I guessed the identity of this middle-aged man at the beginning. He was Du Haichao's bodyguard, and he was an expert. But I underestimated him. I didn't expect that his strength would be so strong. Just now, he stood there motionless, like a mountain. But at the moment, he moved as fast as lightning, and his body with a strong momentum towards me With the wrist of a bayonet.

Because of this man's surprise attack, I had to give up Du Haichao. Instead, I changed the military stab in my hand and went to the stab of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's reaction speed is also fast enough. When he saw my movement, his hand retracted, and his whole body shape changed. He moved to Du Haichao, blocking my way. At the same time, he pressed me hard.

Because I didn't use my real strength, I gave up the opportunity of catching the thief and the king first, and I fought with the middle-aged man. He used his body and I used my weapons. I was still stronger and scored one point. However, the middle-aged man didn't fight with the front. He dodged and hit me with a roaring steel fist.

I wanted to use the army stab to deal with it, but it was not enough. In a hurry, I made another hand and shook hands for a fist, which directly collided with the fist of the middle-aged man.

Suddenly, a powerful force came from my fist to my arm. Then, my whole body was subjected to this force. My body could not help but regress two steps. The middle-aged man did not retreat, but his body swayed down. Then, he still stood in front of Du Haichao as stable as a mountain.

In the blink of an eye or two, I lost the opportunity of Du Haichao. Sun Yunlong couldn't help looking at this scene. However, before I had any other actions, sun Yunlong woke up. He snorted coldly and said, "hum, Jiangnan wind, do you really think we are going to invite you here? If you want to make a sneak attack, today, you can wait to die. Give it to me

At Sun Yunlong's command, immediately, those who rushed in attacked and killed me.

The number of these people was as many as seven or eight. The man in front of them was a man with a flat head. He was the first one to rush forward, raised the watermelon knife and launched a fierce attack on me.

Since I have lost the opportunity to catch the thief and catch the king first, now I can only deal with the swordsman in front of me with my heart. When the flat headed man rushed to me, my body did not retreat and flashed. On the contrary, I met him calmly.

With Du Haichao on the scene, I can't show too much strength, but I can't be caught with my hands. Although these adults are much better than the students, especially with knives in their hands, they are not worried for me.

It's just that I'm not good at showing my strength, and I have only one army thorn in my hand. Compared with the other side's watermelon knife, I'm particularly at a loss. Therefore, I can't fight with them. What I have to do now is to quickly highlight the encirclement and escape from their encirclement.

As soon as I went forward, I made a hand with the flat headed man who was the first to rush. His strength was not weak. He insisted on several moves in my hand. Other swordsmen had already rushed to me. These people were not ordinary people. They were very hot and merciless. Their swords were blind. I had to keep avoiding them, and my army spikes played the greatest role Force, with a very rapid speed kept stabbing.

The flat headed man who had been aiming at me was the first to be stabbed by me. As soon as the three edged army stabbed into his skin, he showed his teeth and grinned, and his bald head broke out cold sweat.

At this time, other people also realized that I was not an ordinary student, they were more and more up to the strength of the whole body, trying to deal with me, I appropriately broke out a bit of their own momentum, in their circle, playing guerrilla warfare with ease.

Whistling, there are two people who do not have long eyes were stabbed by my dagger, their blood, sprinkled all over the ground, the dark box, faintly filled with a bloody breath.

My appearance is not humble and silent, my eyes are attentive and serious, and my body is like a snake. I have evaded several attacks of watermelon knife. My unyielding and my tenacity make sun Yunlong and Du Haichao show a little shock. However, the interest in their eyes is stronger. It seems that it is one for them to see me struggling here It's a very appetizing dish. It suits their taste.

In particular, sun Yunlong's eyes were shining. When he saw the wonderful scenery, he couldn't help but sarcastically saying to me: "Jiangnan wind, you are really an immortal little Qiang. I think you can still struggle for how long!"

I tightly squeezed the army thorn, turned his head, and glared at Sun Yunlong and said in a deep voice, "I will not let you go!"

Finish saying, I suddenly raise a foot, kick down the person who blocks in the door, then quickly rushed to the box door.

Without any hesitation, I quickly opened the box door, trying to escape, but as soon as the door opened, my feet stopped instantly, and my eyes reflected the huge black crowd.

At this moment, a large number of powerful swordsmen were waiting outside the private room. Suddenly, seeing so many swordsmen in front of me, I couldn't help shivering even if I was calm again. At this time, I finally understood why Sun Yunlong was so determined that I would die here. It turns out that he really tried his best to prepare such a powerful post Hands.With the opening of the box door, swordsmen swarmed in. Their approach, so that I have to step backward. And my eyes are still staring at these swordsmen in front of me.

Among them, the leader is a man with a tattoo on his face. Among all the swordsmen, he is the most powerful one. Obviously, he is an expert who can take charge of his own affairs and is the leader of this group of people.

The tattooed man, leading a large number of swordsmen behind him, approached me straightly, forcing me to keep retreating. Unconsciously, the box became extremely quiet, with only neat and powerful footstep sound. However, there were so many people on the other side, each with a knife in his hand, and all of them released his momentum. The scene was so strict and with great pressure Compulsion.

My only way to go has been blocked, and after a while, my back has become irresistible.

However, these swordsmen didn't attack me immediately. Under the leadership of the tattooed men, all the swordsmen gathered around me in front of me. Maybe, as long as they gave an order, they would all attack and kill me. Even if they were masters, they could not resist such a frightful killing power.

At this time, sun Yunlong suddenly took two steps forward and challenged me: "Jiangnan wind, do you still want to escape? To tell you the truth, today, I have laid a net here. You can't fly with your wings, and you will die. "

Sun Yunlong's tone is extremely fierce and his attitude is very firm. He has completely sentenced me to death, and there is no room for maneuver.

At this moment, my eyes became a little red. I had expected that Du Haichao might set up a bureau for me, but I didn't expect that he combined with sun Yunlong to set up such a big Bureau for me. This is not only the power competition in the school, but also a living plot, which is beyond my expectation.

I red eyes, staring at the nostrils of sun Yunlong, cold voice asked: "really want to do this absolutely?"

Hearing this, sun Yunlong chuckled and said mercilessly, "absolutely? For others, it may be absolutely impossible, but for you, it can never stop. Jiangnan wind, don't hate us. Today, you are responsible for all this. "

After that, he couldn't help but snort. Then Du Haichao went to sun Yunlong. At this time, he was like a master. His eyes were higher than the sky. He looked at me with contempt. Even, he looked at me as if he were looking at a dead man.

Perhaps, Du Haichao had already seen the situation in front of him and knew that I was doomed. Therefore, he stepped up gently and walked toward the door. As he walked, he said, "let's go. There's nothing good to kill. Stay here to avoid splashing blood."

His words were very instructive. Sun Yunlong and Lu Ping, who had been sitting in his seat, made some moves. Sun Yunlong gave me a sneer and followed Du Haichao and his bodyguards. Lu Ping, with a deep look at me, followed them out.

Immediately, the leader of these swordsmen, the tattooed man, turned around and personally sent Du Haichao away. They walked out of the box.

Please hurry up, sun Yungang's tattoo is too clean

Smell speech, tattoo man solemnly nodded his head, then, he returned to the box again, closed the box door.

Bang, box door re coincidence, followed by tattooed man's powerful and overbearing voice: "kill

In the eyes of Du Haichao and others, the scene inside the box is already a dead end. The final situation is that, as sun Yunlong said, the wind from the south of the Yangtze River is difficult to fly, so it is inevitable to die.

As he walked along, Du Haichao felt extremely happy when he listened to the fighting in the box behind him. Even on his gloomy face, he could not help but show a smile. However, his smile was too ferocious and had the flavor of successful conspiracy.

The royal garden is the site of sun Yunlong. Sun Yunlong sends Du Haichao and Lu Ping to the hall of the club.

At the entrance of the hall, sun Yunlong said directly, "Du Haichao, you can remember it for me. When the Jiangnan wind's family starts to make trouble, you remember to deal with it for me!"

Du Haichao put up that smile and said solemnly, "you can rest assured. I'm Du Haichao's words are true."

Hearing this, sun Yunlong nodded with satisfaction, and then, with a proud momentum, turned back to the club.

Du Haichao and Lu Ping walked toward the outside of the club side by side.

Outside, Du Haichao and Lu Ping are going their separate ways. At this time, Lu Ping, who has been silent all night, suddenly turns to Du Haichao and says, "are we making too much noise?"

Hearing this, Du Haichao stopped his pace. He gave Lu Ping a light look. Then, he turned his eyes away and said slowly, "people are not cruel and stand still. You are clear about the threat of Jiangnan wind to us in our school. Today, we must eliminate him completely, so that we can never suffer from it."

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