In a few words, I thoroughly saw sun Yunlong's attitude. Today, he is determined to move me. However, in front of his determination, I haven't turned out any solution to solve the problem.

Although there is no other way, I can't lose my momentum in front of so many people. Even if I am in charge, I will be angry. Therefore, even in the face of such a scene, I still say: "yes, our accounts should be calculated. I believe that soon, there will be no one like sun Yunlong in this campus. The power of this school has come to a new generation! "

What I said was not slow, but the meaning was extremely rampant. Sun Yunlong could not help but be stunned for a moment. But in a flash, he suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard a big joke. After a long laugh, he said to me, "listen to what you mean, do you want to mix up in this school? Unfortunately, the power of our school has long been an iron bucket. There is no place for you as a newcomer. What's more, do you mean to eradicate me? Ha ha, it's really funny. I'd like to see who there is in this school after today. "

Seeing that sun Yunlong's posture is about to break out, and I, who lost the battle, did not lose. Instead, I said boldly: "well, in that case, today's Jiangnan style also takes advantage of this situation to announce one thing to you. From this moment on, I officially founded the beacon fire club. In the future, as long as you want to join my organization, regardless of gender, family background or back You can join in

A loud voice immediately caused a hubbub at the scene. Although the crowd who had watched the car rowing spontaneously gave way to the venue because of sun Yunlong's arrival, they did not leave. Instead, they stood beside them and stretched their necks to watch the good play. In addition to them, a lot of people from the school came to this side involuntarily because of the noise.

Everyone's eyes are bright. There are hundreds of people on Sun Yunlong's side, but on my side, I'm just alone. Under this confrontation, I can still calm down, even let out such bold words, which makes the onlookers can't help but talk.

Some people said, "is this Jiangnan wind crazy? He is blocked by sun Yunlong's people now. He even says such a thing. Is he not afraid to be taken as a joke?"

Some people echoed: "yes, sun Yunlong and he had a feud. Now the Jiangnan wind is still so arrogant. I'm afraid that sun Yunlong will not spare him this time."

Of course, some people also made different voices and said, "why don't I feel that the Jiangnan wind is arrogant? After all, he was blocked by sun Yunlong. Sun Yunlong must fight against the Jiangnan wind. Is it difficult for Xu can to bow his head to sun Yunlong? But his spirit of no inferiority and no words is admirable. Maybe this Jiangnan style can really rise in our school? "

Although some people admire my courage, more people still think that I am exaggerating. Some even think that I am pretending to be forced.

However, no one knows that I made a good plan for this. Since I want to mix up, I will be vigorous and vigorous. Since I want to step down other gangs on campus, why fear the oppression of the other party? Since we want to unify the campus, now is the best start.

Sun Yunlong, who was in confrontation with me, heard what I said, listened to the voices around him, and then saw my rebellious face. His anger leaped to the extreme in an instant. At last, he couldn't hold back. He waved his hand and yelled, "give it to me!"

At an order, people from Yunlong club came to me in an instant. Some people who had been eager to try could not help shouting out the sound of attacking and killing.

This scene is so spectacular, but it is only for sun Yunlong. On my side, I am just a lonely one. Against the background of so many Yunlong people, I look so small.

The onlookers can't help but stare at this scene, most of their eyes are staring at me. To our complete shock, I fought alone in the face of so many people's attack, not only did not retreat, did not fear, even in the face of the cloud dragon association people did not retreat, but also made progress against them.

The wind broke out in the south of the Yangtze River? He really wants to deal with so many people on his own? "

I'm not crazy. It's not my nature to be beaten passively. Instead of standing and waiting for death, it's better to rush out with vigour. Of course, when I rush, I also have an idea in my heart, that is to escape.

Even though it is difficult for me to escape from the encirclement alone under the attack of so many people in Yunlong Association, I have no way out at present. This is the only way out.

With this trace of determination, I sped up my pace. When the other party was shocked by my non retreat and anti retrogression, I directly flew up and kicked the front man's chest. After a while, his body was kicked upside down by me. I did not have any hesitation, my body suddenly moved, directly followed the man's body, rushed forward, at the same time, I swung my fist, anyone close to me, my cold fist, mercilessly hit each other's body, a few blink of an eye, I hit several people, they can not help but scream.At this time, my body has already rushed to the center of the other side's camp, and the other party's people don't eat for nothing. Although they don't have the foundation of Kung Fu and have no rules for fighting, their goal is only me. When they see me rushing in, they will attack me directly. If they can, they will punch me, and those who can.

In the face of so many people's attacks, I was in the middle of the crowd. I could not avoid it, and even I could not stand in my way.

Simply, I gave up the resistance and allowed these fists and feet to hit me. Although my body is strong, I am not a steel body after all. Being hit by these heavy fists and feet, I feel pain all over my body. However painful it is, I can still hold my teeth.

I carry the piercing pain, recklessly rushed forward, as long as it is in front of me, I will be heavy hand.

This scene, in this way, became that I was beaten, at the same time, I was beating others, and my purpose was to go straight out of this thick wall of people.

There are too many people on the other side, and there are too many fists and feet falling on me, so that the speed of my March is forced to slow down, but I am still unyielding forward. I have a belief in my heart that only when I break out can I have a piece of sky. If I stay here, then my end will be more miserable.

Suddenly, sun Yunlong's sneering voice came to my ears: "Jiangnan wind, aren't you crazy? Don't you have a lot of money? Damn it, every day I drive a luxury car to school, and I want to help and create schools. I tell you, your beacon fire club was founded today, and I will let it be destroyed today. "

Finish saying, he still does not forget to shout to order a way: "hit, beat hard to me, kill me to carry!"

Even though my nose was so hard, even though I was wearing a lot of tears, I was still dizzy.

Seeing me like this, the originally noisy onlookers immediately stopped their voices. My insolence and my tenacity shocked them. No one spoke again. They were just looking at me and looking at me nervously.

Time, in such a state, I don't know how long, finally, I broke through the last wall defense.

This is how I used my body to break through the encirclement, and I saved myself. As soon as I rushed out, I didn't stop at all. Even though my whole body was aching and I could hardly breathe, I still got up my strength and ran frantically forward. This is what I want to escape.

At this moment, my eyes are a little fuzzy, I feel a mess in front of me, my ears are also buzzing, I feel as if I am not myself, but a belief is still in my heart, supporting me to run, I run as hard as I can, blood and sweat, from my body, in a trance, I heard sun Yunlong's cry ring out behind me:“ Damn it, how did you guys get him out of here? A bunch of bucket, chase me, chase me

I didn't look at the situation behind, but ran all the way in a hurry, struggling to run, regardless of everything. When I ran to feel all around me quiet, I slowed down and stopped slowly.

At this time, I was shocked to find that there was no sun Yunlong's pursuer behind me. I began to gasp heavily. At this stage, no matter what, I will not let Sun Yunlong go.

When I finally relaxed, suddenly, a voice broke through the air and penetrated into my ears: "I didn't expect that your escape posture is quite handsome!"

Hearing the speech, I was shocked, because I recognized Peng Xuefei's voice, and her tone was obviously mixed with sarcasm. I turned my head subconsciously. If it was true, I saw Peng Xuefei. She was looking at me with interest.

Although, I am now in a state of embarrassment, contrary to my usual brilliance, I still have a smile on my face and say, "is it? I think so. "

Peng Xuefei could not help but change her face when she saw that I was still smiling. She scoffed at me and said, "Jiangnan wind, can you unify the campus like this? I think you'd better give up! "

As soon as I heard her words, my decadent breath was swept away. I could not help but show a confident smile on my mouth. I looked at Peng Xuefei closely and said, "now, it's just beginning, and the good play is still ahead. Tomorrow, I promise, you will see a new gang rise. "

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