Flying car party! Last night, the man who tried to murder me in prison was also a member of the party. Now, even the minions of the party have come to harass me. Although their role does not pose a threat to me, the party has offered a reward to arrest me, and I will certainly be in constant trouble in the future. It seems that the party really cares about the abolition of sun Yunlong.

When I fell into my mind, my beard and legs were shaking. He couldn't help but beg for mercy again: "hero, spare your life!"

This kind of person makes me speechless. No wonder I can only be the periphery of the party. I don't want to talk to him. I slashed him with a sharp knife. The knife fell from his shoulder and cut his clothes. On his chest, there was a bloodstain, and blood was dripping from it.

I'm merciful for this knife, but I can't escape the death penalty. I'll give him a lesson of the knife and make an example to others, so that all the cats and dogs will not assassinate me.

His face became very pale, but he put up with it and didn't dare to move.

As for the other minions, I was more lazy to pay attention to them. I threw my knife to the ground and said, "go away!"

My words carry infinite dignity, but these little minions of the flying car party are very happy when they hear it. Everyone can't help but breathe a sigh of relief and run away in dismay like an amnesty.

At this time, someone saw the situation here. He ran to me and asked, "boss, are you ok?"

I turned around and saw that it was Lu Ping. Seeing him, I immediately thought that he and sun Yunlong were the overlords of the University. So, I directly replied to him: "I'm ok, Lu Ping, do you know about the flying car party?"

Lu Ping's eyebrows wrinkled and he couldn't help but say, "the speeder party is a well-known gang in H Province. Was it they who bothered you just now?"

After saying this, Lu Ping suddenly seemed to think of something, and then said, "is it that the support behind Sun Yunlong is the flying car party? I have learned that the party must arrange sun Yunlong to enter the campus and pursue Peng Xuefei. In this way, the party can take advantage of this to climb the Shanghai Gang and become a big gang. "

Lu Ping's words do make sense. Maybe, it is precisely because of this that they retaliated against me. The sun Yunlong sent by them was eventually trampled down by me, and then abandoned by me. In other words, the plan of the flying car party was destroyed because of me, so they hated me so much. In this way, they had to kill me, or not just because sun Yunlong was killed It's because their plans were destroyed.

No matter what, in short, I still have to be on guard against this party.

Thinking of this, I didn't stay any longer. I said to Lu Ping directly: "I have nothing to do. It's getting late. I have to go back first. You should go back earlier to have a rest."

When I was talking, a taxi came by. I waved and was about to walk by. Suddenly, Lu Ping reminded me in a deep voice: "boss, the car party is not so easy to deal with. You should be careful in the future."

I accepted Lu Ping's kindness, but I didn't respond to him again, because I had already got into the taxi, waved to Lu Ping, and then I left here.

After I got home, I didn't tell Uncle snake about the friction between today's car racing party and me. The fundamental purpose of my going to school was to get the news of my father from Peng Xuefei's mouth. Now, although I haven't become her boyfriend, the relationship between me and her has made some progress, and my more thoughts still stay on this matter.

As for the feiche party who is not good to me, I can only go one step at a time and see one step at a time. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. I do not intend to focus on this.

What's more, uncle snake, although they have great ability, they have helped me enough. I have no reason to trouble them to solve everything.

Back to my villa, I took a simple bath, went to bed and soon fell asleep.

The next day, as usual, I dressed up fashionable and handsome, driving a sports car, smart went to school.

People on campus were no longer surprised to see me, but they still showed respect. Even, many people said hello to me respectfully. I didn't put on any airs, or nodded or waved my hand, and responded to them. All the students I responded to were excited, which seemed to them a kind of honor, which made them feel proud and happy.

Maybe this is the difference between me and Du Haichao and sun Yunlong!

With a sense of relaxation, I went straight to Peng Xuefei's classroom. Today, we were not in the same big classroom, so I didn't go to my own class, so I came here directly. This has become my default habit during this period. In any case, there is Peng Xuefei in the classroom, there is me.

This time point, Peng Xuefei has not come, I also sit in the corner of the last row of seats, alone stupefied.

Thinking about yesterday's conversation with Peng Xuefei and the state of her last departure, I can't help but have some waves in my heart. She said yesterday that she gave me the chance to be her boyfriend. Should we count this? Would she regret it temporarily, so she didn't come to the classroom today and hide from me?Time is flowing slowly in my mind tour. Soon, it will be time for class. I wake up to my reflexes. My eyes are scanning in the classroom. Suddenly, my eyes stop at the door of the classroom. At this moment, Peng Xuefei happens to enter the classroom from the door.

I did not avoid what, straight staring at her, today's she is still so beautiful, arrogant and indifferent, but let me be surprised, she entered the classroom, did not hesitate to come to me, came to me, she directly cold to the sentence: "Jiangnan wind you come out with me, I have something to tell you!"

Peng Xuefei's attitude has always been high and cold, no doubt. After finishing her speech, she took the lead in walking out of the classroom. The students around me made a series of noises. I walked out of the classroom quickly in the noise of big guys.

As soon as I went outside, I saw Peng Xuefei standing at the edge of the corridor. There was no unnecessary expression on her face, but when I saw me walking towards her, her eyes suddenly flashed a trace of hesitation.

I went up to her and directly asked, "what's the matter with you?"

When I asked, Peng Xuefei finally seemed to have made up her mind and said slowly, "Jiangnan wind, how about being my boyfriend?"

When Peng Xuefei finished speaking, I immediately became confused. Did I have a mirage? Just yesterday afternoon, Peng Xuefei also said that although I had the qualification to be her boyfriend, I didn't go into her heart. She didn't love me, so I couldn't be her boyfriend. How could Peng Xuefei take the initiative to find me to be her boyfriend overnight?

I can't think of the reason, and I don't have time to think about it. I can't Miss Peng Xuefei's words like this, which I can't miss.

So, I did not think about anything, and immediately returned to her and said, "yes, of course it is."

Peng Xuefei looked at me so excited and excited, and hastily changed her words: "well, I'm sorry, I may not express clearly, I mean, let you pretend to be my boyfriend!"

A basin of cold water poured down so mercilessly, in an instant, I woke up, lost at the same time, I also realized that I was a fool. In fact, it would be strange if Peng Xuefei asked me to be her real boyfriend. After all, she didn't love me yesterday, so she couldn't fall in love with me after a night.

Now, I think it's more reasonable to hear her pretending to be her boyfriend. This is the Peng Xuefei I know. Her condition is so excellent that she has too many flies around her. She can use me to swat flies, that's all.

However, the three most powerful characters in this school have been trampled down by me. Why does Peng Xuefei need me to impersonate her boyfriend?

Forget it, I don't want to. Anyway, it's an opportunity to get close to Peng Xuefei. I still have to grasp it. So, I nodded to her in a hurry and replied, "no problem!"

Next, Peng Xuefei didn't tell me why she let me pretend to be her boyfriend. She just left me a simple sentence: "well, it's a deal. After school in the afternoon, you wait for me!"

With that, Peng Xuefei turned around and walked toward the classroom, leaving me a little confused in place.

Soon, the bell rang, and I didn't stay here any more. I folded into the classroom. However, Peng Xuefei once again sat in the middle of the girls. She was surrounded by groups. There was no place for me to sit nearby. But I had to sit in the last row.

This whole day, nothing special happened in the school. All day long, I was just waiting for the afternoon to end. It happened that Peng Xuefei's class was arranged very badly. There were one or two classes in the morning and the third class in the afternoon. In other words, no matter what, I had to wait until the third class was over before I could formally stay with Peng Xuefei You can tell which one she did.

The last class in the afternoon was still a big class. Peng Xuefei and I merged into a large classroom for class. When it was near school, I suddenly had an idea and asked Chen Xiao beside me to buy me a bunch of roses. After listening, Chen Xiao showed a thief's smile, and then ran out of the classroom.

When the bell rang after class, thief Chen sneaked in through the back door and delivered a large bunch of roses to me.

And I wait for the teacher to leave, immediately holding flowers toward Peng Xuefei, walked to her, I directly put the flowers in front of her, soft tone said: "Feifei, this bunch of flowers for you."

At this time, almost none of the students in the classroom left. Their eyes were all fixed on Peng Xuefei and I. their expressions were full of smiles. Obviously, the marriage between Peng Xuefei and me has become the hottest concern of the students.

Under the public's gaze, Peng Xuefei was stunned at first, and then, her eyebrows frowned slightly, as if to push the flowers away.

Seeing her like this, I hastily and falsely coughed, motioned Peng Xuefei with her eyes, and told her that it was she who asked for me today.

Touching my eyes, Peng Xuefei could not help but whitened my eyes, but had to take the flowers in my hands, and then walked out of the classroom with me.

Then, the students in the class saw this scene, the light in their eyes was more bright, some boys once again issued a fierce noise, vaguely heard, the class is mixed with a variety of rumors of Peng Xuefei and I, to this, I just ha ha ha smile.

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