With that, my brain began to run quickly. I knew that it was absolutely impossible for me to make a poem in such a short time. However, I may be able to use some flattering methods, this moment, I try to settle down their own mind, try to think.

Peng Xuefei see me a serious appearance, she suddenly some anxious, quickly said to me: "now the time starts!"

This sentence made all the people on the scene stop their voices immediately. They thought that I must be hopeless, but now I think it's time to start. They immediately keep silent and dare not disturb me. At the same time, they can't help but show an expectation in their eyes.

One minute is not long. Soon, Peng Xuefei said to me, "time is up, Jiangnan wind. Don't embarrass yourself. Accept the fact."

Finish saying this, Peng Xuefei's face, unconsciously showed a pair of light meaning, the feeling is like to be liberated.

However, as soon as her voice fell, I immediately said in a hurry: "I'm ready!"

On hearing this, Peng Xuefei's expression was stunned. The onlookers were shocked. Their eyes flashed with excitement, as if they were looking forward to another miracle. They all know that I have a high level of force, and people who are good at martial arts tend to have weak literary skills. Therefore, of course, they think that I can't write poetry, let alone write a good poem in a minute under such high pressure 。

At this time, I had no mind to pay attention to other people. I just solemnly pointed out to Peng Xuefei: "I left the imperial capital last year, and I love Wu Yu to pursue the past. Pengzu has been working for his leisure time. At the beginning of the snow forest, I have fallen into the tile and sparse beads, and Fei Hongfu and Dai have pity on the jade man."

This is a seven character poem, which can't show my style in the field of literature and Tao. But what I secretly flatter is that I have made a hidden head in this poem. The first word of each poem is that I love Peng Xuefei!

Hearing this poem, Peng Xuefei was obviously stunned, and the students around were also stunned. What they thought was impossible happened to me again, which made some girls in the audience show a look of deep admiration. Some boys reacted quickly and could not wait to read out the son I hid in the poem. I love Peng Xuefei.

This word falls in Peng Xuefei's ear, her face has changed somewhat, suddenly became cold.

And I, taking advantage of this opportunity, did not give Peng Xuefei time to think. The poem I made was not reasonable, and I directly said to her, "how can I write a poem in a minute? Now, I have proved that I am qualified to be your boyfriend?"

As soon as I said this, the students next to me couldn't help shouting: "promise him, promise him"

most of these people on the scene are members of my beacon fire or my classmates. Of course, their attitude will be biased towards me, hoping that I can get what I want.

The huge classroom, constantly echoing these three words, the atmosphere of the scene seems to have been ignited, very lively, in this lively, people's hearts are looking forward to Peng Xuefei's response. Everyone's eyes, also collective focus on her body. Of course, I am no exception, my pair of burning love eyes, closely watching Peng Xuefei.

Even though Peng Xuefei's character is still cold, she can't go down in such a scene. Her face changes a little bit, and becomes a little tangled and difficult to get off.

After a long time of hesitation, Peng Xuefei finally focused on me, and said in a displeased tone: "Jiangnan wind, you come with me."

With that, Peng Xuefei turned around and went straight to the outside of the classroom.

The eyes of the students in the field can't help but follow Peng Xuefei's figure. They are a little unclear. So, I don't know what she wants to sell, but I don't have time to hesitate, so I quickly follow up.

Peng Xuefei has been walking, until a place where there are no outsiders, she just stops.

I followed her closely and stopped. At this time, Peng Xuefei suddenly turned around and faced me. Her face returned to the high and cold state of the past. Her voice also showed a little heartless: "Jiangnan wind, things have come to this point, I don't want to hide from you."

Hearing this, I felt very bad, as if I was going to be sentenced to death. In this way, all my efforts have been wasted?

I didn't dare to think about it. I just held my breath and looked at Peng Xuefei. She didn't delay. She immediately went on: "do you remember when you first came to this school? That day, you stepped on me, but you didn't apologize to me. So, when I was in Sun Yunlong, Du Haichao, Lu Ping, and even many students, I said you were my boyfriend. Even later, I want you to unify the whole school to prove your martial arts. Actually, I have all these intentions. On the one hand, I want to give you some color to see, or to let you retreat, and on the other hand, I teach you a lesson. I want to use you to help me sweep away some flies

Hearing this, my heart is more heavy, unable to suppress the loss, I know, at the beginning Peng Xuefei said I was her boyfriend, that is to give me hatred, but also to get rid of sun Yunlong and them.

However, I didn't expect that the strategy she proposed to me was also for this purpose. If I didn't have a unified school, she would have got rid of me. If I met the requirements, she would have completely got rid of those three people. Anyway, for her, whoever wins or loses can let her get rid of the flies. In fact, I am just one of many flies.Of course, she just wanted to get rid of us, but she didn't want us to die. Therefore, she would stop me several times and let me not fall into the killing situation of Du Haichao. She would come out to stop me when I slashed at Du Haichao. After all, she didn't want us to die because of her.

Now, the development of the situation, perhaps has exceeded her expectations, she will reveal the truth to me, however, the truth is so cruel, let me waste all my efforts, let me create the hope, so it is so disillusioned, how much hope, how disappointed, this moment, my heart is self-evident.

However, when I was disappointed, Peng Xuefei could not help but say to me: "Jiangnan wind, just what I said, was my purpose at the beginning, but later, you broke through one difficulty after another and created one miracle after another. You are indeed a rare talent, and I really look up to your ability!"

My heart seems to follow Peng Xuefei and move up, previously I lost, but hear her words, my lost heart can not help but fly up, I can not help but ask: "that is to say, now, you are willing to be my girlfriend?"

When I asked this, my heart was so nervous that I looked at Peng Xuefei without blinking, hoping to hear her final answer.

Under my nervous gaze, Peng Xuefei's expression is still not obvious, or some indifference, she said to me coldly: "sorry, Jiangnan wind, I admit you are good, you also really have the qualification to be my boyfriend, but you are only qualified, but have not entered my heart. Maybe there are many men in the world who have such qualifications, but the man who can really walk into my heart is unique.

I tell you the truth, your conditions are good, but we have no emotional basis. If I tell you now that I love you, will you believe it? Love doesn't happen overnight. I don't love you now. This is my sincere words. However, I don't mind watching you more, because now I don't reject you so much

Peng Xuefei's words, let me can't help numb, my whole person is stupefied, but my heart is turbulent rolling.

For a long time, I haven't been my real self for a long time. In these days when I came to university, I always lived in the identity of Jiangnan style. I never showed my sincerity to others. I had no real feelings for anyone, including Peng Xuefei. I would not say anything to anyone. I think she is the same Come on, she is also wrapped up in her own life, will not easily expose her heart to others, but this time, I really heard her heart, this is the first time, I have a real move to her words.

She is indifferent on the surface, but in fact she is so eager for love. She regards love as sacred, and will not define it casually, nor profane it.

Indeed, she is right, love can not be produced in a day or two. She and I have no emotional foundation, no sharing weal and woe, no life and death, or even a simple heart to heart, how can we love? She is rational and intelligent, and she treats love seriously. She doesn't fall in love casually because she can't love casually. Only the man who walks into her heart, the man she loves, can really become her boyfriend.

However, this point is the most difficult, love this thing is said to produce can produce? Once upon a time, Ziyi and I experienced many difficulties and happiness, how much life and death, and how much sadness and happiness, we let each other deeply into each other's heart, our love in the years of precipitation, more and more deep, even now, I do so much, but also for this love, for Ziyi.

For Ziyi and my father, I must achieve my goal as soon as possible. Where can I have time to develop love with Peng Xuefei?

Up to now, Peng Xuefei and I have been together for a long time, but it's hard to have love. What's more, I've always been careless in front of her. What's more, what she said is basically bragging. How could I ever treat each other sincerely? But I can't give my heart and I can't reveal my identity. How can I get her love?

At this moment, my heart is really tangled, the inner emotions are also extremely complex, unconscious, my look for the first time showed a serious attitude, I did not play with a smile, no more fun, some, just silence.

Time seemed to solidify at this moment. There was a sense of embarrassment in the air. After a long time, I raised my head and looked at Peng Xuefei. I said very seriously and deeply: "OK, I know."

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