As soon as I got back to the villa, I found that uncle snake and uncle gang were sitting in the hall. To my slight surprise, the expressions on their faces were dignified. Seeing me back, uncle snake's attention could not help but shift. When they noticed that I was covered with blood and wound, their faces became more and more heavy. Uncle snake immediately asked me about my concern "Young master, what's the matter with you?"

I have nothing to hide from Uncle snake. At the moment, I simply narrated what happened in my school.

When Uncle snake heard that I had dealt with Du Haichao and sun Yunlong, their faces became more worried.

Seeing them like this, I couldn't help but thump, and vaguely felt that there was something unusual in this. So I asked them quickly, "what's the matter, uncle snake?"

Uncle snake sighed and said in a deep voice: "young master, we are sorry for you. You told us the detailed background of our investigation of Du Haichao, sun Yunlong and Lu Ping. We did not do well. We found out the result this afternoon and prepared to report to you. Unexpectedly, you have already made such a big deal with them."

After hearing this, I knew immediately that what uncle snake was worried about was the background of sun Yunlong and Du Haichao.

Sure enough, uncle Gang followed Uncle snake's words and said to me with a heavy voice: "Lu Ping's family is a martial arts school. Du Haichao has a social Gang behind him. This gang is called the flying car party. Although it is not first-class in the provincial capital, it is also one of the top big gangs. The most difficult thing is Du Haichao, whose father is the deputy director of the public security department. Young master, you have now abolished Du Haichao and sun Yunlong. I'm afraid there will be endless troubles in the future. "

Hearing uncle Gang's words, I was stunned. I knew for a long time that sun Yunlong was powerful in society, but I didn't expect that he was supported by big gangs.

I have known for a long time that Du Haichao has a deep background, but his father actually wears such a big official hat.

On the contrary, Lu Ping, who runs a martial arts school in his family, can't help but surprise me. However, when we have solved the friendship and resentment with him, we don't need to care.

My brow frowned because Peng Xuefei offended Du Haichao and sun Yunlong because of their arrogance and cruelty. I gave them a lesson of blood. But obviously, with their background, this matter will not be so easy to give up. For a moment, I suddenly think of Peng Xuefei's words that he said to me on the battlefield: you have overcome the difficulties in front of you Let's talk about it!

It seems that Peng Xuefei only said this because she knew their background. It was because she knew that they had a strong background that she would persuade me not to move Du Haichao. She did this for my consideration. Perhaps, it was also her heart that felt a little guilty. After all, Du Haichao and I became enemies. In the final analysis, it was for her. I had the idea of unifying the campus. It was also for her that she might I don't want me to persuade me several times for her not to return.

But it's no use saying anything now. It's already happening.

After a short silence, uncle Gang said to me again, "young master, I'm afraid it can't be done easily. Now that the master is not here, you'd better avoid some days."

Avoidance? I haven't reached my goal. Can I shrink now? If I had been a shrinking turtle, all my efforts in front of me would have been in vain? According to Peng Xuefei's nature, he will never fall in love with a coward. Sun Yunlong and Du Haichao are a good counter example. They are usually arrogant and in danger, or they are willing to be a fawning dog. However, if I, like them, hide in difficulties and are as timid as a mouse, how can Peng Xuefei like me?

No matter what, I must face the difficulties and be different. In this way, I will have a chance to win Peng Xuefei's favor and achieve my goal. Otherwise, all my previous achievements will be wasted.

Thinking of this, I directly showed a firm color to Uncle snake and said, "Uncle snake, uncle Gang, thank you! At the same time, I feel very sorry for the trouble I have given you. However, I will not evade or shrink back. You know, I have my mission to come to this school, and I will not give up until I finish the task. "

Hearing this, uncle Gang's dignified expression gave him a little more sense of relief. He looked at me with an extremely appreciative look and said to me, "young master, no matter what kind of decision you make, we will support you. However, from today on, you must be careful and be careful."

After uncle Gang finished, uncle snake also nodded. Obviously, he was moved by my firm will.

I sincerely said thanks to them again. Then, I went back to my room, took care of the wound and wiped the blood on my body. Then, I changed into a new suit.

In the face of such a difficult situation, I should have been worried, but after making a decision, I relaxed.

My brain seems to be empty, fell on the bed, can not help but enter the dream village.

The next day, that is, Sunday, I stayed in the villa and didn't go out. Uncle snake took people outside to find out if there was any bad news for me. But after a day, there was no disturbance. My heart was a little relaxed.

On Monday, I went to school as usual. On this day, on campus, almost everyone in the school could not help but pay attention to me after seeing me. However, no one pointed and talked about me in front of me. Their eyes were full of awe, which was a kind of deep respect and respect.In this kind of environment, I am still as usual, keep natural, after parking, I will go straight to the classroom.

But walking on the road, behind me suddenly came a cry: "Jiangnan wind!"

This voice is very familiar. I knew it was Peng Xuefei. I couldn't help being a little surprised. I met her on the way to campus. She also called me on her own initiative. With a trace of curiosity, I turned to look at her.

At this time, Peng Xuefei was still a little cold on the surface, but her eyes were obviously shocked. She stepped up two steps and came to me with a little doubt and said, "Jiangnan wind, how dare you come to school openly and honestly, don't you hide?"

Hearing Peng Xuefei's words, I immediately understood that what she was referring to was that the people behind Du Haichao and sun Yunlong might seek revenge from me. Of course, I would care about this matter, but on the surface, I pretended to be relaxed and said, "soldiers will block you. Water comes and earth covers it. Thank you for your kind reminding that day!"

Smell speech, Peng Xuefei with her a pair of bright eyes up and down to scan me for a time, then, she just cold voice way: "I advise you or hurry to hide, otherwise, you have to ask for more happiness."

With that, Peng Xuefei stepped forward and walked towards the classroom, but I, with a helpless smile, followed.

When I entered the classroom, there was a burst of cheers in the class. Obviously, they were cheering for my victory, winning over Lu gang members for me, and cheering for becoming the first boss on campus.

I didn't care about these, but just focused on Peng Xuefei. Seeing her sitting in the middle of a circle of girls, I didn't paste it up and went straight to my exclusive seat.

In the last row of the classroom, Chen xiaodai led several students who were close to him. They had already reserved a seat for me and waited there. As soon as I passed by, they immediately got up and warmly welcomed the leaders, which made me speechless.

After I sat down, Chen Xiao kept reporting to me: "boss, do you know how many people we have now? Well, even I don't believe it. It's nearly 2000 people. "

It's really a huge number. No wonder Chen Xiaohui is so excited. After finishing this sentence, he can't wait to go on: "Yunlong club and Haichao club have been disbanded in the campus, and many of them have joined our gang. Now, we are the largest group in the unified campus."

The big tree catches the wind, the beacon fire club is full of energy, and the number of people who are interested in it will naturally increase. However, the speed of the dissolution of the Yunlong Association and the Haichao association is very fast. It seems that they have listened to what I said in the battlefield that day. It can be seen that my dignity has been established, and no one can easily oppose me.

Then, Chen and I talked for a while about the medical expenses of the injured yesterday, the management of the gangs in the future, and the celebration banquet tonight. Everything went smoothly.

Time flies. When the bell rings for the last class in the afternoon, many people gathered at the door of my classroom from all corners of the campus. These people are high-level figures in our beacon fire. Chen Xiaoxiao contacted us with mobile phones in class because we have too many people now. There are not so many seats for us in the restaurants near the school Therefore, this evening is mainly a high-level party. As for other members, we will meet later.

Even so, my classroom door, or surrounded by water, light high-rise there are hundreds of people.

Our group of people, in the high-profile, mighty toward the outside of the school.

Along the way, everyone was enthusiastic, everyone was immersed in the boiling blood of the day before yesterday, and the magnificent development in the future. Along the way, all the students who saw us could not help but look sideways.

At this moment, we seem to have become the most shining campus existence, but the light just spread, the darkness shrouded.

Before we got to the gate of the school, there were bursts of police bells in the sky in the evening. The sound was getting closer and sharper. We could see that a number of police cars drove directly into the school.

For a time, we can't help but be a little confused, when the police car suddenly stopped in front of us, one by one fully armed police quickly walked down from the car, my heart suddenly two times, bad wake suddenly hit.

However, no matter what I did, more than a dozen policemen from the other side had already gathered around me. One of them, who looked like a captain, went straight to me, took out his handcuffs and said to me in a sharp voice: "Jiangnan wind, you are under arrest!"

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