When I saw Ouyang Jing get up from the ground, I thought that he would go crazy, go crazy, and even come up to fight with me. After all, judging from his previous posture and words, he is a gentleman who pays great attention to face. He regards himself as a king who is superior to others. How can he accept the reality that I trample on him?

But what I didn't think of was that after he stood up, he didn't resist against me. He actually called his parents. I really fainted directly. No wonder Peng Xuefei hated him for being such a speechless person. He is really not a likable existence.

However, this also makes me more sure of Ouyang Jing's background. It's very unusual. It's possible that as Peng Xuefei said, I'm really in big trouble!

Of course, no matter how much trouble Peng Xuefei told me to run quickly, I must not run. Otherwise, I would not have become a counselor in her eyes. Moreover, running away is not in line with my identity.

No matter when I am in the face of difficulties, all I have to do is to face the difficulties and never be a turtle with a shrinking head. Even if I guess that Peng Xuefei deliberately made this trouble for me today, I can only bravely rush forward. Who told me that I am determined to chase Peng Xuefei now.

Speaking of Peng Xuefei, the princess of the sea Gang, is not so hard to get close to. From knowing her till now, I feel that I don't have a quiet day. From long hair to sun Yunlong, Du Haichao, Lu Ping, fat man and ban cuntou, now there is another Ouyang Jing. More and more hatred has been brought to me. I am a little depressed. When can I be a Head ah, more importantly, Peng Xuefei's personality is unique, the city is very deep, the mind is unpredictable, unconsciously, I will follow her way.

However, it is not entirely Peng Xuefei's arrangement that this matter develops to such a situation today. Ouyang Jing, a shameless young man, does not make me happy. First, he reprimands, slanders and belittles me, and then orders his subordinates to deal with me. How can I allow him to poop on my head with such a character.

When I was wandering in my mind, Ouyang Jing had already finished the phone call. At this time, he was able to free his hand and erase the blood on the corner of his mouth. Then, he looked at me coldly, and his mouth involuntarily showed a cold smile. Then, he said to me haughtily, "little B, you wait for me, this time you are dead!"

His tone is still extremely frivolous. I admire him a little. I beat him to the ground and lost his face. He seems not to care about it. He is also proud to rely on his own backstage. Although, I know that his backstage should have some ability, however, my appearance still has no waves. On the contrary, my look is extremely arrogant, and I face Europe Yang Jing picked her eyebrows and asked, "Oh, really? Look at you. There are so many adults. If something goes wrong, you will look for your father. Like a child, your behavior really scares me

The arrogance of my playfulness immediately aroused Ouyang Jing's extreme dissatisfaction. His anger in his eyes was even more intense. However, he knew that I was outstanding, and obviously he could never have done anything to me. Therefore, he did not dare to be too presumptuous. He just hummed to me coldly: "hum, don't be arrogant first, and don't run if you have the seed!"

By this time, the people around me had also awakened from my shock. For a moment, everyone made a rustling voice. I heard sporadically that they said that I was really brave. In this school, even Ouyang Jing dared to beat him. I must be very unlucky.

On the other side, those people under Ouyang Jing were still called by me just now, and the rest of them were afraid. Now, seeing that their boss called someone, they also came to their confidence. All of them could not restrain the noise. Some people angrily said, "Damn, pretend to be attacked by thunder. Wait a moment to see how he pretends to be attacked by thunder!"

Another person echoed: "yes, it has always been our boss who bullies others. Today, he dares to bully the old man. He is really tired of living. Now that the boss is called, his end must be miserable."

Some people sneer: "we can't do enough. Next, we'll wait to see the good play."

All kinds of noisy voices show that my situation has indeed become unbearable. It seems that Ouyang Jing is also a campus celebrity. Many people know his background. I stood in the noise and looked up at Peng Xuefei in silence. I found that she stood beside me coldly. She was still indifferent and hung up, and the expression on her face was still indifferent It's more and more fun.

I think it's very bad for me to catch up with her, but I think it's too bad for me to catch up with her?

Just think about it in turn. If Ouyang Jing's background is really strong, and his father is a special protector of the calf, he would really bring someone to beat me up. I'm afraid that if I play a hero here, I'll die miserably.

I don't think I'm going to run in the south of the Yangtze River, but I don't think it's a good time for you to come hereLet me run again. Peng Xuefei's intention is too bad. She has calculated that I love face and knows that I will not be a turtle in front of her. So she deliberately said such words to stimulate me. Her purpose is to let me stay and wait for death.

It seems that Peng Xuefei is going to make me completely unable to turn over this time. If I really stay to be a hero, I will be caught in her trap. Today, this is not like yesterday in a French restaurant. Yesterday, I fought with that fat man and ban cuntou to show my courage and determination to save Peng Xuefei. At least, I can show my character. Now, I stay, It's not only meaningless, but also really incompetent, but arrogant. Peng Xuefei dislikes me, should also have something to do with this, she should not like incompetent men, to tenaciously play a hero.

Thinking like this, I finally made up my mind. The hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss and slipped away first. In the discussion, I frankly ignored everyone and looked at Ouyang Jing. Arrogantly, I said, "you think I'm just like you. I have nothing to do all day long. I'm very busy. I'm in a hurry now. I'm leaving first!"

After that, I was about to slip away, but Ouyang Jing couldn't give up. He ran directly in front of me and stopped me. He gave me a contemptuous smile and said in a cold voice, "weren't you crazy just now? You want to slip? That's too much advice

Ouyang Jing's words, like a prologue, instantly ignited the topic of the audience. Everyone laughed and said that I was timid and softened at the critical moment. I was still counselled. All kinds of voices were extremely harsh. Even Peng Xuefei, at the moment, sneered at me, and his eyes were full of disdain.

I was despised, which made me face more than everything. I was a little embarrassed, but of course I would not be embarrassed by this. After a slight pause, I retorted to Ouyang Jing with full confidence: "are you stupid? Who said I'm going to run, I'm just in a rush to pee and want to go to the toilet!"

I have enough confidence, but this explanation is a little pale, causing a burst of sobs and jeers. Ouyang Jing in front of me was even more disdainful to me and snorted coldly: "you can pull it down!"

I don't think it's very difficult for Peng Fei to jump out of the toilet. I think it's really hard for me to jump out of the toilet. To say, I met the school three overlords besieged, then I still have the face to retreat, after all, no one will be silly to one enemy hundred. Just like yesterday noon, I was besieged by sun Yunlong in the canteen. Although I finally escaped, in the process, I fought a beautiful guerrilla war and won the face.

This time, the situation is completely different. I hit someone else and the other party sent someone to come. If I want to leave, I will admit it. How can I get a foothold in school in the future? What can I do to chase Peng Xuefei then?

What's more, if I can escape this moment and a lifetime, if I don't face it today, sooner or later, the people who adjust Ouyang Jing Aerospace will come to me. I still have to deal with it. Since I have to deal with it, I can face it now. In this way, I can save myself becoming a coward in other people's eyes.

If you don't know how to stand up to me, I'm afraid that you can't stand up to me How about me

My words, my behavior, are rampant to the extreme, immediately let the surrounding students completely stupid eyes, all people are inexplicably staring at me, no longer speak.

However, Ouyang Jing is a man with thick skin. He was slapped by me without any reaction. On the contrary, when I stayed, his expression also showed a taste of successful strategy. He said to me in a very sinister voice: "well, you really have the seed. Wait, wait, see how you pretend to be forced!"

Seeing Ouyang Jing's confidence, he is really strong. It can be seen that the strength behind him is also very hard. So, if I really want to wait for the other party to come here alone, it is just waiting for me to die. Since you can't run and you can't wait to die, then you have to think about other ways.

I slightly slanted my eyes and glanced at Peng Xuefei, who was watching the drama coldly. I gently pulled the corner of my mouth for a moment, revealing a subtle smile. Then, in front of all the people in the audience, just like Ouyang Jing, I took out my mobile phone and dialed a number.

The phone was connected quickly. Without hesitation, I immediately yelled at the other end of the phone in a hoarse and painful voice: "Hey, uncle snake, I was bullied at school. The other party seems to have a big head. Come and help me quickly!"

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