At the moment, I am just like the God of war, and my words are extremely cold. I said in a cold voice: "borrow your words just now, you have provoked people who should not be provoked."

As soon as the voice dropped, I sped up sharply and went straight ahead.

This time, the man's eyes in the Zhongshan suit panic even more, he did not have time to think, turned around to escape. However, he has entered the state of exhaustion, how can he compare with me in speed? I have a sprint and a jump in body shape. He was kicked to the ground with one kick.

Then, I stepped up my pace and stepped on the man's back. I said in a cold voice, "go back and tell those who instruct you that if you do injustice, you will die. Sooner or later, retribution will find him."

At the same time, the knife in my hand was also chopped off. I directly picked out the sinew of the man in Zhongshan suit and abandoned one of his hands. In an instant, in the gloomy woods, there was a scream of crying and howling.

I in this sad sound, indifferent to turn around, lost the knife in hand, toward the road. These people ambush me in front of me and want to abolish me. Although I am not cruel enough to abolish all of them, I have taught them a profound lesson.

Came to the main road, and then took a taxi, I went straight home.

When we arrived at the villa, it was very late. At this time, the villa lights were still on. Uncle snake and uncle gang were not sleeping. Seeing that I was stained with a lot of blood, they quickly walked to me.

Snake uncle asked me with concern: "young master, what happened?"

When he said this, uncle snake had both shock and anger in his eyes, but he was more concerned. Uncle Gang on one side, the same thing.

My heart is slightly moved, but my surface is indifferent, I smile lightly, and reply to them: "it's OK, but I met a few punks on the way back."

Uncle snake and uncle Gang relaxed when they saw that there was no wound on me. However, uncle snake reminded me and said, "young master, there are many resistances in your pursuit of Peng Xuefei. These resistances are not only from Peng Xuefei, but also from other people. Therefore, you should be more careful."

Uncle Gang also echoed: "yes, the Ouyang family we are confronting in the morning is not a simple family. You should be careful of their revenge."

I have deeply felt the points that uncle snake and uncle Gang have considered, but I have a firm determination, because approaching Peng Xuefei is related to my father and my love. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I must do it.

I told uncle snake that my car had been punctured at school. I said hello, and then I went back to my room.

The maid in the villa has prepared new clothes for me. I directly took off the clothes stained with blood, took a bath, and fell asleep. However, before I fell asleep, I thought of Peng Xuefei. In the final analysis, this scene still lies in this woman. Peng Xuefei really tried her best to force me away.

To be honest, Peng Xuefei is a real rose with thorns. I have never seen a girl like her who refuses to eat hard and soft. It's not easy for such a woman to capture her heart. But I don't believe in this evil. I don't have any other strengths, that is, I have indomitable spirit and perseverance. For my father, for Ziyi, no matter how difficult it is, I have to face the difficulties Even if Peng Xuefei is a rose with thorns, I will pull out the thorns on her body one by one, and let her completely prostrate under me. Thinking about it, I fell into sleep.

The next day, I dressed up neatly and had a very conspicuous hairstyle. I came out of my villa. As soon as I went downstairs, I found a new car. It was the Land Rover I saw yesterday. But this Land Rover and uncle snake drove yesterday are not the same. It is a limited edition and has been modified. I know that this is what uncle snake prepared for me, The sports car I parked in the school seems to have been taken care of by them. At the moment, I got on the Land Rover and sped away in the direction of the school.

Land Rover itself is very aggressive, especially the special version of Land Rover that I drive. It is the focus of attention in any situation. When I drive it into the campus, many students immediately look at the car. When they find that the driver is me, they are not surprised.

I know that after yesterday's quarrel with Ouyang Jing, now, in this school, I have become the second generation rich. No one will be surprised by my wealth.

After parking the car, I went straight to the classroom. Along the way, the girls who looked at me secretly seemed to be more than ever before. All kinds of obsessed eyes made me feel some floating, and my self-confidence also showed from my posture.

I walked a natural and unrestrained pace, came to the classroom, into the inside, I went straight to the last row of my exclusive seat, but did not take a few steps, my step was stopped, because, I found that, absence in class is like a common meal Peng Xuefei, even came to the classroom before class, at this time, she is bending her head in the seat playing with her mobile phone. See no one around her, I did not hesitate to sit next to her.

Feeling that someone sat down beside her, Peng Xuefei looked up subconsciously. It is such a look up, she has always been calm and high cold face, the moment, revealed a little sense of surprise, she can't believe to me: "Jiangnan wind, how is it you?"With that, Peng Xuefei looked at me carefully again, as if to see me safe and sound, feeling very surprised.

Knowing her abacus, I couldn't help grinning, and said to her playfully, "how, is it surprising to see me? Or is it hard to bear hunger and thirst without seeing me all night? "

Peng Xuefei's expression was stunned, and then she restrained her surprise. However, she still could not help her doubts and asked me, "Jiangnan wind, didn't you encounter anything last night?"

Of course, I know what she meant by this, but unfortunately, her calculation failed again. I haven't seen her so unexpected since I knew her. Now, I feel a kind of unspeakable joy in my heart. However, on the surface, I still pretended to be innocent. I shook my head at will. A little complacent:

"no, it's just that I ran into a few annoying flies. Last night, I went home and had a good dinner and a hot bath. After that, I also ate some fruit and played games. By the way, today I changed to a Land Rover with limited edition. My life is moist, not to mention enjoying it much!"

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei's eyes can not help flashing a trace of strange, this look, mixed with some indescribable things, never willing to see me a few more eyes, this time, but has been looking at me, as if to see through the general.

Seeing her like this, the smile in the corner of my mouth became deeper, and I couldn't help joking: "how can you stare at me so suddenly? Are you infatuated with me? Have you fallen in love with me?"

With that, my right eye blinked slightly, showing a cool look.

Peng Xuefei turned her eyes at me directly and scolded: "abnormal!"

No more attention to me.

I was thinking of talking to her about a few more topics, but at this time, Chen Xiao suddenly rushed in from outside the classroom.

As soon as he arrived in the classroom, his eyes were wandering around, as if he were looking for someone. After his eyes swept to me, he trotted to me immediately and said anxiously, "boss, go quickly!"

Chen Xiao this hasty and flustered manner, let my heart can't help clattering, it seems, there is something to look for me, but this time, I can't think of anything, so that he let me go so anxiously.

I looked at Chen Xiao, and I couldn't help showing a trace of doubt in my eyes.

Even Peng Xuefei, who just turned her head and ignored me, could not help looking at Chen Xiao curiously. However, this woman seems to like that I am in trouble. At this moment, her eyes are obviously mixed with a trace of expectation.

Chen Xiao, who was worried about something urgent, saw that I was still indifferent. He couldn't help but say to me again: "I saw Du Haichao in the corridor. He is leading people to our class. It seems that he is coming to look for you. You should run quickly!"

Du Haichao, when did I offend him again? These three overlords are worthy of being the three leaders in the school. One by one, sun Yunlong, then Lu Ping, and now there is Du Haichao. They really can't tolerate my existence, but I don't know whether it's Peng Xuefei's trouble again.

Inadvertently, my remaining light glanced at Peng Xuefei in front of me. I was shocked to find that when she heard Du Haichao come to see me, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. It seemed that she did not know why Du Haichao appeared today. So, today's troubles have nothing to do with her?

Maybe Du Haichao didn't come to me at all. To be honest, I didn't care about sun Yunlong's reckless man and Lu Ping, a simple minded man. After all, they didn't rely on their heads. However, Du Haichao gave me a deep feeling of the city government. He was young, but he looked very sophisticated Shen, it seems that there are a lot of ghost ideas in my heart, and I am very good at playing tricks. For such a person, I have to be more careful. Otherwise, it will be easy to follow his way.

Just when I was running away, the students in the classroom suddenly made a lot of noise. The sound went straight into my ears. I couldn't help but look back. It was because there were several more figures at the door of the classroom that the students made this move. I subconsciously looked at it. The leader of the group was Du Haichao.

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