Chen Xiao showed great enthusiasm. From his look, I could see his admiration for me. He could not help but added to me in a low voice: "boss, you are really fierce. You went to see sun Yunlong alone last night. I was really worried about you. Unexpectedly, you taught sun Yunlong a lesson. It was spread in the school early in the morning Opened, at the same time was spread, as well as our beacon fire meeting! Boss, how did you do it? However, your move is too damaging. You even stripped sun Yunlong and left it at the gate of the school. I think he has no face to come to school these two days. It's really a relief for you to do so. "

Our beacon fire club, Chen Xiao, is now proud to join. Speaking of words, the excitement on his face can not be hidden.

However, my face still did not show any special expression, just as I was going to follow Chen Xiaochao to the last row, suddenly, Chen Xiao said hello to my back: "sister Feifei, you are here!"

Feifei sister, hear these three words, let me immediately to the spirit, I suddenly turned around, suddenly, Peng Xuefei's beautiful shadow, then fell in my sight.

At the moment of looking at me in the eyes, Peng Xuefei's eyes flashed a trace of surprise. Then, her eyes, then, wandered in my body, as if to see if I was hurt.

Obviously, Peng Xuefei has already known about me. Yesterday afternoon, she was still satirizing me and persuading me to give up. But overnight, I turned the situation around. Maybe, it is because of this that her eyes show surprise.

But Peng Xuefei is worthy of seeing the world. Her shock only lasted for a short time. Soon, she shrank her eyes and showed a cold look on her face. Then, she said with some disdain: "revenge on a sun Yunlong, what can we get from it? What's more, what's more, it's a sneak attack."

No matter how unforgiving she said, I could also feel that she really looked at me a little differently. I could not help but feel a little more pleasure in my heart, but my surface did not reveal anything else, but said calmly: "what sneak attack? It's tactics and tact. "

After saying that, my eyes will be closely staring at Peng Xuefei, my face still with elusive demeanor.

Peng Xuefei bit the lower lip of cherry, as if very unconvinced, and I made a prestige. However, she soon put away her small movements, just snorted coldly and said to me coldly: "no matter you are sneaking or scheming, in the end, you are all stealthy. Jiangnan style, if you have the ability, you can win openly and honestly. Aren't you a good fighter? You happen to have a chance to show you. Do you dare to go? "

Let me show my chance! In my ears, whatever Peng Xuefei said, she had a hint of scheming. What she said made me behave was likely to make me look ugly. Moreover, this time, she did not speak to me in a low voice, but said it without scruple under the attention of the whole class.

Now I am the most popular student in the school, and Peng Xuefei is the eldest sister at the school flower level, and is the focus of people's attention. The content of our conversation naturally attracted the attention of the students in the class. When Peng Xuefei said this, everyone in the class could not help holding their breath and looking forward to what Peng Xuefei would say next.

Although I was secretly drumming in my heart, I did not show any hesitation. I directly asked, "go ahead, what opportunity?"

Peng Xuefei did not respond to me in a hurry. She opened her bag and suddenly took out a piece of paper from it. Then, she put the paper straight up in front of me.

Suddenly, what caught my eyes was the three big characters written on the paper: challenge book!

Many students in the classroom also saw these three characters. In an instant, some of them uttered a cry of surprise, some of them were stunned, but more people could not help showing the color of doubt.

I beat long hair violently, let Ouyang Jing kneel down, and hit sun Yunlong hard last night. All these things are public affairs in the school. It is precisely because of these, let the students know that my real is extraordinary, they can not guess, now, who will challenge me.

Of course, my heart can't help but wonder, who will give me the challenge book? What is Peng Xuefei's real intention?

For a while, I was a little unclear, so, at this time, Peng Xuefei opened her mouth, she said to me without any emotional color: "this is what Lu Ping asked me to transfer to you. He wants to compete with you, the time is tomorrow noon, the location, the school gymnasium."

When I heard this, I couldn't help being stunned. Unexpectedly, the person who gave me the challenge book was Lu Ping.

Lu Ping, who punctured my tire the night before yesterday, also sent a knife man to ambush me, intending to abolish me. I haven't settled accounts with him about this matter, but he has found me first.

As a matter of fact, my original intention was to deal with Lu Ping after solving sun Yunlong. Now it's just that he took the initiative to challenge Lu Ping, or in the form of a letter of challenge. I didn't expect such a result, but it was just right for me.

And the other students in the class, after hearing the name of Lu Ping, were suddenly surprised, at the same time, also become some expectations.Lu Ping, he has been famous in school for a long time. This man is not only the leader of Lu Gang. He is also the famous one-man contest king in our school. He can mix up by his fists. His strength is really much better than that high-profile and arrogant sun Yunlong, but what we don't know is which one is stronger or weaker between Lu Ping and me.

For this reason, the students can't help but talk in succession, the voice, after a while, can't stop at all. When people are noisy, I always keep silent, as if I'm lost in meditation, which makes Peng Xuefei in front of me think I'm scared.

Therefore, she did not give me any room. In front of the whole class, she forced me to ask, "Jiangnan wind, can you accept Lu Ping's challenge? If you are afraid, you can choose to refuse. "

Peng Xuefei's words are obviously provocative. She wants to drive my duck onto the shelf. She deliberately said this to me in front of so many people. Obviously, she was afraid that I would shrink back. Now, I have almost guessed that Peng Xuefei's idea is to let me eat under Lu Ping's hand. What's more, this sudden challenge is related to her.

However, this time she gave me the set, but really close to my heart.

Thinking of this, I suddenly straightened my chest and said to Peng Xuefei forcefully: "afraid, ha ha, ridiculous, in my Jiangnan wind dictionary, there is no fear at all. I took Lu Ping's challenge letter, and I hope you will be there and see how I can defeat him."

At the same time, I directly received Lu Ping's challenge from Peng Xuefei.

Then, Peng Xuefei and I went to the classroom together. She went to a girl and sat down next to her. I didn't see any chance to contact her. She simply walked to the back of the classroom and sat in the seat occupied by Chen Xiao for me.

Although Peng Xuefei and I have already sat down in the classroom, the discussion in the classroom has not stopped. Lu Ping and I are clearly the protagonists of this contest. However, these students of mine are more excited than me. Some people can't help guessing the result:

"who can win Jiangnan wind or Lu Ping? When Lu Ping just entered the school, he was the king of one-on-one competition. In the past two years, no one dares to challenge him. His strength is bound to be stronger now. I'm afraid that the Jiangnan wind will be a little bit strained this time. "

And some students stood on my side and retorted, "this can't be too absolute. Anyway, Jiangnan wind is our classmates. How can we just give Lu Ping more momentum and destroy our own people's prestige?"

At this time, some people on the edge got into the topic and said, "did you find that sun Yunlong was the first one, and then Lu Ping was the second. This is from the perspective of their dominant forces, that is, first the Yunlong Association and then the Lu Gang. Maybe, Jiangnan style really wants to dominate our campus. What's more, you can see how confident Jiangnan Feng has just said. It's not sure who is going to spend. Anyway, I will definitely go to see this challenge. "

His words were welcomed by the people around him. At this moment, they looked at me with burning eyes. Obviously, they were looking forward to this competition, and many students even hoped that I could win.

Compared with their excitement, I am a much calmer person. For those three overlords, I have to deal with them in the end. I come late and come early. Anyway, I want to come. Of course, I hope to compete with them early, kill them early, and then unify the campus.

However, these three men did not wait for me to attack, so they took action against me first. First, Du Haichao threatened and lured me to join the Haichao Association. Then sun Yunlong led more than 100 people to surround me. Now, Lu Ping gave me a letter of war, which followed. Obviously, they attached too much importance to my love enemy.

I can't help but glance at Peng Xuefei in front of me. I am very clear that all the three overlords have done to me are just because of Peng Xuefei. It can be seen that they really care about Peng Xuefei. In this way, I can basically be sure that sun Yunlong, Lu Ping and Du Haichao all know Peng Xuefei's background. This woman is beautiful and has personality There are also skills. Most of all, with the great sea Gang as the background, who would not like to climb this high branch? Strictly speaking, I am not exactly the same.

When the bell rang and the teacher came into the classroom, the atmosphere in the classroom became a little more comfortable. At this time, Chen Xiao suddenly touched me and whispered to me, "boss, Lu Ping gave you a challenge. Aren't you nervous at all?"

I responded lightly: "why should I be nervous?"

Looking at me like this, Chen Xiaoman's eyes were incredible. He was surprised and said to me, "boss, this is Lu Ping. He is a famous one-off champion in the school. Don't you worry about losing?"

I gently shook my head, but I didn't say anything more to Chen Xiao. It's not that I pretended to be forced. It's that I didn't want to lose, because I'm sure to win this time. Otherwise, the purpose of my coming to this school will come to an end.

Zhou Xin saw that I didn't respond, and he didn't ask again. Instead, he continued: "boss, come on, I believe you, you will win."

With that, Chen turned to play with the mobile phone. I just sit quietly on the table, a thoughtful look.

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