Because I was in a hurry to keep the appointment, I didn't stay. I ran out of the alley quickly. Fang Qing was also standing in the same place, watching me disappear quietly. I couldn't really like her. I just wanted to find a chatting object. Although I didn't hope for anything, if she really agreed, it would not be better!

After this farce, I won the victory with my spirit of death, but I don't know what happened. My mood became very complicated, there was an indescribable smell. I always felt a sense of Indescribability and restlessness in my body. I really want to become a real man who is no longer looked down upon by women.

When I arrived at the appointed gate of the Internet bar, I looked at the time and found that I was ten minutes late. I opened a machine and went up. On the second floor of the Internet bar, where Shen Muchen often sits, I saw crabs. It seems that he has come back from visiting relatives.

I came to Shen Muchen and patted him on the shoulder, indicating that I was coming. Shen Muchen turned his head to look at me and said with a smile, "Arlo, according to the appointed time, you are late!"

I replied, "I'll treat you to dinner that night and celebrate the return of the crab."

At this time, Shen Muchen and the crabs sitting on the Internet all laughed. The crab said, "I'll wait for your words!"

I was so embarrassed that I suddenly remembered that there was no rule about whether to be late or not, but it doesn't matter. It's just a meal. What a big thing. Besides, I've rubbed their meals many times, and it's time for me to express.

I played games with them all afternoon. In the evening, I invited them to dinner and drank a few bottles of beer casually. When I checked out, I just took out the money. Shen Muchen stopped me and said, "Arlo, I'm just kidding you. Don't take it seriously. Besides, you're younger than me. There's no need to let my brother spend money. Take it away and I'll pay the bill!"

Look at him like this, I was a little unhappy, said: "brother Chen, I've known you for so long, I've been rubbing rice with you. I also indicated that I don't want to argue with me for this meal, I'll come!"

Shen Muchen didn't say anything because I insisted on it. After I bought the bill, crab said he would play billiards for a while. I won't be able to do this kind of project. So he refused to go back to school because he had something to do. After that, we separated.

I went to the direction of the school. Just after I got back to my bedroom, Ma Qiang pushed the door and came in and patted me on the bed. Then, he asked me seriously, "Suluo, did you offend anyone again? Just now, a finance student asked me about you!"

Ma Qiang looked at my eyes is not Schadenfreude, even a little light worry. And I had no hatred for him. Although he always said he wanted to trouble me, he never did. Now we are confused. Although we are not friends, at least, he starts to look up to me. That's why I promised to fight him alone. Now it seems that I made the right decision.

However, Ma Qiang's tone is very stiff, but I can feel that he still doesn't want me to be bullied by outsiders. When I heard the news, I said softly, "well, I know, this little thing is nothing!"

Then he put his head into the quilt, but I also heard a kind reminder from Ma Qiang: "be careful yourself! Remember, only I can bully you, no one else can! "

I did not answer his words, directly into the dreamland, this sleep, I sleep very sweet, and also had a beautiful dream, until the next day at noon, I did not wake up.

After I got up and washed and dressed up, I was going to go to the classroom. Just as I was going out, a strange boy pushed the door and came in and said to me, "excuse me, are you solo?"

Seeing the appearance of the strange man, I thought it was the little sister's person at the first time. However, it was impossible for me to send a person to come. I didn't take me seriously. I replied with a little question: "I am. What can I do for you?"

The strange man said faintly: "Hello, it's Fang Qing who asked me to come here. Originally, she should have informed you in person, but she didn't have your contact information, so she sent me here. She asked me to tell you, stay away these two days, and the pepper is going to fight you

I laughed and said, "I thank her for her kindness, but please go back and tell her that this little thing is nothing and she doesn't have to worry about it."

Then, I skip can he, take a few books, as if nothing happened out of the bedroom.

Back to my exclusive seat, slowly, the rest of the class, also came back again and again, but in the class almost all of the time, suddenly a strange face appeared on the classroom platform! All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on him.

He was tall and full of muscles. As soon as he came in, he stood on the platform, took out his hands in his trouser pockets, and pounded the desk twice. He said coldly, "who is solo, come out with me!"

He appeared at this moment, I already know, trouble to find door.

In this school, there is a rule of survival. If a person has no strength, he can't directly name important people in a class. On weekdays, someone will help me to speak. But the situation is obviously very bad. As soon as this person opens his mouth, the noisy class suddenly becomes silent. As soon as I am about to speak, Ma Qiang's voice comes from the door: "ouch, this is not true Is it Zhao Dong? What are you doing here? "Zhao Dong in Ma Qiang's mouth seems to be the big guy on the platform. The big man said, "Yo, Ma Qiang, I'm here to find someone!"

Ma Qiang sarcastically said: "look for someone who can excuse Dongge himself to come out!"

"A boy named Suluo has offended me!" said the big head without changing color

After answering Ma Qiang's words, he immediately yelled, "who is solo? Come out and follow me quickly!"

Look at sonorous, I am not strong, so I stand up

After that, I got up and went to his position slowly and leisurely. Looking at his sharp eyes, I said again carelessly: "what's the matter here? I'm very busy!"

The big guy ignored what I said, grabbed my clothes and said coldly, "since it's you, then follow me!"

I tried to get rid of his hand, but the big hand was like a pair of tongs. I couldn't get rid of it. So I said weakly, "you let me go, I'll go with you!"

After that, he released his hand and walked in front of him. I sorted out my messy clothes and followed him. At this time, Ma Qiang interrupted and said, "Zhao Dong, Su Luo is my friend. It's not good for you to take her like this!"

Obviously, Ma Qiang is speaking for me now. The meaning of his words is to support me and friend. When he pronounces these two words, he says it very seriously. It seems that he wants Zhao Dong to retreat in the face of difficulties.

However, the big guy didn't seem to care about Ma Qiang's words. He glanced at Ma Qiang, and then said faintly, "Ma Qiang, if you don't want to change the owner's position just now, I'd like to remind you one by one. This is not something you can get involved in, or it will set fire to you!"

Ma Qiang scratched his head and asked, "why?"

Zhao Dong faintly smile, reply: "because he is the person that Haonan elder brother wants!"

As soon as the big guy's voice dropped, the silent classroom suddenly burst into a pot. All kinds of exclamations, feelings and curiosity were heard in succession:

"how could Suluo offend him?"

"This solo is really more and more rampant, dare to provoke him."

"Well, I really feel sad for him. He used to offend Ma Qiang and Liu Boyang. He had a lot of life. Now he has a hard time living a stable life. How can he offend that man again? He is really unlucky."


What! Brother Honan! I can't help but be surprised. He is also a freshman. He is a character that scares freshmen. Even people like me have heard of his fame.

His name is Chen Haoran. He likes to be called brother Haonan because he worships Chen Haonan. He is from the Department of physical education. He is from the city. It is said that he has been the boss since junior high school. His brothers with him have been mixing with him since junior high school until now. After coming to this university, they also fight all day, as if this is their compulsory course.

He is a well-known warmonger. He has a lot of brute force. He has a very fierce fight. In terms of single fight, he has not been defeated so far. If Ma Qiang is the head of our department, Chen Haoran is the head of the school and all the freshmen in his heart.

This brother Haonan has never spared no effort in fighting. He has been hospitalized for a long time several times, and even forced to quit school. Even so, he has never been punished. If he is said to have nothing to do with the school, who will believe it.

Now, when I learned that it was he who was looking for me, I already knew that he must be in danger. Ma Qiang did not dare to defend me. He looked at me, then looked at Zhao Dong, who was amused. After a long time of entanglement, Ma Qiang finally quit the class and left.

Seeing Ma Qiang leave, I don't blame him at all. After all, he said something for me, and I thank him very much. However, he will not offend a person who should not be offended because of his irrelevant me.

Zhao Dong looked at Ma qiangzhixiang's leaving, and then he said with disdain: "don't expect anyone to save you. Go with me quickly, or I can't guarantee that you will walk standing or not."

In the face of such a cruel person, I know what I say is useless. In school, even if Shen Muchen wants to help me, I can't help it. This time, I'm really doomed. However, since I can't escape, I can't shrink back. So, I followed Zhao Dong and walked out of the classroom.

Out of the classroom, I closely followed Zhao Dong behind, came to the stairway, followed him to climb forward one layer after another, until climbing to the roof of the top floor did not stop.

Having been in this school for such a long time, this is my second time to Tiantai. When I first came to Tiantai, I committed suicide, and this time, I went to die bravely. All of them are so solemn and stirring. But what I have in common is that I have no fear.

As soon as I got to the rooftop, I saw a group of tiger and wolf teachers waiting for me nearby, and Zhao Dong would be with them. Those people, presumably from the Department of physical education, were all strong and strong, all wearing small vests, and their strong muscles were exposed to the outside, shining in the sun.And in the crowd, the only person sitting, no need to guess, should be what people call "brother Haonan"

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