Looking at Peng Xuefei next to me, I couldn't help but ask: "why, is it great to be the boss? Aren't you a boss? I've seen Du Haichao, Lu Ping and sun Yunlong's younger brothers. But it's your influence. Are you alone? "

Listening to my question, Peng Xuefei's expression suddenly had a little more meaning. Her attitude seemed not to be so cold. Instead, she seemed to be teasing me and said, "why, do you want to mix with me? If you do well, I can think about it

I can hear that Peng Xuefei is teasing me. I will do the same to her. She said, "Oh? Is it for me to join as the eldest man? Or do you want me to be the boss? In that case, I will not be stingy. I will give you a big lady as a pawn. "

Smell speech, Peng Xuefei a pair of show eyebrows immediately stand up, her hand suddenly picked up a textbook, hit me, and scolded me: "dream you!"

I was afraid that if I stumbled with Peng Xuefei again, I would attract the attention of my classmates and teachers, and I would not argue with her again. However, I was surprised to find that Peng Xuefei had shown a side that was not in line with her usual personality. It seemed quite interesting. Moreover, she and I were not as cold as before, and seemed to have more words.

This discovery, let me very excited, although I have not caught up with her, but it has shown that the distance between me and her is getting closer, and she is not so disgusted with rejecting me!

Seeing Peng Xuefei's attitude has a slight reversal, I strike while the iron is hot and try to get closer to her. All morning, I stick to her like a dog skin plaster. Although Peng Xuefei didn't chase me this time, she didn't talk to me much in the following classes. She seemed to think of something in general, and would lock her eyebrows from time to time, as if it was difficult to determine Idea.

Until after school in the afternoon, Peng Xuefei changed this state. She suddenly began to take care of me, and showed me a serious look that she had never had before. She said very seriously: "Jiangnan wind, do you really want to be my boyfriend?"

Peng Xuefei's words immediately stirred up a wave of excitement in my heart, which made me nervous. Since pretending to be Jiang Nanfeng, I haven't really been excited in my heart. But this time, Peng Xuefei asked such a word, which gave me an absolute opportunity, let me finally see the hope of achieving the goal, and finally I no longer feel distant. Such a turning point, to a bit unexpected, but can not be contained to make me excited.

Although excited, but at the same time, I feel something is wrong. Peng Xuefei, she has always been a thousand miles away from me. Even if the attitude in the morning has been improved a little bit, but I am still thousands of miles away from her boyfriend. How could she suddenly ask me this question and still be so serious? Can you say that what she has been thinking about all morning is that This question?

I was suddenly a little worried. She was giving me some tricks. However, she gave me hope. I couldn't miss this opportunity.

So, I immediately replied to her and said, "is it still necessary to ask, is it not obvious that I am acting?"

My answer, did not let Peng Xuefei's expression have much change, her face is still that sub high cold color, but her eyes, has been tightly locked me, staring for a while, if there is something she said: "when my boyfriend is not so simple, I have to meet the requirements of my heart for the other half, at present, you are not up to standard!"

Not up to standard? Indeed, since approaching Peng Xuefei these days, I am very clear that her vision is not generally high. If people like me pursue ordinary girls, I'm afraid it will not take much effort. But this kind of person just can't get into Peng Xuefei's eye. She seems to have no cold for me. Therefore, it is reasonable for her to say that I am not up to the standard.

What's important is that she said so, she gave me a chance. Since she didn't meet the standard, there must be a requirement to meet the standard. At the same time, I was also worried about how to get into her eyes. Even, I gave full play to the cheeky spirit. As a result, the more thick faced I was, the more bored she seemed to be. Now, since she clearly stated the requirements of her other half in her heart Of course I can't get it.

Then, I can't wait to ask: "to what requirements to calculate the standard?"

When I asked, my eyes were fixed on Peng Xuefei, but her eyes were a little free. However, her tone was more serious and said: "first of all, my boyfriend should have appearance and temperament, which you can barely pass; but more importantly, he also has to have a cultural and military strategy, which is what I most look forward to!"

On hearing this, I was stunned. I didn't expect Peng Xuefei's heart to have such a request. However, my face naturally showed a confident smile, and naturally asked, "isn't it a cultural strategy? I have both of them

However, as soon as I finished speaking, Peng Xuefei rejected me: "you are not qualified!"

I choked. The woman didn't give face at all when she spoke. I pondered a little, and then I said, "yes, how can I prove it to you?"

With that, my face was filled with confidence.Peng Xuefei ignored my self-confidence and directly responded: "Wen, let's not say for the time being. You can't do it from the aspect of martial arts, unless you can handle the three forces of the school and unify the campus. Can you do that?"

At this time, Peng Xuefei showed her contempt for me. Maybe, in her opinion, I want to unify the campus, which is a fool's dream. She is going to give me a ladder to climb, and finally see me make a joke?

But what she thought was a dream is my biggest chance. I haven't tried anything in order to pursue Peng Xuefei. Now, if I want to unify the campus, I will certainly take the next step without hesitation. For me, I am afraid that there is no goal. Once the goal is determined, I will be confident to achieve it.

In fact, to be worthy of Peng Xuefei, the big lady of the Hai Gang, I didn't have any identity. I was really not qualified. Thinking of this, I immediately straightened up and solemnly said to Peng Xuefei: "it's simple. You can wait to be my girlfriend."

After hearing my words, Xia Xiaoxiao's cold look on her face was relieved. Her expression added a touch of fun. I know that she is eager for me to eat in front of the three big masters of the school. This may be the root cause of her request. In fact, she thinks that I can't climb this ladder.

What she thought was impossible, I had to do it. Originally, the three overlords on the campus, whether sun Yunlong or Lu Ping, had already had a festival with me. Even Du Haichao also gave me the so-called three-day period. They and I have formed a situation of irreconcilable confrontation. Now, since Peng Xuefei has made this request to me, I must be in her presence Before proving myself, I not only have to stand on the heads of sun Yunlong, Lu Ping and Du Haichao, but also trample on them.

In my heart surging, Peng Xuefei finally left a sentence for me: "Jiangnan wind, don't blame me for not reminding you, people should have self-knowledge, don't be arrogant, when what happens, don't blame me!"

With these words, Peng Xuefei walked out of the classroom.

Obviously, Peng Xuefei is telling me not to pay for it, and my wife has broken her army again. Her wishful thinking is good, so I will try my best to destroy her abacus and make her look at her with great admiration.

This time, instead of chasing Peng Xuefei like a dog skin plaster, I looked around the head and found that the students in the classroom were almost walking. I just realized that the class in the morning was over. Now, most people should have lunch. However, there is a student I know who is still in the classroom. This person is my deskmate, Chen Small.

Chen Xiaojian Peng Xuefei left, and I looked at him again. Without my greeting, he came over and said to me, "boss, what's Du Haichao looking for in the morning? He is not simple, and his mind is hard to guess. You must be careful. "

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao, the so-called younger brother, is quite dutiful and shows full concern for me. I nodded to him, then got up and walked outside. At the same time, I replied to Chen Xiao: "I have something to say to you. Let's go to lunch together. I'll treat you. When it's time, I'll talk while eating."

Finish saying, I went straight out of the classroom, and Chen Xiao, immediately followed my side.

I didn't choose to go to the school canteen. Instead, I took Chen Xiao to a restaurant that looked good outside the school. I ordered several dishes one after another. Zhou Xin was flattered to see that I was so enthusiastic. He said to me excitedly: "boss, I'll invite this meal. After all, I think you're the boss. Up to now, I haven't filial piety to you."

I laughed, patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder and said frankly: "these are not a matter. I ask you, are you really willing to be my younger brother? As you should know, sun Yunlong, Lu Ping, Du Haichao and I are all a bit wrong. "

Hearing my frank words, Chen Xiao was stunned. When I mentioned sun Yunlong, Lu Ping and Du Haichao, his expression unconsciously became a little dignified, but after pondering for a while, he still said to me solemnly: "boss, look at what you say, you are the only one I know who dares to confront the three of them. Moreover, I always have a kind I feel that you are different from the three of them. I don't know. But even you beat Ouyang Jing, it's not bad for them. I'm a man, and spit is all nails. Since I'm with you, I'll follow you. "

Chen Xiao's words, more said more excited, face unconscious, but also showed a sense of pride.

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