Liu Boyang, who was once arrogant and arrogant, has become a thoroughly bereaved dog at this moment. He has lost his arrogant and domineering attitude. His edge has been completely wiped out. I don't think I have done too much. I just think this is his punishment.

I stood upright in the same place, looking down at the bereaved dog in front of me. I had no resentment in my heart. The humiliation I had once suffered disappeared in an instant. This feeling is really comfortable. This person once trampled me like a mole ant, but today, he kneels down in front of me and allows me to kill him. This huge reversal is a word "cool!"

Time seems to be fixed at this moment. After a long time, I slightly bent down and grabbed Liu Boyang's hair. Then, I opened my mouth and asked him, "Liu Boyang, are you convinced?"

At the moment, Liu Boyang's face is bloody and fleshy. He can't see his expression any more. His body is constantly shaking. His body is full of blood. It looks like a person on the verge of death. But he still has consciousness. When he hears my words, he almost instinctively responds to me and says: "be convinced. I'm convinced

What he said was not clear. The whole person seemed to have been engulfed by fear and had no vitality at all. As if the soul had been taken away, there was only a shell left. I asked again, "do you dare to retaliate against me in the future?"

Hearing the speech, Liu Boyang quickly shook his head and replied, "I dare not, I really dare not!"

What if you smile again

Liu Boyang didn't think about it, so he said with an oath: "if I repent, I will marry a man in my life!"

Hearing such a vicious oath, I couldn't stand it, but I still said with satisfaction: "well, yes, every word you said just now has been recorded by me, including the video of your fighting in the field before. If you still aim at me, I will make your matter known to the public!"

Liu Boyang pleaded to me and said, "please, Suluo, you have to believe my words, I promise I won't trouble you again."

After that, Liu Boyang added again: "Su Luo, and, don't worry, I won't say you did my injury. As long as you can let me go, I'll be happy to be an ox and a horse!"

I laughed and said, "you know what you are!" With that, I loosened Liu Boyang's hair. At once, Liu Boyang collapsed on the ground, panting for breath!

Liu Boyang's eyes are dull. It seems that for my torture, he buried a shadow at the bottom of his heart and looked at Liu Boyang, who was paralyzed on the ground. Then he turned his head and looked at the charming woman who was still in a coma, and slowly came to her side. For such a woman, I didn't have the heart of loving and cherishing jade. I kicked her to wake up and pointed to the paralyzed Liu Boyang and said coldly to her "Hurry to call 120, or he will die in a moment!"

The enchanting woman looked along the direction I pointed to, and then cried out, "please, no, don't kill me!"

I squatted down, pulled her collar, word by word said: "I said, hurry to call 120, or he will die! Do you hear me clearly? "

My voice, passed into the ears of the seductive woman, her shaking voice said: "I, I know, I know!"

After that, I got up and left here. Only the bewildered and bewildered woman and Liu Boyang, who did not know how to die, slowly disappeared into the endless darkness.

Back on the street, my heart gradually relieved, my tragic fate can be said to be ended tonight, Liu Boyang's home in this city, can be said to be very powerful, I am also gambling, Liu Boyang will not sell me for face, although he promised me, but it is under my coercion and inducement People like him will inevitably do something.

However, I also have to think about the worst. If his family comes to me, what should I do? Go to find Shen Muchen? No, I can't. this kind of thing is beyond his scope. He can't solve it. I can't ask Uncle Yang for anything. I don't want to ask Uncle yang to wipe my ass.

Oh, forget it. I can't think so extreme. I still know the truth that soldiers will block the water and cover up the earth. If Liu Boyang doesn't remember a lesson and wants to deal with me, I'll follow.

Although I got a short victory, but that kind of depression made me not happy. When I went to Shen Muchen's position, I dialed it gently. The beep was echoing, but no one answered. So I hung up and looked at the time on the phone. It was almost 11:30. No wonder Shen Muchen didn't Answer the phone. Maybe he's asleep.

Walking on the busy street, I lost my direction and the school was closed. Secondly, I don't want to go back now. I don't know where I should go and where I belong. My mood is very bad. Now the only thing I want to do is to find someone to drink and chat, so as to shift my attention.

Walking, the phone suddenly rang, I picked up a look, it was Shen Muchen, I quickly picked up, the phone came to Shen Muchen's voice: "what's the matter, Suluo, call me so late!"I gently return a way: "no, it's OK, just accidentally press wrong!"

Never good at lying, I told a little lie to Shen Muchen. I wanted to tell him what had just happened, but when I wanted to say it, I found I couldn't say it.

However, Shen Muchen, who had always been sensitive, seemed to find out that I had something to say to him, and asked, "Suluo, what's the matter? Are you hiding something from me?"

For his questioning, I was a little nervous at leisure and said, "no, it's OK, brother Chen!"

Shen Muchen got serious and said, "Suluo, I know you are a person who can't tell lies. If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, you must have something wrong. If you still take me as a brother, you can say it. If you think we are not brothers, you can do it yourself!"

Shen Muchen's words I don't know how to refute, it seems that I'm really not suitable for lying, so I calmed down for a moment and said, "that, brother Chen, I really want to tell you something, but I can't say it clearly on the phone for a moment. Originally, I wanted to find you out, but when I saw the time, it was so late, you'd better take a rest and talk about it tomorrow!"

Shen Muchen: "Su Luo, tell me your position, I'll find you!"

I persuade way: "Chen elder brother, need not, you still rest, tomorrow again!"

Shen Muchen has been anxious, said: "you TM still take Laozi as a brother, don't be like a woman, grinding haw, tell me your position, now to find you!"

Shen Muchen, who has always been gentle to me, actually scolded me! However, for his insults, I was not angry, his words deeply moved me, it seems that he also took me as a brother, Shen Muchen is really a good friend, good friend!

Feeling Shen Muchen's anger, I didn't dare to say anything more. After that, I told him his position. Then he told me to stay in place and wait for his arrival.

As time passed by, I was quietly waiting for Shen Muchen's arrival. After about five or six minutes, a taxi stopped in front of me. At this time, two people came down from the car, one was short and strong, the other was thin and tall, and weak. It seemed that it was Shen Muchen and crab!

I was busy to meet them. At this time, the crab took the lead in saying, "what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Shen Muchen said: "crab, don't talk nonsense!"

Looking at their arrival, I was particularly moved and said absentmindedly: "that, brother Chen, crab, I want to drink!"

Shen Muchen: "good, I haven't drunk for a long time!"

Most of the dining places nearby were closed. So, the three of us took a taxi and ran far away to find a place to eat. After entering the house, we sat down and ordered a box of beer before we could order. I opened one bottle and dried it. I nearly vomited.

Seeing me like this, the two of them chose to be silent and waited for my speech. After a pause, I said, "brother Chen, I've done Liu Boyang!"

Shen Muchen was surprised and said, "Arlo, what do you say? You say it again, I didn't hear you

I repeated what I had just said again, and Shen Muchen responded and said, "Suluo, you said that you have made Liu Boyang a mess. I have heard of the man you said. I remember that he is the shoulder of your generation. I haven't seen him for a few days. He has made great progress."

After a period of time, I told the process of the matter, as well as the causes and consequences from the beginning to the end. I was a little boiling with blood. Suddenly, I felt that all this was like a dream. I, unexpectedly, would do such a thing!

I described it vividly, without leaving a tiny detail. Shen Muchen and the crab were stunned. The crab took a sip of beer and said suspiciously, "Suluo, you should not be lying to us. Tell you, today is not April Fool's Day!"

Crabs still don't believe what I said. In order to make him believe it completely, I showed him all the things recorded in the mobile phone, which convinced him. Crab raised his thumb to me deeply.

Shen Muchen, who was silent on one side, opened his mouth and said, "Arlo, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?"

I said, "brother Chen, I was blinded by hatred at that time, and then I did such a thing. Although Liu Boyang promised that I would not tell his parents about me, it was only one side of his story, and I can't believe it. This is also the reason why I came to you. I want you to think of a way to deal with it."

Shen Muchen: "Arlo, you are too impulsive. I have not told you that I have something to look for. I will solve it for you, but you can do it yourself and start a fire!"

I weakly replied: "Chen elder brother, I only wanted to get everybody's approval at that time, so I didn't think so much. Now I do have some regrets."

Shen Muchen: "well, Arlo, don't blame yourself. After all, things have happened. As you said, we'll gamble first, but at the same time, we should also figure out the way back."

When I heard Shen Muchen say this, I was suddenly at ease. I was not afraid of Liu Boyang's comeback, but that his family would come to me and even send me to the police station, because I had constituted a crime of disfigurement, and I didn't want to follow my father's footsteps.I said: "Chen elder brother, you say, I listen to you anything!"

In a word, it expressed my trust and expectation to Shen Muchen. My eyes slowly looked at him

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