My movement, with the sudden voice, stopped unconsciously, because I recognized that the person who made the sound was Peng Xuefei.

Involuntarily, my eyes followed the sound. Sure enough, an elegant and beautiful figure is coming from the outside of the crowd. At the moment, her expression is still calm, but her eyes are more dignified. Because she walks faster, it makes her look like a heroine in the female flavor, very natural and bold.

People on the scene, all can not help but look at Peng Xuefei who suddenly arrived. At this moment, she became the focus of the field.

However, Peng Xuefei didn't care about other people's eyes. She walked up to us without straying. Then, she took a look at Du Haichao, who was kneeling on the ground, and then looked at me. Her tone was slightly milder. She said, "Jiangnan style, let Du Haichao go. You humiliate him like this. He has got his due end."

Hearing Peng Xuefei's words, my eyebrows could not help wrinkling. Even, my heart couldn't help bursting out some anger. She didn't know how vicious Du Haichao was. She even thought that I would lose to Du Haichao. Now, I won, but she let me release Du Haichao.

Even though she was Peng Xuefei, the person I tried to get close to. Even though my war was for her to a large extent, how could I easily release Du Haichao, who let me fall into crisis several times because of her.

I couldn't help reaching out, pointing to my brothers who were fighting in the field, and pointing to those people who Du Haichao had set up, I said to Peng Xuefei unfairly: "you see, how many of my brothers have been injured. They shouldn't have suffered so much damage, but because Du Haichao cheated, the situation has become so unbearable. You also know how treacherous Du Haichao is. If I let him go like this, he will not be grateful. Instead, he will retaliate against me with more cruel means. He does not want me to die for a moment. How can I let him go

Peng Xuefei's face was stunned when I heard these words. But soon, she regained her composure and explained to me, "Du Haichao's background is not simple. If you move him, you will regret it."

Hearing her words, my heart just recovered a trace of temperature, Peng Xuefei performance although cold, I can vaguely feel her words between the lines, there is a trace of worry for me.

But this still can't change my inner thoughts. I looked at Peng Xuefei directly and said firmly: "if I move him, I may regret it, but if I don't move him, I will regret it more."

With that, I no longer hesitated, and the knife in my hand waved to Du Haichao, who was shivering.

In such a moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the knife I waved. The whole scene was filled with a cold and solemn atmosphere. No one spoke or moved. They all looked at my knife as if they had touched a hole. With the fall of my knife, everyone's eyes fell.

A knife across, my sharp blade, instantly cut Du Haichao's ankle, brought out a pool of blood.

Du Haichao, who was originally a trembling chestnut, could not help but let out a cry of tearing heart and lung. The intense pain made him unable to control the tears. Then, he fainted in the scene.

In the field, some people dare not look directly at the bloody scene, while some people open their eyes, but show their mouth, some people, can not help but breathe. Peng Xuefei's response is to take a breath.

Obviously, Peng Xuefei thought I wanted to kill Du Haichao. Now, seeing that I didn't kill him, she was a little relieved.

As a matter of fact, I was really interested in killing Du Haichao, and there was a reason to kill him, but I did not intend to kill him. After all, this is in public. I am not bold enough to kill in public. I must also take into account my identity and my purpose. Therefore, I only gave Du Haichao a bloody and tragic lesson.

Rao is so. I can't help but make the people of Haichao club and Yunlong club look frightened. Sun Yunlong, in particular, threatened me that this was not over. Now Du Haichao has set a good example for him. His cold sweat is coming out. His swollen face is red and white and colorful.

My eyes turned to sun Yunlong. Just by looking at him, he was under great pressure. His tight string became loose and his legs became soft. He knelt down for me. Then, he prayed to me with tears: "Jiangnan wind, I didn't mean to aim at you. It was Du Haichao who instigated me to deal with you. I was wrong, I didn't want to It's time to listen to him. Please, please let me go. "

One by one, I am really speechless. In fact, I have seen for a long time that Du Haichao is manic and arrogant, and Du Haichao is feminine and weird. However, in their bones, they are all virtuous. No matter how powerful and domineering they are, they are all so timid and afraid of death when they are in danger.

However, compared with Du Haichao, I despised sun Yunlong more. With a sneer, I slowly moved the bloody knife to sun Yunlong, and said to him, "Sun Yunlong, in fact, you don't have to be so afraid of me. After all, you are powerful outside the school, and I, at best, are just a rascal of the school, even, still There is no unified campus. "Although my tone was a little frivolous, it fell on Sun Yunlong's ears, which made his whole nerves nervous. He slapped his face fiercely and said in a low voice: "Jiangnan wind, no, boss Jiang, I'm wrong. I shouldn't be so arrogant. You are the boss of our school now. I'll dissolve the Yunlong Club immediately. After that, all my younger brothers will follow you, Please let me go

Sun Yunlong's words made many people around him despise him. A leader of a gang should disband his gang and submit to the enemy when he was in danger. Such a person is really spineless. I have to deal with him. It's really dirty my hands.

I turned my head and swept the scene. I found that the younger brothers of the Yunlong club could not help turning their heads. They had no face to see this scene. People outside the venue were even more scornful of sun Yunlong.

Then, I took my eyes back, looked down at Sun Yunlong and said coldly, "Sun Yunlong, your awareness is very high, but it's too late."

Although sun Yunlong asked his Yunlong to join me in the war, it was indeed a good condition. However, I really don't like the waste of his cloud dragon Association. I can't let go of sun Yunlong. He collaborated with Du Haichao several times and killed me. Leaving him is a disaster.

After that, I waved the knife in my hand and crossed sun Yunlong's ankle without waiting for sun Yunlong to speak again. Suddenly, he screamed like a pig in the quiet air. The next second, I ignored the waste and turned my eyes to the whole audience.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on me. The members of the beacon fire club, everyone was excited and excited. They followed the right boss, members of the Lu Gang, were all gratified. There was no mistake in turning back.

My eyes, one by one from their face swept, my heart can not help feeling proud!

With this lofty aspiration, I said in a loud voice to all the brothers in the audience: "the brothers of beacon fire and Lu Gang, at this moment, the glory belongs to you, and you have created this miracle together."

My bold words immediately ignited the flames of war and the blood of Lu gang members. Even though many of them still had injuries, they couldn't help but feel excited and excited in their eyes.

In the excitement of the crowd, I once again called out: "our beacon fire club, since its establishment, is only a week, and today, we are the first gang worthy of the campus!"

My voice fell, all brothers can not help but cater to, issued a neat cry: "beacon fire club, beacon fire club!"

The voice spread through the audience and affected the whole audience. Even those watching the party were not excited. However, the people from Yunlong club and Haichao club could not help lowering their heads and their faces became more and more gray.

In this extremely brilliant moment, under the spotlight, I threw away the knife in my hand, took a step, and walked towards a person, this person is Peng Xuefei.

Peng Xuefei's look at the moment, still some complex, she saw me to her, eyebrows not from slightly frown up, her cold look, also with a trace of entanglement.

Soon, I walked up to her and said, "now, the people of Lu Gang are the people of the beacon fire club. Hai Chao Association and Yunlong club are also defeated by me, which can be regarded as a unified campus. Do I prove my martial arts

Listening to me say this, many people in the field can't help but wake up. It turns out that I developed the beacon fire and dominated the whole school in order to prove myself in front of the beauties. For a moment, many people couldn't help feeling shocked, especially the crowd watching from the outside. There were some girls who couldn't help but feel for my pay, my hegemony, and even some people couldn't help feeling "If only I were Peng Xuefei. If someone did this for me, I would promise him any conditions.

Under such circumstances, few women should be able to bear such a scenery. At this moment, the reaction of people inside and outside the field is a great encouragement.

But Peng Xuefei is obviously an exception. Her expression does not reveal her inner thoughts. Maybe, she looks at me with a new look, but she doesn't show it on her face. Her tone of speaking to me is still so cold: "Jiangnan wind, it's still a little early to say this, until you can overcome the difficulties in front of you."

Peng Xuefei's words are meaningful. I can't help but feel puzzled. I have already won the victory and become the first overlord in the campus. What are the difficulties in front of me?

However, after Peng Xuefei finished speaking, she suddenly turned around, pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the construction site. She did not give me a chance to speak again.

At this time, the sky has already darkened. Today's war has made a great noise. Although it's a remote place and it's lucky that there is no police here, it's of little significance to stay here any longer. Taking advantage of our momentum, I yelled at the younger brother of the Haichao and Yunlong clubs: "after today, the sea The super Association and the Yunlong association must be disbanded. Otherwise, in the campus, we will never let off the flames of war. If some of you are sincere, you can join our Xuanwu sect. "

What I said made everyone exclaim. Some people from Pengfei party and Bai Gang showed their expectation on the spot.In a burst of noise, I raised my hand to show everyone to be quiet. Then, I explained to the public that all the injured brothers should go to the hospital for treatment. The expenses incurred were reimbursed by me on Monday day. At the same time, I also explained that on Monday night, I held a celebration banquet to invite everyone to dinner.

My words, the whole audience cheered, the abandoned construction site seems to have recovered to life, with this cheering, a war, is officially over, the crowd, began to disperse gradually.

The onlookers left in groups. After carrying Du Haichao, sun Yunlong and other seriously injured members, Haichao and Yunlong also left in succession.

And I asked Chen Xiao to take some brothers to take care of the seriously injured people and take them to the hospital as soon as possible. Lu Ping, on the other side, also told his people to deal with the injured members.

When everything was accounted for, Lu Ping and I, as well as some members of our respective gangs, left here together.

On the way, I sincerely said to Lu Ping: "thank you, without you, we won't win today!"

Lu Ping also sincerely said to me, "thank you, without you, now, maybe I'm dead."

After saying a word, we both looked at each other and laughed, but we didn't say anything else. Lu Ping and I didn't talk much. We didn't even talk about each other much. But we were like friends who had known each other for a long time. After we separated from Lu Ping, I drove straight back to the villa.

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