I chewed these three words. In an instant, I remembered what uncle snake had told me. Behind Sun Yunlong was the flying car party. In front of him, Du Haichao's father brought me to this prison. Now, another party sent people to kill me, and my fist clenched.

At this moment, the other prisoners in the cell looked at me differently. I glanced at the past, and they didn't even dare to look at me. At this moment, several prison guards came in from the outside. One of the leading guards was very solemn. He looked at the scene in front of him, and he didn't ask any questions. He waved the policeman in his hand The stick whipped me.

The baton was very strong, and I subconsciously avoided it. However, this made the C.O. even more angry. He waved his hand and yelled to several guards behind him: "come on with me!"

After a while, all the prison guards attacked me. They obviously had problems with my way. They beat me as soon as they came up. They didn't ask why. They even beat me in groups. However, I knew in my heart that under such a situation, I could not resist. It was not that I was afraid. However, once I resisted, I would get more fierce revenge. This was not necessary for me.

I raised my hands to signal that I would not resist.

But even so, a few batons, or heavily fell on my body, I can not resist, surrender is useless, can only bear the pain.

At last, I pretended to be beaten to death, and the leading prison guard let everyone stop. Then, he ordered: "take it away!"

As soon as the leader's warning voice fell, immediately, several prison guards set me up and escorted me out of this cell under the attention of a circle of prisoners.

It was late at night, and the guards had just beaten me for no reason, and now they have taken me out of the cell and taken me into a dark cell.

The confinement room of the prison can be said to be the worst condition of the cell. At the moment, the area of the cell I am in is about three square meters, even the urinal is in such a small space. What's more, the white woven lamp on my head is shining brightly, which makes my eyes can't open. I want to close my eyes for rest, but I can't rest. Even breathing seems a bit luxurious and space It's small and airtight. It's pungent and smelly. It's a pain to stay here for another minute.

However, I was forced to stay here until dawn.

In the early morning of the next day, I was thirsty, and my lips were dry and cracked. I couldn't help swallowing water. I didn't expect much now. I just wanted to have a drink. But when the guards opened the door of the cell, they didn't give me breakfast or a drink. They took me out directly and forced me to change into prison clothes, saying that they were going to let the wind out.

However, my release is doomed to be more cruel than others. Other prisoners are working or walking outside. I am bound on a wooden frame and exposed to the scorching sun. My mouth is dry and my eyes are sore. Now I am exposed to the sun again. I feel my soul is cracked and my whole body is burning. It's like this Being in the volcano, being constantly burned by the fire.

When I was not feeling well, the forewarning that taught me last night came again, and he scolded me: "it fell on my hand, you have many good days!"

As soon as he said this, I seemed to see a bleak tomorrow. Perhaps, I didn't die in the hands of those who assassinated me. I might be tortured to death in this prison. In the future, it is bound to be day by day. But in the face of such a situation, what can I say, refute the forewarning loudly, or scold him? In this way, I should get more terrible abuse!

Simply, I am silent, too lazy to respond to him, also do not want to waste this saliva.

At this time, a lot of prisoners outside look at me and point to me. I can't care about them or care about anything. The only thing I can do now is to try my best to support myself, maintain a little physical strength and maintain my life. No matter how difficult the environment is, I tell myself that it is the most important to live and live.

Time passes by in the torment, the sun in the sky has moved to the center of my head unconsciously. The prisoners who let out the wind outside have been taken back, but I am still in the sun. At this time, there was a roaring sound of cars and horses in the distance, and the cars seemed to drive into the prison.

I opened my aching eyes and couldn't help looking forward. After a while, a group of uniformed prison guards came into my eyes. At the moment, they, in a hurry, are coming to me.

Among the guards, there were several men of extraordinary momentum. They were surrounded by guards and came straight to me.

I'm not in a good condition now, but I haven't reached the point where I can't hold on. I hold my mind and look at the guards. All of them have extraordinary temperament. I can feel that they are people with status and their status is not ordinary, but I don't know whether they are enemies or friends. After all, Du Haichao's father is a senior official of the provincial public security department. At the moment, the middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing in the forefront seems to be a high-ranking official, because the attitude of people around him is very respectful.However, let me suddenly surprised that they had just settled in front of me, the hot air suddenly burst out of a crack, clear and loud.

It turned out that a white suit man behind the middle-aged man slapped me in the face of the leading prison guard who tortured me. At the same time, he said two words in a cold voice: "let me go!"

The leading prison guard was very arrogant in front of me, as if he was a devil. But now, in this prison, he was slapped, and his anger didn't show. Instead, he showed a look of fear. He stammered: "but he is Du."

The guard only said half of what he said. The man in the white suit glared at him fiercely. Suddenly, he choked the rest of the words back. Then, the C.O. came quickly, untied the ropes on me, opened my foot cuffs, and ordered someone to take my clothes.

The reversal of this scene made my heart shine. I already knew that those who suddenly arrived were not my enemies. Moreover, the extraordinary middle-aged man must be a very powerful figure. After all, the leading prison guard obviously mentioned Du's family, but the white suit man behind the middle-aged man did not care, and could still frighten the leader with a look Prison guards. Moreover, the white suit man looks just a subordinate of the middle-aged man. Obviously, the middle-aged man's identity is very noble!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but be surprised. How could such a noble person come to the prison in person and come to me?

In my inexplicable moment, the middle-aged man suddenly patted me on the shoulder and said in a kind tone: "Jiangnan wind, are you ok?"

His voice is a little rough, but his tone is full of kindness. I can't help shaking my head to show that I'm not in a big way. Although I have suffered a lot before, I can get rid of it. These pains are nothing to me.

I was about to ask who the other party was, but the middle-aged man continued to say to me: "my name is wan Jinliang, director of the provincial public security department. I already know what happened to you. This is a failure in our public security department, and it is also my fault. It has made you suffer."

When I heard his introduction, I couldn't help being stunned. He was actually the director of the Department, that is to say, he was even higher than Du Haichao's father. No wonder he just stood there, without saying anything, showing such a dignified momentum. He was really a big man, and he had the bearing of a big man. However, I still don't understand how such a big man can come here in person, even so comfort me, listen to his meaning, it seems to come to save me out, I can't help but be more surprised.

At this time, director Wan's majestic but kind voice came again. He said to me with righteous words: "we are in the public security organ, and we are the patron saint of the people. The most important thing is to be honest and clean. We can never know the law and violate the law. I apologize again for those police officers who have targeted you! But you can rest assured that I will investigate this matter closely. "

A few words from director WAN are enough to show his integrity, or in other words, his integrity in front of me.

I know very well that he and I did not have half a dime in the past. So, if he came here in person to help me, someone must have played a role in it. I don't know who it will be. Can we invite the provincial director to this mountain? I'm afraid that Du Haichao's father would not dare to target me easily.

When I was confused, the man in white suit behind director Wan said to me directly: "Jiangnan wind, you can go out. Someone is waiting for you outside the prison."

Smell speech, my heart suddenly, want to what, really save me should be outside the prison waiting for me, but, no matter who that person is, at least, I have to thank the front of the director Wan's help, so I nodded fiercely, to director Wan, and white suit man and other people, sincere way: "thank you!"

As soon as the words fell, I took my clothes from one of the prison guards, and then I followed the people who led me straight out of the prison.

Along the way, the prison's many checkpoints, did not stop me, I came to the prison gate unimpeded.

Once outside, I immediately saw two familiar figures, uncle gang and uncle snake.

Seeing them both, I felt as if I had found a spring in the desert. At this moment, all the dangers disappeared. The joy could not hide my excited heart, and filled my injured body with strength.

Then, I quickened my pace and quickly walked to the two of them. I asked with some joy: "Uncle snake, uncle Gang, did you find director wan to save me?"

On hearing this, uncle snake and uncle Gang looked at each other. Then, the snake said, "young master, the things in the middle are complicated. Let's go home first."

He opened the door for me.

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