Although I am strong, it doesn't mean I won't be careless. At the moment when sun Yunlong turns around, I let my body stop. When sun Yunlong's dagger comes to me, my body subconsciously takes a step backward towards the back.

Sharp dagger in front of my chest, close range. I have no stagnation at all, the next second, I kick to sun Yunlong, this foot, I use the strength is quite big.

Sun Yunlong suffered from pain, and his legs could not help bending down, because at this time, his body also fell down, and I hit sun Yunlong's jaw directly with a hook fist. Immediately, his body flew out.

With a bang, sun Yunlong fell directly on the ground, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground. Originally, sun Yunlong himself had some strength, but my two strokes were very heavy, which caused him severe pain, so that he did not have the opportunity to play himself. For a moment, he was a little flustered, holding his hands and trying to get up from the ground, but tried twice In the end, he slipped and fell.

I looked around and saw that sun Yunlong's younger brothers were still in a state of being unable to protect themselves. The women they were going to take to open their houses were in a state of fright. One of them even had a cold sweat and wet her face.

I just swept them by, and then I went straight to sun Yunlong. Although sun Yunlong didn't stand up, his divine consciousness was fully awake. He looked at me angrily and said, "the wind of the south of the Yangtze River is cruel. Today I am in your hands, I will accept it!"

He said that he recognized the planting, but his heart was obviously unconvinced. However, I didn't care what kind of mentality he was at all. I didn't even say a word, so I went up to him and gave him the simplest and roughest beating.

In terms of strength, I control very skillfully. Although my fists and feet are heavy, they only make sun Yunlong feel pain, but they will not kill or maim him.

In the first two strokes, sun Yunlong was able to bear it, and even reached out to stop him. However, after a few more punches and kicks, he couldn't bear it any more. The indignation on his face faded away. All that remained was pain. He was very painful, and even he let out a groan.

Sun Yunlong's face has been bruised for a few days, but he has not been able to walk for ten days.

At this moment, sun Yunlong, the boss of Yunlong club, one of the three forces on campus, was completely trampled on by me tonight. He was no longer so high, but became the food in my mouth. However, my action was not only that. I picked up sun Yunlong's dagger beside me.

Just now, I was just kicking and punching, and sun Yunlong couldn't bear it. At the moment, seeing me pick up the dagger, his pupils suddenly contracted. He was angry and afraid and said to me, "Jiangnan wind, you can't move me, otherwise, you won't have a good end."

Hearing this, my movement slightly stagnated. My face showed a trace of disdain for sun Yunlong, and then said, "Sun Yunlong, when I didn't move you, you didn't give me a good end. Now, do you say I can hold back you?"

Looking at my expression and listening to my words, sun Yunlong was a little worried, and he wanted to turn over again. However, the wound on his body could not support his imagination. Even if he moved like this, he could not help showing a look of great pain on his face. He had to angrily say to me: "Jiangnan wind, as long as you move me today, I promise you will regret it Yes. "

Threats are threats. I don't know how many times I have heard them. I feel powerless here. Almost as soon as his voice falls, the dagger in my hand starts to move. However, I did not hurt Du Pengfei any more, but cut his clothes and trousers.

Sun Yunlong's underwear became a piece of naked clothes, and soon another piece of his underwear fell on the outside. At this time, sun Yunlong no longer had the previous anger. His face was full of shame.

Standing up, I looked back at his younger brother and the women standing beside me who were so nervous that I said boldly: "remember what happened today. From now on, the beacon fire club is the existence that you can look up to."

After that, I didn't pay attention to the reaction of these people. I took sun Yunlong's body and walked to the school.

Sun Yunlong tried to struggle, but he was very powerless. Even in this way, he did not dare to cry out. Shame made him face no one. His expression now, perhaps the most ugly expression in his life, was carried away by me as a chicken at the moment. This contrast made him unbearable.

At that time, the night was very deep, and there were not many pedestrians on the road. However, some students who passed by sporadically could not help but look sideways when they saw me and sun Yunlong. When they recognized me and sun Yunlong, they were shocked and stunned, and their faces were full of incredible expressions.

After a while, I carried sun Yunlong to the school gate. I didn't stay here for a long time, because I know very well that sun Yunlong's other younger brothers must have got the news. Maybe they will come soon. I also know that as soon as I leave, sun Yunlong should be quickly taken away by his younger brother.But even so, my goal was achieved.

First of all, I taught sun Yunlong a lesson. Secondly, I made him lose his face, and he couldn't lift his head completely. The most important thing is to set up my dignity and make a name of my beacon fire club.

A generation of overlord sun Yunlong, naked and injured, was thrown by me at the school gate. This scene is so shocking that even if only a few people see it, the news will certainly become explosive news. It will spread throughout the campus at the speed of light. At that time, it will be the time when the reputation of the beacon fire club will be completely launched.

Obviously, at this time, although there were not many students who saw this scene, there were also some. Then, I didn't need to stay here any more. I directly faced sun Yunlong, who was ashamed and oppressed. I said fiercely: "Sun Yunlong, I don't care what you came from. Please remember, if you dare to offend me in the future, I promise your end will be even worse than this one!"

With that, I didn't want to look at him any more. I turned around and left the school gate. I stopped a taxi and went home.

After I went back, I had a rest. This night, I had a good sleep. The next day, I dressed up and drove to school.

As soon as I entered the school, I felt that the atmosphere in today's campus was a little strange, especially after many students saw me, their eyes showed a strange look, with a little shock, a little awe, but also with some excitement and curiosity.

I don't have to guess. This is the effect that I punished sun Yunlong last night. But I am still calm, maintain the usual look and posture, there is no change on the surface.

After parking the car, I went straight to the teaching building, my pace is still with that free and easy and confident, other people's eyes on me, I didn't care too much, just went straight to my classroom.

When I entered the classroom, I found that many students in the class gathered together in twos and threes and were talking about some things. One of them was saying, "I tell you, the Jiangnan wind in our class is so strong that he was surrounded by more than 100 people led by sun Yunlong at noon yesterday. Finally, he escaped. Moreover, he found sun Yunlong to avenge him in the evening Well, there are more than ten people in sun Yunlong's group. It's a pity that he beat him. Especially sun Yunlong, I guess, now he even wants to die. "

Some people echoed: "I also heard that the Jiangnan wind said that he wanted to step into the campus forces and set up a beacon fire club. Yesterday afternoon, I had a bit of a joke in my heart, and I was a bit out of my wits. Only one person would dare to set up a gang in our school. Now, I think I'm wrong. Jiangnan wind really has this ability. It can be seen from last night that he alone brought such people as sun Yunlong to such a miserable end. The beacon fire meeting is the rhythm to stand up! "

Another one said, "yes! This gang comes from our class. Now, I want to join it. "

I can't help but smile in the corner of my mouth, which is similar to my expectation.

Of course, I quickly attack and make a name. On the one hand, I really want to carry forward and expand my beacon club. More importantly, I still want to show Peng Xuefei. At least, I can't let her look down on me. I was disgraced in front of her yesterday, and I made bold remarks to her. I must let her know that I will do what Suluo said. What I said about Unifying the whole school is not empty words!

I was not so disappointed when I saw her in the classroom

At that time, almost all the eyes of the class couldn't help looking at me. Everyone's eyes showed their reverence for me. I met these eyes and was about to walk towards the last row.

At this time, Chen Xiao, who had been sitting in the last row, suddenly ran up to me and said to me excitedly, "boss, please come inside quickly. I have already occupied a good seat for you."

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