Peng Xuefei's acting skills are not bad, and my acting skills are not covered. Although my physique can withstand this degree of injury, I have to act realistically since I pretend to be seriously injured. For a moment, my body is light and my head is dizzy. Even I act a little lax in my eyes, and the whole person falls on Peng Xuefei's body.

In the process of falling down, my mind can not help but come up with the scene that I fell in Peng Xuefei's arms, and Peng Xuefei was moved to tears. When I thought of this scene, I couldn't help being excited. I felt that I was not far away from my goal. But when I was in a daze, my body fell directly on the ground.

Peng Xuefei, she not only did not help me, but also with very taboo, quickly dodged the body, stood aside, let me fall to the ground.

This fall, the pain I bared my teeth, can not help but howl, my heart depression is almost through my intestines, it is too speechless, I thought I just fight to death, has let the high cold Peng Xuefei had moved, let me have the opportunity to approach her, did not expect, her heart is simply made of iron. Unexpectedly so cruel, angry I lie directly on the ground to her painful curse way: "Peng Xuefei, you are too inhuman, I am injured for you, how do you not know to help me, there is no public morality?"

Seeing me like this, Peng Xuefei's face flashed a trace of shame for a short time, but she did not show a guilty attitude, but in an instant, her face returned to the high cold state. It seems that a noble person like her does not allow me to defile every cent. Even if I sacrifice my life to save her, she can't be too close to me and too ambiguous. After a while, she retorted coldly: "I didn't force you. You have to jump out and try to be a hero if you don't have that ability."

Hearing this, I am more and more speechless. I have seen people who are unreasonable and unreasonable. However, if I have no language, I will be speechless. If I think about it carefully, Peng Xuefei specially went to my appointment today to test me, teach me a lesson and let me suffer.

Fortunately, I still have a sense of justice, not afraid to die to save her, just let the indifferent she had a little moved, enough just hand, she did not let people beat me, it is estimated that has been extrajudicial mercy, but also want her to have feelings for me, this is simply my fantasy.

The heart slightly melancholy, I will be angry from the ground to stand up, now, this meal also can not eat, after a while, I am afraid the police will come, I must leave the scene as soon as possible, otherwise, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Nevertheless, I can't give up the chance to be alone with Peng Xuefei. Suddenly, I covered my chest like death again and said to Peng Xuefei in pain: "Feifei, I'm so miserable now. I must have suffered internal injury. You should send me to the hospital quickly!"

I think even if she doesn't want to have skin contact with me, but I look so miserable after all, and because of her injury, she can at least meet my poor request. However, to my surprise again, Peng Xuefei's face became more gloomy after hearing my words. She seemed to realize my intention, and her eyes could not help showing some disgust Color, almost without thinking, she refused me and said: "you said you are very fierce, this little injury is nothing, and I told you not to approach me, I am very dangerous, you will not bear, I have left in advance, you can't help it!"

Finish saying, Peng Xuefei really is not a moment to stop, at the moment, she then turned around, walked toward the door. At the moment, she is so cold, my refusal is so fierce, smashing my wishful thinking.

In this regard, I feel a little lost, but I will never give up. Even if this road is more difficult, I must finish it as soon as possible. In this way, I can't help but shout at Peng Xuefei's resolute back: "Peng Xuefei, listen to me. I will never give up halfway. I will catch up with you, you can see!"

After listening to my words, Peng Xuefei was still half hesitant. She was still walking with a desperate step and resolutely left the French restaurant, which was warm but messy at the moment.

A romantic dinner ended so unhappily. Peng Xuefei left, but the crowd still did not disperse. They looked at me in all kinds of ways. I lost my face. However, in order to maintain my childlike demeanor, I wiped the bloodstain on the corner of my mouth, and then said to the audience: "what are you looking at? I haven't seen it before Heroes save beauty

With that, I firmly crutches the leg, calmly left this restaurant, drove back to my villa.

When I got home, it was already late and I took a bath. She changed into a clean dress, and then lay quietly on the bed, thinking about everything I had experienced today. Changmao asked me for trouble, sun Yunlong asked me for trouble, and a little fat man and bancuntou were looking for me. All the troubles that followed were due to Peng Xuefei. Although I finally crossed these barriers, I didn't make much progress with her. She was still so indifferent and noble that she could not be approached by others. However, I believe that people's hearts are not made of iron. As long as I have perseverance, I can certainly move her.

I can't help but think of my father again. Although we are father and son, we are separated from each other by the mountain of Haibang. Today, it has been some time since my father had an accident, and I don't know how his situation is now. If I don't worry at all, it's absolutely impossible, especially whether Ziyi can wake up or not In my body, this makes me more eager to save my father, but the only way to get close to Peng Xuefei and gain her trust and favor is really difficult. However, I will try my best to achieve my goal. In a complex way of thinking, after a day's tiredness, I gradually fell asleep.The next day, I got up early. I had a smart hairstyle and a casual suit. I couldn't see it. I looked like I had been hurt. I drove a sports car into school.

As a new star in the campus, my reputation in this school has been in the ascendant. Today, more and more people pay attention to me and talk about me, especially girls, who are more and more crazy about me and exclaim constantly. But I'm used to it. What I show is still the arrogance of a dandy.

After parking the car, I walked to the teaching building. My pace almost pressed the bell of the class and stepped into the classroom.

As soon as I entered the class, I attracted all the people's attention. The noisy students looked at me in an instant. I ignored others, but I used to scan the classroom with my seemingly casual, practical and sharp eyes. As a result, I didn't find Peng Xuefei. But I had to sit in the last row of mine Exclusive seats.

My little table mate, Chen Xiao, seems to really adore me. As soon as I sat down, he got close to me again. His eyes were like peach blossom. He flattered me and said, "brother Feng, you are here. Lengjie of our class is beaten by you. You even beat sun Yunlong. It's really amazing!"

Lengjie, the person in Chen's novel, refers to Chang Mao, who is also a bully. He may have some deterrent power to others, but to me, he is nothing. Sun Yunlong, as one of the school tyrants, is king in the eyes of students. Everyone is afraid of him. Unfortunately, in my eyes, he is still nothing.

However, judging from Chen Xiao's exaggerated expression, it may not be a very big thing for me to have a long hair. However, sun Yunlong, who took people to the canteen to block me, should be considered a big event. This incident certainly caused a big stir in the school. I didn't care much about it. I just asked him, "I offended a lot of people. Now you are so close to me, aren't you afraid to cause fire?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiaodun was a little bit counselled, but he couldn't pull down his face. He had to be brave and said to me, "what are you afraid of? You're not covered with wind brother. Brother Feng, you take me as a little brother. You even have Feifei, and you will certainly be able to take me to fly

I'm just Peng Xuefei's shield. Even, I can't even count as a shield. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao took it seriously. However, as soon as Peng Xuefei was mentioned, I lost my temper. This woman was really a bit hard to deal with. Yesterday, I invited her to dinner, but I got a beating in vain, and I didn't get it.

In front of Peng Xuefei, I was so passive that I didn't even know when and where she would appear. Thinking of this, I did not refuse Zhou Xin, but pondered for a moment and pretended to say casually: "OK, but you have to ask Peng Xuefei's fate secretly for me first, so that I can't help it to accept you!"

Chen Xiao almost did not hesitate to nod his head, patted his chest, and vowed: "don't worry, it's on me."

This class, I was bored to spend Oh, but when the bell rang after class, I was regretting that yesterday's meeting with Peng Xuefei didn't ask for her mobile phone number. Suddenly, Chen Xiao patted me on the shoulder and said excitedly, "brother Feng, look, your goddess is coming!"

Hearing this, my body was shocked, and I looked up to the front. Sure enough, Peng Xuefei came to the classroom. Today, she is still wearing red lips and a long skirt. She really has the demeanor of a goddess. However, the goddess is still cold without a trace of temperature. After she walked into the classroom, she sat down on the edge of the front row for a moment, beside her It's a vacuum.

But it was the long hair guy who came out of nowhere, limping with a few people. She sat near Peng Xuefei, but she did not dare to sit too close to her.

I remember, when I first stepped on Peng Xuefei's feet, Changmao pushed me. At that time, I thought that Changmao was Peng Xuefei's subordinate. But after contacting Peng Xuefei, I found that it was impossible to understand her personality. Because, with Peng Xuefei's nature, it was impossible to look at such goods as Changmao.

Chang Mao is just infatuated with Peng Xuefei, but he does not dare to approach her. Of course, he does not dare to approach Peng Xuefei. I dare.

Without any hesitation, I directly picked up my book, went to Peng Xuefei's side, and sat down beside Peng Xuefei solemnly.

Peng Xuefei into the classroom, straight into the seat, did not look at other people, also did not see me, now, cold, I sat beside her, so that she slightly surprised to see me, and then, she opened her mouth, said to me coldly: "you'd better stay away from me, otherwise, the consequences are not what you can imagine."

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