A man who had been completely defeated in the eyes of others actually stood up without a sound and uttered such wild words, and rushed to Lu Ping. All these actions shocked the audience.

The huge gymnasium, the warm crowd, suddenly came to a standstill, and the noise stopped abruptly. All the people held their breath and watched me suddenly burst into power.

In my burning eyes, I drove my own steps and rushed to Luping at the speed of wind.

As for my own strength, of course, I know that it is absolutely not a problem to deal with Lu Ping. At first, I planned to defeat Lu Ping with just the right strength, and there was no trace. But in the end, I found that Lu Ping's strength was stronger than I had imagined, and I could not exert any moderate strength to defeat him. But now, I have a plan in my heart to defeat Lu Ping skillfully.

Previously, I had a fight with Lu Ping, and their bodies were separated, so that the audience could clearly see the moves I used. Once I made a particularly powerful move, people would see the clues. Therefore, at this moment, I chose to fight him in close quarters.

I can clearly see that Lu Ping saw me rushing over, and there was a trace of contempt in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't take me seriously. In his opinion, if he could knock me down once, he could knock me down for the second time. This time, he also showed a deep momentum. Obviously, he was ready to completely knock me down in this blow.

Later, then quickly, suddenly my body moved to Lu Ping. In a flash, Lu Ping stood still and roared at me: "go!"

With this word, Lu Ping's momentum broke out again. Until this moment, I knew that Lu Ping's fierce attack was not his strongest attack. He had not exerted all his strength. However, this time, I completely annoyed Lu Ping. The blow he broke out at the moment was his ultimate. If he hits me, even if my physical fitness is strong, I will suffer a lot, or even be seriously injured.

However, at this moment, I am the one who takes the initiative. Seeing Lu Feng's iron fist blow, my body suddenly turns and runs directly from his fist, his arm and his body edge.

On Lu Ping's side, I clearly felt that Lu Ping showed a little surprise because he failed to hit me with all his strength. However, the surprise was just a flash away. Then, he was replaced by Lu Ping's boundless anger. At present, he quickly accumulated strength and was about to attack me again.

This is a rare opportunity for me. Moreover, I had predicted this opportunity in my heart. How could I allow Lu Ping to make another move? Immediately, my body moved behind him, forming a back-to-back situation with him. At the same time, one of my feet outlined to the back, and directly hooked it to Lu Ping's ankle. At this time, at the same time, it was It was when he moved his body that his body suddenly became unstable when I hooked him.

At this moment, my body moved again, and it was close to Lu Ping's back. At this moment, I opened my arms, and the strength was transmitted to my back through my arms. I used my real strength. Although I didn't use all my strength, it was not what ordinary people could bear. Even if Lu Ping was a master, he was a bit shouldered No more. I obviously feel that he is struggling with me, but how can his strength resist me? What's more, the center of gravity of his body has been somewhat unstable.

With this back support, I had the ability to let Lu Ping's body fly out directly, but I didn't show such strength. I just let his body stagger forward uncontrollably.

Of course, if I just let him stagger, why should I spend so much energy? Almost Lu Ping's back had just separated from me, and my body quickly turned. With a faster speed, I got to his side and set up one of his arms. Then, I stepped into a horse stance and made the appearance of using the strength of my whole body, and I gave a loud drink.

In this burst of drinking, Lu Ping's body was thrown up by me. In an instant, he flew over my head and finally fell to the ground with a roar.

All of a sudden, Lu Ping's face showed a very painful expression, and even his brain consciousness was a little blurred by my demerit, and he couldn't react for a moment.

I stepped forward slowly and stopped beside Lu Ping. One of my feet stepped on Lu Ping's body, and my eyes looked down at the stage. At this moment, I stood tall in the audience.

I got up from the ground, until I had a fight with Lu Ping, and then Lu Ping was knocked down by me and trampled on by me. All these things happened between a few breaths. It happened so fast that many people didn't know what happened. At this moment, the whole scene was so quiet that we could hear the breath of people. Everyone in the field was completely shocked Even Peng Xuefei and the school's unexpected teachers all looked at us on the challenge arena in surprise.

After dozens of seconds, the talent under the stage reacted, and finally realized that the Jiangnan wind reversed the situation in an instant and won the challenge!

At this moment, the huge gymnasium was boiling in an instant, and the voices of the crowd burst out like a tsunami. Some people were excited to tell their companions about the shock. Some people couldn't stop sighing about my strength. Some people wondered what was going on just now. Why Lu Ping still had the upper hand a moment ago, but this second has already passed After I stepped on the bottom of my feet, the change is just like a dream!Peng Xuefei is one of them. She put away her previous surprise and recovered her apathy. But I can clearly feel that under her indifference, there are extremely complex emotions hidden. Perhaps, she feels incredible about my reversal, maybe she is not happy with such an ending, or she is still in the aftertaste It's my amazing counterattack.

On the other hand, Lu Ping's subordinates immediately felt like a ball that had been deflated. Some of them were still unable to accept this reality.

As for Chen xiaothey, they are in crazy joy, shouting, cheering for me.

I won. I won Lu Ping. Before Lu Ping was the champion of the University in singles, but now, with his defeat, his era passed in an instant. My era came next. At this moment, I, Jiangnan style, became the new generation of singles king in this university!

My foot stepped on Lu Ping's chest, but I didn't give him any real pressure. It was just a kind of constraint to him, which restrained him to resist. Now, I have completely won, and I have taken my foot. At the same time, my eyes are on Lu Ping.

Lu Ping's eyes are also full of doubts and shock. Others may think that I won the war by chance. But just now, Lu Ping really felt my strength. However, judging from his look, I'm afraid that even he himself is in a trance. In the end, I'm afraid that my strength is too strong to hold him down, or is he careless enough to let him go The body lost its center of gravity, which gave me an opportunity to take advantage of.

Of course, no matter what, failure is defeat. Lu Ping had to accept this fact. Looking into my eyes, he ran away in a panic. A sense of shame appeared on his face, which made his face a little red.

Lu Ping initiated this challenge on his own initiative, and he really showed contempt for me just now. However, I severely defeated his arrogance with reality. At the same time, it also proved that I was stronger than him. No matter who looked at it, it was a dark matter. As a strong man and a client, I was afraid of Lu Ping's slightest I feel even more.

I really have reasons to hate Lu Ping, especially when he sent someone to ambush me. However, I didn't say any exciting words to the defeated one. Seeing that he was still lying on the ground, I held out a palm to him.

Many people in the audience did not know what I was doing. So, some people even doubted, and felt that I suddenly made friends with Lu Ping? Even Lu Ping himself could not help but flash a little surprise, but soon he put aside this trace of expression. Instead of taking my hand, he snorted coldly. Then, he got up from the ground.

I didn't care about his arrogance, but he got up on his own, which surprised me a little bit. Just now, even though I didn't have all my strength, ordinary experts could not bear it. However, Lu Ping recovered a little in such a short period of time, which made me look at him with a new look.

And this is more certain. A decision I made in my heart was to subdue Lu Ping.

After Lu Ping got up, he was about to walk towards the stage. I stopped him immediately and said in front of him with profound meaning: "you should not forget the agreement we made before."

My voice is not very loud. In this noisy scene, only Lu Ping can hear it. After hearing this, his body obviously trembled. You know, this competition is not only better than which one is weaker. The losers have to leave this school and leave Peng Xuefei completely.

Lu Feng didn't think that the loser was himself, but suddenly, he lost and had to face the end of leaving school. How did he accept it? After all, he has become a big brother in this school, and he has many brothers under him. This is all done by him. How can he give up? What's more, there is a goddess in this school, Peng Xuefei.

I know that Lu Ping is in a dilemma. He doesn't want to leave the school, and he doesn't want to break the agreement with me. At this time, I timely said: "in fact, I don't want to leave this school, but I have one condition."

Hearing this, Lu Ping raised his head directly and looked at me with a surprised and expectant look. I opened my mouth and slowly said, "I want you and your Lu Gang to join me in the beacon fire!"

This decision came to my mind when I met Lu Ping in the parking lot yesterday.

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