Sheng Mingjie's words are so good. I can't help but feel speechless in my ears. This hypocrite, on the surface, seems to be defending me. In fact, he is just using the power of the flying car party to give himself enough face. In particular, the words behind him sound like he is talking about his own principles, but in fact, it seems to be a secret reminder of flying car Party members, go outside and touch me.

However, people like this kind of person. Sheng Mingjie's performance also won the applause of his old classmates. After a while, several male students behind him couldn't help flattering: "ah Jie is really ah Jie. Once he gets out, there is nothing he can't handle."

After listening to Sheng Mingjie's words, the head of the plane took a look at me, and his face showed a trace of satisfaction. Then, he said to Sheng Mingjie with a smile: "good, I know, master Mingjie's face, I have to give it!"

With that, the plane turned around and waved vigorously to the people of the flying car party, and said with sonorous force, "let's go!"

When those people heard this, they didn't leave immediately. Instead, they gave me a meaningful look, and then they followed behind the nose of the plane and left recklessly. Obviously, they were telling me that they would like to see you later.

I know that I am under the protection of Sheng Mingjie, and I am safe in this box for the time being. When I get out of this compartment, they will not give up on me, and this is also what Sheng Mingjie means.

After the plane's first-class left, Sheng Mingjie immediately turned around and asked Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, are you ok?"

Peng Xuefei shook her head, and the expression on her face returned to indifference. However, she still symbolically responded to Sheng Mingjie: "I'm ok, thank you!"

With that, Peng Xuefei's body settled down on the sofa, and Sheng Mingjie also sat down on the other side of Peng Xuefei, and continued to ask gently: "it's OK. Feifei, you don't have to thank me. These are all I should do. After all, Jiangnan wind is your boyfriend. For you, I will help him."

When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel disgusted and insidious. I see a lot of villains like Sheng Mingjie. However, I think it's very rare for him to be a hypocrite like Sheng Mingjie. His appearance is really good. He has a kind attitude and is gentle and considerate. He doesn't have any airs. He seems to care about nothing and has a broad mind.

But in fact, every word and every action of his is a needle to see blood. Almost every performance of him is to elevate himself invisibly, at the same time, he also belittles me.

Obviously, in his eyes, there is only one person, that is Peng Xuefei.

Although he invited ten old classmates to the party today, his purpose was only Peng Xuefei. Even if Peng Xuefei brought his boyfriend, that is, I came here, he didn't seem to care. Since he saw me, he almost didn't look at me in the eye. Later, he ignored me completely. Now, a group of people from the flying car party jumped out of the room, and he did My eyes, however, is more belittled me.

Even though he clearly indicated to the aircraft head that they would go outside to deal with me, now he told Peng Xuefei that he helped me. Even if I was a clay figurine, I couldn't stand it.

After he finished speaking to Peng Xuefei, I directly cut in and said, "don't worry, even if there is no you, Feifei will be OK."

There was something sarcastic about what I said. However, as soon as I said this, I didn't wait for Sheng Mingjie to show any performance. Other people couldn't help pointing the spear at me. Among them, the glasses man who had been drinking with me just now sneered and said, "well, some people can really talk big. If ah Jie didn't show up, what would have happened?"

As soon as the glasses man's voice fell, someone immediately echoed: "if it's not ah Jie, then he's not relying on Peng Xuefei?"

"I see, this Jiangnan wind is just a little white face. I want to climb the branch and become a phoenix!"

"What's so good about the Jiangnan wind? How can Peng Xuefei be with him? It's really a pig's bow to the cabbage!"

"If you want me to say that this Jiangnan trend is to change the door. We don't know about the influence of Peng Xuefei's family. After climbing, the grass roots will become less and less."

"Yes, no wonder at the beginning, he pretended to be a good force in front of that brother Guang. He thought that Peng Xuefei would support him behind his back."

"Isn't it? To put it bluntly, he is also a soft potato. If he really has the ability, then he will go out now and show us the people of the speeders

Waves of satire came one after another. Those boys tried their best to belittle me. Even some girls couldn't help but mingle in. One of the women with long curly hair muttered: "such a person is so far away from ah Jie. I don't know how he can become Feifei's boyfriend. Ah Jie and Feifei are the best Yes

When I heard these words, I almost sneered. Their cooperation really complemented each other and flattered Sheng Mingjie's hypocrite.

Before, Sheng Mingjie ignored me, they also ignored me, and regarded me as invisible person. Now, Sheng Mingjie came to save the United States and saved me by the way. But I accidentally attacked the hero with words. Those affectionate old classmates even bombed me and defamed me for nothing.As expected, birds of a feather flock together. They are all birds of a feather. They are arrogant and full of darkness in their hearts. I am speechless to these people, and I don't care about them any more.

On the contrary, it is Peng Xuefei, the goddess who has always been very cold. After hearing people taunt me one after another, her face became a little unhappy. Even if I was a fake boyfriend, I was also a boyfriend anyway. These people said that I, in fact, were secretly slandering Peng Xuefei.

Sheng Mingjie, on the other side, was in a state of complacency. He did not notice some changes in Peng Xuefei's look. He listened to the people around him and became more arrogant. Later, he said to Peng Xuefei in a soft voice: "Feifei, is Jiangnan wind your university classmate? What a surprise! I haven't seen you for two or three years. You look down so much. When you were in high school, Ouyang also pursued you. To be honest, I feel Ouyang should be much stronger than this Jiangnan style! "

Just now, people who have nothing to do with me have a lot of discussion, and I just ignore it. But at this moment, hearing the words of Jiangnan wind, I suddenly feel very oppressed. This kind of oppression makes me depressed, very depressed.

What a Sheng Mingjie. Anyone with eyes can see that he is interested in Peng Xuefei. However, he moved out of Ouyang Jing. In this way, only Ouyang Jingming pursued Peng Xuefei before, but he didn't? He has been pursuing Peng Xuefei in a dark way, or?

Is it because this person's Taiyin is too difficult to worry about, Peng Xuefei let me this fake boyfriend come here today?

Indeed, Sheng Mingjie is always courting Peng Xuefei, but he doesn't pursue Peng Xuefei explicitly, and Peng Xuefei is not good at rejecting him. So, the best way to let him back is to let him know that he has a boyfriend.

However, now it seems that this hypocrite does not seem to hold back because of the existence of my boyfriend. In other words, Peng Xuefei's problem has not been solved at all? So my fake boyfriend is not qualified?

I always remember that my main task today is to play the role of Peng Xuefei's boyfriend. Then, I can't let Sheng Mingjie, a hypocrite, succeed. Otherwise, I will not only be looked down upon by Peng Xuefei's old classmates, but also make Peng Xuefei lose face. At that time, I will not be qualified to be Peng Xuefei's real boyfriend.

Thinking of this, I didn't wait for Peng Xuefei to respond to Sheng Mingjie. With a straight smile, I interrupted again and said to Sheng Mingjie, "Sheng Mingjie, Shanda young master, how can your head be blocked like a sewer when you come back from a walk abroad? Didn't Ouyang Jing tell you when he was with you just now that he was beaten by me and cried his father and mother, and finally knelt down to beg for mercy? "

It's really not surprising. As soon as I said this, Peng Xuefei's old classmates suddenly changed their faces. Perhaps, their evaluation of Ouyang Jing is not low. At least, they can invite him to their circle, and I am just an ant they despise.

But now, suddenly heard Ouyang Jing standing high above me, he even cried in front of me. His father and mother had knelt down to me. How could they believe that.

In a flash, everyone's eyes turned to Ouyang Jing. It seemed that they were trying to prove to him whether what I said was true or not.

Ouyang Jing is a rich second generation with a head and a face, but now I exposed his scars in public. His face suddenly became as ugly as eating excrement. Thanks to the dark light here, no one noticed the blush on his face.

After pondering for a while, Ouyang Jing shook his head decisively and clarified for himself: "how can it be? Do you believe that? "

When they heard this, they all chose to believe in Ouyang Jing instead of me. As a result, their scorn on me intensified. They looked down on me more and more, despised me more and more, and felt that I was not worthy of Peng Xuefei.

Sheng Mingjie, who was high on the top, couldn't help falling into the well and saying, "Jiangnan wind, are you talking too much? Even if you want to be ambitious, you don't need to take Ouyang Jing as an example. I know that his father has a deep relationship with the school. If you really treat him like this, can you still have your place in this school? "

As soon as Sheng Mingjie opened his mouth, the other men and women all agreed with him. It was very reasonable to agree with Sheng Mingjie's words. Then, he criticized and despised me.

After a while, the whole box turned into a vegetable market again, and all kinds of civilized words that could severely attack me began to fly. The male voice and female voice interweaved into a piece, which was very lively.

But just when they were all immersed in the fun of satirizing me, a clear voice suddenly broke through the noise and exploded in this presidential compartment: "shut up

And the person who makes this burst drink is Peng Xuefei beside me.

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