This boy is like a frightened bird. He speaks with empty consonants, which makes me laugh. However, I didn't respond to him any more, and my steps did not stop. I went straight to the front.

Soon, I went to the last lane. The whole lane was full of stalls. All kinds of open-air tables were placed outside, and some were placed in the shed. It was very lively, not to mention it had a certain flavor.

With little effort, I found the place where Chen Xiao told me. It was Sun Yunlong and his men who sat at the eight or nine tables in this big stall. Among them, there were some gorgeous women. They ate vegetables, drank wine, blew cattle, and were in a very happy mood.

Although I am very eager to settle accounts with sun Yunlong, I am not going to do it as soon as I see him. That would be asking for trouble. Now I am waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for sun Yunlong to leave alone. I don't believe that he will be with so many people all the time, and I have the patience to wait. No matter how, I will not let Sun Yunlong go this evening.

Seeing them drinking happily, they were unprepared at all. Obviously, sun Yunlong could not have expected that I would appear here. He was chatting with his subordinates. One of them flattered him and said, "boss, the boy Jiang Nanfeng runs fast, or we have to abolish him!"

Referring to me, sun Yunlong was very happy and became more and more elated. He said arrogantly: "Jiangnan wind is just a dregs. As long as we are happy, we can abolish him at any time and fight with me for Peng Xuefei. It's beyond our ability."

Sun Yunlong's words received a burst of pandering from the people below him. Each of them could not help but utter their voice, which made me belittle nothing. Then, they laughed and laughed.

All this, I see in the eye, I am not excited, just very patient to wait on the side.

As time passed quickly, many students gradually left the back streets and busy alleys and became a little more comfortable. However, I waited until more than ten o'clock in the evening. At this time, the gathering of sun Yunlong and his group was over.

They drank a lot of wine, and many of them were drunk. Some of them went back to school and some went to other activities. Sun Yunlong also left the big stall with a very fashionable and heavily made-up woman and more than ten younger brothers in his arms.

Sun Yunlong's more than ten younger brothers also take some women with them. It seems that they have follow-up activities. Otherwise, there would not be so many men and women together.

I hid in the dark and followed them quietly. The direction they took seemed to be a high-class hotel here. It turned out that sun Yunlong and his group actually opened a room together with women. This is really open enough.

Because there were still some pedestrians nearby, I didn't rush to do it. I just took a step ahead and quietly walked around to the green land on their way. This place was relatively remote. I secretly hid behind a tree and waited for a rabbit.

After a while, sun Yunlong and they came. They were all crooked and full of wine smell. They held the woman in their arms and said some yellow jokes. They laughed constantly.

Sun Yunlong, he is more unscrupulous to start to his arms around the woman, I thought, on this pair of virtue, can also be worthy of Peng Xuefei.

At this moment, I can't help but despise sun Yunlong. However, this boy is also cautious. He and so many of his subordinates lead women to open a house. Although he is a little abnormal, he can't rule out the possibility of being cautious. Moreover, his subordinates seem to be used to sun Yunlong's habits. When he sees him on the road, he touches the women around him and calls him coquettish They didn't feel anything special.

Seeing them approach me, suddenly, sun Yunlong came over with some drunken voice: "tomorrow, if the boy Jiangnan Feng still drives to school, we'll row his car, and then we'll teach him a lesson."

Immediately, sun Yunlong's younger brother should say: "look at the Jiangnan wind that boy is so embarrassed today, he still dares to come to school. Next time, he doesn't even know his mother."

When I heard this, I felt a little smile in my expression. Instead of hiding my body, I walked out from behind the pine tree.

When I got to sun Yunlong, I stopped. When they were stunned, I slowly took off my mask, then raised my face and said to the cold voice, "don't wait until tomorrow, I'm already here!"

I suddenly appeared in black, and suddenly jumped out such a sentence. In an instant, sun Yunlong and other people were shocked. Both men and women stopped laughing and looked at me inexplicably.

Maybe, it was Sun Yunlong and his men who couldn't believe that I would appear here. Maybe it was their intoxication that was too strong. For a time, they didn't react and just stare at me.

Time, at this moment, it became extremely quiet. After a few seconds, sun Yunlong and his group reacted. Suddenly, some of them couldn't help cursing at me. A little brother with earrings pointed at me and said, "cnmd, which dog should I be in the way? It's you, Jiangnan wind, how dare you appear here!"Another sun Yunlong's younger brother immediately agreed: "Damn, Jiangnan wind, you haven't been beaten enough, have you? In the afternoon, I let you run away. I didn't expect that you're here again."

Among them, there was a woman who was very bold and unconstrained. She looked at me with great interest, and then said contemptuously, "is this the Jiangnan style? It is said that he is very good, I don't think so! "

One after another, they either slandered me, or expressed anger at me, or felt that I wanted to die. From their reactions, it is obvious that they were not afraid of my sudden appearance.

However, one person's reaction is a little bit special. This person is the leader of this group, sun Yunlong.

Sun Yunlong and his men just talked about me, and I came out. He was stunned at first. Then, he could not help smiling on his face. Instead, he did not rush to let his hands down to attack me. Instead, he said to me with a smile: "Jiangnan wind, you are really enough to surprise me. There is a saying that there is a way in heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell. You come here. I really admire your courage Service. "

Obviously, for sun Yunlong, I am a joke, a joke beyond my ability. Indeed, in these days in school, although my personality is very arrogant and my voice is particularly crazy, but every time I fight, the strength I show is not surprising. At most, it is a little strong and can be really with me Compared with the actual strength, it is too poor, so in the school, including Peng Xuefei, all the people do not think I have much.

Sun Yunlong and his more than a dozen younger brothers in front of him naturally thought that I was not enough to be afraid of. In their hearts, they must have decided me.

Although I don't want to be wise with them. Moreover, in such a remote and dark place, I can not say anything and beat them directly. However, it is not in line with my personality. In order to make the second generation of the rich play vividly, I did not immediately make a comment. Instead, I made a funny look at Sun Yunlong and said:

"Sun Yunlong, you really look up to me when you take so many people to block me this afternoon. I have a problem that you may not know, that is, I don't usually take revenge overnight. If I have a revenge, I will do it on the same day."

My tone is not cold, but what I say shows my arrogance.

However, after hearing this, sun Yunlong and others were not afraid at all. On the contrary, they couldn't help laughing. It seems that the bigger my boast is, the more funny they feel.

Among them, the woman in sun Yunlong's arms looked at me scornfully and said to him, "brother long, isn't Jiang Nanfeng a rich second generation? He dares to make such a mistake here alone. Is his brain damaged by you

This woman's voice is very charming. When she speaks, she also draws sun Yunlong's chest with her hand.

Because of her words, those people laugh more wildly and almost burst into tears. But the person who first started yelling at me said with a smile: "well, the Jiangnan wind is beaten to be stupid and will take the initiative to send it to the door. If it is not stupid, can you still pretend to be forced here?"

Sun Yunlong, who was so arrogant, couldn't help holding the woman in his arms closer. He seemed to be quite happy with what she said. He said frankly: "I tell you, rich second generation like Jiangnan wind depend on their own family's money and can decorate and force them. In fact, his man Watt, such a man, even openly announced that he wanted to establish a beacon club. This is not true Is it for fun? "

With that, sun Yunlong's eyes glanced at me, and then said, "Jiangnan wind, your beacon will definitely not be established. Now, I promise, you must be defeated."

As soon as sun Yunlong's voice dropped, all the laughter stopped abruptly. They looked into my eyes, and their eyes became a little chilly. They still had the wine on their bodies. However, they showed momentum to me, and they had to start to make a gesture.

I can't help but laugh at them. They belittle me as bullshit, and they also give me a lot of momentum.

I stared at Sun Yunlong coldly, raised my eyebrows and asked, "do you know why Peng Xuefei doesn't like you? Even if I'm not her real boyfriend, you don't have the qualification. Even you don't have the qualification to compete, because you don't deserve it. "

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