Even if I was stupid, I couldn't believe that he was really nice to me. I didn't think he would be such a generous person. Anyway, since Du Haichao was generous, I didn't want to be a kid. I stretched out my right hand and held it with his right hand.

At this time, Du Haichao said: "well, now we are friends. As a friend, I'm proud of your performance today. At eight o'clock tonight, I set up a place in the Royal Garden in the downtown area to celebrate for you. Jiangnan style, you must be there."

His words raised doubts in my heart again. I couldn't help but look at Du Haichao. He had a bright smile on his face. He seemed sincere. Without waiting for me to have any reaction, Du Haichao suddenly took off his hand and said, "I still have something to do. I'll go first."

As the voice dropped, Du Haichao had already moved away from the gymnasium and left the gymnasium with his own men.

I stood in the same place and watched them leave. I was calm on the surface, but I was still thinking about his intention. Many people in the gymnasium, seeing that today's incident had been settled, walked out of the stadium one after another. However, many people remained in the field. I beat Lu Ping, which was a shock to them. Du Haichao's performance made them worship me.

In a trance, I came back to my senses and looked around. I found that Peng Xuefei, who was still sitting on the table just now, watching me talk to Du Haichao, didn't know when to leave here.

For a moment, my heart faintly lost. At this time, Chen Xiao and his more than a dozen people ran to me. As soon as he came to me, Chen Xiao immediately said to me, "boss, you are so powerful. I knew that you would defeat Lu Ping. Now, you are a worthy one-on-one campus champion."

Chen Xiao's words immediately attracted the response of more than a dozen people behind him. They were all the newcomers of Chen Xiaola to the beacon fire club. At this moment, they were all proud of being a member of the beacon fire club.

Their words also infected me. I suddenly remembered that my primary goal was to develop and strengthen our forces. Seeing that there were still many people on the scene, I immediately said frankly: "Hello, everyone, I am the wind from the south of the Yangtze River. Although I just founded the beacon fire club, I believe that it is a very promising organization. If you want to join in, I will be very happy Welcome, interested parties, can find Chen Xiao to sign up. "

The rest of the people on the scene had already worshipped me, and many of them were students who had no help and no school, but were infected by campus blood. When I heard this, their spirits were shocked and they were very interested, especially when I saw Du Haichao making advances to me. Let them more enthusiastic, now there are many people, directly to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiaohe and more than a dozen members behind him were also enthusiastic about the event. I was walking outside the gymnasium. I couldn't help thinking about Du Haichao's invitation to dinner. Although I can't figure out his real mind, at least I can feel that the so-called banquet is not simple.

Du Haichao is a man with a city government. Although he seems to be kind to me, how can he really support me in his heart? Even if he pursues Peng Xuefei, he should not watch a new force rise. The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more deeply I think this person is hiding.

Unknowingly, I had already walked outside the museum. Just a few steps outside, a familiar voice came from behind me: "good, Jiangnan style. I didn't expect that you really have the strength to defeat Lu Ping!"

Smell speech, I immediately stopped the pace, turned around, because, I heard out, this is Peng Xuefei's voice. Originally, she did not leave, but stood on the edge of the gymnasium door, it seems that she is waiting for me here. At this time, she is walking slowly towards me, her face is still high cold color, but her words, more or less a little to me.

I could not help but show a trace of self-confidence look, said to her: "that is of course, now, you should believe my martial arts!"

That is to say, my eyes are staring at Peng Xuefei, I know, she stays here waiting for me. It should be more than just praise me, there must be other purposes.

After hearing what I said, Peng Xuefei's expression on her face did not change much, but she responded coldly: "it's really good, but it hasn't met my requirements. You know, Du Haichao is the most difficult role among the three."

This, of course, I know. Because I know du Haichao is the most difficult to deal with, I put him in the last place to deal with him. However, Peng Xuefei's words are more than that. After she finished her speech, she suddenly took two steps forward, which was very close to me.

When I was a little stunned, she lowered her voice and kept a secret to me: "I heard what Du Haichao said to you just now. I just want to tell you that he is not as simple as sun Yunlong and Lu Ping. He is very resourceful. If you want to go, there must be danger. I advise you not to go. You don't want to show off your courage and have an accident!"

This is the first time, really the first time, I feel Peng Xuefei's tone is not playful, there is no exciting, and, as soon as she finished speaking, she also looked at me deeply, the look in her eyes, let me know more, she is telling me sincerely, rather than deliberately provoking me as before.Can Peng Xuefei wait for me here to persuade me not to fall into a trap?

In fact, after these days of getting along with each other, I have a certain understanding of Peng Xuefei's character. Her most direct character is high cold. It is difficult for anyone to get close to her. It is more difficult to enter her heart. Her character also reflects her prudence. She will not trust others easily, will not communicate with others, and will not let her mind be exposed in front of others. Perhaps, these are all related to her identity, which is destined to keep herself away from danger and be used by others at the same time.

It is because of her personality that it is difficult for me to get close to her and even more difficult to catch up with her. However, the longer I contact her, the more I find that her heart is not as cold as her surface. Last time we had a meal in the restaurant, she timely stopped the fat man and ban cuntou. I can see that her heart is not particularly hard-blooded, not really so cold-blooded.

The reason why she dislikes me may be that she doesn't like the arrogant rich second generation of me. She thinks that my ability is not very excellent, but she always likes to boast. She always clings to her like a dog skin plaster, which makes her feel disgusted. She repeatedly set up a bureau, trying to suppress my pride, want to see me eat flat. I want to get rid of this fly, but in fact, she should not be cruel enough to really want me to die, or disabled.

In particular, the miracles I have repeatedly created have somewhat broken her understanding of me. At least, today, I feel that she has begun to re-examine me and remind me at this time that it seems that she is not particularly disgusted with me.

Thinking of this, my heart can not help but feel a little relieved, efforts have finally made a little progress, my face also can not help showing a trace of smile, to Peng Xuefei softly: "Feifei, are you worried about me?"

On hearing this, Peng Xuefei's face of kindness just now returned to frost. She directly threw the following sentence to me: "shameless, don't blame me for not reminding you when I'm dead!"

With that, she didn't bother to pay attention to me and left directly.

Looking at Peng Xuefei's back, the smile on my face gradually disappeared, and I fell into meditation unconsciously. I know that I have been a step closer to Peng Xuefei. If I want to go further, I must defeat sun Yunlong, Lu Ping and Du Haichao as soon as possible.

At present, I am just holding down sun Yunlong for the time being. As long as he comes back, he will surely retaliate against me. I'm afraid that by that time, he will not be so easy to deal with. Although I have thrown out olive branches to Lu Ping today, I have no idea what his thoughts are. In case he dies, he will neither leave school nor follow me, Even, he came back and used the forces of the Lu Gang to deal with me, so I really had no idea.

The most important thing is that Du Haichao has a deep mind. I can't guess his mind. But as Peng Xuefei reminded me just now, I can almost conclude that tonight's banquet is a Hongmen banquet.

However, even if I knew that there was danger, I was determined to attend the Hongmen banquet. I would like to see what Du Haichao was up to. What's more, I would like to have a fight with him sooner or later. I might as well take this opportunity to meet him in advance.

Of course, I can't do things blindly now. Since I have decided to go to the banquet, I have to be prepared. At the moment, I drove away from school and went back to my residence.

After lunch, after taking a bath and changing my clothes, I began to think about going to dinner in the evening.

Du Haichao is insidious. He may be different from other student scoundrels. However, for me who has experienced several life and death trials, he does not pose a great threat to me. Even if I go there will be danger as Peng Xuefei said, but with my strength, as long as Du Haichao does not use guns to surround me and escape from his hands, it should not be a problem, but for the sake of In case of any accident, I have prepared a three edged army stab in case of emergency.

Night, quietly fell, from the appointed time is almost the same, I put aside the mind, do a good job of dressing, drive straight to the Royal Garden in the center of the city.

After a short time, I arrived at Royal Garden Road, an upscale nightclub. As soon as I stopped my car, the lobby manager in the club immediately came forward. When he knew that I was coming to Du Haichao's banquet, he showed more enthusiasm and directly led me to his box.

In the process of walking, my eyes casually looked at the environment inside. However, I didn't see anything unusual when I went to the door of the box. On the contrary, I wondered if Du Haichao really didn't intend to deal with me, or did he have any other ambush?

I didn't want to understand, but my face was calm. After the lobby manager opened the box door, I walked in calmly.

The lights in the private room were dim and flickering. However, when I entered the room, I saw Du Haichao with a relaxed face. To my great surprise, there were two other familiar faces in the box, sun Yunlong, and Lu Ping, who was fighting with me in the middle of the day!

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