Peng Xuefei's words, she seems to have the intention to throw me a riddle, but did not tell the answer to the riddle, also do not know what she is thinking in her mind, but, the meaning of her face, more and more rich.

I had a feeling that I fell into Peng Xuefei's trap. In a short time, he and I went to the door of the hotel. At the door, the two tall and strong men I met at noon appeared again. They came along and welcomed Peng Xuefei into a BMW.

Before getting on the bus, Peng Xuefei's feet stopped, and then he kept a secret from me and said, "I hope, tomorrow morning, I can still see you in the classroom."

Without waiting for me to reflect on what this means, and without waiting for me to ask, Peng Xuefei went straight into the car and the car went straight away.

I was a little depressed standing in the same place, a chaos in my mind. Peng Xuefei, what does she mean?

It's not over yet? She can't see me tomorrow? With full of doubt, I took a step and walked towards the school.

At this time, it was late, the hotel was not far away from the school, I also walked to the school. Along the way, I have been thinking about Peng Xuefei and Lu Ping.

Peng Xuefei intended to take me to collide with Lu Ping tonight. In the end, Lu Ping didn't have any difficulties for me. There was something wrong in it. In addition, Peng Xuefei's last two words obviously said that Lu Ping would not let me go so easily when things were not over. So, what can Lu Ping do to me in the next few days?

When I thought about this, I had already come to my sports car. When I saw the tire of the sports car was cut, I suddenly realized that this masterpiece must be Lu Pinggan.

If Lu Ping only has the ability to make small moves behind his back, I don't need to worry about it. Therefore, at this moment, I am not angry, but I feel relieved.

However, the tire was damaged and I lived far away from the school. If Uncle snake sent someone to pick me up, I would have to wait a lot of time here. Moreover, they helped me in the morning. Now I don't want to trouble them with such a small matter. I can take a taxi by myself.

After the decision, I directly walked away. When I got to the school gate, I happened to see a taxi stop by the road. Without much thought, I took it and went straight home.

Along the way, I was still thinking about Peng Xuefei's words. The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong. Was Lu Ping's revenge on me just blew up my tire?

In this way, Peng Xuefei, needless to say, would like to see me tomorrow? Her implication is that I can't go to school tomorrow? That is to say, I'm in danger tonight?

Suddenly, my heart was raised, and a very bad premonition came. At this moment, I suddenly found that the taxi I was taking deviated from my only way home and suddenly turned into a quiet and remote road.

The car went more and more remote, far away from the city's bright lights, as if into a dark abyss, but my heart, but more and more clear, I already know, from my car tire was cut, to I got on this taxi, is a united trap.

Obviously, the taxi driver brought me here for another purpose. It is very likely that there is an ambush waiting for me in front of me. I am also completely aware that Peng Xuefei's last words were not her kind reminder, because when she said this, she looked very playful. Now, she had guessed that I would encounter such a situation.

Lu Ping, who created danger for me, must be Lu Ping. Lu Ping, who was not as simple as he seemed, pretended to be quiet at the dinner. After dinner, he waited for an opportunity to revenge on me. It seems that I underestimated him after all.

Thinking of this, I immediately yelled at the driver: "stop!"

My voice is very loud, with overwhelming deterrent power, but it can not stop the taxi driver's action, in this regard, he even accelerated the speed of the car, all the way.

Although I don't care much about Lu Ping's ambush, it's not difficult for me to withdraw from Lu Ping's ambush. But I'm not stupid enough to fall into a trap. I don't know how many people Lu Ping ambushed, and I can't expose my strength in front of him. Therefore, I can't fool the taxi driver, and I'm too lazy to shout, Open the door, jump, jump out of the car and roll to the side of the road.

When I got up from the ground and looked at it closely, I found that there was a ghost place with few people around. There was only a small forest nearby. In this dark night, only a little moonlight was shining, which was extremely gloomy and weird. Even if there was something in the wild, others would not easily find out.

For a moment, I couldn't help but get some goose bumps on my body. I didn't dare to delay. I was about to run, but before I started, suddenly there was a rustle in the woods. Then, several figures came out of the woods.

I squint and count a little, the number of each other is more than ten, and their hands are holding bright machetes, in such a quiet night, under the projection of the moonlight, it seems extremely cold.Now, I have realized that even if I want to escape, it's too late. All I can do at the moment is only soldiers to block it, cover it with water and leave it to fate.

Soon, the group of people with knives rushed to me. Centered on me and the taxi, I was surrounded by groups.

One of the men in a black Zhongshan suit, facing me, looked at me calmly. He said to me in a cold voice: "it seems that you are calm. However, your life is not good. You offended people who should not be provoked. Some people want us to scrap your hand. Are you self mutilating or do you want us to do it ourselves?"

I raised my eyes slightly, glanced at the group of people in the circle, and found that they all exuded a cold momentum. I could see that they didn't seem to be school people, but like social scumbags. After pondering for a while, I slowly responded, "is it Lu Ping who sent you here? It's too loud to ask for my hand when I come up. "

On hearing the speech, the man in Zhongshan suit snorted coldly and said, "hum, no matter who sent you, you are too arrogant. Today, my grandfather will teach you how to be a man."

With that, his body suddenly sent out a strong breath. He raised his machete to me and ordered, "since he is not willing to cooperate, let's take the initiative."

As soon as his voice fell, more than a dozen other people immediately raised their machetes in their hands and came to me step by step, and I also secretly raised my vigilance.

Scene, incomparably quiet, only sporadic footsteps, but this quiet atmosphere, but hidden in the meaning of extreme tension, tit for tat battle, hair trigger.

If you are an ordinary person, you will feel weak when you face more than ten swordsmen in this kind of ghost place at night. However, I was not frightened by the formation of the other party. When the first small swordsman rushed up, I didn't wait for him to attack me. I took the lead and kicked forward with one foot.

Before the little man rushed over, I was ready. My feet fell into the mud. This kick just took up the soil on the ground and kicked the dust directly to him. The dust was flying and scattered the vision of the other side.

Taking advantage of this gap, my body flashed and went directly to the small knife hand. One of them contained his wrist holding the knife. As soon as the hand was forced, the other side felt pain. The knife in his hand fell down involuntarily. I took the knife, and at the same time, I split my hand in the back of his head.

All of a sudden, the little swordsman was beaten by me and fainted. At this time, I also had weapons in my hands, but at this point, other swordsmen had already rushed up, and in an instant, I was in a melee with them.

This group of people is more powerful than the students, and they have a lot of knives in their hands, and I have only one person. It is not so easy to keep myself safe. Therefore, I adopted a conservative playing method, constantly swaying my body, avoiding the attack of the other side and waiting for the opportunity at the same time.

The knife butted with the knife, making a roar of iron. From time to time, there are also people who have been cut by my knife, making a dull groan of pain.

After a while, there was a smell of blood in the air. At this point, because I played conservatively, my body was not hurt, but there were many other people's blood splashed on my clothes, which made me look very ferocious.

The smell of blood stimulated the violent spirit in my bones, and my fighting spirit could not help rising. On weekdays, I disguised myself in school, but for these social figures, I didn't need to disguise too much, because although they fought fiercely, they were not good at fighting. Even if I defeated them, I would not be regarded as the existence of adverse weather.

I broke out with some real strength. My fighting power is very strong, not to mention one enemy hundred. But for these swordsmen, I have no ability to fight. With the increase of the number of fallen enemies, my pressure is becoming less and less, and I am more and more comfortable in the field.

Before long, more than a dozen swordsmen fell to the ground. Some were injured and had no strength to fight again. Others fainted in pain. There was only one enemy standing in the field. It's the man I just talked to.

At this moment, the night is still solemn, just a little bit more bloody flavor, the woods return to calm again, but the atmosphere is more and more strange.

When the blade of my knife pointed to the man in Zhongshan suit for a moment, he no longer had the chance to win as he had when he arrived. Even, his eyes showed the color of panic, and his feet hesitated. Seeing me walking towards him, he couldn't help but go backward.

The knife in my hand has some curling edges in the process of cutting and killing just now. However, the blood still drops down along the tip of the knife and drops to the ground.

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