Late at night, in a corner of the city, I, shenmuchen, crab, in an unknown pub, drinking wine and chatting about the day. Shen Muchen is good to me. I really don't know how to repay, Shen Muchen, who always wins in stability, will have a solution if you say this, so I don't have to worry about anything!

And listen to Shen Muchen's magnetic voice and say, "OK, alo, you can rest assured. It's OK. My dad has a little power in this city. I will help you find out the relationship if there is any wind and grass in the future!"

Shen Muchen let me hang the heart, completely put down, moved to say: "Chen brother, thank you!"

Shenmuchen: "Hello, we don't need to thank you for these two words!"

I didn't say thank you any more. Shen Muchen said it right. Good brothers don't need to be polite. In order to avoid the atmosphere of death, crabs have changed the topic with great insight. We sit together in three people and chat about the wine for a while. The wine is constantly on the top. I can't remember how much I drink. Only know, this time I am really Drunk, drunk so thorough.

Later, I knew that Shen Muchen was sleeping in the bedroom, and woke up after hearing the vibration of the mobile phone. When I called, I was about to pick up, I was hanging up and then he came back to me. When I feel something, I came to me with crabs with no words.

Because it was midnight, the door of the bedroom had been locked. Who knows that the two gods jumped out of the window. Fortunately, it is OK for them to live on the second floor. For the fear of heights, it is terrible to think about it.

The next day, I woke up and found myself lying in a strange room. It seems that I really had a broken drink last night. I didn't know how I came back. It was two o'clock in the afternoon. There was a message in my cell phone. It was sent by Shen Muchen. It was 12:00 p.m. I opened it and said, "sulo, what must I do in the future?" Hello to me, don't act on your own, I sent someone to inquire, your school is very calm for a while. Liu Boyang is in the hospital. It seems that he didn't sell you. You can be assured that if there is anything, I must find me. Your friend, shenmuchen! "

Ben was upset, after seeing such news, he relaxed completely, and the inexplicable depression was also dissipated. After washing, I left the hotel and drove to the direction of study by taxi.

When I appeared again at the school gate, Liu Boyang was spread everywhere in the school. Various versions were distributed. Everyone said it differently. I heard some people say, "my friend is Liu Boyang's friend. He went to the hospital to see him today. Only when I saw him, someone was jealous of Liu Boyang's appearance and was disfigured!"

Walking on the campus, I heard someone say, "Liu Boyang was robbed by criminals!"

"There are too many people like him who have offended, and deserve to be punished!"

"I really appreciate the nameless person who taught Liu Boyang!"

More people said, "he was a ghost, tortured by the ghost!"

Wait a minute. I can't help but look at it. The public opinion of the masses is really terrible. The version of the story is enough to write a book. It seems that Liu Boyang really has left out the relationship with me, or, he is afraid that I will make the video and the recording of last night public, and he has not retaliated against me!

I went back to my class in a fair and upright way. As soon as I saw me, Zhang Qian ran to me first and asked me, "sulo, you disappeared for a morning and said what to do?"

I scratched my head and joked, "how can I think so quickly, I start to care about me!"

Zhang Qian's face was red and hurriedly explained, "sulo, what do you think!"

I continued to joke: "it seems that I have been flirting and misunderstood what you mean. So what do you want to ask me, just say it! "

Zhang Qian sighed and asked me again, "Suluo, is Liu Boyang disfigured, did you do it?"

I showed a panic, said: "what do you say, Liu Boyang disfigurement, is I doing?"

Zhang Qian saw me so excited, hurriedly explained: "I don't mean you did, I just made a joke!"

I replied, "what are you doing? You go straight to ask Liu Boyang how nice I am!"

Zhang Qian replied: "I have been to the hospital, although Liu Boyang has been awake, but his consciousness seems to have been in disorder, but he just hides in the quilt trembling, repeatedly repeating this sentence I can no longer dare to, his father said, if seize the person who hurt Liu Boyang, he will be told to be fragmented!"

I thought, it seems that Liu Boyang was scared by me. No wonder I was still safe and safe. Even if I wanted to catch me, it was not so simple. When I followed Liu Boyang, I was wrapped in black, only a pair of eyes were missing. Besides, I didn't even have a monitoring place to go to find me.

I pretended to be nothing, and said softly, "Oh, yes, that's great. Thank you so much for the person who avenged me. I saved myself!"Seeing me like this, Zhang Qian couldn't help but say to me: "Su Luo, you are really cold-blooded, others Liu Boyang has been disfigured, you are still here to gloat, still want to revenge for yourself, I'm really too disappointed with you!"

What, Zhang Qian said to me disappointed, I thought, I how you, you are disappointed with me, say Liu Boyang's life and death and I have nothing to do with, oh, no, dead really has something to do with me, a while to the class, inexplicably by a pile of scolding, I this and who to reason!

When I heard Zhang Qian say this to me, I didn't pay attention to the occasion at all. I yelled at her loudly: "you said I was cold-blooded. Do you know why I fell into such a field? Everything is because Liu Boyang, the first few days of University, my nightmare began. Many things happened between him and me. He was insulted by all kinds of things. Who would pity me now What's the matter with me gloating? It's all my business. What's it to do with you

I took a breath and continued to roar: "now you see that he has been made like that. You think he is pitiful. But do you know that he beat me again and again, and I will be beaten for several days every time. At that time, who will pity me? Now you come up to me for no reason to get angry with me. What do you think of me? What do you think of me when you are angry I'm so bullied, everyone will bully me! "

Originally noisy classroom, I so vent, instantly calm down, everyone look at me in the expression is full of surprise, standing in front of me Zhang Qian, by me such a roar, face has already been unable to hang, look at my eyes full of tears, immediately, he ran back to his seat, holding his head on the table.

Looking at Zhang Qian's reaction, I don't think I have done too much. I know she has helped me many times, but I am also very grateful to her. She was not in a good mood at the beginning, but she still provoked me at this time. How can I settle down? Therefore, when my brain is hot, I don't care whether she is male or female, so I vent on her.

Although I calm down now, I won't apologize to her for what I did. I really hope that through this vent, Zhang Qian can completely away from me. Whenever she appears around me, bad luck often comes to me. Moreover, my confession to her is completely out of joke. I have no feeling for her, let alone like it. I have no friends at all, and it's not bad for this person to leave.

After an afternoon class, Zhang Qian kept her head down all the time. She didn't pay attention to anyone, including the teacher who called the roll. After school, I came to the bathing pool in the school and took a bath to eliminate such a long time of depression!

When I jump into the warm water ruler, my heart seems to be washed in general. I feel more relaxed and comfortable, and all the unpleasant feelings disappear. I am alone in the huge pool, so I enjoy this short leisure time peacefully.

Fortunately, the revenge was very smooth, but I also know that it is not completely finished, with Liu Boyang's personality. He won't really admit it. When he recovers completely, he will make a comeback, but that's just a afterword.

Now, my only worry is that coquettish woman. When Liu Boyang called my name, she was still nearby. I was still a little worried that I would expose myself because of her, and I would regret it. I really shouldn't let her go easily. However, it was too dark for me to see her. There was no hope to find her. Forget it, why think so much It's up to God!

After taking a hot bath for a while, I went back to my bedroom and changed into a clean suit. I was going to go out to find Shen Muchen and tell him about this afternoon. Just as I was going out, Ma Qiang waited for someone to come to my bedroom.

In the afternoon, I just sent one away, and now comes another. Even though I know Ma Qiang won't do anything to me, I hate to see him, and he doesn't want to say anything. I gently say, "what's the matter?"

Ma Qiang replied with a smile, "Suluo, don't pretend. You should know what I'm looking for you for."

I replied indifferently: "I didn't pretend, besides, I really don't understand what you mean!"

Ma Qiang opened his mouth and said, "since you pretend to be confused, I'll tell you again that you did a good job with Liu Boyang."

Come again, I am really fed up with such things, I said impatiently: "what do you mean, you also suspect that I did it?"

Ma Qiang: "don't pretend, it's you who did it. In addition to hating you deeply with him, I really can't think of a second person!"

I said, "you can think what you like. I didn't do it anyway."

It has already been installed once, and I don't mind pretending it again. If I admit it, I can't guarantee that Ma Qiang, a despicable villain, will leak me to Liu Boyang's parents. Besides, it's not a glorious thing to show off.

Ma Qiang seemed to understand my thoughts and said, "don't worry, you can admit it. I won't tell his family about you. After all, he is also my enemy."

Listen to him say so, I can't admit more, Liu Boyang is his enemy, I'm still his enemy, he kind of people, inevitably will do what kind of things, I once again firmly said: "I said, not me, not me, if nothing, I will leave!"Then, regardless of Ma Qiang's presence, I went straight to the door. At this time, Ma Qiang looked at my back and said, "Suluo, do you know why I dare to be so sure that it's you? That's because I have witnesses!"

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