When he said this, the handsome man glared at me, a majestic momentum was released from his body. His tone was so tough that I couldn't have any doubt. After saying this, he took me as the air and looked at Peng Xuefei again. He said warmly, "Feifei, I haven't seen you for some days. When are you free, go to my house to play, My parents always talk about you

I was stunned by this. It seems that this handsome man has a good reputation. At least, his parents must be very popular. Otherwise, they would not be so familiar with Peng Xuefei.

But because of this, I can't tolerate him pretending to be forced here. Originally, in order to win Peng Xuefei, I had to remove all obstacles. Now, when I encounter such a nail, I must pull it out. What's more, this is the task Peng Xuefei gave me today.

So, I didn't think much about it. I interrupted again and said, "don't forget that the ball just now seems to have been played by you people."

The handsome man was about to pay homage to Peng Xuefei. As soon as I said this, he became a little embarrassed. However, this time, without his attack on me, the people he brought over took the initiative to greet me.

Among them, a boy with a turban put his arm around my neck and said to me, "brother, have you seen that you have kicked our ball into the pool, please go and pick it up!"

With that, the turban man also pointed to the distant pond. Sure enough, the football I kicked out just now was floating on the water. Just now, it was kicked by me. I didn't notice that it fell into the pond.

However, let me go to pick up the ball, this is just a joke, and the turban man finished speaking, put his arm around my neck, and used a lot of strength to try to take me to the side. But how could I be like him? I reached out and caught his hand by surprise, turned his body, and caught his wrist behind him with his backhand, and jokingly said: "don't brother I don't know you very well

My strength is where this kind of role can bear, the turban man's direct pain bared his teeth, when he was eating pain, my hand once again forced, pause time, the turban man's body can not help but stagger forward, and finally on the ground a dog eat excrement.

This time, the team of team-mates in the uniform were shocked. Originally, I had been rude to the handsome man, and I didn't understand the rules. Now, I still took the initiative to hit people. In their opinion, it was just a bold act. For a time, they were all in a daze.

Of course, some people didn't care. The handsome man was one of them. He turned around and frowned at me. Then, he looked at Peng Xuefei. Some complained, "Feifei, who is this man? How can you let such a person be your Valet? It's not on the stage. "

The handsome man is crazy, even more crazy than I showed. He actually hurt me in front of me. If I recognize it, it doesn't meet my identity. Immediately, I grinned and grinned at the handsome man, and said, "this may disappoint you. My identity is not Feifei's follower, but her boyfriend."

I am very clear in my heart, I am far away from Peng Xuefei's boyfriend identity, but Peng Xuefei said publicly that I am her boyfriend after all. Therefore, I say this at the moment, and it is not against the weather. In order to show intimacy, I also deliberately stood closer to Peng Xuefei and looked at the handsome man in front of me.

When the handsome man heard this, he was obviously surprised. Then, his face showed a look of incomparable anger. This anger almost didn't burn me. However, even if he was more angry, he didn't attack Peng Xuefei. Instead, he put up with it. Then, he said to Peng Xuefei with anger: "Feifei, is what he said true? How can this kind of goods be your boyfriend

The handsome man showed some impatience, and Peng Xuefei always stood on the sidelines, until now she did not speak a word, until the handsome man asked this sentence, Peng Xuefei turned his face and gave me a meaningful look. Then, she looked at the handsome man again and said, "Ouyang Jing, do you believe his words?"

Peng Xuefei's answer is very thought-provoking. It is hard to tell whether it is true or not. However, after listening to Peng Xuefei's words, the anger on his face disappeared in an instant. At the same time, he gave me a contemptuous look and said, "of course I don't believe it!"

It seems that Ouyang Jing is also very familiar with Peng Xuefei's temperament. He knows that she will not easily find a boyfriend. With this understanding, Ouyang Jing becomes very relieved. He doesn't care about it any more. After that, he says to those humane people behind him: "let the jumping clown pick up the ball. If he doesn't like it, throw him into the water."

I didn't expect that before I could teach this guy a lesson, he took the initiative to point the spear at me, scolded me and slandered me. Now, he even threw me into the water.

The people behind Ouyang Jing, after just a moment's hesitation, have been a little bit eager to deal with me. Now, after hearing the master's command, they immediately respond in unison: "yes, boss!"The voice was deafening. As soon as the voice dropped, a few of these people rushed directly to me. At this point, I finally realized that Peng Xuefei didn't really hate Ouyang Jing. At least, she and Ouyang Jing had not met for some time. She didn't need to look for Ouyang Jing deliberately.

But I can be sure that Peng Xuefei must be trying to find fault for me. Otherwise, she would not deliberately incite Ouyang Jing in front of so many other people. Originally, I came to the playground with her, not to help her, but to jump into the hole she dug for me.

Even though I have this awakening in my heart, I can't shrink back from the current situation. Although the number of people on the other side was a little more, I didn't have any tension. Facing the two people who were the first to rush up, I raised my legs and just kicked them to the ground.

Then, instead of retreating, I directly rushed forward. I didn't use any moves. It was the usual fighting technique, either heavy fists or heavy feet. This was the most direct simple and crude way.

In any case, Peng Xuefei also knows some of my strengths, and can hold on for some time when meeting the experts. In the face of these ordinary students, I will definitely crush them.

These men of Ouyang Jing seem to be masters on the court. They are strong and powerful. But they are not really good at fighting. At most, they take advantage of many people. I rush into them, just like a tiger in a sheep. Soon, seven or eight people were beaten by me and yelled on the ground. Even, two of them were directly I was beaten and fainted.

I didn't stop. I continued to rush forward and beat each other's people severely. One of them was thrown over his shoulder by me and fell into the pond. The rest of them woke up and retreated to the back. At this moment, they looked at me as if they were looking at monsters, full of panic and surprise.

At this time, those who followed outside the fighting circle were shocked. Even Ouyang Jing was no exception. His face was full of shock. At this moment, I was so high spirited.

In fact, for those who have been knocked down by me, and those who dare not go up, I don't care. When I crush them, I can't feel proud. From their virtue, we can see that they dare not do any more actions. They are secondary. My goal is Ouyang Jing.

My eyes, a quick glance at Peng Xuefei, found that she was looking at this side indifferently and some playfully. Then, I turned my eyes to Ouyang Jing and walked slowly towards him.

In Ouyang Jing's expression, there is no longer the strength of his previous high toe. However, when I went to him, he was not afraid. On the contrary, he became extremely angry. He threatened me in a cold voice: "boy, no matter what you are, the person who hit me, I promise, your end will be very miserable."

In this case, Ouyang Jing can still pretend to be forced. Maybe, he has a good background. Maybe, he has the confidence to despise me. I can understand all these. But when I get to this stage, I will step on him and crush him anyway. Otherwise, my performance in front of Peng Xuefei will be in vain, and the status of this dandy I disguised will be wasted in vain. This is very unfavorable for my purpose of approaching Peng Xuefei.

Therefore, while walking, I coldly responded to Ouyang Jing: "I guess, your heart must be thinking about how to revenge me, and I, you may not understand, is the kind of revenge on the spot."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, Ouyang Jing didn't react. I sped up suddenly. I flew a foot and hit Ouyang Jing's chest. His body was so straight that I kicked him backward and flew out. With a bang, he fell heavily on the ground.

At this moment, everyone in the audience was completely shocked. Some people's eyes were wide, some people's mouth was wide, and some people couldn't help but gasp and looked at me in great surprise.

Under the public's attention, Ouyang Jing got up from the ground with some difficulties. On his white football shirt, there was a big footprint, and his hair became very messy. His mouth even showed a wisp of blood, and his eyes were burning with anger. He glared at me fiercely, but didn't say anything to me. Instead, he took out a hand from his pocket Machine, incomparably fast dial out a phone call, the phone was quickly connected, Ouyang Jing immediately into the phone inside, shouting: "Dad, I was called at school."

Ouyang Jing's voice just dropped. At this time, Peng Xuefei, who had been silent, suddenly came to me. She looked at me with a little bit of fun. Then, she lifted her flaming red lips and whispered to me in a low voice: "Jiangnan wind, you can get into big trouble. Run now!"

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