The man's voice was very cold, his face was cold and cold, and he looked very dignified. As soon as his voice fell, he would put his handcuffs on my wrist.

everything came too suddenly, but at the moment, I had already reflected that these fierce police came to arrest me, and the reason why they arrested me must have something to do with the abolition of Du Haichao and sun Yunlong.

At the same time when I understood all this, the brothers around me also woke up. But to my surprise, when the handcuffs of the captain were about to trap me, several brothers around me rushed forward without hesitation to protect me, and angrily said to the police with handcuffs: "why take Jiang Nanfeng away? What crime has he committed?"

Their behavior, really beyond my expectation, in the face of many armed police, they dare to defend me, this is what kind of courage.

Even the policeman who was going to torture me couldn't help asking for it. However, he was just stunned for a moment. Soon, he showed a serious look and yelled at my brothers: "shut up, do more nonsense, and you will be arrested together."

The voice of the policeman was very loud and shocking. As soon as he ordered me, those policemen who surrounded me immediately stepped forward and showed extremely fierce momentum.

All of a sudden, the scene became quite tense. The confrontation between the police and the students was so shocking that many students in the school could not help being attracted here. There were more and more people around to see it. In an instant, it was about to be full.

Now, my beacon fire and I are in the limelight of this school. It can be said that it is unprecedented strong and well-known. However, we have just achieved such brilliance, when the police broke into the campus and directly came to me, which let the onlookers sweat for me.

Some people can't help but mutter: "the wood shows in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. This must be related to the battle the day before yesterday. After all, that day's war was too big."

At once, a different voice sounded: "not necessarily. There were so many people involved in the war. Now, the police seem to have come to catch Jiang Nanfeng alone. This must have something to do with the abolition of Du Haichao and sun Yunlong. I heard that Du Haichao's background seems very strong, and sun Yunlong's is not weak."

As soon as this voice was made, many people seemed to suddenly feel sorry for me. For a while, many people couldn't help but feel sorry for me. One person couldn't help but sigh: "it's a pity that a man with such a strong wind in the south of the Yangtze River did not do anything wrong. They were forced to do so by Jiang Nanfeng. They wanted to kill the Jiangnan wind, but the Jiangnan wind only wanted to kill it It's kind to abolish them. "

As soon as his feeling was over, the people next to him immediately hissed at him and said, "be quiet. There are so many policemen here. You are not afraid to seek death. If you look at this scene, there must be some instructions from the big people behind. Even if the Jiangnan Fengjia family has some money, it is estimated that this time it will be hard to escape. Alas

People, you say, I say, although the words rustle, but there are scattered words, spread, and these words quickly affected the people around, they worry about me, I feel sorry for me, my new rising bright star, is about to fall, this is a kind of regret to many people.

The discussion became more and more complicated, and the scene caused more and more sensation. The security guards of the school came, but they stopped outside to watch and did not dare to go forward. Some teachers and leaders of the school came to hear the news, and they also pointed at it. Even I care about Peng Xuefei also came.

The surrounding area is so lively, but the confrontation between the police and students in our field is so tense and quiet.

Our beacon fire club is now the largest group in the school and unifies the whole school. But these brothers of mine, after all, are only students. They naturally have to be short in front of the police. No one dares to force them to come.

After a short silence, the police will torture me again. However, to my surprise again, Chen Xiao suddenly stretched out his hands and looked fearless to the police. He said sonorously to the police, "catch us. Anyway, we have no crime. If you have the ability, you will arrest us all!"

Chen Xiaoxiao said this with great righteousness, as if he really had a clear conscience. In fact, his loud voice was just for the police to see. My other brothers, after a while, responded. Some of them constantly stretched out their hands and said, "grab it, take us together! I'll see how the police and the school can explain to the society when this is a big trouble. "

Others echoed: "yes, we are all just students. Even if you want to arrest Jiangnan Feng, please take out the arrest warrant."

No one thought that these members of the beacon fire would respond to each other and behave so recklessly in order to protect me. Although the number of these police officers is quite large, they are not as many as the beacon brothers on my side. Even if they come armed and prepared, there are so many students who really dare not start a fight.

More and more people pay attention to this scene. The police captain, who has been handcuffed but has not been handcuffed to me, now his face has turned black. He quickly took out a warrant from his pocket, then stood up in front of us, and said very seriously: "show me clearly, this is the arrest warrant. I don't care what your intention is to maintain the Jiangnan style Now, I will tell you clearly that Jiangnan Feng has committed a crime and will be sentenced. If you dare to argue again, you should be careful to go to prison with him. "Seeing this order, my brothers were all in a daze. If they made any more noise, they just looked at each other's bluster and deliberately aimed at me. They didn't want to see me arrested. But now the other party has a clear order, and they really can't stop it. Even the onlookers are a little sluggish. Some people whispered: "this time, the wind in the south of the Yangtze River is really cool."

At this point, the situation has become a foregone conclusion. The police captain saw that all the people around me were shocked by him. He took advantage of the situation and handcuffed my hands. Then, he pressed my arm and was about to walk in the direction of the police car.

My brothers instinctively tried to stop them, but I stopped them with my eyes.

Since the police appeared, I have already known that Du Haichao was out in the background. I can't escape this robbery in any case today. Therefore, from the beginning to the end, I didn't open a voice or make any action. At the last moment, I used my eyes to stop those brothers who were ready to give up for me. Then I turned my eyes and swept the whole room.

My brothers look worried, while the onlookers are numb and sorry. The woman I care about most, Peng Xuefei, frowns hard at the moment. However, I still can't understand her mind.

By the time I finished sweeping the room, I was already in the police car and left the school.

A celebration banquet has not begun, it has become a tragedy. What uncle snake said to me last night, after all, is verified. When things come to this stage, they are my own choices. I can't blame anyone. Since I want to get close to Peng Xuefei, I have to have those choices. Up to now, I don't regret that I abandoned Du Haichao and sun Yunlong. What should come is coming. Although my heart is a little complicated, but there are some worries on my face. I don't know what the future will be. I can only take a step to see what kind of result I will have.

In a trance, I was a little confused about how long I had been in the police car, and finally the car stopped.

As soon as I entered the police station, I was taken into the interrogation room. They made me sit down and handcuffed my hands to a chair. In this dark interrogation room, there were four policemen interrogating me. One of them was the captain who arrested me in the school. His eyes glowed in the dim light. When my eyes met his eyes inadvertently, I saw him That moment, he suddenly a cold eye, the pace quickly opened, straight to me, rushed to me, a foot hard kick in my chest.

After a while, I even had a chair and turned to the ground.

He did not open his mouth to inquire, but directly used his foot to move. The strength of this foot was still very strong. Even though my body was strong, I could not help feeling chest tightness. I coughed a little, and then said to them in a deep voice, "it seems that it's against the rules for you to do this?"

As soon as my voice fell, the police captain's body suddenly rushed over, stepped on my chest and said to me, "tell us the rules? From the moment you enter this room, we are the rules

After that, he stepped on my chest more and more. I held my breath tightly and said to him in a cold voice: "is it Du Haichao's father who ordered you to catch me?"

When I heard this, the police captain's feet couldn't help but exert more force, almost no one stepped on me and kneaded.

It was a while before he moved his foot and winked at another policeman.

The cuntou police immediately took out a copy of the interrogation record, stood in front of me and read to me: "Jiangnan wind, you gathered people to make trouble, deliberately hurt people and murder. Your behavior involves and involves the nature of the underworld. You have committed the crime of provocation, intentional injury and affray. Can you plead guilty? "

When I heard this word, I couldn't help sneering. It seems that the backstage is a cow, and I can't admit that it's just the crime they set for me, but I can't admit it. I just took a cold look at the prim, inch headed policeman and was too lazy to say anything.

But at this time, the majestic captain beside me suddenly kicked me hard again. Then, he said sternly to other policemen: "I heard that this boy is very hard tempered. If you don't give him any sweet, he won't admit his guilt. Don't waste time and directly execute the punishment!"

His tone is unquestionable and authoritative. As a police officer, he committed a crime without permission. My anger immediately surged up. However, I could not do anything for the people under my eyes. I was even handcuffed on the chair. After I fell down, I was not lifted up. I kept an embarrassing posture and could not even use my strength.

At this time, several other policemen gathered around me. A policeman put a book on my chest and directly hammered it with a hammer.

With the hammer falling down, I feel my heart beating and trembling. The pain and chest tightness, not to mention how hard it is, but I know that this has become a hell on earth. I can't be fair with them, talk about any laws, and beg for mercy from them. All I can do is to bite my teeth and bear it.

These people saw that I was so tough. At once, the dignified captain winked at his opponent again. The cuntou policeman immediately covered my cheek with a towel and covered my mouth and nose. Then, there was a stream of water and fell down from it.For a while, I feel suffocated and can't breathe at all. The chest cavity, which is originally painful and stuffy, has become more miserable.

My body began to shake uncontrollably, but some of them controlled me to death. As soon as I swayed, I would be beaten more strongly. Rao was strong and strong in anti attack ability, but now I was controlled by people. I was helpless and couldn't do any extra actions.

I know in my heart that these policemen lynched me in this way, just because they didn't want to show the flaws of my wounds, and they did it to make me confess.

However, now for me, the confession may be the same, my body is no longer under their control, soft, my breathing is more and more difficult, I can't breathe at all, I seem to collapse completely.

Just as soon as I was about to lose consciousness, they suddenly stopped beating me, and the wipes that covered my mouth and nose were released.

But at this time, my brain because of lack of oxygen, have become a little fuzzy, my consciousness seems not to be dominated by themselves, the whole person is still very uncomfortable.

In a trance, I heard the cold voice of the police captain: "Damn it, it's been a long time. Hurry up, help him sign his autograph."

At his command, I immediately felt that someone picked up my hand, helped me write, and then picked up my hand to light the red mark. All these were beyond my control, and I couldn't resist.

In a daze, my body was kicked hard again. Then, in the cold air, the voice of the police captain Leng Su burst out again, saying: "well, since he has confessed his guilt, he doesn't need to be sent to the detention room. He can directly deliver it to the prison."

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