Although my brain is fuzzy, but my heart is not confused at all. I refuse to admit my guilt, and I was beaten into a trick. This is actually the process of my interrogation. Even after such an unfair procedure, I will be sent to prison directly?

All this is so out of order. It is obvious that some people are ordering them to do so. Moreover, my heart is very clear that the man behind this is Du Haichao's father, and only he can do such illegal things in such a judicial organ.

Even if I knew this, it didn't help. I was now like a puppet at their disposal. They separated me from the chair, handcuffed my hands and feet, and covered my head with a mask. Finally, I was taken out of the interrogation room in their half pushing and half lifting, and then I was taken into a car.

The car went on, as if for a long time, gradually, I also recovered sober, when my mind fully recovered, the car had stopped.

Then, I was picked out of the car. There were two people on my left and right sides, holding my left hand and right hand, forcing me to move forward. My head was covered with a mask. I couldn't see the road in front of me. I only felt that I had passed through a number of checkpoints, because I heard the sounds of closing and opening doors and some rustling conversations, but the voice was too small for me to hear what I said In the end, the shackles on my hands and feet were released and I was thrown down.

By this time, my state had almost recovered, and my body had recovered some strength. I reached out and pulled out my hood. All of a sudden, the scene in front of me made me dumbfounded. I found that the place I was in at the moment was a dark cell. There were many prisoners in the cell. Because of my arrival, they were out of sleep Wake up and focus on me.

There was no color in their eyes. They were extremely indifferent. After a few glances at me, they immediately fell asleep again. I glanced around the large cell slightly. Then I dragged my heavy shackles to an empty bed and laid down.

At the moment, the night has been very deep, and the surrounding area is also abnormal quiet. I lie in the prison bed, physically and mentally exhausted, but there is no sleep. Today's scenes, from my mind, flashed through my mind. From the evening when I was taken away by the police at school to now being sent to this prison, the process seems very simple, and the time is not long, but I feel that it has been a long time, a long time It seems to have experienced a cycle of life.

From heaven to hell, people's life ups and downs, experienced countless twists and turns, suffering constantly, but I did not expect that I would also have a day in prison.

In the past, what I was most afraid of was that others knew my father's identity. I was afraid that someone would say that my father was in prison. I thought it was a disgraceful thing. I felt that my father would go to prison because he did something bad. That shadow has been with me for so many years. I don't want to commit a crime, and I don't want to suffer from prison like him.

But the world changes, to now, my father is not in prison, but is locked in an unknown place, and I, inexplicably committed a big crime, in prison, this prison disaster came so fast, let me do not have a buffer time, but now is not the time for me to sigh or anger, I should think about how to get out of here.

Now, I'm afraid the only person who knows my real identity is grandfather Bai. But will he know that I'm in this prison? Even if he knows, can he save me? These are unknown to me.

This morning, although I went to school grandly, I didn't have any preparation. I gave Chen Xiao a number, that is, uncle snake's number. As long as I had an accident, Chen Xiao would call him. I don't know if Uncle snake could save me. He told me last night that the owner of the manor was not in H Province, so it would be difficult for me to deal with an accident. I felt that uncle snake had little chance to save me.

If I look at my current situation, I am still convicted and sent to prison. I am a little worried. Du Haichao's father's action on me has not stopped here.

Maybe it's too sleepy, even if I'm still thinking about things, but I can't bear the suffering of drowsiness, my eyelids fell off the shelf, and then, completely closed.

After all, I'm still in a trance. I don't feel like I'm in a sleepy place, but I don't feel like I'm in a sleepy place.

I just had this awakening, and before I had any action, suddenly, my head was suddenly covered with something. I could feel that it was the pillow that covered me.

Suddenly, I was sleepless, I was very clear that someone wanted to quietly result in me.

This series of revenge came quickly and ruthlessly. First, I was arrested, severely tortured, convicted and sent to prison. As a result, I was not warm in the bed of the cell, so someone would send me to report to hell.

Of course, I can't let them succeed easily. I don't want to die like this. Ziyi and my father are still waiting for me. I can't abandon them and leave the world like this. At this moment, my body subconsciously responds. My waist exerts force to make my head rise up. My hands pick up the pillow on my face, and my two legs are also emotional I can't help but move.But the person who wanted to kill me was obviously prepared. How could I escape easily? My legs were suddenly pressed, and my hands were pressed from both sides. In addition, there were also people beating my abdomen. In this way, I felt that there were five people from each other. Moreover, judging from the strength used by these five people, they were obviously not ordinary people It's a good fighter.

It can be said that at this moment, my whole body was firmly controlled by the other party. During the struggle, I also heard a vicious voice: "I can't control so much. Stab him with a knife."

This sentence, directly stimulated my nerves, I just had some decadent strength, seems to have rushed into my body, I suddenly raised my head, immediately will cover my pillow to free, at the same time, I broke free from holding my two arms.

After breaking free, although I had some difficulty breathing, I didn't hesitate to move. The man who hit my stomach just now took out a dagger and was suddenly broken away by me. He was stunned. But the next second, there was a fierce light in his eyes, and the dagger in his hand stabbed at my neck in an instant.

At the same time, my body went up to the side. With this move, I dodged the attack of the dagger, and my body fell to the ground.

However, several people on the other side reacted very quickly, especially a man in underpants beside me. Seeing that I fell on the ground, he immediately raised his feet and stepped on me.

I just adjusted my posture after landing, but I didn't expect to be trampled on. At this time, I didn't care so much. I took the man's other foot and bit it down.

After all, the man in underpants stepped on my foot and landed on my back, but he was also bitten by me and gave out a killing pig howl.

My body suddenly stood up, and then hit him in the face, directly hit his nose two blood columns, his body also can't help but fall back, taking advantage of this gap, my body moved, moved to the side.

Previously, the light in this cell was dim, and I had no time to observe each other, but now I have escaped to one side, and the light in this cell is also lit up because of the movement.

At this time, I finally saw the situation of each other. As I thought, there were five people in each other. They were standing at the head of my bed, on the bed, on both sides of the bed. Now, one of my side was knocked down by me, and there were two people on the other side of the bed. They came together with the two people at the head and the end of the bed to approach me.

Among them, the man with the dagger said in a deep voice, "you're a big boy, but you're going to die tonight."

In the cell, the other prisoners who were sleeping could not help waking up. However, when they saw these four ferocious men killing me, they did not dare to say anything. They just watched silently.

Now that I was out of danger, I had no fear in my heart, but my steps still slowly retreated towards the back. At the same time, I asked them, "who sent you?"

When the other party heard this, he suddenly showed a grim smile. Then, the man with the dagger said to me again: "boy, I'll blame you for your good luck. I'll wait until you're on your way! Go on, speed solved him. "

As soon as the dagger man's voice fell, the four of them rushed up immediately. Their every move showed a posture of killing me.

At this time, my body didn't retreat, but moved forward. The dagger of the talking man crossed my body. I was low and avoided. At the same time, I punched him in the abdomen. With a bang, the body of the dagger man was about to go backward.

However, I did not give him a chance to step back. I grabbed his wrist holding the dagger, and with a sudden force, I heard a click. The wrist of this man was broken by me, and he was in a cold sweat of pain. He couldn't make a sound when he wanted to cry. The dagger in his hand fell to the ground naturally. I reached for it and held it in my hand. Then, I pointed at him This time, the blade of the dagger stabbed into his thigh. Suddenly, the wound was bleeding.

When I taught the dagger man a lesson, I was also hit by three other people, but I tried to resist it. Suddenly, a strong man came around my back and strangled my neck.

My head immediately knocked back, the strong man's grip, suddenly relaxed some, and then, I grabbed his arm, directly gave him a shoulder fall, bang, the strong man's body flew over my head, pressure on another thin body.

In an instant, the only enemy standing in the cell was a man in prison uniform. He had seen me strangled and wanted to attack me, but he hesitated because I was so fierce. Unfortunately, my action did not stop at all. I rushed forward and threw the man down on the ground.

At this moment, I had a fire burning in my heart. Since I was caught in the prison, the flames have been breeding. Now, they even want to kill me in the prison. The fire in my heart rises directly, and the big fire is booming. I vent all my anger on the man I fell down. I shook my fist and hit him in the face, He could still cry for pain, but after only three punches, his face was bloody, and then he fainted.I stood up leisurely and looked at the less injured strong men. When they were slightly alarmed, I rushed to them and burned the fire on them. I beat them to cry and howl, and no longer had the ability to backhand.

At this point, the other party's five people all fell on the ground, unable to rise again, I stood in the crowd, coldly glanced at them, said condescending: "now, can you tell me, you are the identity?"

One of the five people fainted, and the other four were grinning and suffering. They were really scared by me. Seeing my high-profile question, the man who had been stabbed by me immediately responded in a trembling voice: "I, we are the people of the flying, flying car party."

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