Today, my beacon club has gained a certain reputation in this campus, but this reputation only comes from me. It can even be said that before today, the whole beacon fire club was only me. Of course, there is also a errand Chen Xiao. If I want to dominate the campus, I must first break the pattern of dividing campus forces and absorb Lu Ping and his forces. This is an important step for me.

But as soon as I put forward this proposal, Lu Ping rejected it: "impossible!"

In other words, Lu Ping's eyebrows are very tight. I know that he is struggling. After all, he lost to me. If he was to leave school according to the agreement, then the relationship between Lu bang and him would become weaker. At that time, Lu Gang would have no head and could not protect himself.

However, if he was to submit himself to me, he would not be convinced, and I can understand.

Lu Ping didn't seem to want to struggle with this problem in front of me. He turned his body and walked toward the stage. His back looks very tangled and heavy.

Without thinking, I directly faced Lu Ping's back and said, "Lu Ping, my words, you can think about it slowly. I'm not in a hurry, but I won't wait too long."

Hearing this, Lu Ping's steps could not help but stop. But then, his pace became more and more sick, and soon, he disappeared in the crowd of Lu gang members he brought.

However, the audience did not hear the quiet conversation between Lu Ping and me in front of me. However, the domineering words I left at last were very loud and showed the breath of King completely. Even though people did not know the content of the words, they could still feel my momentum. I am giving Lu Ping a profound warning. Today, I am in the south of the Yangtze River Wind, honor the audience. Almost everyone in the field was immersed in my king's glory.

However, for me, even if the whole world trembles because of me, I don't care. The only thing I care about at the moment is Peng Xuefei, who is the key to my ultimate goal.

So, I didn't stay in the arena, so I walked to Peng Xuefei.

At this time, Peng Xuefei's expression has almost recovered, without any obvious features. However, there are still indescribable meanings in her eyes. I know that the real purpose of her coming here today is to see me beaten up and how I feel embarrassed in front of so many people.

However, the ending was contrary to her expectation. I suddenly crushed Lu Ping and won a beautiful victory. How could Peng Xuefei feel depressed? At the same time, she may have been shocked by me, as if she had a new understanding of me.

See her like this, my heart finally had some comfortable meaning, with this a self-confidence, I accelerated the pace, want to quickly in Peng Xuefei there to regain face.

But as soon as I got off the challenge arena, several figures came up to me and blocked my way. Their momentum was very oppressive. The leader was Du Haichao, who was very deep in the city.

As soon as he came up to me, he showed a strange smile and said to me with a smile: "Jiangnan style, the competition just now was really wonderful. I really did not miss you, but I don't know, how did you think about my previous proposal?"

Du Haichao's words are obviously provocative. The smile on his face is also full of gloom. Especially, there are so many younger brothers around him, all of them are full of hostility to me.

I know that this is Du Haichao's deliberate pressure on me. Even though I have won Lu Ping's challenge, pride and the recognition of the people in the field, Du Haichao's posture is still pressing on me, especially his last question, which is very threatening. This scene is full of drama, more impact and instant attraction The audience ready to disperse in the field.

Almost all the people present know du Haichao. As a famous person in the school, he is naturally a remarkable celebrity. Now, I have just finished the challenge competition with Lu Ping, another overlord of the school. Du Haichao leads people to block my way. How can people not be interested in this? The eyes of the crowd can not help but look into this side, and many people can not help discussing It was discussed.

My new star in campus, Peng Xuefei's rumored boyfriend, came to school not long ago. In the past two days, I made sun Yunlong, one of the three forces, and then defeated Lu Ping. Now, apart from Peng Xuefei, there is only Du Haichao in the campus. I haven't touched him yet. So many people can't help but wonder what Du Haichao wants to do when he appears at this time?

Of course, others don't know. I know that Du Haichao is coercing me to join the club. As my popularity grows stronger and stronger, now I have defeated Lu Ping. He can't sit still.

He must know that I have set up a beacon fire club on my own, and have defeated sun Yunlong and Lu Ping. With his wisdom, he must have guessed that he is the person I will deal with next. He came to see me now, and he must be taking advantage of the time when I have not completely risen, and quickly suppressed me. The reason he was looking for was the so-called proposal he put forward to me last time to let me join the Shanghai Super League.

For this point, I had already rejected him face to face. Now that I have created my own gang, how could I possibly join his door? Therefore, my answer is obvious. Even if Du Haichao is putting pressure on me with people at the moment, I can't change my attitude. With little consideration, I resolutely respond to him and say, "sorry, I never thought about it It's a problem. "As soon as my words came out, the atmosphere centered on me suddenly became heavy. Du Haichao's men immediately showed a violent air, as if they wanted to move me.

But their eldest brother Du Haichao gave orders, and the younger brothers of these clubs did not act. At this moment, Du Haichao's expression was still so elusive. His smile was not like a smile, and his anger was not angry. He just looked at me lightly and said: "Oh? Yes, three days is coming! "

His words once again deepened the meaning of the threat. Naturally, I could clearly feel it. However, other people on the scene were more and more confused. They did not understand what Du Haichao asked me to consider. What's more, I turned him down. The implication is self-evident. Even Peng Xuefei was staring at this scene with great interest.

In the suffocating atmosphere, I gently hooked the corners of my mouth, which seemed very relaxed. In fact, I did not have any fear. No matter how insidious and powerful Du Haichao was, I didn't need to be afraid. In the end, I had to deal with him. Since I was destined to be the enemy, why should I destroy my momentum in front of the enemy.

In this regard, I directly replied: "don't say it's three days, even if it's 30 days, my answer is the same, it won't change. My life is up to me, and I've never wanted to work for anyone else. "

After hearing this, Du Haichao didn't have any reaction. One of his younger brothers couldn't see it any more. He directly said to Du Haichao, "boss, don't be so wordy. This boy doesn't care about your sincerity at all. He doesn't even pay attention to the position of vice-president of our Haichao Association. It's obvious that he wants to fight against us. We should give it to him as soon as possible Look at the colors. "

When this little brother talks, his eyes are looking at me, very aggressive.

But the students who watched the scene finally reacted. They didn't expect that what Du Haichao asked me to consider was that he wanted me to join the club. What's more, he gave me the position of vice president.

For a while, the discussion among the crowd became more and more enthusiastic. Some people said that I was really powerful. I was thrown out by Du Haichao just a few days after I entered the school. Some people said that I was Sima Zhao's heart and everyone knew that I was unwilling to join the Haichao association because I didn't disdain the position of vice president and wanted to develop my own power. Others said that Du Haichao was so Oppression, I dare to speak out, very imposing.

The onlookers have different opinions. Everyone's views are different. But everyone's eyes are on Du Haichao and I, who has just won Lu Ping. On the one hand, I have just won Lu Ping. On the other hand, Du Haichao, who has been famous for a long time, as well as a group of his younger brothers, are not good at coming. It seems that there will be a collision in the next second.

My heart has also raised my vigilance. Although the other party is prepared, I don't have to be afraid of them. What I do now is not only to show my hardiness to outsiders and Peng Xuefei, but also to my heart.

Du Haichao did not speak. His eyes were staring at me all the time. He was very deep in the city. He only had a slight smile on his face. No one could see what he was thinking at the moment.

Originally, I thought Du Haichao would choose to explode, but to my complete surprise, he didn't show any sign of the outbreak. Instead, he put his hand to stop his little brother who was on the verge of rioting. Then, he laughed and said, "Jiangnan wind, if you are a man, I didn't mistake you. Jinlin is not a thing in the pool. As soon as there is a storm, it will turn into a dragon. Listen to what you just said, you are going to develop independently. I know what kind of beacon fire club you have set up. I am very optimistic about you. Your guild will certainly get great development. If you need anything, you can come to me for help at any time. "

With that, Du Haichao reached out his right hand to me in a friendly way. Is this to shake hands with me to make peace? This guy's abnormal behavior made me a little stunned. I was really surprised by the result.

Du Haichao changed his face faster than he opened a book. He put on such a posture and threatened me. If I continued to refuse, I should let him explode. However, he suddenly made friends with me. For a while, I couldn't figure out what his real intention was under this friendly attitude.

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