The three overlords gathered in a hall. This scene made my heart suddenly jump. In an instant, I knew it completely. It turned out that this was a real Hongmen banquet. Although I had already guessed that Du Haichao had bad intentions, I did not guess that Lu Ping and sun Yunlong would also be involved.

Du Haichao apparently said that he was entertaining me for my victory, but in fact he set up such a road for me. Especially, judging from the posture of the three of them at the moment, it seems that they have been sitting here for some time. It is very likely that this banquet is the Bureau they set up for me together.

Think of this, my eyes can not help but slightly narrowed up.

Du Haichao is sitting on one side. Beside him is a middle-aged man who looks extremely calm. The middle-aged man is dressed in a Chinese tunic and looks meticulous. His waist is straight. Even though this is a place of extravagance and wine, he does not relax at all and stands beside Du Haichao.

Just standing, his body shows a very strong momentum, obviously, his skill can not be underestimated.

Sun Yunlong is sitting directly opposite the box door, which is opposite to me. As for Lu Ping, he is sitting on the other side, drinking lightly.

The first person to see me was Du Haichao. When he saw me, he could not help but smile. He was about to stand up and say hello to me. But at this time, one of them got up to speak.

This man is sun Yunlong. He stood up from his seat with a cold look, and said to me coldly: "Jiangnan wind, you really have a kind of appearance?"

Sun Yunlong's tone is very bad, and his attitude towards me is very clear. Indeed, he was beaten and humiliated by me that night. I wonder that he doesn't hate to die. Up to now, his injury has not improved. His face is blue and purple. When I saw him stand up from the sofa, his legs still tremble. But it doesn't help him to burst into anger. His eyes, if they can If you kill people, I've been dead a thousand times.

Du Haichao's enthusiasm, sun Yunlong's anger and Lu Ping's deep feelings are quite different. However, together, they create a very strange atmosphere for this dark box. It seems that every dust particle in the air is surrounded by conspiracy, which makes people feel uncomfortable involuntarily.

I have some hesitation in my heart, but at this moment, out of resentment against me, it seems that sun Yunlong really can't help but rush to me.

Du Haichao, the smiling face tiger, stood up at the right time and stopped sun Yunlong. He stopped him and said, "Sun Yunlong, I invited the Jiangnan wind. Let's put aside the hatred between you and him. Today, we'll sit here and have a good chat."

Hearing this, sun Yunlong reluctantly stopped his movements, but his look was not relaxed at all. He snorted at me and sat down.

I didn't take sun Yunlong's performance seriously. He hated me for sure. I would not regret what I had punished him at the beginning. I can only say that he was planted by himself and suffered his own fruit. Last time, when he had so many subordinates present, I was able to play with him by clapping. Now, one of his younger brothers is not here. Moreover, he himself is seriously injured. If there is a conflict with me, he will make a fool of himself.

However, we can't rule out another possibility. If this is really a bureau, if sun Yunlong's anger and Du Haichao's obstruction are arranged in advance, then they will certainly have backers. Although it looks calm outside, it is hard to guarantee that they will have other ambushes.

For a moment, I was a little hesitant, this box full of strange atmosphere, whether I should enter or not.

The shrewd Du Haichao, just like seeing my mind, suddenly said to me in a kind tone: "sorry, Jiangnan wind, I didn't tell you in advance, just afraid you won't come! But don't get me wrong. I mean no harm

Du Haichao's words make me feel goosebumps all over. It's enough to be a hypocritical man. I want to fool me without malice. I'm not a fool. I won't be led by the nose. But I can't be a turtle in front of them. Since I'm here, there's no reason to retreat. I also want to see clearly that Du Haichao's heart can't help it What are their thoughts and what are their intentions?

At the moment, I stepped forward and walked into the room full of conspiracy.

Du Haichao sat down on the sofa in front of me and said, "that's right. We all belong to a school. It's necessary to fight and kill. If we can resolve this contradiction, it's not very good."

Resolve? Du Haichao's words are really light. I had to deal with the three of them. The hatred between sun Yunlong and me is not easy to resolve. What's more, I don't believe that Du Haichao tried his best to lure me to this private room, that is, to make peace with me.

However, I didn't make it clear. My face remained calm and calm. But I could not help but glance at Lu Ping, who was sitting on the other side.My arrival, Du Haichao and sun Yunlong have already made a statement, but Ping Feng, who has not said a word, is just drinking wine.

Lu Ping's eyebrows slightly frowned, and I don't know if it's because he lost to me at noon. He didn't even look at me.

Du Haichao, on the other hand, once again showed the host's enthusiasm. He poured me a glass of wine himself, and then asked me, "Jiangnan style, do you want to sing, or shall we find some younger girls to come in?"

Du Haichao's excessive hospitality makes me feel that his mind is very deep and deep. In this way, I am more interested in knowing what his real purpose is. As for other unimportant things, I will not think about them. Instead, I will reply coldly: "no need."

Hearing my reply, Du Haichao put away the smile on his face, and then took up his glass of wine in his hand and said to me with some solemnity: "Nanfeng, anyway, I invite you to celebrate, so, I'd like to propose a toast to you."

With that, Du Haichao drank all the wine in his glass.

I didn't hesitate. I dried the wine in the glass, but after putting it down, I said, "Du Haichao, I've drunk the wine. I should have nothing to do now. Goodbye."

With that, I'm going to get up and leave. I really don't want to go around with Du Haichao. Since he doesn't express his real intention, I'll leave now to see if I can force his true face.

What I didn't expect was that Du Haichao didn't get worried by my words, but forced him to show his original shape. He suddenly put his glass on the table at the moment when I was preparing to get up, and said to me in a cruel voice: "Jiangnan wind, do you think we come here to see you pretend to be forced to leave?"

Sure enough, their purpose is not to talk about reconciliation with me, let alone celebrate victory for me. Sun Yunlong's attitude represents everything. Finally, Du Haichao also entered the theme, and his gloomy voice suddenly came: "Jiangnan style, since the celebration is over, then we should talk about another thing."

The fox finally showed its tail. I turned my head slightly and took a look at Du Haichao. He leaned on the sofa with his hands open like a king. At this moment, his face no longer had the enthusiasm he had just had. At the same time, sun Yunlong looked at me coldly. On his rigid face, there was a trace of sneer. Even Lu Ping, who had not spoken on the other side, could not help looking at me, but his expression did not There is too much to reveal.

Looking at their posture, I couldn't help but sneer. It took me half a day to get the business out. It was much easier to see them show their true faces than before. I couldn't help grinning, showing a little playful smile and saying, "come on, I'd like to hear what it is that you've spent so much time leading me here."

As soon as my voice fell, sun Yunlong, who hated me the most, said, "Jiangnan wind, since the night you attacked me, this school has you or me. Now, my request is very simple, that is, you should quit this school."

Quit school? This request was put forward by sun Yunlong, but it should be the common purpose of the three of them. Of course, if they come to me just for this, I don't need too much nonsense. I glanced at Sun Yunlong lightly and said faintly, "sorry, I can't do what you want."

My answer was simple and straightforward. According to reason, sun Yunlong, who hated me deeply, should burst out immediately when he saw me like this. However, he didn't say anything and didn't stand up. He just snorted coldly.

On the contrary, Du Haichao on the other side said: "Jiangnan style, this matter is discussed by us together. In fact, you may not have to leave school. There is still a way to choose by yourself."

When he said this, Du Haichao seemed to regard himself as the king, with an attitude of dominating the fate of others.

Seeing him like this, I suddenly felt that he was the director of this play, and sun Yunlong and Lu Ping were just actors he invited. What did Du Haichao say about the other way? What was it?

I didn't think about it any more. I immediately asked Du Hai in a very cold voice: "what way?"

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