My pace is slow, but my heart is a little anxious. At the moment when little pepper raised her hand to fan Fang Qing, I could not care much. I directly opened my voice and yelled: "Fang Qing, the counselor said that I have something to do with you. Let you go to her office!"

Although, these days, I am much tougher than before. The main reason is that Shen Muchen is quietly supporting me and treating male compatriots. I can show the spirit of being tough and not admit defeat. But in the face of these little girls, my moves are useless. I just hope that Fang Qing can be saved by the name of teacher!

Fortunately, my sudden burst of laughter, or let small pepper stop the movement of the hand, unconsciously, along the direction of the sound turned to look at me, and then, other people also looked at me.

However, when Fang Qing saw me, she didn't have the joy of seeing the Savior. On the contrary, she also showed a worried look in her eyes. Therefore, for a time, she did not cooperate with me to respond to my words. Obviously, I cheated the ghosts, but I didn't cheat this group? Little sister.

When I got close to them, pepper yelled at me directly: "who the hell are you? I tell you, if you want to live, you should mind your own business!"

As her name suggests, xiaojiaoguo is as hot as her nickname. However, a girl is so arrogant, which is really hard to deal with.

Before I had time to speak, a little girl with purple hair next to pepper suddenly pointed at me and said in dismay: "I know him. He was the lunatic who jumped from the building last time in our school. I was on the scene the day he jumped off the building!"

When she said this, other people immediately realized that I was who I was. After all, I was such a sensation in the whole school that many people had never seen, but as long as I was a student in our school, I had heard of it.

When my scars, which had been for a long time, were exposed again by them, it was hard to avoid some discomfort in my heart. However, my surface was still plain as water. I continued to lie and said, "ladies and sisters, I really come to find Fang Qing. There is no other meaning!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as I spoke, little pepper became more angry, pointed to me and scolded: "get out of your mother's house, you are such a psychosis, you don't know good or evil, just your tricks still want to fool me, and say when Fang Qing will be in class with you!"

At this time, that delicate and pitiful Fang Qing also opened his mouth and said delicately: "you go, I don't need you to manage my affairs. I don't want to hurt the innocent because of me!"

Although the hot face stuck to the cold buttocks, I didn't intend to retreat, but I felt that I had to take care of it in the end. I didn't want to be a coward in front of beautiful women. Besides, I was no longer the timid I was at the beginning.

To treat such a woman, how to be gentle, so, I said to pepper in a sharp voice: "since you all know that I am crazy, please don't provoke me, if I get sick, I will be merciless to women!"

Speaking from my heart, I feel very overbearing when I finish this sentence, but I don't know why, it is not deterrent. I thought they would surrender obediently when I finished these words. But who knows, those little sisters who heard me said this cruel words directly surrounded me without saying a word, and the little pepper who took the lead slapped me in the face Scolded: "beat your mother, are you vegetarian when old mother? You're the one with thin arms and thin legs. Believe it or not, I'll kill you with your ass! "

I know that pepper has her rampant capital, so I still try to resist the anger, with the active mouth as far as possible not to face her, calm said: "I don't know what contradiction between you, but, if you can let you out of anger by beating people, you can take me out of breath, I bear for Fang Qing, you can let her go!"

I didn't expect, my concession, but little sister's arrogance even more arrogant, scolded me: "who do you think you are? I'm tired of beating you. You don't pee and take care of your own virtue. I'm just like B. I want to learn from other people's heroes to save the beauty. Boy, don't dream, or roll back where you come from!"

As soon as she said this, she made other little girls laugh, as if laughing at me that I couldn't be a hero. Originally, seeing that they were women, I didn't want to get too stiff with them. I just wanted to solve the problem peacefully. I begged for mercy from them again and said, "sister, tell me what you want me to do to let her go. I will do it!"

Little sister looked at me in the eyes full of disdain, scornfully said: "I TMD do what is my business, you have to meddle in it, now I not only want to clean up her, even you and I have to teach a lesson!"

I really didn't expect that the more stupid old ladies give them face, the more shameless they are. They even touch my bottom line with my pain. In this case, I don't need to ask them for mercy. In any case, they have already offended, so they should be offended thoroughly.

So, in this group of little sister is still immersed in the fun of laughing at me, I quickly took out the dagger, with the lightning speed, suddenly put the dagger on the small pepper's neck, suddenly, the little sister-in-law was scared to lose color. I guess she didn't expect me to really move the knife, and other little sisters were also shocked Panic, yelled at me: "tell you not to mess ah, quickly let go of sister can, or your consequences will be really miserable!"After Ma Qiang's incident, I would wear a dagger all the time, just in case, I could not guarantee when I would encounter a crisis. With this thing in my pocket, I would no longer feel dangerous. At least I got spiritual sustenance.

I ignored their warning, and directly threatened pepper and said, "yes, I am. What's wrong with my mental illness, but it's better than that some people dirty their bodies for the sake of higher position. You go away quickly. Don't force me to do it. You should know that mental illness can do anything!"

In an instant, my expression became very hot, eyes full of bloodthirsty eyes, the side of Fang Qing was at a loss, quickly and loudly said to me: "classmate, please stop, don't make mistakes because of me!"

However, Fang Qing's voice was directly ignored by me, and Xiaojiao was obviously flustered. Her expression also changed. After holding for a long time, she opened her mouth and said, "do you know who I am? If you offend me, there will be no good end. Do you know that the last person who offended me has left this school!"

Hearing the threat of her red fruit, I didn't feel scared at all. On the contrary, I felt funny. I licked my dry lips and said evil, "how can I not know who you are? You are famous in school. However, the prestige gained by selling your own body is rare. You can find your lover to deal with me, I'm not afraid, but what I want to say now is, if you don't leave, I'll shave your face and see which man will sleep with you in the future

After that, I also took the blade and gently touched it on the face of pepper. This time, pepper's face changed greatly, and she was angry and angry. However, a woman like her cared most about her appearance, so she was afraid and said, "OK, OK, I'll go!"

In the face of such a result, I still satisfied with a smile, directly put away the dagger, and the small pepper is also very trustworthy, did not go back on the other side, and left waiting for people, leaving also put down a cruel words: "Suluo is right, sister, I remember you!"

After this group of little sisters went far away, Fang Qingcai, who was in a daze, came to me and asked softly, "why do you want to help me?"

I turned my head slightly, looked at Fang Qing and jokingly said, "I am a man. I don't like to see girls being bullied, especially when I see a beautiful girl like you, I can't sit back and ignore it any more!"

Hearing this, Fang Qing, who had never known me before, suddenly became serious. She stood in front of me and said, "but do you know who the person was just now? She knows a lot of gangsters in the school. Now you have offended her. You will not be peaceful in school in the future. Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing so?"

I looked directly at Fang Qing and said in a calm tone: "are you concerned about me? You can rest assured that I'll be OK. I'll offend a ruffian. For you, I don't care! "

Speaking of this, I'm a bit incredible, how can I say such words in my mouth, but I didn't feel embarrassed, and gave a slight smile to Fang Qing.

Hearing me say this, Fang Qing's white face also showed a trace of red, embarrassed to say: "classmate, you, what do you say?"

Her expression is extremely lovely, I looked a bit stunned, said: "no, nothing, that my matter you don't have to worry about, weak ask?"

Fang Qing: "what do you want to ask?"

I scratched my head and said a little embarrassed: "Fang Qing, that, do you have a boyfriend? If not, can we socialize? "

My words deeply spread into her ears, anthology on some of the blush face, instantly became more red, delayed to answer my words.

And I said this, my heart can not help shaking, I asked myself, I am in confession, I and she is only the first time to meet, I will not be too direct, a series of questions flashed in my head.

Seeing that she didn't answer me, I apologized to her and said, "I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me for my recklessness, but I'm a straight person, I don't like to wriggle. I'm very sorry for the trouble I've just caused to you."

Later, in order to cover up the embarrassment, he changed the topic and said, "if there is nothing else, I will go first."

After that, I turned around and left, but there was no trace of regret in my heart, because I knew that if it was me, I would be at a loss in the face of this sudden confession, and I could fully understand her reaction.

When I walked a few steps, Fang Qing's voice came from behind, saying: "classmate, I, I don't have a boyfriend. My mother said I'm not allowed to fall in love, but we can be friends for the time being."

Hearing her words, I suddenly felt that I still had a chance. She did not directly refuse me, but said to make friends with me temporarily, which also showed that she did not hate me, and I secretly enjoyed it.

I turned and looked at Fang Qing, who was standing in the same place, and said in a loud voice, "thank you."

Fang Qing replied: "speaking of this, I still want to thank you for saving me, but I don't know your name yet!"I was surprised that I was so famous that she didn't know me. Then I looked at her and yelled, "solo!"

After that, I disappeared in the alley

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