Although, at the moment, my body looks really embarrassed, but in front of Peng Xuefei, I can't show any depression. On the contrary, after finishing the speech, my back still can't help straightening out a bit.

Peng Xuefei can't help but move when she looks at me like this. However, she didn't show any new look at me. She just said slowly: "well, I'd like to see what changes can be made in your beacon fire one day."

Hearing this, my heart couldn't help but be surprised. Unexpectedly, Peng Xuefei knew about me so soon, which was beyond my expectation. I couldn't help asking her: "Oh, the gang I just created, you know so quickly. It seems that you still pay attention to me?"

After that, I also showed a wicked smile to her.

Peng Xuefei gave me a speechless look, and sarcastically said, "your bold words are so loud that I don't want to hear them. However, I still advise you that if you have time to brag, you'd better think about how to stay in this school!"

As soon as the voice fell, she ignored me directly and left haughtily.

Although I still want to get along with Peng Xuefei for a while, there are still pursuers behind me. I'm sure I can't stay in school any more now. If sun Yunlong's people find me, I really don't even have a chance to turn over.

I simply ignored Land Rover in the parking lot, followed a path directly and left school quietly.

After returning home, uncle snake saw my miserable appearance, and immediately he was shocked. At the same time, his anger also covered their faces. Uncle snake, who had always been calm, could not help but indignant and said, "young master, what's the matter? Tell me, I will avenge you now

I can deeply feel uncle snake's concern for me. However, I didn't accept his kindness. I just whispered to him, "Uncle snake, this small injury is not in my way. All I've suffered are just skin injuries. You don't need to help me. I can handle this by myself."

Yesterday, I stabilized Ouyang Jing and asked Uncle snake for help. It was just icing on the cake. But now, I'm blocked by sun Yunlong's leading people. I've fallen into the wind. I've decided to find it myself.

In school, I am definitely not the only person with family background. Although the background that my grandfather Bai found for me is powerful, it is certainly not as powerful as the Hai Gang behind Peng Xuefei. What's more, Peng Xuefei disdains my behavior of seeking help from my family. What she wants to see is my personal ability, not relying on my family status Therefore, I can't be looked down upon by Peng Xuefei only by relying on my own ability.

At this time, uncle gang had already brought me the medicine. He and uncle snake asked me to take off my clothes. Then, they helped me apply the medicine. Although the whole process hurt me, I couldn't help grinning, but after applying it, I felt that the pain was relieved a lot, and people became more energetic.

However, my body has been relieved, but my heart has not let go of today's incident. Sun Yunlong bullied others and surrounded me with so many people. If I hadn't run away, I would have to avenge it, and I must do it right away.

I secretly said in my heart, sun Yunlong, you are waiting to be the first stepping stone for my rise!

After the application of the medicine, I told uncle snake goodbye. Then I went back to my room.

As soon as I got to the room, I took out my mobile phone and called Chen Xiao.

When the phone rang, it was connected, and immediately came Chen Xiao's excited voice: "boss, I heard that you were blocked by more than 100 people led by sun Yunlong. I also heard about you."

Chen Xiao seemed to be in class at this time. He kept his voice down and stopped when he said half of what he said. I couldn't help asking, "what else did you hear about me?"

Hearing my question, Chen Xiao then cautiously replied: "I heard you were beaten up by them, boss, are you ok? It's so scary. I feel scared when I think about it. "

I can't help humming, said rigorously: "if I have something, can I call you now? Listen, I've announced that I'm going to mix up in this school. Now, you're the first younger brother of the beacon fire club. I'll tell you to do something. From this moment on, keep an eye on Sun Yunlong. "

Chen Xiaoyi heard that I asked him to keep an eye on Sun Yunlong. He was a little anxious and said, "ah? Boss, sun Yunlong is the leader of Yunlong club. I, I am still in class now

Obviously, Chen Xiao didn't feel proud of being the first younger brother of Fenghuo club. On the contrary, he was afraid of sun Yunlong. He was timid and made such a poor excuse. When he was in class, he didn't play with his mobile phone. It didn't affect him at all.

So, I directly took a strong attitude to him and said, "what's the difference between you going to school or not? You can't do this. How can you mix with me? Sun Yunlong is a high-profile person. You should be careful and you won't be found. Call me whenever you have any situation. "

Then I hung up.

Although I didn't get a positive response from Chen Xiao, I still have some understanding of this boy's character. I believe he will do as I say. He is a clever ghost. It is not a difficult problem for him to mark people. The reason why I let Chen Xiao stare at Sun Yunlong is that I have a plan to deal with him in my heart.For the rest of the time, I stayed in the villa and didn't go out.

To tell you the truth, I was a little tired, physically and mentally exhausted. All afternoon, I sat in my room, facing the mirror. Looking at the familiar and strange face in the mirror, I can't help but fall into meditation, and my head starts to flash all kinds of pictures. The past is like yesterday, too much heartache is in my heart, but it's so helpless. If there is no other way, I really don't want to live in disguise. Who doesn't want to be the real self and don't want to do what I want?

But I couldn't. since I decided to enter H Province, I was doomed to be unable to live my own life. In order to fight inside the Hai Gang, I disguised myself as a cold thirteen. After so long of indifference, I felt strange to myself. However, after so long efforts, I got nothing in the end, and made the people I care about become vegetative. This is my heart In the deepest pain, I do not want it to become a permanent regret, I can not lose my favorite woman, in any case, I will let her wake up. Although, disguised life, is so difficult.

For me, it's much more difficult to be such a rich man than to be a ruthless thirteen. This is not my personality. I act like a play every day, playing a role that is quite different from my personality. In order not to arouse any doubt, I always keep a dandy attitude and show this kind of wild character. What's more, even the force must be hidden and beaten Can't use force to carry, although this makes me embarrassed, but I have to disguise like this.

After all, I am a little bit close to Peng Xuefei. If I expose any clues in other aspects, it will be easy to fall into crisis. Therefore, even if this role is difficult to perform, I have to do well. Moreover, I will take Peng Xuefei in this capacity and enter the Haibang from her again. Of course, the premise is to step down the three overlords on campus and unify the whole school.

Unknowingly, the afternoon passed, and the sky gradually turned to dark. Just as the night was about to fall, my mobile phone rang and looked at the caller ID. it was Chen Xiao who called. I connected the phone in a hurry.

Suddenly, there was Chen Xiao's excited voice: "boss, I've been looking for sun Yunlong this afternoon. Fortunately, after school, I saw him take a group of people out of the school. Now, they are eating in a big stall in the back street of the school."

Smell speech, a joy in my heart, directly to Chen Xiaodao: "you do well, rest assured, I will not treat you badly."

Chen Xiao listened and immediately asked, "boss, what reward will you give me?"

I don't have time to talk to him any more. I said seriously, "OK, I'll know when it's time. You'll stare at me first, and I'll be right there."

Don't wait for him to answer, I hung up the phone, and then, I changed into a black hooded sweater, taking advantage of the hazy night, I put on the hat on the clothes, put on the mask, dressed myself to go out.

In order to keep a low profile, I didn't drive, but took a taxi to the back street of the school. Moreover, I dressed very low-key, in the dense crowd, I didn't look conspicuous.

However, there are several alleys in the back street. Chen Xiao just told me that sun Yunlong has a big restaurant for dinner. I don't know which one is. So, I immediately found a corner to stand, and then sent a text message to Chen Xiao, telling him my specific position now, and let him come quickly.

After the text message was sent out, Chen Xiao's figure appeared. The boy still had food in his hand. He was very happy to eat. While eating, he looked around. I called him quickly: "Chen Xiao, ah, this way!"

Chen Xiaoxun looked over. However, I am wearing too low-key clothes, which is totally different from the usual bright clothes. In particular, I am still dressed so tightly that Zhou Xin can't help but stare at me when he sees me. However, soon, he confirms that this is me. Then, he trotted to me, standing in front of me, and he keeps looking at me I'm up.

After a while, he said strangely, "boss, how did you dress up like this?"

When I first met Chen Xiaoxiao, I knew that the boy was fond of gossip. I was too lazy to talk to him about other things. I went straight to the theme and said, "don't talk nonsense. Where is sun Yunlong? How many people did he bring this time?"

From my words, Chen Xiaoxiao heard my intention. He said in horror: "Sun Yunlong is eating in the stall in the last alley at the end of the street. But boss, are you looking for him to revenge? He has dozens of younger brothers with him, and you have only one

With that, Chen Xiao's words stopped. Obviously, he guessed my purpose, but it was a little unbelievable.

I saw his startled appearance and said: "what's wrong with a person? Can't one take revenge? Why don't you come with me

Hearing this, Chen Xiaoxiao's head suddenly shakes like a rattle drum, and his face has changed a little.

This kid, make a joke to frighten into such, I also have no language, immediately, positive said: "OK, today this matter thank you, now your task has been completed, what should do to go!"

After that, I turned and walked towards the end of the back street.Chen Xiao saw that I really acted, still shocked. When I walked out a few steps, Chen Xiao's voice came from behind me: "boss, you should be careful!"

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