I have always been careless, this time it's rare to be serious. Peng Xuefei thought that I had been hit by this. She also moved her face and said to me deeply: "Jiangnan wind, I'm sorry for the use I made of you before, but don't be too sad. I'll tell you more clearly that you still have a chance."

At the moment, Peng Xuefei's words woke me up and let me recover from some emotion. Yes, no matter what, Peng Xuefei gave me a chance, which is enough to show that I have a great hope. After all, she is a goddess of high cold who is thousands of miles away. It is not her great gift to tell me something from her heart and give me a chance Did you?

As for letting her fall in love with me, although it is very difficult, it depends on people. I believe that if you work hard, you will get results.

However, I still have to bear in mind that my purpose is never to expose my identity. Once I am Suluo's identity is revealed, then even if I succeed in capturing her heart, all will be in vain. Because it is absolutely impossible for Suluo and Haibang to coexist.

I am a Jiangnan style now. I want to have the appearance of Jiangnan style. However, I have my own unique ability in the disrespect. Since Peng Xuefei was able to hate me from the beginning to now, I am a dandy but persistent young man.

Thinking of this, I immediately showed a relaxed smile and said to her, "don't worry, I'm ok. I have confidence in myself. I believe that you will fall in love with me soon."

See me to restore this look, Peng Xuefei can't help but white my one eye, and then, she was too lazy to say anything to me, turned around and left.

However, instead of going to the classroom, she walked straight out of the school.

Looking at Peng Xuefei's proud back, the smile on my face slowly put away, I began to clean up the redundant mind and try to recover. At present, Peng Xuefei's side can only be like this. However, although the main purpose of my coming to school is for her, these days, I have developed the beacon fire club. The brothers in the meeting are good to me, and I can't be too good to them It's heartless. At the beginning, my war also started from students?

Now this group of students, can not help but let me think of the original brothers, those brothers who treat each other with courage. In this world, brotherhood is also very precious. Without the brothers who followed me, there would be no today's Suluo. In this school, without the trust and support of my brothers, there would be no Jiangnan style.

After feeling for a long time, when Peng Xuefei's back completely disappeared in front of me, I shook my head and walked towards the classroom.

When I came back to the classroom again, the time was already after class. At this time, more people gathered from the beacon fire and waited directly on the corridor of my classroom.

The brothers who had not seen me before saw me back safely and cheered again. I stood in the middle of the crowd and said in a loud voice, "the celebration banquet last night was cancelled because of an accident. Tonight, we will continue!"

As soon as my voice fell, the whole audience was excited, the cheering continued, and everyone was very excited.

Later, some high-level figures in the organization began to solicit. This time, we gathered more people to dinner than yesterday, not only from the top. Finally, about 200 people attended the party. It was not so much to celebrate the victory of our war as to welcome my return.

As for the dining place, we didn't choose any special high-end place. Instead, we put it in the night market on the back street of our school. So many of us even contracted three stalls and finally settled down.

After sitting down, everyone could not help chatting with me. Some asked me how I got out of the police station, some asked how Peng Xuefei and I ended up, and others asked me whether the beacon fire would develop outside the school in the future. I answered these questions in a vague way, and did not say anything clearly. However, they offered me wine, but I did not miss the order, I drank it all down. Although I had a good amount of wine, I was bombed by them in turn. After a meal, I could not help being drunk and frivolous.

After dinner, it was very late, and many brothers were drunk. However, this time, we were really drunk and drunk.

When I announced the end of the show, many people left without my explanation. After I said goodbye to some people, I walked to the side of the road alone.

Although my divinity was still there, I was drunk, so I didn't plan to drive back to the villa. Instead, I was waiting for a taxi on the side of the road.

After waiting for a while, the taxi did not wait for a group of fierce men with machetes.

The night is very deep and deep at the moment. The sudden appearance of a group of people, at first sight, can not help but make people feel a sense of horror.

The evening wind blowing on my face, I feel some sober, my eyebrows can not help wrinkling, these people are not good, I do not know what they are, but I do not have any fear of feeling, this period of time, I have been hiding their real strength, but every time I fight, are appropriate to expose a certain strength, do not let Others perceive the difference, but they can defeat each other.Although these people in front of me are ferocious, I can feel from a distance that they are not powerful figures. To deal with them, I may just need to show my skills reasonably, which is enough.

In a moment when I was slightly distracted, a group of people from the other party had rushed to me. Their choppers were shining brightly in the dim street light. The leader of the other party was a big man with a full face of whiskers. His hair was protruding, and there was a tiger tattoo on his head. The whole person looked very fierce.

When the beard saw me, he didn't start immediately. Instead, he asked me in a rough voice, "are you the wind from the south of the Yangtze River?"

I gently left the mouth, indifferent said: "yes, I am Jiangnan wind, who are you?"

Hearing what I said, a group of people on the other side couldn't help but be stunned. Especially the leader's beard, he directly raised the knife in his hand to me, and said arrogantly, "OK, you are the Jiangnan wind. That's right. We are the people who want your life."

Then, with a wave of his sword, he ordered, "go up!"

Immediately, the two people beside the body of the beard quickly rushed to me with their knives. When they reached me, the machetes in their hands immediately chopped at me. They cooperated with each other quite tacitly, one left and one right, which not only locked my body shape, but also blocked my retreat.

Originally, in the face of such an attack, I could retreat, but I did not retreat but went forward. My body deviated. The two machetes of the other side almost touched my abdomen and my back.

In this moment, I was very clever in the middle of them, I directly hugged each other one, in the other person has not responded, a throw him out, this fall, immediately they both fell, and their machetes, also naturally fell down.

This attack is just a test of the strength of the other side. Although these people are full of banditry, they are obviously scoundrels in society, but their strength is the level of ordinary small minions.

At first, I hesitated to ask my brothers to come over. Now after a try, I gave up the thought directly, and then quickly picked up a knife from the ground.

At this time, the remaining people on the other side had already cut me down. I immediately raised my sword to block the attack, and raised my hand to resist the attack of several people. Then, my body began to swim away. When parrying and dodging the enemy's attack, I would take the opportunity to kill the enemy.

After a while, several people were cut by me, and the blood fell down one after another. At the same time, there was a sound of pain in the night sky.

There were about 20 people on the other side, but only a few of them met each other. The rest of the people who were not injured were afraid to go forward. They just held a knife and confronted me. There was no more bluster when they first appeared.

This mustache may not have thought that a student of mine could be so able to fight. His rough face showed a look of resentment and called out to the people under him: "go on, give it to me. What are you doing?"

Under this call, several people from the other side bravely rushed to me and launched a quick attack on me. However, they were not my opponents at all. They were killed by me three or two times. They screamed with pain, and no one dared to come forward.

The knife in my hand pointed to the leader of the other party, his beard.

At this moment, the beard didn't order his men any more. He took the knife and walked forward two steps in person. Seeing that I didn't make any action, he changed his hands to hold the knife and rushed forward to me. I raised my knife to meet him. There was a crisp sound of iron hand over between the knife and the knife. Even, there were sporadic sparks.

Beard is worthy of being the leader of the other side. His means are really extraordinary. At least, his strength is much greater than that of other small men. But he was nothing more than that. He held the knife in both hands with great strength, but his speed was slow. I saw an opportunity and blocked his knife. Then, I directly raised my foot and kicked him in the abdomen. All of a sudden, his body couldn't control the back.

Seizing this opportunity, I rushed forward and directly used the knife rest on the shoulder of my beard.

The movement of his beard stopped, and his fierce face showed a trace of shock and fear.

I playfully smile, said: "now, you can tell your origin?"

Hearing what I said, his eyes blinked. It seemed that he was hesitant, but I didn't give him the chance to hesitate at all. I directly threw up the knife in his hand and hit him in the face with a slap. All of a sudden, his beard gave out a roar.

Immediately, the beard was afraid of what I was doing to him, so he quickly replied to me: "the flying car party, we are the peripheral members of the flying car party, you are the person that our gang offers a reward to capture. The villain is so blind that he is infatuated with money and offends you for a moment. Please let us go if you have a large number of adults!"

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