Previously, Peng Xuefei drank orange juice while others drank, and they didn't embarrass her when they toasted. Now, Sheng Mingjie wants to take advantage of the dim light and confusing atmosphere to propose a toast to Peng Xuefei alone. Then, my fake boyfriend doesn't play at this time, so when should I wait.

So, I quickly picked up the wine glass in front of Sheng Mingjie and politely said, "I'm sorry, Feifei doesn't want to drink today. If you insist on drinking, my boyfriend will drink with you for her."

Peng Xuefei secretly gave me a very satisfied expression, but Sheng Mingjie's face turned cold. However, it was only cold. He was very self-restraint and good at camouflage. Soon, he covered up the past and had a symbolic drink with me. Then, he simply left here and went to the other four boys.

I don't know what Sheng Mingjie said to the boys. Immediately, two boys came to me with wine and glasses and said to toast me.

In order to play the role of Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, I toasted them very freely. I was in a good condition. However, some of the boys who came to deal with me had big heads. Their expressions were blurred and their movements became somewhat elegant. All of a sudden, one of them had glasses The mobile phone rings suddenly.

Immediately, the glasses man got up to answer the phone, and another boy also took the opportunity to leave spontaneously.

I pulled the corner of my mouth slightly. Then, I leaned safely against the back of the sofa. After the glasses man answered the phone, he suddenly went to Sheng Mingjie and said, "Ouyang Jing will be here soon."

Ouyang Jing! This name sounds familiar to me. Soon, I remember. Isn't this the rich second generation who was bullied by me? Is he also an old classmate of Peng Xuefei?

I remember that day, Peng Xuefei deliberately led me to the playground because of my obsession. At that time, he was playing football with his players, and finally got into trouble with me because of the football disturbance. Peng Xuefei intended to let me provoke Ouyang Jing, and then they taught me a lesson. As a result, I taught Ouyang Jing a lesson in turn, and the housekeeper of Ouyang Jing's family and The bodyguards, also because of the arrival of Uncle snake, finally retreated.

This is a small episode in my school. Ouyang Jing is just a passer-by in my life. I really don't care too much about his small role.

While I was wandering, Ouyang Jing had already entered the box. However, the light was dim, and he didn't seem to notice me.

But when he said hello to the people inside one by one, his eyes suddenly focused on me.

After staring at me for a long time, Ouyang Jing made a exclamation and said, "Jiangnan wind, how can you be here?"

Sheng Mingjie, standing next to Ouyang Jing, could not help but flash a trace of change in his face when he saw Ouyang Jing's such a gaffe. Immediately, he asked Ouyang Jing with great interest: "what? Do you know him? "

Hearing this, Ouyang Jing's fist clenched tightly. He bit his teeth and said in a deep voice, "I'm not only with him."

But Ouyang Jing's words have not finished, suddenly, bang when a, compartment door was kicked open.

All the people in the box were stunned by the sudden news. Ouyang Jing's voice stopped suddenly. Everyone looked at the box door.

I saw several figures of bandits standing outside the box. They were tall and aggressive, especially the leader. His fierce eyes could give out a threatening light. He used his fierce eyes to wander in the box. In an instant, his eyes were staring at me.

At this time, my eyes just on him, he has a rough face, a plane head, wearing a black leather coat, hands also wearing black leather gloves, big night also wear a pair of sunglasses, looks very fierce and domineering, all over his body, with a sense of dignity. The people behind him dressed like him, with punk style, but slightly weaker than him.

The head of the plane and I looked at each other for only a few seconds. All of a sudden, the head of the plane turned slightly and motioned to the people behind me. Immediately, a group of punk men suddenly burst into the private room. There were more than 20 of them in total.

In the face of this group of intrepid guests, Peng Xuefei's old classmates were shocked. However, they did not show any fear. They just stared at these intruders.

When so many people stood in the box, the head of the plane came in leisurely.

Just at the moment when I looked at the head of the plane, I knew that these people must have come for me. However, there was not much movement on my face. I sat on the sofa and watched quietly.

He took off his sunglasses, looked down at me, and said in a loud voice, "are you the wind of the south of the Yangtze River? Please come with us

His words are very direct, and his tone is also quite overbearing. This time, Peng Xuefei's old classmates can't help but understand that these fierce people are aiming at me.All of a sudden, their eyes all turned to me, their eyes look different, but they all have some look forward to the light, as if they are a little bit looking forward to what will happen next.

In particular, Ouyang Jing, who saw me just now, was very angry. Now, when he found that someone came to me for trouble, he took a breath and showed an expression of watching a good play. However, Sheng Mingjie, who was beside him, did not change much. He just kept his elegant posture and looked at the scene coldly.

I'm afraid Peng Xuefei was the only one who was moved by me. When she saw these unexpected guests, she couldn't help blinking a little surprise and frowning. Obviously, she was not very happy with the sudden arrival of these people.

However, under the pressure of the aircraft head and the gaze of a circle of people in the box, I still keep calm and calm. No matter what the origin of the other party is, I always remember that I am Peng Xuefei's boyfriend at the moment. No matter what kind of pressure I face, I can't lose face, let people watch jokes, and keep my demeanor.

I did not immediately respond to the head of the plane. Instead, I moved my eyes away from him. I took a leisurely drink from the table. Then, I replied to the head of the plane: "yes, Jiangnan wind is me, but if you let me go, I have no face."

My tone is very indifferent, and my courage can be seen. All the people present can see that this group of people in the front of the plane has a unique origin and a bad comer. But I can show such arrogance in the face of these people, which has shocked them.

For a moment, Peng Xuefei's old classmates could not help but make a rustling voice. Some said that I was brave, some said I was pretending to be forced, and some said that they were waiting to see how I ended up.

When the men behind the plane saw my attitude, they immediately became furious. Without waiting for the head of the plane to speak, one of the fat men rushed forward and yelled to me: "Jiangnan wind, don't be shameless. Our brother Guangge will come to you in person. You dare not give face. You don't go out with us. Believe it or not, we are here Can you beat your shit out? "

As soon as the fat man opened his mouth, other people gave me a lot of scolding. Their quality is so low, but they are very arrogant. It seems that if I don't cooperate, they will start to beat my shit at any time.

When this group of people were scolding, the aircraft head suddenly waved his hand to indicate that they were quiet. Then, the head of the plane sneered at me and said: "Jiangnan wind, I know you are very arrogant and have some arrogant capital. But you look too high on yourself. If you pretend to be forced in front of me, you are still young. Let me ask you one more question: do you want to go out with us or do you really want us to invite you out? "

As soon as the voice of the front of the plane fell, the group of people showed a fierce look and were eager to try. In the air, there was a strong smell of gunpowder, and violent conflicts between the two sides were on the verge of breaking out.

This scene, falling in the eyes of Peng Xuefei and his old classmates, can not help becoming more interesting, they are not afraid of big things, afraid that nothing will happen. These people, when they eat in the restaurant, treat me as the air, completely ignore me.

To this KTV, still ignore me. After I stopped the wine for Peng Xuefei, they tried to make me drunk and make me look ugly. It seems that they all look down on me collectively. In other words, they think highly of themselves and despise me at all.

I am in this situation, as if I am particularly helpless, but there is no fear on my face. On the contrary, my eyes show arrogance again. I put the cup in my hand on the table, put my hands on the back neck, and put my back directly on the sofa. I looked at the head of the plane lightly, and said in a arrogant voice, "you are asking a hundred more times I will answer the same question. Unless I am willing to go out with you, you will not touch me even if you are a big sedan chair. "

My words are more provocative than before, and show my arrogance more and more. In my opinion, they are not worth my fear, but what I care more is Peng Xuefei's old classmates. The more they look down on me, the less I can let myself be in a lower position. As Peng Xuefei's boyfriend, how can I be One thing is stage fright. For me, playing Peng Xuefei's boyfriend is the most important thing.

But the first two times this plane was frustrated in front of me. His majesty and hegemony seemed to set off my arrogance. At this moment, he finally couldn't help it. He waved his big hand directly and ordered: "take it away for me!"

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