Looking at Du Haichao's manner and listening to what he said, Lu Ping knew that he could not control Du Haichao's thinking. Although he thought it was too cruel to kill the Jiangnan wind in this way, and it was contrary to his original idea, but today's situation was made by Du Haichao, and the man was created by sun Yunlong. He can't change anything.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ping did not say anything, but turned and left in silence. However, his face looked more dignified than before.

Du Haichao is too lazy to pay attention to Lu Ping's mentality. His mouth is full of satisfaction.

For a moment, his bodyguard drove his car over, and he sat in the co driver's seat. However, Du Haichao did not let the bodyguard drive immediately, but lit a cigarette and smoked leisurely.

In a cloud of smoke, Du Haichao's thoughts were drawn back to the past

when he first saw the Jiangnan wind, he was in the school square. At that time, sun Yunlong publicly confessed to Peng Xuefei, while Peng Xuefei pulled Jiangnan Feng onto the stage, saying that he was his boyfriend. At that moment, Du Haichao was already unhappy with the Jiangnan wind in his heart. However, at that moment, he didn't pay attention to this person, because he could see at a glance that the Jiangnan wind was just a temporary shield pulled out by Peng Xuefei.

However, to Du Haichao's surprise, Jiangnan Feng, an unknown new man, dare to say in front of their three overlords on the stage and in such public that you are not as good as me!

This sentence of Jiangnan Feng is a great challenge to Du Haichao, who has always been conceited. He and Lu Ping sun Yunlong have been in a tripartite confrontation in school. They have all enjoyed glory and have a stable foundation. In Du Haichao's opinion, Lu Ping and sun Yunlong are both unicellular animals and pose no threat to themselves. He still has a kind of egotism However, this Jiangnan style provoked his majesty as soon as he came up, which made Du Haichao have a strong hostility to the Jiangnan wind.

Therefore, when Lu Ping, a upright character, wanted to teach Jiangnan style on the spot, Du Haichao stopped him in time and offered advice in Lu Ping's ear.

This strategy is to let Lu Ping find an opportunity to set up an ambush for Jiangnan Feng, break his hand, and stop him from being arrogant.

At first, Du Haichao thought that Jiangnan style was just a flash in the pan and would soon be forgotten in his memory. However, it was not long before he heard that Jiangnan Feng and Peng Xuefei's school canteen were eating together. At that time, sun Yunlong surrounded him, but in the end, Jiangnan Feng escaped easily and made fun of sun Yunlong.

Du Haichao once again paid attention to the Jiangnan style, and made a survey of his identity. Du Haichao did not expect that Jiangnan Feng was a very rich second generation in his family. Now he and Peng Xuefei are in the same department and often have classes together. Moreover, there is a rumor in the school that the purpose of Jiangnan Feng's transfer from abroad is Peng Xuefei.

This, it can be said, directly stimulated Du Haichao's ban Jian. He also pursued Peng Xuefei. Although he failed, he didn't think it was a disgraceful thing. After all, he knew Peng Xuefei's identity, which was the daughter of the gang leader. He was a well deserved Mafia princess. On the contrary, Du Haichao's desire to get Peng Xuefei is stronger because of his rejection. What you can't get is the best. Du Haichao likes Peng Xuefei's background, her beauty and her temperament.

Moreover, in Du Haichao's opinion, no one in this school is worthy of being Peng Xuefei's boyfriend except himself.

By that time, Du Haichao had paid attention to the Jiangnan wind, but what made him more and more shocked was that he and Peng Xuefei sat at the same table in the classroom and said in public that he was Peng Xuefei's boyfriend. Jiangnan Feng and ouyangjing with background showed Peng Xuefei that Jiangnan Feng and Peng Xuefei went to Lu Ping together in a romantic relationship However, Du Haichao did not directly seek the Jiangnan wind as sun Yunlong and Lu Ping did. Instead, he thought of a circuitous way, that is to admit him into the Haichao meeting. In this way, Jiang Nanfeng was doomed to survive under his command and lost his qualification to compete with Peng Xuefei, and even Jiang Nanfeng may also be used by him, so Du Haichao did not hesitate to give up the position of deputy leader.

In Du Haichao's opinion, this is his gift to Jiangnan wind. However, something more unexpected happened to Du Haichao. He went to Shangjiang Nanfeng's classroom and handed him an olive branch. He refused even though he didn't think about it. Even when Jiangnan Feng left, he didn't even dump him. Du Haichao clearly remembers that day, Jiangnan Feng was sitting at the same table with Peng Xuefei, and they were still chatting with each other very well.

Du Haichao was immediately angry and wished to bring someone to calm down the Jiangnan wind. However, he suppressed this tone and gave the Jiangnan wind three days to consider. At the same time, it was also a warning to the Jiangnan wind. If he did not agree to join the Haichao club, he would start to deal with the Jiangnan wind.

Du Haichao knew that the Jiangnan wind would know this. On the afternoon of that day, Du Haichao was the first to stop the Jiangnan wind. It was Sun Yunlong who led his more than 100 Pengfei party members. When he heard the news, Du Haichao was very happy. When he knew that Jiangnan Feng finally escaped, he could not help calling sun Yunlong a waste.In particular, on the spot of being intercepted by sun Yunlong, Jiangnan Feng announced that he was going to set up a beacon fire club. It was like a slap in the face, which made Du Haichao hate to kill Jiang Nanfeng, because Du Haichao never liked others disobeying his mind, and Jiangnan wind was simply deliberately disobeying him.

However, Du Haichao still forbeared, because three days had not yet come. Probably that time, because of jealousy and resentment, Du Haichao buried the seeds of destroying the southern wind.

When he learned that the Jiangnan wind had defeated sun Yunlong that night, and Jiangnan wind had a great reputation in the school, the seed in Du Haichao's heart began to sprout.

At the same time, Du Haichao paid close attention to the fact that Jiangnan style was about to fight against Lu Qiong.

Du Haichao watched Lu Ping's duel with Jiangnan style. He thought Lu Ping would teach Jiangnan Feng a lesson instead of him. However, he was surprised that Jiangnan Feng had won miraculously, which made his reputation unique. In particular, the scene that Jiang Nanfeng won once again fell into Peng Xuefei's view.

The pursuit of Peng Xuefei by Jiangnan wind is the first to win the moon. However, he is often together with Peng Xuefei, which makes Du Haichao feel a little flustered. He can't help but wonder whether something happened between Jiangnan wind and Peng Xuefei?

After the competition, Du Haichao couldn't help looking for Jiangnan wind, and once again put forward the proposal of letting Jiangnan wind join the Haichao meeting, which was severely rejected by Jiangnan wind. In Du Haichao's opinion, Jiangnan wind was forced by himself, which made it difficult for Du Haichao, who had been in the leading position, to accept. At that time, the germinating seed that killed Jiangnan wind was blooming In his heart, he immediately produced a strategy to lure the Jiangnan wind to the appointment, and then completely dealt with him.

As things evolved step by step, it came to the situation tonight. Du Haichao never thought that it would be so happy to cooperate with his rivals Lu Ping and sun Yunlong.

Jiangnan wind is handsome, has money in his family, can fight, and has a strong wind. Originally, for Du Haichao, it is just like a thorn in his heart. He even envies Jiangnan wind. Why is it that he, a transfer student who has just come to school a few days ago, can be so prosperous? Why, only he can get close to Peng Xuefei.

Now, at this moment, these problems are not important to Du Haichao, because soon there will be no Jiangnan wind in the school. The big stone in his heart has fallen. He feels that every part of his body is comfortable from the inside out.

When the pictures in his mind were interlaced, Du Haichao's cigarette was also finished. He opened the window, flicked his hand and threw away the cigarette butts. His face showed a lightness that had never been seen before. With this trace of comfort, he said to himself: "Jiangnan style, I gave you a chance to live. You don't cherish it. I can't blame this matter!"

After that, Du Haichao completely put aside Xu can's picture in his mind. He returned to his gloomy color and said to the driver, "go!"

The car drove slowly away from the door of the royal garden.

Du Haichao turned his head and was very comfortable with the evening wind. His eyes were also looking at the scenery that flashed away from the window.

At this time of the night, it was very deep, and the streets were deserted. However, Du Haichao felt his heart was very lively. He had already thought about it. From tomorrow on, he would pursue Peng Xuefei with all his heart. Once Peng Xuefei was caught, he would not only be able to hold a beautiful woman, but also connect with the sea gang. At that time, with his own family background, he would be a provincial capital It's not too much.

Thinking about it, Du Haichao's face once again showed a smug smile, but his smile just showed up. Suddenly, the car he was riding in suddenly stopped at the moment when he was out of the lane, making a harsh noise of friction.

Because of inertia, Du Haichao's body could not help but lean forward and down. At the same time, his smile is also momentarily frozen, he knows, his bodyguard has been very calm, will not brake for no reason.

As soon as he stabilized himself, Du Haichao immediately raised his eyes and looked in front of the car.

At this glance, Du Haichao's eyes suddenly widened. He even saw a man with blood all over his body standing in front of his car, motionless, like a prison blood demon. After a while, Du Haichao's heart suddenly burst out. He tried to concentrate and looked at each other's face.

When he saw the other side's face clearly, Du Haichao, who had always been the winner, was completely dumbfounded. Because the bloody man standing in front of the bus was the one who had been sentenced to death by him, Jiangnan Feng!

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