After the challenge began, Lu Ping and I did not rush to move. We still stood and gazed at each other. However, at this time, the people under the stage burst out again with fierce calls. Some whistled and others screamed. The whole gymnasium became a riot again.

At the moment, I didn't care about the reaction of the people in the arena. I also entered a trance state. At this moment, there was only one arena in the whole world, and there was only me and Lu Ping in the arena.

Although, as we all know, Lu Ping is a champion in this campus, and no one has been fighting with him in the past two years. His strength is certainly stronger than that of two years ago. Of course, no matter how strong he is, I am confident that he will be destroyed. However, the difficulty lies in that I can not show my real strength under the attention of the public, otherwise, my identity will show flaws.

Then, I will control the strength just right, which can control Lu Ping without any trace. This kind of proper control is the most difficult. If I am not careful, I may be forced to have real strength.

At this moment when my mind was misty, suddenly, I saw Lu Ping's eyes narrowed. A cold and strong edge burst out of his eyes. At the same time, his body was like a cheetah and rushed directly to me.

Lu Ping is worthy of being recognized as a one-off champion. His strength can not be accumulated only by fighting experience. In a blink of an eye, he made a coherent movement. I have a keen insight that he has a deep foundation of Kung Fu, and his attack is full of bravery and hegemony. As long as he is hit, it is absolutely hard.

Although Lu Ping is fast, I'm not slow. His movement is locked by my eyes. I have no time to think about other things. Subconsciously, I respond. I jump gently, and at the same time, my hands press on Lu Ping's raised thigh. Lu Ping's leg strength spread to my arms, and then to my body. My body fell back. Lu Ping's strike, I cleverly avoided.

However, Lu Ping obviously didn't want me to succeed so easily. Almost as soon as his legs landed, one of his fists swept towards me fiercely. My waist could not help but bend back. His fist almost swept against my body.

Whether it is Lu Ping's swift and violent, or my dodging, we can see that our inside information is extraordinary, and we are really on a good match. The people under the stage did not dare to blink, and their hearts were even more excited.

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of Lu Ping's eyes, and then, before I adjusted my body posture, he suddenly kicked me in the abdomen.

Lu Ping almost made this kick immediately after that one. It was very coherent and there was no gap at all. I was careless for a moment. There was no room to dodge. With a bang, his foot was put into my abdomen, and my body was kicked back several steps.

If it wasn't for my own solid foundation, I'm afraid this one foot would kick me to fly. At this time, I realized clearly that Lu Ping was not only good at Kung Fu, but also very good at Kung Fu. He used three moves in a row. These three seemingly unrelated movements were actually linked together. Lu Ping's purpose was to let me fall under his attack step by step. It can be said that he took the initiative when he met the first one.

At this time, there was a burst of boisterous shouting. Some people yelled loudly. I don't know whether it was Lu Ping's good performance or whether I was hit.

After Lu Ping hit me with one blow, his body did not stop, and his whole body sent out a wave like momentum, and then he attacked me again.

As soon as I had a reaction, Lu Ping rushed forward. Different from the way he attacked just now, he didn't give me a chance to dodge this time. His fists, his legs and his feet kept hitting me like a storm. What I did was to erect my arm to block it. My fist fell on my arm, and the sound of banging was endless , and my body gradually retreated, a kind of pain and some crispy feeling, like being shocked, spread to my every nerve, which let my heart, can't help but come to angry.

Indeed, Lu Ping is a very strong man. Even if he is put outside the school, he can be regarded as a rare master. At this moment, I believe it is true that he has become the leader of a gang in this campus by relying on this pair of iron fists. With his skills, he is really hard to meet in this school, and even can be said that there is no opponent.

Of course, these are before I entered this school. Now, I am a master who can stabilize Lu Ping. Even though I can't show my real strength openly and honestly, I can't lose this challenge more than exposing my real kung fu. In that case, it's a disguised statement that I'm not as good as Lu Ping, and Lu Ping is Peng Xuefei's Otherwise, if Lu Ping chased Peng Xuefei for so long, Peng Xuefei would not be indifferent.

If I am not as good as Lu Ping, how can I pursue Peng Xuefei?

Lu Ping is the place where I dominate the campus, and it is a gap between me and Peng Xuefei before. However, I was not in a hurry. I was waiting for the opportunity. My body was still retreating. Lu Ping's attack became more and more fierce. The noise under the stage was like a wave. The wave overtook the wave. Lu Ping's attack greatly stimulated their nerves. Many people could not help standing up from their seats. They gave out the most intense cheers and the most nervous The cry of.When I retreated to the edge of the challenge arena and there was no way out behind me, my body stood still. When Lu Ping attacked me again, I opened my arms in front of me and clamped his arms with two arms.

However, I just clamped one of Lu Ping's arms, and he didn't rush to get rid of it. The other arm swung to me in an instant. I let Lu Ping attack, and my foot kicked his knee without any trace. Lu Ping's body trembled and stepped backward towards the back. At the same time, he suddenly pulled out his arm which was held by me.

At this point, Lu Ping's attack on me like a raindrop finally ended, and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. Even though my physical fitness was extremely strong and my anti attack ability was incomparable to ordinary people, I still felt deep pain in my arm after being hit by Lu Ping for so many times. What's more, Lu Ping not only hit me, but also felt numb It's also very painful.

From this coherent attack, I can see that Lu Ping used at least several kinds of Kung Fu, such as Thai boxing, taekwondo and karate.

This makes me find that Lu Ping is really not simple. And I have no routine to attack him. I can do a lot of boxing, footwork and leg techniques. Among them, Taiji is my best, but I haven't used it. If someone has sharp eyes and detects something, it will have a bad effect on me.

Originally, all the people on the stage were immersed in the excitement that I was beaten by Lu Ping. From the beginning, I was at a disadvantage. Lu Feng has always been the upper hand. Up to now, I have just kicked him, which can be regarded as an attack on him. However, I forced Lu Ping to step back, but it also surprised everyone in the field. In their mind, they had expected Lu Ping to win. They thought Lu Ping was the strongest person. And I was able to force Lu Ping back, which was considered to have made people lose their glasses.

I thought that Lu Pinggang had just made a series of attacks. After I stopped him, he would take a rest. But I was wrong. He didn't even stop at all. As soon as he stepped back, he rushed forward again. This time, he directly jumped to me and attacked me. It can be said that this is his strongest attack. He has blocked my position. I can't avoid it, even if it is blocking, With the strength I showed, it's hard to resist.

In an instant, the people in the field burst out the most enthusiastic frenzy since the beginning. Although they did not stand on the stage, they saw the truth. This was Lu Ping's strongest blow and a fatal blow to me.

I am helpless and depressed. Lu Ping's strength is beyond my imagination. However, under the focus of so many people, I can't fight back with extraordinary actions, because in that case, I will be against the strength of my rich second-generation identity. As soon as I bite my teeth, I raise my hands and prepare for hard connection.

Almost as soon as I started to put up my hands, Lu Ping's attack fell down. He just stepped back and rushed forward, accumulating great potential for his attack. His elbow hit my hand and fell on my shoulder. My body was out of control. At that time, his fist pounded on my chest again, and I was out of focus Steady body, directly hit lying on the ground, this moment, I straight feel chest tightness, my mouth corners out of blood.

The next second, I fell, while Lu Ping stood. For many people, Lu Ping has won the single contest. I was attacked so fiercely that I even vomited blood. I couldn't stand up again. Lu Ping is a well deserved strong man. From the very beginning, he has gained the upper hand. This competition is like one-sided crushing. Although I am strong, I am not at the same level as Lu Ping at all.

Even Peng Xuefei, who has sharp eyes, thinks that I have been defeated. The strange light in her eyes can't help disappearing. It turns into a mockery and a deep contempt for me. Among them, there is also a bit of disappointment. It seems that she is still in the middle of this single challenge and has not enjoyed it.

And the king like Lu is, after knocking me down, suddenly turned around and faced the audience. Like the supreme winner, he opened his hands.

The people of Lu Gang under the stage cheered warmly. This is the honor of Lu Ping and the pride of their brothers.

On the other hand, Chen Xiao and a dozen people around him became a little silent and frowned tightly. At this moment, almost all the audience's eyes were fixed on the king like Lu Ping. Their voices also affirmed Lu Ping, flattered Lu Ping, and said how powerful he was. He was the worthy one-on-one Wang in this university. I compared with him, Jane Straight is too much.

However, to the surprise of the whole audience, I, a neglected loser, slowly climbed up from the ground and stood on the arena again.

After a while, the eyes of the whole audience suddenly turned to me. When they saw that I could still stand up, their eyes were immediately stunned. Some people could not help but wonder: "this Jiangnan wind, he has been beaten so badly, do you want to insult yourself?"

Seeing the reaction of the people on the stage, Lu Ping on the stage also turned arrogantly and looked at me haughtily. In his eyes, he had already regarded me as a defeated general.

And I pulled the corner of my mouth, a red and bloody smile was blooming on my face, and an extremely cold voice exploded in the huge Gymnasium: "the single competition is not over yet!"As soon as the voice fell, I rushed to Lu Ping.

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