Immediately, several of his subordinates were about to rush forward, but at this moment of impending attack, a number of people suddenly rushed in from outside the box.

These people, impressively is this KTV's manager in charge, as well as several security guards as well as the thugs watching the market.

KTV manager is also a person who has seen big scenes. As soon as he entered the box, he immediately yelled: "stop it. Who dares to make trouble in my field, is it not fatal?"

Said, KTV manager and a group of thugs can not help but quickly step forward, and the plane behind the head of the confrontation.

In an instant, those people can't help but stop attacking me and turn to KTV manager and those thugs.

However, the head of the plane didn't seem to care too much about the sudden appearance of KTV manager. He gave me a cold look, and then turned to KTV manager's domineering response: "what's going on here? Today, I want to see who dares to stop us from catching people! "

Flying car party! Damn it, it's the flying car party, these haunting animals. I went to prison, they killed them. I was near the school. They appeared near the school. Now, I come to the KTV, keeping such a low profile, I didn't expect that they could find the door. Sure enough, the flying car party wanted to keep the rhythm of me.

When Peng Xuefei's old classmates heard the name of the party, they could not help blinking a little change in their eyes. It seemed that they had all heard of the name of the party.

As for the manager who was just powerful, after hearing the words from the head of the plane, his face suddenly changed and became even more ugly than eating excrement. He and his group of people suddenly tilted. He looked at the front of the plane carefully, and then said in surprise, "flying car party? Are you the light brother of the party

The head of the plane didn't pay attention to the manager any more. He lifted his hand and said domineering, "get out of here. Don't mind your own business."

The head of the plane was so rude to the manager of a large field. However, the manager didn't care about the attitude of the head of the plane. He even flattered the head of the plane and said, "brother Guang, play slowly. If you come here to sing K next time, call me in advance, and I'll arrange it for you."

With these words, he left the box with the thugs.

This so-called manager has no guts at all. Their appearance not only did not ease the situation on my side, but also made them face long. Among them, the fat man couldn't help cursing: "what's the matter? How dare you even intervene in the affairs of brother Guang!"

As soon as the fat man's voice fell, other people came to me again and tried to grab me.

At this time, the people in the box could not help but put their focus on me. They didn't know what enmity I had with the party. However, they wanted to know more about whether I could continue to be arrogant in the face of the well-known flying car party.

Under the gaze of the public, I was still calm. However, I secretly raised my vigilance. I know that brother Guang and his subordinates are much more powerful than the people outside the party I met yesterday. Seeing the manager's attitude towards him, I can see that their status in the party seems not low, and their strength is OK.

At present, I have no helper around me. If I want to deal with these people alone, I can't fully expose my strength. Then, I have to be cautious. I clenched my fist secretly and ready to fight back at any time.

But seeing that these people were about to catch me, suddenly Peng Xuefei, who had been silent, suddenly stood up.

At this moment, Peng Xuefei seemed to exude a majestic momentum. She looked at the head of the plane coldly and said in a strong voice: "you, no one is allowed to move the Jiangnan wind!"

Peng Xuefei is the daughter of the gang leader of the sea gang and the eldest lady of the black forces in the provincial capital. In her identity, if she wants to keep a person, it is absolutely not a problem. Moreover, her momentum is not her pretending, but is born with her. She is destined to be a high-ranking existence. It is because she is so high that I can't catch up with her. However, she was so cold that she stood up for me, which really surprised me.

In the past, Peng Xuefei always deliberately made trouble for me and let me bear the danger. Later, she had a slightly better attitude towards me. At most, she prevented me from going into danger. She has never been hostile to others for me. Does she really have some feelings for me?

After thinking about it, I realized that it was her own amorous feelings. Peng Xuefei stood up at this time, which must be because of my current identity, her boyfriend was in distress. If she looked on coldly, it would inevitably arouse other people's suspicion. Therefore, she would stand out for me in front of these old classmates!

However, these people did not know Peng Xuefei at all. They did not know Peng Xuefei at all, so they did not know her identity. Those who rushed to the front were stunned to hear Peng Xuefei's words, and then burst into a burst of laughter. Among them, the fat man also joked with a playful smile: "little sister, good looks! However, it's not wise for you to come out to protect the south wind of the river. Jiangnan wind is an important wanted object of our party. His fate will not be good. Why don't you have fun with usHearing this, Peng Xuefei's indifferent face, can not help but show a trace of sullen, she can not help but become more majestic, but, the fat man did not know this convergence, also stretched out his hand to Peng Xuefei.

At this moment, my fist couldn't help moving. I was about to make a move. But at this moment, a man rushed over at the speed of a meteor and kicked over the fat man. He was the host of today's party, Sheng Mingjie.

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie is powerful and brave. He stands alone in front of Xia Xiaoxiao, but he has the momentum of thunder. He looks like a hero.

In particular, the kick he just kicked out in a hurry was powerful and majestic. From this kick, I can see that Sheng Mingjie has skills, and his skills are probably not weak. The fat man who was kicked down has not recovered from the pain.

In a flash, Sheng Mingjie's body seemed to emit a brilliant light. In contrast, I was a little man hiding behind Peng Xuefei and relying on a woman, while Sheng Mingjie was a hero who helped Peng Xuefei out of trouble.

This sharp gap makes the eyes of Peng Xuefei's old classmates become colorful. Their eyes towards Sheng Mingjie become more worship and admiration, and their eyes to me become more disdainful.

I am deeply aware that maybe this is the effect Sheng Mingjie wants. He has raised himself and trampled on me fiercely. He is really unfathomable.

But he didn't think about the consequences of offending the party? Or did he not look at the party at all?

Those people of the Party of flying cars, seeing that the fat man was kicked to fly, they suddenly froze for a moment. However, soon, they responded, and immediately, other people would rush up to fight against Sheng Mingjie.

Seeing that the situation was tense, Peng Xuefei's other four male classmates immediately got up and stood beside Sheng Mingjie to give him strength. Looking at their appearance, they all seem to have a plan in mind. Only a few people have no fear in the face of a large number of people from the party. Obviously, it is not the depth of their force, but their belief in the power of Sheng Mingjie.

However, just as many members of the flying car party rushed to Sheng Mingjie and others, their leader's plane head suddenly waved his hand and said in a cold voice, "stop it!"

Immediately, all the people stopped their movements, and the plane behind them came forward leisurely, looked at Sheng Mingjie, and said calmly: "little brother, we are flying car party affairs, no one dares to intervene. It's good to be a hero in front of beautiful women, but for our flying car party, are you doing too much?"

Although the words of the head of the plane are light, they have a great deterrent force. At the same time, his eyes are bursting with a frightening light, and they are staring at Sheng Mingjie.

However, Sheng Mingjie is not afraid to face the aircraft head which is closely watching him. His expression is still as cool and indifferent as before.

After a while, Sheng Mingjie's mouth suddenly bent out a cold smile and said, "you are the boss of this group of people. My name is Sheng Mingjie. If you don't know me, you can ask the leader of your party to find out whether I can intervene in the affairs of your party."

Sheng Mingjie looks handsome, flattered or humiliated. When he said this, his face was cold and his words were relaxed. However, he revealed an indescribable dignity, just like a flying car party in his eyes.

On hearing this, the head of the plane and many of his men could not help shaking their faces, showing a look of extreme anger. However, the aircraft leader himself did not have the previous arrogance, but frowned.

Suddenly, he frowned and said in surprise, "Sheng Mingjie? Are you the young master of the Sheng family? Aren't you studying abroad? Why are you back now? "

After listening to the meaning of airplane head, Sheng Mingjie's name is quite big. To be exact, the name of Sheng family behind him is quite big. The aircraft head is obviously the power of Sheng family. His performance makes his subordinates change their expressions. They seem to realize that the young man named Sheng Mingjie is not simple.

Sheng Mingjie listened to the head of the plane, his mouth once again light, but did not pay attention to the aircraft head, although he did not say any arrogant words, but his expression is a silent announcement.

Seeing this, he not only didn't get angry, but also showed a flattering smile. He said to Sheng Mingjie, "master Mingjie, misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. How can I know that this is your box? That's what offended you carelessly. However, you may not know that this Jiangnan style has a grudge against our party. We are ordered to come here. We must take him back! "

After hearing the speech, Sheng Mingjie glanced at me slightly. Then, he said, "it seems that Jiangnan wind has done something to apologize for you. Although I am not familiar with this Jiangnan wind, this is my box after all. No matter what deep hatred you have, I can't do it in my box or take him away from my box Yes, it's none of my business what you want out of this door. "

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