Duhaichao is wearing a pair of gold glasses and a white casual suit. His face is very clear, but it always gives a person a gloomy feeling. It makes people feel his psychology. Behind him, there are a few solid students. However, from these people, I can feel that they are not ordinary campus mixed. At least, everyone is better than ordinary people Less.

After duhaichao and my eyes were opposite, a big boy behind him immediately pointed to me and called, "come out, we have something to look for you."

Originally, duhaichao really rushed to me, which makes me wonder if pengxuefei came to me for this time of trouble?

With this doubt, I turned my eyes and looked at pengxuefei. Just as she looked at me, she looked at me. She seemed to guess my doubts. Unconsciously, she left her mouth and whispered, "it doesn't matter to me. Right, you just said, did you moisten yesterday? I want to see now, How nourishing you can be. "

Said, Peng Xuefei's mouth, can not help but leave a hint of joy smile, obviously, duhaichao's arrival, lit pengxuefei heart to see me eat a small abacus.

At the same time, all the other students in the classroom turned their attention to me. They all knew that duhaichao brought people to me. It would not be a good thing. Even Chen Xiao, who just came to give me a message, also sat behind me and watched this scene nervously.

Under the attention of the public, I try to keep my mind steady and face it calmly. Although duhaichao is a person who makes me a little bit invisible, at least, he can't bring people to the classroom to hit me with a bright and honest attitude. With his influence in this school, he certainly has many ears. For some of my things, he should have heard and should know my own The strength is not vulgar, so, he really want to deal with me, will not only bring such a few people.

Thinking like this, my surface is more and more timid, especially at this moment pengxuefei is looking at me, I can not admit to it. She wants to see me eat flat, I am not as good as her intention, I am slow and orderly, but look at duhaichao and others with a very rebellious look at him, and asks weakly: "are you calling me? I don't see it's going to be in class? You stand in front of the classroom door, blocking the students' road, is there any sense of public morality? "

The students in the class were surprised by my words in a moment. They didn't expect that duhaichao took people to find the door himself. I didn't say anything wrong, but I dared to teach them. It was in their hearts, but I couldn't imagine it.

And the man standing behind duhaichao, seeing me like this, immediately felt lost face. He reached out his hand again, pointed straight to me, and shouted, "Damn it."

But he didn't finish his words, and duhaichao suddenly interrupted him. He reached out to press the arm of the big man down. Then, he looked at me and said calmly, "Jiangnan wind, I really want you to have something to do, please come out."

Duhaichao was polite. He gave me a little thin noodles. I was just curious. What he did to find me today, so I went down his steps and said, "it's almost the same."

I slowly stood up from my seat, and my spare light looked at Peng Sheffi again. She found that her face was cold again. But she still had a good look in her expression. For her performance, I was used to it. Maybe, since I stepped on her for the first time and didn't apologize to her, I was just in the middle of the day She buried a tired seed in her heart. Later, my arrogance and unrestrained, I was so obsessed with her that she was getting tired of me. So she would warn me to stay away from her many times, and give me some trouble, looking forward to seeing me eat flat. I think she may be used to being right with me now. The more I am proud of it, the more upset she will be.

Anyway, I still managed to attract the attention of pengxuefei. She will gradually see my ability and my advantages. I am confident in myself. With this confidence, I proudly went to duhaichao.

When he arrived at the door of the classroom, the bell of class rang. Duhaichao and others consciously let go of the road. The students who were blocked outside quickly entered the classroom. At this time, the teacher also came in. Originally, the teacher could not see the students leaving the classroom while they were in class, but seeing duhaichao, the teacher did not blame it, but instead, he also showed Yan Yi Smile, nod to Du Haichao.

This finding makes me feel very meaningful that a student can make the teacher do this step. Maybe, duhaichao's identity is not as simple as that in school.

But duhaichao did not pay much attention to the teacher. He and his men stood with me in the middle of the corridor. However, he was silent and did not immediately say what to look for me.

But I don't like waiting, I can't help but take the lead in saying, "OK, let's talk about anything!"

Wen Yan, duhaichao turned his face to me. He stared at my eyes and said to me solemnly, "Jiangnan wind, I sincerely invite you to join our super sea meeting."This sentence really broke my imagination. Before that, I had several guesses about Du Haichao's intention. However, when I heard him say this, I couldn't help being stunned. I didn't think that Du Haichao, who should have regarded me as a thorn in the eye, actually came to let me join him.

However, for his sincere invitation, I almost did not take any consideration, flatly refused: "sorry, I have no intention."

Obviously, Du Haichao prepared a set of speeches. Seeing my refusal, he was not surprised. Instead, he continued to persuade him: "Jiangnan style, I know you are the second generation of rich people with some background. Moreover, you are very capable personally. But if you join us, I may assume the position of vice president. My Haichao Association will not only be a campus organization, but also continue to develop in the future My resources, my contacts and my background can all bring us great development. At that time, you will surely rise in the tide. At least, it will help you in some aspects. "

From Du Haichao's words, I can see that he is very confident and visionary. Therefore, I couldn't help asking, "why do you want me to join your Haichao club?"

Without any hesitation, Du Haichao said solemnly to me, "because I appreciate your ability very much."

His words were very straightforward, but I laughed and said, "unfortunately, I'm going to disappoint you, because I still refuse your terms."

After that, I didn't stop here. I turned around and went to the classroom. Seeing that I didn't give face, those people who Du Haichao brought couldn't help being angry. The burly man was furious with me again and said, "Jiangnan wind, our boss will come to find you to join us, and you may be the deputy leader. Don't be shameless."

As soon as his voice dropped, Du Haichao said, "Jiangnan style, I have never invited anyone on my own initiative. Moreover, my position as vice leader of Haichao association has always been vacant. I think this is an opportunity for you. Think about it. I'll give you three days. If you think about it, you can come to me at any time."

I didn't look back. I walked directly to the classroom without hesitation. They didn't know that it was impossible for me to join the club.

Haichao club, this is obviously named after Du Haichao. He is the leader, and everyone in the Gang should take him as the center. This is absolutely impossible for me. Let alone the arrogant attitude of Du Haichao and others, I feel a little uncomfortable. If I join the club, I will be doomed to be under Du Haichao. At that time, I will pursue him Peng Xuefei's qualification will be lost. I'm afraid Du Haichao's heart is full of this idea.

What's more, Du Haichao said that he would give me three days to think about it. In fact, I know what it means now. This is a warning he gave me. After three days, things will not be so simple.

This Du Haichao is really not simple. He has a deep mind. He does things without any trace, but he is also unscrupulous. Perhaps the most terrible person is Du Haichao.

Soon, I went back to the classroom. In an instant, I became the focus of the whole audience. However, I ignored everything and went straight to Peng Xuefei's side and sat down. There was no uncomfortable look on my face. On the contrary, it was still as wanton as usual. Peng Xuefei gave me a meaningful glance, and then she turned her head again.

However, after a while, Peng Xuefei couldn't help turning her head and asked me in a low voice, "Why are you back so soon? What's Du Haichao looking for you?"

I responded in a low voice: "nothing. Du Haichao said that he adored me and said that I had the potential to be a boss."

Of course, Peng Xuefei can't be fooled by my nonsense. She should know du Haichao quite well. She knows that he won't come to boast and flatter me. Therefore, when she hears me boasting here, she can't help but hiss and says in a cold voice: "hum, boss, in this school, I'm afraid that Chen Xiao will regard you as a treasure."

Peng Xuefei's words, on the surface, are a blow to me. In fact, I can hear that she seems to value the boss a little, that is to say, in her eyes, my ability is not enough to be a boss, which is one of the reasons why she does not approve of me!

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