In a word, I'm in the process of walking, witness! Is it that he is deceiving me to admit voluntarily that this conjecture has been denied by me. I can't be deceived by his words. I pretended to be calm and said, "what witness, does this have anything to do with me? I really don't understand what you mean? "

Seeing me like this, Ma Qiang still did not give up. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, flipped through it a few times, and then came to me and handed it to me. On the screen, there was a picture of a girl, but she looked familiar and felt familiar. Suddenly, she remembered that this was not the charming woman last night!

Ma Qiang looked at me and said, "I know your concerns. Don't worry. I won't let your story out. At the same time, it also includes my people and this witness."

Ma Qiang's words are only one-sided. In my understanding of him, I don't believe what he said. I don't know what he came to see me for, or to threaten me with this so-called witness and do something for him. Although these thoughts appear in my mind for the first time, I still deny the fact and get excited again He said, "I don't know what's going on here. What's the meaning of pestering me here? If you care about Liu Boyang so much, you should go to investigate quickly. What's the use of pestering me here?"

The more seriously I asked him, the more he didn't take the matter seriously. Seeing that I was a little excited, Ma Qiang said casually, "when did I pester you? I just want to nag you. You see you're in a hurry!"

I said seriously: "I don't say anything more. If you have anything to help me, you can say it. I will try my best to help you."

Ma Qiang's face smile, originally ferocious face smile to death, is so ugly, said: "I knew you won't admit, to tell you the truth, this woman is the one who fought with Liu Boyang last night, the rest don't need me to tell you!"

Now that he has known it, it is useless for me to conceal it any more. Standing at the door, I closed the bedroom door, turned around and looked for a chair, then sat down and said to him, "well, in this case, I have nothing to say. I just want to know where you found this woman?"

Hearing my question, Ma Qiang said slowly: "in fact, it's also coincidental that this girl belongs to our class. Today, unexpectedly, I went to the class very early. I happened to hear it, but the news was blocked by me immediately."

I was a little puzzled and asked, "why do you do this? What are you doing this for? "

Ma Qiang laughed and said, "to tell you the truth, Suluo, I came here for no other purpose, but to thank you for clearing Liu Boyang's obstacle for me!"

Thank me. I heard you right! What's the situation? It's not his usual style. He can take this opportunity and get rid of me without doing it by himself. But why didn't Ma Qiang do it? Or did he have other conspiracies? I was completely disorganized.

Seeing me, Ma Qiang again explained: "I know what you are struggling with. I am also a person with a reason. Although we hate each other, I still like to revenge myself. Liu Boyang's departure just gives me the opportunity to regain my power. Su Luo, I can tell you clearly now that when I unify Liu Boyang's power, it will be my revenge on you. "

I have to say that Ma Qiang has indeed changed. Although some places are the same as before, he did not take this opportunity to solve me. I am still grateful to him. However, his next words just revealed his ambition. Yes, I guessed right. If I really united with him that day, as long as Liu Boyang was eliminated, he would bite me back. Fortunately, I firmly believe that, otherwise, I would lose my wife and lose my army.

In the face of his next words, I did not respond warmly: "what do you want? It's your business, and it has nothing to do with me. Moreover, I didn't pay any attention to your promise on that day, because I know that your words are not worth believing. What do you want to do to me, I'll do it again! "

All the words I said are from the bottom of my heart. I know Shen Muchen won't sit back and ignore it. However, even if there is no Shen Muchen, I won't give in even if Ma Qiang tortures me. Maybe this is my inborn stubbornness.

After listening to what I just said, Ma Qiang clapped his hands unconsciously and said, "Suluo, in fact, I found out that you are a real man."

I looked at Ma Qiang with a pair of eyes and said to him, "if the words are over, then I can go."

Ma Qiang: whatever you want

After listening, I didn't care about other people's eyes, so I left the bedroom with a high profile, leaving only Ma Qiang and his cronies. However, what I don't know is that soon after I left, Ma Qiang's mobile phone picked up a call of some kind. After he sent his subordinates out, he picked it up and said respectfully to the phone about a series of things that happened to me recently.

After I went out, I went to the place agreed with Shen Muchen. Needless to say, it was the Internet bar he frequented. In addition to chasing girls and fighting, his biggest hobby was playing in the Internet bar. However, I was always lonely. After contacting them, my personality gradually became more and more cheerful, although I didn't know each other for a long time, But when I am with them, I am always the happiest and happiest time.Ten minutes or so, I came to this Internet bar and found Shen Muchen on the second floor. To my surprise, the crab didn't follow me. I asked weakly, "brother Chen, why didn't crab come with you?"

Shen Muchen staring at the computer, echoed to me: "you say crab ah, he said homesick, he left, probably tomorrow and the day after tomorrow back!"

I answered. Instead of disturbing Shen Muchen, I sat down in the empty seat beside him and watched him play the game silently. After playing for a while, Shen Muchen noticed my dullness and took me away.

Out of the Internet cafe, Shen Muchen asked me, "have you eaten, Arlo?"

I replied, "not yet."

Shen Muchen: "let's go to dinner first."

Under the leadership of Shen Muchen, we came to a noodle shop near their school. He said that it was a place he frequented and the taste was very good, so he also took me to try it today.

The business of the noodle shop was OK. After we came in, Shen Muchen liked to say hello to the boss. The boss was a middle-aged uncle. He was not tall and had a simple and honest face. After seeing Shen Muchen, he immediately won. They stood together and talked for a while. Then we found a seat to sit down.

Ordered two bowls of noodles, a few dishes, quietly waiting, looking at shenmuchen fiddling with the phone, I said: "Chen brother."

Shen Muchen: "ah, what's the matter?"

I said: "Ma Qiang came to me today and said that after annexing Liu Boyang's influence, he would start to settle old accounts with me."

All of a sudden, Shen Muchen, who was calm, patted the table vigorously. This action inevitably attracted the strange eyes of the people eating around. Shen Muchen said without any care: "what, Ma Qiang, it seems that the lesson is not enough. Arlo, if something really happens in the school, you must tell me, I said, even if you are killed in your school, you should be well protected Yes

Shen Muchen's words, listen to do particularly moved, to his kind of people, must be said that do that, this is no doubt.

I said weakly: "thank you, brother Chen!"

Shen Muchen despised me, said: "told you long ago, and I don't say thank you, next time I can really angry!"

I quickly explained: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's a slip of tongue!" After dinner, we chatted for a while and then separated.

A person, walking in the street with dim lights, unconsciously recalled in his mind all kinds of things that happened from coming to this city to today. When you close your eyes, you can clearly feel the unhappiness that once happened, as if you can remember them floating in front of my eyes.

Of course, this also made me have a huge change, from being butchered by others to learning to resist now. This is also a kind of experience in the process of my growth. Although the process is very bad, the harvest is still very good. I have gained Shen Muchen, who has never known each other but takes me like a brother. This is a wealth that I can never put down in my life.

In the next few days, I had a very quiet and extremely quiet life. Without Liu Boyang's entanglement and Ma Qiang's harassment, Zhang Qian never paid attention to me because of that day's events. However, it was also good that my life was quiet, and there was no sound of rooting problems. I cherish this hard-earned peace.

However, the calm behind is turbulent. In the past few days, Ma Qiang has taken over Liu Boyang's power. In a few days, Liu Boyang, a huge power, has changed his power again. The reason is still me. Now I suddenly sigh: "they are my barriers, and I am also their barriers!"

In private, after listening to the discussion of Liu Boyang's former Department, he said that he was not in a big way. Now he has gone abroad for cosmetic surgery. He did not mention the person who hurt him. However, although others didn't come back, they gave out harsh words. When he came back, he would take back what he had lost.

And the students in the school also speculated privately that it was ma Qiang's black hand. He seemed to take the place of me. For a while, Ma Qiang was pushed to the top of the storm. However, in a few days, it was dissipated by means of thunder.

Liu Boyang's forces have been completely unified by Ma Qiang. I may not have been on guard against him all day long, but Ma Qiang did not tell him to come to me for revenge, which made me worried for several days.

This afternoon, Shen Muchen asked me to go to their school. Without saying a word, I rushed over. I went out from the side door. After leaving the test gate, there was a small alley. Walking here is the shortcut to Shen Muchen. Out of a few meters to see three girls in front of another girl.

I know the first one with red hair. She is a famous little sister in the school. I don't know what her name is. Anyway, she is called "little pepper". She is very fashionable and looks good. It is said that in order to have a leg with many famous gangsters in the school, it is because of this that ordinary people dare not provoke her.

I have a hero to save the beauty of the heart, but I do not want to provoke such a person, so, I can only pretend to be invisible, not to care about their girls, indifferent to walk through.But when I caught a glimpse of the poor eyes of the girl who was besieged, my steps stopped immediately. I had the impression that she was the flower of class three, Fang Qing. Seeing her, I felt a sense of justice. I knew that I couldn't pass the conscience barrier. Although I didn't know her, I couldn't watch this beautiful girl The girl was bullied.

So, they went straight in their direction

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