This moment, I no longer fear, this moment, my heart, this moment, my blood surging, this moment, I finally feel the impulse of youth. I don't care what fear is. How can I let go of this hard won opportunity? I will give him a profound lesson regardless of the consequences.

When Liu Boyang heard my answer, he was so angry that he almost didn't vomit blood. He said, "Su Luo, this time I'm Yin, Lao Tze TM recognizes him. But you remember, the day I go back to school is your end."

I didn't care about Liu Boyang, who was pressed by me. I said in a hubris way: "the truth of becoming a king and defeating the enemy. I think you should understand that I am the winner now. I can punish you, that's enough!"

When Liu Boyang heard the speech, he frowned and said fiercely, "I advise you to stop here. I can treat it as nothing happened. Otherwise, Suluo, you are finished!"

I have long been used to Liu Boyang's threat. I didn't care about it. I said quietly: "don't worry, Liu Boyang, I won't kill you. I will torture you slowly. I want you to remember me forever and fear me!"

After that, I licked the remaining blood on the tip of the knife. After that, the blade slowly stuck to Liu Boyang's face, which I stopped. Then, I continued: "to tell you the truth, your face is really handsome. Maybe because you have this handsome face, you can easily confuse the girls and make them lose their opinions. Today, let me destroy your evil face

On hearing this, Liu Boyang's pupil immediately enlarged. He may not be afraid of beating or scolding, but he is extremely concerned about his handsome face, which is equivalent to his appearance. Now when I say that he wants to destroy his face, he is naturally afraid. He almost reflexively exclaimed, "no!"

Seeing Liu Boyang scared, I got a rare pleasure in my heart. This is a man who is arrogant. The more he was like this, the more excited I was. I liked the way he was afraid to beg for mercy. So I didn't immediately start on his pretty face, but said to him with a bit of fun: "so, you can come and beg me?"

My voice is very long, there is a trace of excitement in the tone, I put it clearly is playing with Liu Boyang. When Liu Boyang saw me flirting with him like this, his stoic anger burst out in an instant. He clenched his teeth, glared at me, and growled, "no one has the right to ask for mercy!"

I weak said: "I have no qualification to let you beg for mercy, that just now, who begged me, asked me to forgive him."

Liu Boyang: "I tell you, just now Laozi was not very sober and forgot to say anything."

I replied, "it seems that you are not going to beg for mercy."

After saying this, he brought out Liu Boyang's arrogance. It seems that he can't recognize the truth. I didn't continue to ramble. After a while, Liu Boyang's handsome face appeared a striking bloodstain.

Liu Boyang's look suddenly changed. He hissed in pain, and his eyes were about to burst out. He saw my bloody dagger and said in disbelief, "do you dare to start?"

At this moment, Liu Boyang's astonishment was greater than the pain, and even made him forget the fact that he was disfigured. He just couldn't believe that I actually moved a knife in his face!

I narrowed my eyes and said with a smile, "do you know? There is nothing that mental illness dare not do

My words deeply stimulated Liu Boyang's nerves, which made him suddenly wake up. He knew that at this moment, I was really coming. His emotions suddenly gushed out. He was desperate to roar at me and roared: "Suluo, I swear to God, you will die!"

Liu Boyang's roar was like a fierce ghost howling in the middle of the night. I felt uncomfortable when I heard him. I didn't say a word, but another knife was cut on his face. With this knife, I used more force to make the bloodstain on his face more shocking. After the stroke, I even spat at him with my teeth: "do you dare to threaten me?"

In the face of Liu Boyang's threats, I am really angry. A villain will bully people everywhere by relying on his own family background, but I, in order to revenge, have no scruples.

My voice, the same as the devil's hoarse, sounds very insidious. I want Liu Boyang to be soft and afraid of me. The more tough he is, the less polite I will be. I just want to see whether his mouth is hard or my knife is hard.

However, after Liu Boyang received the second knife, the whole person immediately had no sense. Regardless of the pain on his body, he seemed to have spent his whole life struggling frantically. His eyes were red and red, as if he were possessed by a devil. His eyes seemed to swallow me up. While struggling, he yelled at me: "I will kill you! I want TMD to kill you! "

It can be seen that Liu Boyang's anger has reached the extreme. If he hadn't been hurt and oppressed by me, I'm afraid he would really get up and kill me. His appearance is really terrible. however. Even though Liu Boyang struggled and threatened, I did not fear him. The crazier he was, the more I had to tame him. Therefore, when he was crazy, my knife once again hit his face.Liu Boyang saw that he had another knife in his face, and his violent spirit became more serious. He had lost his sense and began to struggle and roar like death.

I see he's not settled down yet. I gave him another knife. This time, I basically did not stop. I continued to scratch Liu Boyang's face as long as he was still struggling. In an instant, there were countless blood stains on Liu Boyang's face. His whole face was completely changed and his flesh and blood were blurred.

Liu Boyang slowly roared out of strength. He has been submerged in pain, his body is no longer struggling, his eyes have lost emotion, he is like a dead man, let me kill.

At this time, Liu Boyang had lost his original appearance. It was estimated that even his parents could not recognize him. The bloodstains on his face were woven into spider webs. It was terrible to see him. His heart was probably accompanied by his disfigurement. He did not cry out pain, roar or beg for mercy. He looked at me like this.

I finally stopped when I saw him looking so dejected. I held a bloody dagger and swayed in front of him. I said defiantly, "what I hate most is that you pretend to be forced and tough. Why, aren't you tough now? Come on, keep threatening me

Liu Boyang heard what I said, and finally turned his eyes. He regained a little consciousness. He looked at me dully and said weakly, "how do you want to let me go?"

I pursed my lips and said with a smile, "I said it just now, as long as you ask me!"

After listening, Liu Boyang took a breath with his last strength. Then, he slowly condensed the lax emotion and glared at me. He didn't mean to beg for mercy at all. It seemed that his backbone and dignity were still there. In that case, I was very impolite. I took up the dagger again and stabbed Liu Boyang's shoulder.

Liu Boyang, who was weak, bared his teeth in pain and was in a cold sweat, but he still couldn't resist the cry of killing a pig. At the moment, he also wanted to understand that I was a madman who would really kill people. Therefore, he didn't hold on any more. He put down his body, put down his dignity, and humbly begged for mercy from me: "Suluo, please, let me go! ”

when the flowers are all thanks, I can't help but smile out of my heart. Liu Boyang, who has always been on the top of the world, has not yet submitted to my feet or begged for mercy from me. He is not a God, just like me, he is an ordinary man who is afraid of death.

But Liu Boyang still cares more about his life. In order to protect his life, he gave up the so-called dignity. He was proud and finally lowered his noble head to me. I was very happy and satisfied. However, I didn't intend to let him go so easily. I widened my eyes and roared to him: "what did you do? Now you know to beg for mercy? I tell you, it's late

Liu Boyang had already withered completely like the eggplant hit by frost, but when he heard this, he immediately returned to the light. Suddenly, he was in a mood. His dim eyes flashed with fire. He looked at me angrily and said in a hoarse voice, "what else do you want to do to let me go?"

I stood up and yelled at him again, "I want you to kneel down and apologize to me from the bottom of my heart."

Liu Boyang is a man who is insidious and cunning. He will do anything to achieve his goal. I hate him not only by hurting his body. I hate his arrogance and his contempt for me. I want him to taste the taste of bowing his head to others. It is not enough to ask for mercy. I also want him to kneel down, sincerely apologize to me, I want him to never forget this moment, want him to remember all his life, he once knelt down to me, he is my defeated general!

My voice, like the devil in the roar, my body's violent gas suddenly increased, my eyes like a hungry wolf, fiercely staring at Liu Boyang in front of me.

However, Liu Boyang, a son of a bitch, still retains the last bit of dignity. He didn't agree to my request. Now he is so weak that he can't even stand firm. But he still retained a bit of backbone, let himself strong stand up, his body stood up in the wind, said firmly to me: "dream!"

So, I directly kicked him to the ground, quickly came to him, put the knife on his neck, and threatened in a cold voice: "if you don't do as I ask, believe it or not, I will kill you immediately!"

When I said this, I couldn't help but feel the shock in my eyes.

I did not wait for him to open his mouth, continued to say in a cold voice: "you must not think I dare not, I think you should also know that it is not against the law to kill people with mental illness!"

Hearing this, Liu Boyang was finally completely frightened and softened. He couldn't be strong enough to be strong. His courage and courage, in my words, completely disappeared. He felt the most terrible fear in his life. This fear completely tore his soul and let him give up his most concerned self-esteem.

Liu Boyang did not dare to take life in a joke, so he chose to compromise, weak said: "I promise you!" At this moment, he gave in, he finally gave in to me!Slowly from the ground on the ground, gradually bent down, in front of me weak kneel down, and issued a very weak voice, said: "solo, I'm sorry!"

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