waved the potted plants in my hands, and directly said hello to the fat man and pan cuntou.

At the moment, what I disguise is the skill of ordinary people. Under such circumstances, I regard it as a potted plant of weapons, but it does not last for a long time and is soon knocked down to the ground by them.

However, I was still very tenacious without weapons. At least, I pretended to be a model and tried my best to fight with them. From time to time, I would also hit them. However, the hidden strength of me did not cause great hindrance to them. On the contrary, when they hit me, I deliberately exaggerated the degree of my injury and deliberately made myself look a little embarrassed All of them are a little bit crazy, like they are not going to die to save Peng Xuefei.

During the fight, I glanced at Peng Xuefei intentionally or unintentionally, and found that she was frowning at the side. With the severity of my injury, her face became a little dignified.

Suddenly, with a bang, I was hit in the chest by the board cuntou. My body shape flew backwards and directly sat on the ground. I vomited a mouthful of blood. I pretended to try to get up and struggled hard. At the same time, I said boldly: "as long as I have one breath, I will not let you take her away."

My tenacity, my struggle and my serious injury are all for Peng Xuefei. How touching this scene is. Ordinary women have been moved to death by me. Even many spectators in the restaurant can not help but tremble for this scene. Some people can't help showing their admiration for me.

Even, the fat men and ban cuntou were hesitant. After all, they were actors. Peng Xuefei came to test me and taught me some lessons. Of course, they couldn't really kill or maim me, which made them feel at a loss. After all, Peng Xuefei couldn't give them any clear instructions in front of me.

At this time, many restaurant security guards and waiters came, and they defended Peng Xuefei. At the same time, they formed a confrontation between the fat man and the board inch man. They all knew that these two men were highly skilled and could not be handled by ordinary people. Therefore, although there were many people, they were also very cautious. There was a person like the security team leader, Kai Mouth said: "tell you, can't make trouble here, we have already called the police, the police will come soon!"

Hearing this, my heart had a trace of relief, and the fat man and board cuntou, they were still a little at a loss, this time directly found the steps, they are certainly willing to, therefore, they did not attack me again, but glared at me fiercely, finally, the fat man gave me a cruel word: "boy, you are lucky this time, next time Don't let me see you again. "

After that, the fat man and ban cuntou turned around. They saw Peng Xuefei being arched up. Of course, they would not be stupid enough to catch him again. Finally, they just left the scene helplessly.

Until they disappeared, Peng Xuefei came to me and asked me in a deep voice: "how are you?"

In fact, I really hurt a lot, but now my physique has been improved by grandfather Bai, and has become very strong. This injury can't help me. However, the situation is different now. I have to pretend to be seriously injured in front of Peng Xuefei. After all, I was injured for her. I don't believe she will be moved by my indomitable spirit.

According to my experience, this should be the most attractive moment for a woman. I must seize this opportunity to narrow the distance between me and her. Therefore, at the moment when Xia Xiaoxiao came to me, I directly pretended to be unstable and fell down on Peng Xuefei.

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